Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,662 The first shot in the battle against God

Vincent was sent to the rear immediately after falling down the mountain. Although he was also a front-line worker near the volcano, he was a civilian. As long as he was not a soldier on the battlefield, everyone was protected by the army. The duty of the military is to protect these non-combatants.

After being moved to the rear, he was also trying his best to use what he had learned to do things that would be helpful on the battlefield.

He still rescued a lot of data before falling off the cliff, including data from mountain scans. Part of the vein structure of the magma flowing inside the volcano was stored in the soul guide, and the other part was remembered in his mind.

As soon as he returned to the rear, he began to gather his colleagues to convert what he saw and heard into data and input it into the thinking calculation structure.

This is a simple mental network, built by people with strong mental power. It can function as a relatively simple computer. Although the computing power is much worse than that of computers in the 21st century, it is flexible. Yes, it's still pretty good.

"After our observation, the flow of underground magma in the mountains here has been affected by human modification. Here, here, and here, these three nodes have accumulated a large amount of high-pressure magma. If there is no rock to block it, this part of the magma will explode instantly, triggering A violent volcanic eruption.

I'm wondering whether the creature that is fighting us is afraid of magma. Although it can withstand the high temperature of magma, it may not be able to withstand the impact of a volcanic eruption, which is more powerful than our current super weapons. If possible, I hope we can figure out a feasible plan to detonate the volcano and destroy the enemy.

Although the headquarters has not yet issued an order to us, we must prepare everything to take precautions before they happen. "Vincent's words were also recognized by his colleagues. In theory, volcanic eruptions can also be caused artificially, especially in volcanoes with such special structures. As long as they use ground-penetrating bombs to blast special points, they can create The total amount of energy released by a powerful eruption is probably more terrifying than an ordinary nuclear bomb.

All they have to do is how to blast underground. In order to direct the power of the volcanic eruption to the enemy in the sky, intense calculations began.

Most of these people have less than tenth level soul power, that is, ordinary people who have mastered new spells, but their spirits are often no weaker than those of soul kings or even soul emperors. Compared with soul power, which is innate, the spirit In fact, power can be improved through exercise. The simplest way to improve is to study, keep learning, keep answering questions, and constantly be exposed to new knowledge. If it is a world without extraordinary power, the brain will become more flexible with more use, and in this In a world with extraordinary power, the intuitive manifestation is the improvement of spiritual power.

Although they did not have mature computers, each of them relied on their strong mental power to quickly calculate quite a few possible solutions, and then separately calculate the feasibility of concentration.

On the other side of the battlefield, the battle also became very fierce. As the commander of this mission, Chen Yang only felt a lot of pressure. This was not an employee of the Huayun Group during the Dou Ling Uprising, but a temporary defector. .

Audiences with good memories may still remember that it was him who led his motley army squad, customized a set of special operations uniforms, muddled through, and gained access to the arsenal. He took away a large number of soul bombs and successfully blew open the gate of the imperial city. He also relied on this achievement to make rapid progress in the military system.

Now he is the leader of a regiment commanding thousands of people, and it is an elite mechanized legion. However, he did not expect that he would be unlucky enough to encounter such a difficult opponent, an enemy with a stronger combat power than a titled Douluo. With his ultimate move, he killed an entire battalion of his troops and immediately dispersed the formation, thus avoiding greater casualties. Even so, the morale of the soldiers also dropped to a low point.

Facing the invincible enemy, if we don't make some effective attacks, I'm afraid morale will collapse.

"Tell the commander of the first battalion! Hit the crater hard! Let him try to cut off the connection between the crater and the enemy. I suspect that the opponent is using the power of the volcano.

Camp Three, Camp Four, and Camp Five, go around to the north as quickly as possible, use high-explosive bombs, blow up the mountain, and introduce the magma from the crater into the river. If you don't guide it, all the magma here will gush out and even cause disaster. Villages dozens of miles away.

The rest of you, follow me, and continue to use beam weapons to dazzle his eyes! I don't believe it! If his eyes are illuminated by a beam weapon, he can also target us and launch attacks! "

Chen Yang personally led the team this time. Among the 300 people, half were responsible for controlling drones and building a three-dimensional surveillance network in the sky to help ground troops with targeting design and calculations.

The arrogant god suspended above the crater didn't care about these little mosquitoes that had no attack power at all. He didn't know what the role of these little guys was. What really disgusted him were the fast-moving mosquitoes on the ground. The guys with caterpillars have different shapes. Some of them will release high-speed shells. This is a bit of a threat to him, but it is minimal. If he is hit, he may break the defense, but it is equivalent to being hit. A toothpick pricked it.

The other type shoots explosive ammunition, which poses almost no threat to him, even though the explosion is huge. But he couldn't break through his defense. It's like a strong wind blowing in the face. Even if the wind carries sand, just close your eyes and it won't cause any actual harm.

The last type is the type he hates the most. It was a weapon that could release a beam attack. If there weren't hundreds of concentrated fire weapons, the damage would be almost non-existent to him.

But these weapons are very precise when aiming. Shoot him in the eye every time. At this time, it is enough to close his eyes and set up a light-blocking barrier, but in that case, his perception of the surroundings will be greatly weakened and he can attack these mortal enemies. It will also become less accurate.

Chen Yang also noticed this weakness of his, and personally fired at all the light tanks in the eyes of this powerful enemy. He directly gave up the original tank tactic of concentrating firepower to incinerate the enemy.

We have already tried it in the first round of attacks. Although such an attack can cause certain damage to the enemy, the attack interval of the Prism Tank is much longer than that of ordinary equipment, which will create a huge firepower vacuum for the police. , during this period of time the enemy can counterattack unscrupulously, causing huge casualties, but by the time of the second round of concentrated fire, the enemy has already repaired his body to the point where the salvo can have minimal effect.

If he wants to deal with the enemy at this time, he must wait for reinforcements to arrive and use more ferocious firepower to burn the enemy. Now his first priority is to delay time, delay the enemy, prevent him from leaving the crater, and protect the surrounding villages and cities. Will not be damaged.

In this way, he could only give up the idea of ​​killing the enemy, group his tanks into groups, and the light prism tanks attack in turn, ensuring that the beam of light continuously shines on the enemy's head, so that he can suppress his counterattack and save as much as possible. We have the strength and are waiting for reinforcements.

At the same time, another team of personnel has started blasting to guide the magma in the direction of the river to avoid surrounding villages and cities from being invaded.

At the same time, the crater was also bombarded by a huge explosion, and the magma line connecting the gods in the sky to the crater was broken in the explosion.

A god who has lost his huge energy supply. The attack power has obviously been reduced by a level. It can even be blocked by the armor of tanks at long distances. Of course, it is only possible to be blocked if it is weakened by the distance of several kilometers. If the enemy rushes within one kilometer, there will be absolutely no resistance. It is possible to survive, even from random attacks by enemies.

Seeing that the opponent's attack became weaker, Chen Yang did not relax at all. There was no need to maintain the connection with the crater, which meant that the enemy could fight away from the volcano. Although the opponent was weak, it also meant that the warriors fighting with him needed to Facing a greater risk, it is very likely that the enemy will surprise you and kill you instantly.

"Everyone is ready to focus fire. The Prism Tank stops attacking. When he gets close, give him a hard hit." Chen Yang took huge risks in order to try to see if he could cause some damage to his opponent so that he would not dare to leave. volcano.

Although the enemy needed to maintain contact with the volcano before, it was possible to escape at any time. Instead of facing the enemy's escape attack at any time, it was better to let him take the initiative to attack and give him a head-on attack when he was prepared.

Let the opponent have the impression that if they forcefully break away from the volcano and attack, they will suffer a big loss.

It was out of such a plan that when the gods in the sky spread out their cyan wings and swooped over at high speed, all the light tanks did not attack, but began to accumulate power.

God's attack or distance is weakened, and beam attacks are also weakened. The air is not as transparent as imagined. Long-distance beam attacks are actually severely weakened. The current opportunity for close attack can only be created after paying huge damage. Come out, so every soldier is tense and will never miss the opportunity to attack.

A light tank was regarded as a target. In the palm of the god's hand, it was crushed into pieces easily as if it were made of paper. The soldier driving inside had no chance of surviving, but he finally detonated the tank's capacitor. , blasting the third-level god into disgrace. Almost at the same time, the fully charged Prism Tank launched. This time it was a close-range shot, and the fire was concentrated. In an instant, the third-level god was as bright as the sun. His whole body was scorching with light, smoke was rising, and he screamed, quickly escaped from hiding, flew to the crater in a hurry, reconnected with the magma in the volcano, and desperately extracted energy to repair his body.

At the same time, he also had the illusion that it was dangerous to fight these tanks at close range. In fact, he is more likely to be injured in close combat, but considering the huge cooldown time after the launch of these tanks, there was no need for her to escape just now. Instead, she should take advantage of this cooldown time to wreak havoc among the enemies. , at least 30% of the enemies can be killed. As long as they can endure a certain amount of injuries, these enemies can be completely wiped out in a short period of time.

It's a pity that this third-level god has been a god for so long that he has almost forgotten what it feels like to be injured. After receiving a little damage, he fled back to the crater in a panic.

This is like ordinary people living in peaceful times. Even if they are scratched by a cat's paw, they will be extremely panicked, fearing that they will be infected with rabies and die if they fail to get vaccinated a second too late. However, in fact, being scratched by a cat If you scratch it, the probability of getting tetanus is even higher than that of rabies. It's just that people living in peaceful times can't bear the mortality rate of 1 in 10,000, so they seem so panicked.

The same is true for the gods. It has been countless years since a god was injured or died, and the world of gods has been at peace for a long time. Except for those who had just become gods, most of them had forgotten the brutality of the battle.

But after Chen Yang forced the enemy back, he got bad news. There was also an attack by unknown creatures on the seaside 150 kilometers away from him, and there was a big city with a population of one million nearby. The troops had to go to support there first. He still needed more reinforcements here. Wait twelve hours.

"Zhuo! Do you want me to die here? Even if I die here, there is absolutely no way I can delay it. People who attack me may die in every round. Every time someone dies, the probability of someone dying on my side is greater. Twelve hours? Do you think I'm a god?" Chen Yang roared directly at the headquarters, which was simply asking his people to die.

However, there is nothing the headquarters can do. There are only a few villages with a population of a thousand people here in Chen Yang, but there are millions of people in the coastal cities over there. Although human lives cannot be calculated in numbers, the state machine must make a choice. Next, I will undoubtedly choose the side with more people.

It’s not that the country’s rulers are ruthless, but that it is a country’s responsibility to keep as many people alive as possible and to ensure the survival of more people who have given up some of their rights for the country.

Chen Yang took a deep breath and knew that no matter how he asked for support now, it would be useless. Just when he was considering whether to lead people directly to the crater and try to fight the enemy in a way that would hurt both sides.

He suddenly received a call from the person in charge of volcanic exploration. He didn't want to get through the call at first. After thinking about his situation, he finally didn't refuse. After getting through the call, there was no nonsense from the person on the other side: "We calculated a This strategy of detonating a volcano may rely on the explosive power of the volcano to seriously injure the unknown creature, but it requires the cooperation of your army. If you feel it is necessary, you can contact us at any time and we will give you specific tactics."

[To be continued]

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