Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,669 The Invading Sun and Moon Empire

The Sun-Moon Empire did not suffer the severe blow it had suffered before this time. In the original book, after Huo Yuhao participated in the Continent-wide Senior Soul Master Soul Fighting Competition, he conveniently blew up the arsenal underground in the capital of the Sun-Moon Empire.

It also detonated more than a dozen level nine soul-guided artillery shells with nuclear warheads. Although the Sun and Moon Empire placed such nuclear bomb-like things underground in its own capital, it was a stupid act in itself, but there is no doubt that that time The explosion destroyed 1/3 of Mingdu, causing a large amount of economic losses and casualties, and also consumed a large amount of strategic reserve materials.

This led to the fact that when the Sun and Moon Empire attacked the Star Luo Empire in the original work, they took the lead in attacking with bluffing.

In contrast, this time there were no major casualties in the country, and the strategic supplies in reserve were not destroyed. In the years of trade, the extremely huge wealth of the Dou Ling Republic was plundered, and the soul mentor group was almost as large as in the original work. doubled in size.

The equipment is even more advanced than in the original work. In the original work, most of the soul mentors without the ability to fly rely on their legs to maneuver, and some are even more outrageous. It is possible to use horse-drawn carriages to maneuver and transport bulky equipment.

Now, with the cheap fuel-powered vehicles provided by Dou Ling, although the soul mentor group does not yet have tanks, its mobility is much greater.

As the commander-in-chief, Orange also adhered to the idea of ​​​​blitzkrieg and prepared to give full play to the advantage of his troops' fast maneuverability.

At the same time, a small thing happened, that is, in the decisive battle at the Forbidden City, a popular female player nicknamed: [Delicious Orange Duck] was absent from the game. A large number of strategy videos produced by her were also suspended. The update has made fans who can only copy homework cry like ghosts.

Obviously they have not realized the seriousness of the problem. Orange Boss is no longer satisfied with conquering cities and territories in the virtual world. The battlefield of his game has come to reality. He commands thousands of troops of the Sun and Moon Empire and fights Douluo. Two empires.

In terms of command skills, Orange is inherently talented. Her cultivation talent is not very good, but she still became the commander-in-chief of the army and the Queen of War. You can see her strong ability in strategy!

After a lot of training in the game world, her army commanding ability has been greatly improved. Now she is commanding this army with a somewhat overwhelming advantage. The next scene between the two empires is really unbearable to watch.

The first to receive the signal of the start of the war was not the Sky Soul Empire and the Star Luo Empire, which were closer to the Sun and Moon Empire, but the Dou Ling Republic. The reason was very simple. Large-scale military mobilization on the ground could not be hidden from the satellites in the sky.

After realizing that the war was about to break out, Dou Ling's top management also had a headache. Now the most important goal in the country is to deal with the divine disaster.

It is actually very easy to win this war. Just let your own Tiangang system fire a few shots at other people's nests, and the problem will be solved.

A blow falling from the sky, even a Ultimate Douluo or even one as powerful as Di Tian, ​​could not do anything about it. Di Tian admitted personally that he could not fly out of the atmosphere.

If you can't fly out of the atmosphere, you can only be passively beaten inside the atmosphere. In this case, no matter how strong the country is and how fierce the army is, it will be beaten and morale will collapse.

This is just like in ancient battles. The target often needs to brave the arrows of meritorious soldiers to advance. In the entire process of advancement, not many people will die. But if you want to maintain this process of being unable to fight back, you must stay calm and not charge in advance. Disrupting the formation is a great test of the army's organizational ability.

If this kind of minor damage continues, and there is no way to fight back, it won't be long before morale will completely collapse.

But winning the war is easy. After winning the battle, it will not be an easy task for him to manage the occupied areas. not only that. Divine disaster in the occupied territories. It also needs a winner to solve.

If the occupied territories and the mainland cannot be treated equally. Then the people in the occupied areas will soon become alienated from Germany. Even if compensation is provided in the future, the rifts formed during this historical period will be difficult to mend.

After high-level discussions, the Douling Republic made its own decision not to expand and to defend its territory during the war. Ignore the rest. Concentrate your efforts to deal with divine disasters, and in the process, you can accommodate refugees. However, divine disasters that occur in other countries will not be actively dealt with for the time being. After all, that is the obligation of other countries. He did not occupy that land. Need to mind your own business.

It wasn't until they discussed the outcome that the real war began. Orange adopted the tactic used in the original work, which was to directly use the buried soul bomb to blast a gap in the Mingdou Mountains.

There are certain problems with the description of this part of the plot in the original book. The Mingdou Mountains have an average altitude of 1,500 kilometers and run through the entire continent from north to south. If you want to directly blast through such a mountain range, let alone ten level nine weapons. It is equipped with soul-guided cannonballs. Even if ten big Ivans are thrown at them, they won't make much splash.

What Orange did was to use a large number of level nine soul-guided artillery shells to flatten a mountain peak in an area with relatively gentle mountains, giving his army room to march straight in.

As for directly cutting off the mountains, probably only the Supreme God could control this level of power.

Even so, Orange's actions were completely beyond the Star Luo Empire's expectations, and there was no time to mobilize the defenders. After the Soul Engineer Group urgently hardened the road, they drove in on a diesel locomotive and directly bombarded the Star Luo Empire's military camp.

The army, which had no time to organize itself, was directly defeated under this attack. This was not a war at all, because the attack was carried out at night, and the battle did not come at all. The soldiers of the Sun-Moon Empire drove cars, holding weapons, and fired at the military camp. Many people ran out naked.

The whole process can be said to be a loss of the army, and the Xingluo Empire also suffered heavy losses. Duke Baihu was a very responsible noble. After learning about the situation in the front, he chose to lead the army and defend the Mingdou Mountains.

However, the number of troops he could lead was too small after all. Relying on a few masters, he was still outnumbered. After several exchanges, he was surrounded. More importantly, the opponent also had masters. The number of ninth-level soul mentors in the Sun-Moon Empire was not much less than the number of Titled Douluo on the Douluo side.

Although most of them cannot compete with Super Douluo, a few still have Super Douluo-level combat power, such as Starry Sky Douluo Ye Yulin, whose Sun and Moon Divine Needle is one of the most famous soul guides in the Sun and Moon Empire.

This level of level nine soul guide can be described as a magic weapon. It can absorb the light of the sun and moon when it is placed on the head, turning it into a terrifying long-range attack. After locking, it can hit the opponent almost instantly.

Duke Baihu himself is not a Super Douluo. Although his combat power is not much inferior to that of ordinary Super Douluo because of his excellent martial spirit, and he is assisted by masters such as Xuanji Douluo, he is still unable to cope with such a powerful opponent and a more powerful legion.

More importantly, Duke Baihu is too caring for his subordinates, even to the extent of being a bit womanly, and will never abandon his subordinates and run away first.

This kind of character is good for a general of hundreds of people, but it is obviously not suitable for a commander of a large army. Originally, Huo Yuhao should have fought out here, relying on his undead magic and half plane to help the White Tiger Duke's relatives to evacuate, and relying on his spiritual attributes to beat the opponent, which was unexpected, so that the White Tiger Duke escaped smoothly.

But now Huo Yuhao obviously will not come to help. Without Tang San's interference, Huo Yuhao will definitely not let go of hatred so easily. What's more, he is no longer just looking for revenge now, but also wants to eradicate the root cause of his tragic fate. The life and death of the White Tiger Duke is no longer important to him.

Just like Zhang Mazi's words: "You and money are not important! It's important to me without you!"

Seeing that the White Tiger Duke is about to fall into despair and be captured alive, he will definitely be tortured by Orange to death. The unexpected factor has finally come. Tang San will never watch his brother's descendants become a plaything in the hands of a woman.

Even if the woman's reason for revenge was not wrong at all, Tang San would definitely not allow the woman to succeed in revenge.

So someone would naturally come out at this time to save the White Tiger Duke.

Originally, Tang San wanted Dai Luoli to come, but although Dai Luoli's cultivation had improved, his own soul power was too low. Even if he was possessed by the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, the effect he could have on such a battlefield would be minimal.

Therefore, Dai Yuheng was called out again. Although in William's view, Dai Yuheng was simply a waste and a useless person, William's thoughts had been baptized by modern society and the main god space. Judging people is no longer based on the strength of their power, but on the essence of the person after depriving all power.

Obviously, Tang San did not see it this way. In his view, Dai Yuheng used the golden finger he had now very well, and made his own name. Whether he was addicted to worldly power or not, he still relied on his advantage of being able to infinitely fuse soul bones to continuously improve his hard power. No matter how you look at it, he is a talent that can be cultivated.

Although he was chosen by another god, that guy was only a third-level god, and he could easily control him. It would be no problem to borrow his people.

So, under the guidance of Tang San, Dai Yuheng came to the battlefield and received a blessing from Tang San who was practicing underground, allowing him to double his strength in a short period of time.

In Tang San's view, the current matter was just a small matter, not worth his own action. In this time of practice, he had to put more energy into the study of cultivation techniques, so as not to fall behind other supreme gods and still maintain his leading position among the supreme gods.

Dai Yuheng's improvement during this period was also great. On the one hand, he won the competition. Although it did not have enough effect to stir up the local national sentiment, it could be regarded as a double gain of fame and fortune. Before, his funds might have been lacking. After he became famous, everyone saw his potential and invested crazily.

This means that he has a lot of money to buy precious soul bones. Although 100,000-year soul bones are hard to come by, some precious 10,000-year soul bones can be spent at a high price.

Now he has obtained his seventh soul ring, and it is a 100,000-year soul ring. He personally hunted a 100,000-year soul beast and obtained its soul ring and soul bone. In addition, the strength accumulated by hundreds of soul bones in his body has made his combat power far beyond the ordinary. He is a Titled Douluo, not inferior to a Super Douluo. More importantly, he has a variety of means and can deal with almost any situation. This is an advantage that no Titled Douluo has.

The effect he can play on the battlefield is even more exaggerated than that of an Extreme Douluo. Now it is just right to support Duke Baihu to rescue him.

Dai Yueheng also seemed quite positive after learning that his father was in danger. Although in terms of abilities in all aspects, he seems to be a bit stretched, but in terms of the relationship between father and son, even if he is dressed in selfishness, he still has true feelings.

It was a rush to rush over, and he even used teleportation continuously. Short-distance teleportation with no cooling time is an extremely rare and top-notch skill. Dai Yaoheng also spent a lot of money to buy it. Although the distance of one-time teleportation is It is very short and consumes a lot of energy. Normal people will basically have no soul power after using it four or five times, but he is different. On the one hand, he has more soul power, and on the other hand, there are so many soul bones. There are also many that improve soul power and recovery speed.

This allowed him to use the luxury of teleportation on the road. Even so, his soul power supply began to be somewhat insufficient, and he had to temporarily switch to ordinary flying at high speed.

Although his current cultivation level is only Soul Saint, his qualities in all aspects are completely comparable to Super Douluo, and his flying speed is even better.

Finally, they arrived at the battlefield before Duke White Tiger fell. The situation at this time was already quite unfavorable for Duke White Tiger. Although there was no top-notch soul mentor legion at the Beast King level, there were already four legions of soul mentors surrounding Duke White Tiger's legion.

The linked soul guides of each legion cannot be broken by the White Tiger Duke's personal power. Faced with such an siege, he can only lead his soldiers to try in vain to break out again and again.

But his opponent has become semi-mechanized and relies on vehicles to move. On his side, he relies on two legs or soldiers on horseback. His movement speed cannot be compared with that of his opponent, and his living space is constantly being compressed.

Seeing that his side was about to be completely annihilated and completely surrounded by the enemy, a silvery-white figure flew at high speed from the distance, fell from the sky, and hit the ground like a meteor. At the same time, circles of aura were released from his body. , enveloped Duke White Tiger and all his subordinates.

[To be continued]

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