Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,670 The Almighty Powerful One

Dai Yueheng's sudden arrival made the White Tiger Duke feel at this point. He actually did not want to see his son. After all, no one knows better than him how powerful the enemies surrounding him are.

Each of those soul master legions has combat power comparable to that of a super Douluo. The linked defense of any soul master legion is absolutely impossible for a super Douluo or below to break through, and their attacks have the disadvantage of requiring a short-term charge. In addition, the power is even higher than that of Extreme Douluo's attack.

Surrounded by four such groups of soul engineers. There is also the powerful Star Douluo Ye Yulin on the front to restrain him. Even if he has two titled Douluo and many powerful people on his side, the situation in front of him can be called a desperate situation.

His son rushing in now is just one more person coming in to die. How can he feel happy about this?

However, he soon discovered something was wrong, and many auras were released from his son's body. These auras enveloped his body, making him feel surging power, although it was not as powerful as the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda. The auxiliary martial souls were much worse, but he noticed that this kind of assistance was group-based, and everyone within the aura could be assisted.

Shrek Academy has also tried to cultivate similar auxiliary soul masters. Although each attribute can only increase by 10%, it can increase an entire legion.

This guy also appeared in the second part, as a supporting role in Huo Yuhao's process of obtaining the fifth soul ring, but in the later period, the soul guide was too powerful. This ability to assist ordinary people's legions and even soul masters' legions in combat is ultimately incomparable to the effect of linked soul guides, which also results in this product having almost no chance to appear in the later plots.

But this does not mean that this group support ability is weak. On the contrary, if you encounter an elite legion, this ability is very powerful.

To use an analogy, it is probably the legion talent of Shensanli.

It can exponentially improve a warrior's combat effectiveness, but this type of ability is extremely limited in improving personal combat effectiveness. Whether it is a soul ring or a soul bone, most people are unwilling to choose similar abilities. After all, this is an individual-based weapon. In a world where force is paramount, even if you rely on the legion to become much more powerful than people of the same level, it will still be considered as relying on external things and not truly powerful.

Therefore, the price of soul bones with such skills attached is actually very cheap, and even if they are sold very cheaply, they often cannot be sold. After all, soul bones can only absorb six pieces in total. This kind of soul bones can only increase oneself very little. People who have the ability to buy soul bones to absorb them, even if they can afford it, are not willing to waste a position on their bodies to absorb them.

Obviously, Dai Yueheng has no worries in this regard. For such high-quality and low-priced soul bones, he will accept all comers. Nearly 1/3 of the soul bones in his body are those that cannot be sold. This is It also gave him a strong amplification ability when he landed on the aura he put on everyone.

Duke White Tiger could rely on this increase and increased speed to dodge a shot from Star Douluo. When Ye Yulin saw this scene, he also showed a surprised expression. His Sun and Moon Divine Needle is famous for its high-speed and precise strikes. Being able to name the soul guidance device he made after his own country shows how powerful the soul guidance device he made is.

In the past, the White Tiger Duke could only block his own attacks. This time, he was allowed to dodge, which was a little unexpected. However, with this level of strength improvement, he was still no match for him. He was suspended above three thousand meters in the air. For most people, the Sun and Moon Divine Needle is no different from a space-based weapon. Basically, as long as it is successfully released, it is equivalent to benefiting the invincible ground.

But what he didn't expect was that the other subordinates of the White Tiger Duke also became stronger. He thought that Contra took advantage of the period when he was boosted to complete a charged attack. The javelin-like martial spirit directly tracked Ye Yulin. , making it impossible for him to continue to concentrate on controlling the Sun and Moon Divine Needle. Even if he faced the attack in front of him, he might be injured.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Duke White Tiger also quickly ordered his troops to break out and retreat. Although a considerable part of the troops were ordinary people, these people were trained for a long time. Even soul masters with one or two levels of ordinary people were not their opponents.

After getting the increase at this time, the speed was even faster. The original purpose was to evacuate. The increase Dai Yueheng gave these people was naturally based on speed. Not only that, the entire army seemed to be covered with optical camouflage. Although you can still see distorted light and shadow on the ground while running, the accuracy of aiming and shooting is simply touching.

Ye Yulin also discovered this problem. The Sun and Moon Empire's research on new spells was not in-depth, and the development of the sighting system was not considered high-end.

In the original work, various anti-invisibility devices were developed only after being hurt by Huo Yuhao's various invisibility. At this time, this superficial invisibility had already made the soul master army very troubled.

The culprit of all this is the figure that just fell from the sky. It is covered in white hair and has obviously displayed its martial spirit true form. The white tiger martial spirit with extremely obvious characteristics is very recognizable. You can tell it is a white tiger at a glance. The Duke's relatives.

With such a strong strength, he might be the next successor. In this case, his goal is not only to keep the White Tiger Duke, but also to kill his powerful successor. Otherwise, the White Tiger Duke will die. Now, the Luo Empire's border defense will still not cause much chaos.

Feeling the lock of murderous aura, Dai Yuheng turned his head to look at the Starry Sky Douluo and sneered: "It's just relying on external objects. If you can't control the soul guide in the sky, how much power can you exert?"

While speaking, Dai Yuheng actually released a layer of powerful soul power fluctuations. His own combat power was already very strong. Now that he got the protection given by Tang San, he was undoubtedly even stronger.

While blooming with powerful soul power fluctuations, mental power also bloomed together. There seemed to be some kind of strange resonance between the two. Under the guidance of a certain soul bone, it caused severe interference. Ye Yulin suddenly felt that he had temporarily lost control of the soul guide in the air.

Not to mention him, even the shield of the soul guide army showed a circular interference ripple under this strong interference. Without his strongest trump card, Ye Yulin's combat power was naturally greatly reduced.

Although the ninth-level soul masters of the Sun-Moon Empire are definitely Titled Douluo themselves, their development of their martial souls can never be compared with the Titled Douluo on the Douluo side. Most of their various soul skills are to increase the strength of their soul power. They have strength but lack the means to release it. When they encounter a Titled Douluo of the same strength, they will be beaten.

Dai Yuheng's current combat power can directly compete with the powerful Super Douluo. He is now rushing towards Ye Yulin at a speed that is difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. Before he rushed over, Ye Yulin had no time to make any resistance, let alone communicate with the Sun and Moon Needle in the sky.

Like a ghostly shadow, it stretched in front of him. As the power was accumulated, a signature White Tiger Destruction Kill was cut out.

Facing the word "kill" that was constantly enlarged in front of him, Starry Sky Douluo could only use his life-saving trump card. The soul master's survivability is still very strong, even stronger than most other Titled Douluo. They can make triggered defensive trump cards. Even if their combat power is not good and they are approached and unable to react, they can also passively trigger and protect themselves.

This made many Title Douluo, who finally found an opportunity to attack at close range, frequently blocked by the life-saving trump card and could not complete the instant kill.

Although the power of the White Tiger Destruction Kill was strong, after breaking a layer of red shield and then a layer of golden shield, it still exhausted its energy and only knocked Ye Yulin away. Even so, it made this Starry Sky Douluo feel very distressed. That was an eighth-level soul guide and a ninth-level soul guide, which were directly broken by the opponent in one move. It was impossible not to feel distressed.

However, taking this opportunity, he had also taken out another soul guide of his own and put it on. Although his main one was the Starry Sky Soul Guide, as a top-level ninth-level soul guide, he also had other types of ninth-level soul guides, and wearing them on himself could also exert the combat power of ordinary ninth-level soul guides.

Then the scene that made him vomit blood happened. The guy with the White Tiger Martial Spirit attacked him before, but he didn't expect to hurt him. The guy soared into the air, using an unknown soul skill, and actually rose to a high altitude at an incredible speed. He reached out and took away his Sun and Moon Needle.

This loss was huge. Even the broken ninth-level soul guide on his body was far from comparable in value to the Sun and Moon Needle in the sky.

You should know that he had just upgraded his Sun Needle to the Sun and Moon Needle not long ago. This thing was a very top-notch device for him. It was taken away on the battlefield, and it was a loss of blood.

"Asshole! You're dead! Hurry up, keep busy! I want you to bomb this guy to pieces immediately." Ye Yulin ordered angrily, and the four soul guide groups attacked.

When dealing with the White Tiger Duke before, they did not use the linked soul guide to bombard, because the Emperor and Queen War God ordered that the White Tiger Duke must be captured alive. After all, the hatred between Orange and the White Tiger Duke was as deep as the sea. After enduring for so many years, she married a eunuch, wasn't it for revenge?

If he couldn't take revenge in person, it would be a pity, so the Duke of White Tiger could only capture him alive, but the Duke of White Tiger's son didn't care about this, and directly asked the Soul Master Corps to use the Linked Soul Guide Cannon to bombard him.

Although the level of the Linked Soul Guide Cannon is not as high as the Sun and Moon Needle, the power of the two is different, just like you can't compare the engine of a motorcycle with the engine of a train. Even if the engine of a motorcycle can be made more sophisticated, the power is not of the same order of magnitude as that used on a train.

The power of the Linked Soul Guide Cannon is something that even the Extreme Douluo is afraid of. This is reflected in the original work. The two strongest Extreme Douluos described in the original work, facing the Soul Master Corps that are not at the Beast King level, can only block several attacks in a row and then flee in embarrassment.

Even if the Death God Douluo Ye Xishui used his own Death God Soul Guide to continuously attack the linkage defense of the regular Soul Master Corps, he failed to successfully break the defense and only hit the shield, which was shaky.

The Dark Holy Dragon Long Xiaoyao, using his spirit body, only blocked a few joint attacks before he was injured and could only flee with Ye Xishui in a panic.

Although Dai Yuheng was unusually inflated after receiving the protection of the Supreme God, he was also very clear that if an attack of this magnitude fell on him, there would be absolutely no chance of survival and he would definitely die on the spot.

So the moment he was locked, he chose to run away.

After leaving a phantom in place, he teleported directly and left the place several times in a row. The next four energy torrents instantly destroyed the phantom left behind.

That level of energy torrent is almost impossible for an individual to contend with. The output power of the linked soul guide will be extremely troublesome for even some powerful second-level gods.

Dai Yueheng, who successfully escaped the attack, also felt like he was surviving the disaster. Seeing that his father was almost out of the encirclement, he knew that his delay was almost up and it was time to withdraw.

Although killing Star Douluo is an extremely tempting option, the opponent's current combat power is definitely no match for him. But the risk is still too great. Who knows if these linked soul guides have control capabilities other than attacking? In case there is a controlling soul-sucking master in the army of the Sun and Moon Empire, he will be locked in place.

Even if he has immune control abilities, he may not be able to react immediately and start avoiding.

If you were wiped by that kind of linked soul guide, you might lose half your life.

So he also used a soul skill in the end, caused some visual interference, and then evacuated immediately.

Having obtained many soul bones, he has many strange abilities. The current visual disturbance is one of the weirdest.

It does not have any attack ability, but it makes everyone's vision become upside down. This ability is similar to the mental system but different. It does not need to invade the enemy's brain, it only needs to interfere with the person's eyes, so it can It is cast on a large scale and most people are not immune to it.

In fact, being hit by such a soul skill is not fatal. It only takes a short period of adaptation to move freely in this upside-down environment.

However, Dai Yueheng's purpose was to gain time. Because of the reversed left and right vision, the soul guidance cannon suddenly shot straight to his grandma's house. After the soul engineering team realized what happened, they immediately corrected the shooting, but because The left and right were reversed. Even after correction and calculation, the shooting accuracy dropped by more than one level. In the end, there was no way to intercept the fleeing White Tiger Duke and others.

[To be continued]

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