Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1671 War Potential

After Dai Yueheng finished disrupting the opponent's vision, he successfully took his father away from the battlefield. Although the White Tiger Duke's personal guards would not be injured or killed during the evacuation, this was an unavoidable loss. , even Duke White Tiger can only accept it.

This evacuation led directly to the main camp in the rear. There was no way. Even if the White Tiger Duke delayed the time, the army in the front collapsed too quickly. It was almost impossible to organize troops to defend the part of the city in the west. .

They can only retreat to the next line of defense and completely give away the impregnable western defense line that the empire has operated for thousands of years. Even if the city on the second line of defense is reinforced, it is obviously not as good as the defense line that has been operated for many years.

Even the White Tiger Duke, who was like a god in the empire's civil war, couldn't come up with a good defense plan in a short time.

But something unexpected happened. When all the front lines were full of bad news and the soldiers were retreating steadily, someone suddenly sent a request for support.

The messenger said that his commander was holding his position on the front line and had repelled several attacks from the Sun and Moon Empire. Now he needed logistical support and a large number of soul masters to provide cover. This immediately shocked Duke White Tiger.

Even if he and his people were unable to withstand such great pressure on the front line, it was beyond his expectation that someone could withstand the stormy attack of the Sun and Moon Empire.

As a coach, facing such a backbone of the army, how could there be any reason not to rescue, so he dispatched it immediately. More than two thousand soul kings and powerful men went to support and brought a large amount of supplies.

Time goes back to when the Sun and Moon Empire just attacked. Dai Luoli served in an army on the front line. He was the commander of a camp. Under the premise that the Evil Eye Tyrant dominated other idle operations, in his short time It has tens of thousands of subordinates, including two thousand soul masters. Although their cultivation levels are uneven, and the strongest ones are only two Soul Douluo, this is already a quite strong force.

In particular, they also used advanced weapons imported from the Dou Ling Republic. As soon as the battle broke out, the Evil Eye Tyrant Master felt the soul power fluctuations carried by the huge and terrifying explosion like a god, so among all the armies Before he could react, he had already taken control of Dai Luoli's body and sounded the emergency rally horn.

Compared with other armies that are free and loose at night, with little regard for enemy night attacks, the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord has specially trained his troops to assemble urgently at night? There will be surprise training every three to five. They will suddenly gather while everyone is still sleeping. Anyone who fails to complete the order will be severely punished.

Under the stimulation of the Evil Eye Tyrant's punishment that directly affects the nerves and the rewards that directly grant incomparable pleasure, no one dares to disobey his orders. The emergency combination at night was also completed more smoothly every time.

This time now is no longer a simulation training, but a real gathering to prepare for battle.

So within 15 minutes, 10,000 people stood neatly in the square.

Under the command, he took out his weapons in an orderly manner and went to the defensive position to prepare for battle.

The attacking enemy obviously didn't expect that in such a dark time, some people would not sleep and still have the energy to guard against their sneak attack.

These soul mentor groups relied on their speed advantage to drive motor vehicles without turning on the linkage shield at all, and were ready to use their soul guidance tools to bombard the unsuspecting military camp.

However, they obviously misjudged the situation and rushed towards the defensive position. They were met with fierce artillery fire and a large number of guided missiles, but they were fired.

Facing such an opponent without a shield, conventional soul-guided attacks are completely useless. There is no need to consume the opponent's shield. As long as the opponent is given the most violent output, the opponent can be defeated directly.

These shells released are also high-explosive shells, not penetrating ammunition. After landing and exploding, they will eject steel balls as dense as rain, which are extremely lethal to soft targets.

The motor vehicle driven by the other party was not an armored vehicle, let alone a tank. An ordinary private car could not be turned into an armored vehicle by adding steel plates. Without a dedicated engine, it would not be able to carry such heavy armor. When encountering some Complex terrain will cause you to lie down immediately.

Therefore, the soldiers of the Sun and Moon Empire all drive vehicles without heavy armor, which are unable to defend against the flying steel balls. Only some soul masters with higher cultivation level carry trigger-type defensive soul guides. In this kind of situation, Survived the intensive blows.

But they were also in a state of disarray, and almost all of their men were wiped out. Most of the 5,000 men responsible for capturing this stronghold in the first round were lost in this round of shelling.

The remaining soul masters with higher cultivation levels did not dare to stay here at all. They turned around and ran away, leaving those soul masters and ordinary people who had no time to escape. Before even seeing where the enemy was, they were swept away by such ferocious firepower. If they had rushed over by themselves, they would definitely have died without knowing how.

In fact, if the remaining soul masters can get together at this time and use the linkage shield together, the shield strength they can exert will still be stronger than that of a single soul master group. Unfortunately, these people have been demoralized and cannot do anything. They had no intention of continuing the attack, and all they wanted to do was escape.

Turning around and running away on the battlefield is even closer to death than a desperate attack. Leaving your fragile back to the enemy means becoming a target for the enemy to shoot.

The defeated soldiers suffered even more heavy casualties. Originally, they were planning to take advantage of the darkness to take advantage of the fact that the enemy could not see clearly and run away in a single attack. However, they never expected that their enemies seemed to be in the daytime and there was no way they could see clearly. sign.

Each of the soldiers brought out by Dai Luoli had carefully learned new spells. Spells such as infrared night vision were readily available. Locking onto an enemy's location couldn't be easier.

In the process of escaping, everyone felt that they could hide in the darkness, but they did not know that they were as obvious as a torch in the eyes of the enemy. There was no need to fire expensive guided bombs. They could just rely on the semi-automatic rifle in their hands. Harvest these escaping guys one by one.

An hour after the conflict occurred, Orange also received news from the eighth-level soul master who flew back in embarrassment. The attacks in other directions were extremely smooth. Only the army in front of him was completely defeated. Not only did they fail to capture the target position, but also The whole army was wiped out, and only a few people escaped.

The most uncomfortable thing was that the position Dai Luoli was holding happened to be stuck at an important point. It was an important checkpoint and the only passage between the two peaks.

Although this mountain range is not like the Mingdou Mountains, which runs through the entire continent and is a natural line of defense, it also stretches for hundreds of miles. There is only this gap in the middle. If this position is not defeated, then I will The army will take a long way around both sides of the mountains. Although it can be passed, the length of the supply line is a bit unbearable.

This is also the time of ancient wars. Why do you have to struggle with various levels? It’s not that you can’t bypass them. But after going around, your own food path can easily be cut off by the opponent. Anyone who has watched "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" knows that robbing the food path is simply the favorite method of the old scumbags in the Three Kingdoms.

Juzi saw that one of his most important fronts was directly defeated, and he also looked solemn: "Add more troops, continue to increase troops, this time go with the shield, stay cautious, don't attack rashly, first understand the internal intelligence first.

Regardless of whether there are experts fighting, a powerful army, or some powerful soul guidance device for defense, the information must be passed back first.

We must conquer this pass. The empire's choice to attack the Sky Soul Empire and the Star Luo Empire at the same time will stretch the battle line very long. If we cannot conquer the position here, it will be difficult to maintain our supply line.

I will apply for the support of level nine soul-guided artillery shells. If nothing can be done, I will personally direct the battle and use level nine custom-made soul-guided artillery shells to bomb enemy positions when necessary. "

On the other side, Dai Luoli, who was controlled by the evil-eyed tyrant master, also seized control. He relied on the evil-eye tyrant master's huge mental power to scan the surroundings and roughly determined the battle situation.

"What are you doing? Now is the time for the war. Don't cause trouble. Leave it to me to control." The evil eye tyrant master was very dissatisfied with Dai Luoli's intervention, as if he himself was the master of this body.

"Don't worry, you don't know much about tactics, and the games I played for so many days were not in vain. You played too hard before, and you scared our opponents.

The next thing we have to face is probably Thunder Strike. The situation is a bit bad. If I were the opponent, the first thing to do is to first understand our intelligence. Then there will be Thunder Strike to get support from the rear. Before, they used their strongest force to take us down in one fell swoop.

But I can’t blame you. After all, you don't have much exposure to real-time strategy games, and you don't know what kind of strategic point our location is. If we want to continue attacking eastward, the pass we are collecting now must be taken down.

Get ready! Tell everyone to retreat to the rear defense line and be ready to evacuate to the underground air defense facilities at any time. In the next battle, we will most likely be forced to explode the level 9 fixed soul-guided artillery shells, and probably more than once.

It can be seen from the opponent's attacks on other military strongholds that the opponent intends to fight quickly, and it is absolutely impossible for the opponent to choose to fight a war of attrition with us.

But this is not all bad news. As long as we can survive the first wave of the hardest blow, the enemy's offensive plan will be severely frustrated. We will be like a nail piercing their heart, making their The army did not dare to move forward. "

The evil-eyed tyrant master, after listening to Dai Luoli's succinct explanation and subsequent reasonable deployment arrangements, was impressed by this kid. Although he was usually too lazy to do anything, except for playing games, he spent the rest of his time hanging up for himself.

But it seems that the games he plays are not without merit. In terms of strategic vision, there is indeed a big gap between him and this kid. Even though he already knows the soul guidance devices of the Sun and Moon Empire very well, in terms of the tactical applications of various arms, There is still a gap between him and the experienced gamer in front of him.

“The next troops sent by the opponent are most likely to conduct reconnaissance, so we need to release information that misleads them, such as our attack method and how we repelled their attack.

So next we need to be prepared to pay a certain amount of losses and call on our elites, each of whom carries a large number of grenades and speed bombs to prepare for a melee raid.

The abilities we have shown before are various explosions and the ability to see at night, so next we have to sneak attack at night, send a few strong people, use stealth abilities, to the enemy's camp to blast. "

Hearing this, the evil-eyed tyrant master immediately understood what his host meant: "You want to confuse your opponents and make them think that we rely on a few strong men, or even death squads, to carry a large amount of explosives for blasting, and then we inflict damage on them." Such significant damage.”

"That's right! If I were the commander on the opposite side, then the team sent next must give priority to obtaining intelligence, and then make targeted deployments in one go.

If they get wrong intelligence at this time, there will definitely be problems in deployment. The attack will be frustrated at that time, and their first wave of vigor will be gone.

Although we may still be bombed, the possibility of waiting for follow-up support and holding on to the position at our feet has also greatly increased! So in terms of soul guides, we are far behind our opponents.

But in terms of high-end strength, we still have some advantages. You may not know that what I am best at in the game is to rub hero units with my hands, and directly slaughter the opponent's headquarters during the battle.

As long as we hold on to our current position and prevent our opponents from overthrowing Xingluo City in one fell swoop, the next war will still be fought! "

Previously, even the evil-eyed tyrant master had a pessimistic attitude towards the current war. He had seen with his own eyes how much power the Sun and Moon Empire had accumulated. Before he thought, his host had not reached the limit of Douluo or even obtained the power of a god. In the case of inheritance, there is almost no chance of winning the war between the two sides. He actively prepared for the war, but also to gain more benefits during the resistance process and accelerate his own cultivation.

After all, the country is about to perish, and only a general like Dai Luoli who can fight is left. He must give him whatever he wants. The top treasures, soul bones, and fairy grass must be taken as much as there is in the treasury. Come out, rely on these resources, regardless of whether the Star Luo Empire will be destroyed later, Dai Luoli will definitely be able to reach the ultimate Douluo easily and obtain the inheritance of the gods.

But after listening to Dai Luoli's analysis and being infected by his confident mood, the evil-eyed tyrant master actually had the illusion that this war could be fought.

What he didn't know was that Dai Luoli and Orange were old rivals even in the game.

[To be continued]

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