Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,672 A decisive battle with an old rival at the top of the Forbidden City

Dai Luoli immediately found his feeling in the game after taking command, and began to issue orders to the university: "All earth attribute soul masters, gather here immediately."

As a dozen earth-attribute soul masters came to him, he immediately issued an order: "Now you dig a tunnel in front of our position according to the drawing I gave you. The shape of the tunnel has been marked on the drawing for you. And where there are openings going up.

It should be clear to everyone that our masters will rush out from the openings of these tunnels to raid the opponent's soul engineer group in a while. The linked defense of the soul master group is almost impossible for us to actively break, but this method of defense also has a fatal flaw.

That is, almost all shields are hemispherical. When fighting, everyone assumes that the ground under their feet is indestructible. However, this is not the case on the real battlefield. It is not enough to just put the shield a few meters underground.

What I need is that the tunnel we dug happens to appear inside the enemy's shield. When launching an attack, our master can bypass their linked defenses and bloom inside.

Even if we don't use advanced weapons, our personal combat effectiveness is far superior to that of our opponents. Even if our numbers are not as good as theirs, we can still win a crushing game in close combat. "

After these earth-type soul masters heard such tactical arrangements, they immediately started their work. Although they wanted to carry out the construction of some grand projects, they were still not much faster than the modern engineering team.

But there is simply no one better than them in building this kind of underground tunnel that has no safety indicators and only needs to be temporarily used during the war. Each one of them is simply better than a mouse at digging holes. Soon Dai Luoli predicts that in several places Where the enemy was most likely to set up their positions, caves were dug into the ground.

The exits of these caves were then blocked with thick wooden boards, covered with a layer of soil, and then flattened using their earth-attribute abilities so that nothing unusual would appear.

There is not much vegetation near the military camp, and the flattened sand looks no different from the surroundings. When attacking, as long as the exits of these caves are opened, one can unexpectedly reach the enemy's position directly.

If someone else is directing the battle, it may be more difficult to find the highest priority position for the opponent's position, but Dai Luoli, who has experienced so many games, is really familiar with the formation of troops, and the care he guards There are only a few places in the surrounding terrain where you can set up positions. As long as the commander on the opposite side has an online IQ, the camp will basically be in these locations and cannot escape.

If the opposite commander's IQ is not online, it will be even easier. To deal with an opponent who does not have this level of intelligence, you don't need to bloom in the center of the position or use advanced weapons. He can also directly defeat his opponent, which is purely a game of abuse.

The evil eye tyrant master can understand Dai Luoli's thinking, but if he were to operate it, he would never be able to do it. This idea is not difficult to come up with, but how to plan the tunnel and how to allocate manpower? And many details cannot be decided by just thinking. What is needed is the accumulation of experience in many actual combats.

That is to say, only a veteran like Dai Luoli, who has commanded thousands of wars in the full virtual mode, can master it with ease.

This time, in order to be safe enough, Orange directly sent a group of soul instructors led by a ninth-level soul instructor. Although the other divisions under the five beast king soul instructor groups are all at the same level, at the same level, there is a huge difference in ability. Different places, just like the same masters, some are ace masters, and some are miscellaneous masters.

Obviously, there is a group of soul instructors led by ninth-level soul instructors. Even if they are not ace soul instructors, they can still be considered elite.

After seeing the steep terrain in the canyon between the two peaks, Scott also knew that there were not many campsite locations he could choose. If he chose the wrong location, his opponent would directly ambush a group of people on the peaks on both sides, condescending. Even just using a catapult can knock their shields out.

The linkage shield defends against the enemy's powerful soul attack. It is too wasteful to use it to counteract gravity-based attacks falling from the sky.

Standing on the high tower in the military camp, Dai Luoli also saw the steady attack on the opposite side, setting up his own position in a relatively conservative area, and being extremely vigilant in the process of setting up the position.

This is also normal. The soul master corps relies more on the position than the soul masters. Although the soul master corps can also release shields during the march, the defense power of the shield released in that state will be reduced. If you want to easily resist the Super Douluo's attack, you must stop and arrange the position, and unfold the center of the large-scale linked soul guide as the hub for everyone's soul power to link up.

There is no doubt that in the process of arranging positions and linking the soul guidance device center, the entire soul master group is the most vulnerable. During regular combat, soul masters usually take this opportunity to carry out sneak attacks and harass the opponent. Prevent the opponent's position layout as much as possible. He even directly broke up the opponent's formation and defeated the soul master group at this most vulnerable period.

Therefore, the process of setting up positions is also the most vigilant process for all soul engineers. Scott activated most of his soul guidance devices, alert and ready to fight at any time.

Although according to the description of the people who escaped back before, they were bombed back by a large number of explosions, which did not seem to be the work of an individual strong man, it cannot be ruled out that some Title Douluo have such explosive skills.

In fact, such skills are not uncommon, and they are generally quite powerful. For example, in the original work, a five-ring evil soul master used a large number of corpses as raw materials for detonation, and almost wiped out the elites of Shrek Academy who participated in the All-Continent High-level Soul Master Soul Fighting Competition.

The Ice Explosion Technique obtained by Huo Yuhao is also a skill of the same type. It is also powerful and often allows him to defeat the strong with the weak. Although I have not heard of such strong men in the army of the Xingluo Empire, there are obviously many strong men hidden by the army. Maybe I am facing a secret weapon.

The masters of this kind of soul master like to launch sneak attacks when the soul guide group is setting up positions. In this process, whether it is linked defense or linked attack, it is the slowest to operate. The Title Douluo can almost come and go freely, kill a large number of soldiers and retreat safely.

As a ninth-level soul master, he was sitting in the army, and the most important goal was to defend the strategic strongman.

What made him relieved was that the enemy did not have such a strong man to attack. As the position was gradually formed, he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. Although everyone regarded the ninth-level soul master and the titled Douluo as equal strongmen, to be honest, most soul masters were unwilling to face soul masters head-on. Those strong men who had fought in countless life-and-death battles could often kill those guys who sat in front of the experimental table all year round even if their hard power was weaker in such a desperate fight.

Although the enemy did not have a strong man to take advantage of this opportunity to attack, the harassment was non-stop. Just as he had expected before, a large number of catapults on the hillsides on both sides threw out huge stones. These huge stones, with the speed of falling from the sky, caused considerable pressure on the shield.

However, he had anticipated this. The camping location was all trebuchets on the hillside, which was difficult to hit. Although a large number of boulders fell, the real threat to the position was minimal. Most of them fell on the open ground because of the range.

"Could it be that these guys relied on the trebuchets on the mountain to repel our first wave of attacks? If these stones were replaced with bombs, it would fit the description of those who escaped.

It seems that my opponent is ready to hide his weakness this time. Is he preparing to suddenly replace the boulders with bombs to catch me off guard? Unfortunately, even if you replace them with bombs, the location where my camp is arranged is difficult to be attacked. On the contrary, when my position is arranged, the trebuchets you arranged on the mountain will be within my range." Scott made a confident analysis and fooled the opponent's tactics.

Sure enough, after throwing the boulders for a while, the falling objects suddenly changed from stones to bombs. In addition to the catapults, there were actually many heavy crossbows with longer range on the relatively fragile shield of the bombs, but most of them could not hit the shield of the position and only exploded near the shield.

"It seems that this guy is not as powerful as I thought, although he is quite capable. If I didn't have the equipment advantage, I really couldn't attack this pass, but unfortunately, the technical gap between us is not something that your cleverness can make up for." Seeing that his position was completely arranged and a layer of dark blue, thick shield rose up, Scott also showed a victorious smile.

After his position was arranged, he could easily set up a new camp within the range of his firepower cover, advance step by step, and steadily, the pass in front of him would be taken down sooner or later.

But he obviously misjudged the situation in front of him. Just when everyone, including him, relaxed their vigilance, the ground under his feet suddenly shook violently, and then there were cracks in the ground, and a large number of soul masters swarmed out of them.

Everyone was stunned, and Scott's eyes went dark. The moment he saw a soul rushing out from the ground inside the shield, he realized that he was finished.

His men were no match for the soul masters in terms of melee combat ability. The huge and bloated linked soul guide cannon inside the shield could not play their own advantages at all. One shot killed half of his own people. At this time, retreat has become the only option.

"Retreat! Disperse and evacuate. Those who have the ability to fly can fly directly!" A large number of members have the ability to fly, which is also a major advantage of the soul guide group compared to the traditional soul master group.

The critical level of traditional soul masters flying is level 70, while the threshold of soul guides flying is only level 40. Even those with extraordinary talents can fly at level 30.

The order to disperse and evacuate is basically equivalent to running away. Scott has a clear understanding of the situation. His combat power may be stronger than the soul douluo on the opposite side, but it is impossible to expect him to turn the tide alone. After all, this is a war between legions. If the strong can really decide the outcome of the war, then he will come alone.

In order to cover as many people as possible to retreat, he also entangled the two strongest soul douluos. At this time, it can be seen that the ninth-level soul master is less powerful than the titled douluo. Although if it is a protracted war, the two sides can still fight as long as they keep their distance, but in a close distance, the two soul douluos are enough to make Scott flustered.

On the high tower of the military camp, Dai Luoli looked at the position in the distance with a telescope. There was thick smoke, and there was a fierce exchange of fire on the battlefield. The soul master's side was almost defeated. If it hadn't been for a ninth-level soul master to suppress the formation, there would have been no way. A few people can evacuate.

Even so, the overall situation has been decided.

"Did you see it? This is how war is fought. Artillery fire coverage is required only when necessary. Before encountering the enemy's main force, as the weaker side, it is more important for us to engage in strategic deception. We are already at an absolute disadvantage in terms of frontal combat effectiveness. At a disadvantage, there is no hope of victory through an upright frontal battle. In this case, it is undoubtedly worth paying a certain price for strategic deception. "

The Evil Eye Tyrant Lord heard this and did not refute. Instead, he carefully figured out Dai Luoli's thoughts, and already had an idea in his mind on how to fight the next battle.

The next thing they have to face is probably the enemy's commander. After releasing false information, the enemy will definitely not set up positions in these best locations. Otherwise, they may face sneak attacks from underground at any time. In order to avoid this kind of sneak attack, the opponent is likely to deliberately distance himself and take advantage of his range.

And this just fell into Dai Luoli's trap, because the one who really has the advantage is actually themselves. Under good weather conditions, it is easy to shoot a guided missile for ten kilometers. If it cooperates with the hot air balloon and other airborne The sighting platform can also shoot at a longer range.

And a range of more than ten kilometers is beyond the reach of most level nine soul guides. In the original work, only the Death Soul Guidance can achieve a range of more than ten kilometers during this period.

On the front line, Orange saw Scott, who had returned in embarrassment. Although the defeat was embarrassing, at least the organization of the army was preserved, and the intelligence that Orange wanted was brought back.

"You actually carried out a sneak attack through the tunnel? It seems that before you went to attack, our opponent had already realized that the second round of attacks would come soon. Whether it is a tactical or strategic level, he is an interesting opponent. Let’s go! I’ll go meet him in person.”

[To be continued]

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