Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,673 Range is King

After hearing about the reasons for the failure of his generals, Orange had some assumptions about his opponent. He should be facing a strategist who was good at strategizing, but in the final analysis, he had an absolute advantage in terms of equipment.

If you want to deal with this kind of opponent, the best way is to play it steadily. There is nothing wrong with your own strategy, but it is just not cautious enough. As long as you don't reveal any flaws, in theory, you can face this kind of opponent who is good at uncanny tactics. , you can push all the way across.

Orange is also better at operations in the game. She is the kind of person who learns how to operate from her elder sister and then is done with the rest. Faced with the current situation, she also directly led three groups of soul mentors, plus the ones directly under her. Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group.

This lineup is more than enough to surround and suppress an Ultimate Douluo, and the opponent should not be able to fight back.

After climbing to the top of the mountain, Dai Luoli, who stood on the commanding heights and looked through the binoculars, saw the mighty troops of the Sun and Moon Empire heading towards him, and he showed a solemn expression. Even though his men had some secret weapons, The troops also became prohibitive under the training methods of Pavlov's time.

But winning the current war is by no means an easy task.

"High-speed artillery team, prepare to fire. We only have one chance. If we cannot cause enough casualties to the opponent at once, we will not be able to wait for reinforcements until the opponent increases their vigilance."

Dai Luoli knows who his current opponent is. Combining her name and game nickname, he cannot guess the identity of Orange. With the fighting style you have shown in the game, after encountering a head-on attack, there is a high probability that he will directly Pull out your trump card, maybe even blow up your hometown to achieve strategic goals.

If one's own attack cannot cause enough confusion to the opponent, a more violent counterattack will come as soon as possible.

It is worth mentioning that Orange ranks higher in the game, but its winning rate against Dai Luoli is less than 40%. In a sense, Orange's strategy is restrained by Dai Luoli.

Four soul mentor groups were stationed near the mountain pass. This time, they were stationed farther away. A series of scans were conducted around the area, confirming that there were no traces of unusual life activities. They were five kilometers away from the pass's defense line. This was also routine. The limit of the range of the linked soul guide.

"The people using weapons on the other side are soul masters after all, and their attack range is limited. Now our four soul master groups can cover and support each other. Even if there are soul masters with superb stealth abilities nearby, the maximum number of soul masters we can use at the same time is It can only cause damage to one of the soul master groups, and the process of taking action will inevitably expose the other three soul master groups to the fire.

If I were the opponent, I would not be able to make a desperate move and devote all my troops to capturing a soul master group, because I could not judge whether the opponent would annihilate my main force at the expense of 1/4 of my own troops. . "Juzi thought calmly and put himself into the opponent's situation.

After a long time, she couldn't think of any way the other side could break the situation in such a situation. After all, there was a generational difference in the equipment between the two sides, and strategies were no longer enough to make up for the gap.

It's like letting Zhuge Liang command the army during the Three Kingdoms period. Facing the same number of World War II soldiers, he may be able to defeat a careless opponent by relying on strategy and the right time, place and people. But if the opponent responds carefully, fights steadily and does not reveal any flaws, even if No matter how resourceful you are, there is no way.

The situation developed as she expected. A total of four soul mentor groups were deployed in order. At the most vulnerable stage, there was no sneak attack from the enemy. After the shield was raised, there was almost no chance of an enemy. Able to sneak inside.

As long as you push forward step by step, you will definitely be able to occupy the level in front of you.

"Finally everything has been deployed! Now that it has been deployed, it must be difficult to give up the position." Dai Luoli showed a cruel smile.

Just like the base vehicle in Red Alert, after deployment, it is impossible to just leave like when packing.

The central linkage soul guidance device of the soul mentor group is undoubtedly very precious. The ordinary soul mentor group may not even have a spare. After such a thing is deployed, it is impossible to take it back in a short time. If the soul master group gives up their position, it is equivalent to giving up their central soul guidance device, and if they can only fight independently, their combat effectiveness will not even be as good as the ordinary soul master army.

"Let the sighters pay attention! Prepare to launch, and prepare them to guide." The guided missiles purchased by Dai Luoli have a theoretical range of more than 100 kilometers, but the problem is that this part of his purchase relies on vision. Mental guidance does not have radar guidance, starlight guidance, or even satellite guidance capabilities, and the visual ability of the human eye is limited.

Even in fine weather, it is very difficult to see targets ten kilometers away. Even if soldiers with good eyesight are selected for training, it is already very good to ensure accurate guidance within five kilometers.

Most people can only see a small dot when looking at something one kilometer away. Even if this kind of visual guidance can be assisted by using telescopic vision to enhance abilities such as spells, if you want to hit a target of more than ten kilometers The shooting range also requires careful selection and long-term training.

Dai Luoli did have such people under his command, and there were quite a few of them, but they were not enough in the subsequent attack. The next thing to do is a saturation strike, which is to use most of the inventory you have reserved on the opponent's face at once. A few elite shooters are definitely not enough.

So Dai Luoli chose an alternative guidance method, that is, relay guidance, which is the same as the Disha Plan of the Dou Ling Republic. However, because of his limited technology, an observer must be set up at the commanding heights every two kilometers. .

It is precisely in this way that he is able to throw his entire inventory at once and throw it in the opponent's face.

It doesn't matter if there is a shield. As long as the firepower projected at one time exceeds the upper limit of the shield, the shield can still be broken. Theoretically, it is impossible for Extreme Douluo to project such a huge amount of energy at once. The soul power in their bodies The total amount is determined. They can't help me launch an attack that exceeds the entire soul power in my body.

The power of explosions is almost unlimited. As the scouts determined that the opponent had completed their deployment, Dai Luoli also ordered his subordinates to prepare to shoot.

On Orange's side, orders have been given to charge the linked soul cannon. If you want to bombard the opposite camp at such a long distance, the soul guide also needs to be charged.

But just when she was observing the enemy with a telescope, she saw a scene that shocked her. At the end of the horizon, bolides soared into the sky, turning into dense light spots like locusts in the sky, flying at high speeds. Flying towards the position on his side.

Other commanders might not understand what this is, but Orange has fought countless battles in sci-fi battlefields like those on the moon.

The species was called a missile, and it possessed a weapon designed to be crazy. How could she not know that such a sophisticated weapon could be used on a large scale in reality?

Only now, too late, do you realize the weapons your opponent has. Orange urgently called his Fire Phoenix Soul Mentor Group to stop charging the linked soul cannon and use all his strength to prop up the shield for defense.

However, charging can be stopped at any time. During the process of charging the soul cannon, the strength of the shield will undoubtedly decrease.

Normally, it would not be a big problem to reduce the shield strength by this point. After all, even if the strength drops, it is impossible for Ultimate Douluo to break the shield with one blow.

But now this drop in intensity can be fatal. The opponent's firepower density far exceeds the level of Ultimate Douluo.

What makes Orange feel most desperate is that the same density of firepower is directed at the four soul guide groups at the same time. No matter how the opponent organizes such intensive firepower, the current situation is that the soul guide guards of the four divisions The shield is likely to be blasted at the same time. Even if the opponent does not project, with such intensive firepower, before the shield is restored, he can rely on his own range advantage to kill.

Theoretically, the best solution now is to abandon the position and retreat directly, but Orange is not willing to do so and evacuates directly. After the opponent launches such a strong offensive, the opponent must be extremely empty internally. If they can take this opportunity to fight, A wave of counterattack is likely to reverse the unfavorable situation at hand.

The position she is currently in is the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group directly under her. As one of the five Beast King Soul Instructor Groups in the Sun and Moon Empire, they have the reputation of being the Hand of the Empire, and any one of them is the best among the best.

The shields of other soul mentor groups may not be able to withstand it, but the soul mentor group you belong to may not be unable to withstand it. As long as you block this round of attacks and protect your own ground, there is still hope of resistance.

As long as the position is still there, you can release the ninth-level fixed soul artillery shells at any time. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be released by carrying it on your shoulders.

There must be corresponding soul guidance positions to deploy specific soul guidance devices for release. Otherwise, it is very likely that there will be a cunning operation like the individual nuclear artillery shells in history, where the killing range is larger than the firing range.

Only by keeping one's own position can one make the most violent counterattack against the opponent as soon as possible, so Orange did not give the order to abandon the position.

But she hoped that the remaining three soul mentor groups could retreat in spite of the difficulties, abandon their positions and escape. At this time, as long as they could retain their vitality, as long as there was still the linkage center of the Fire Phoenix Soul Mentor Group, they could provide this center with Providing soul power continues to play a very important role in the war. Not only that, the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group, as one of the hands of the empire, has more than one backup center that can be temporarily handed over to other soul instructor groups for use. A certain amount of power.

When the time comes, a wave of counterattack will be launched, and the pass will be taken down directly.

It's a pity that the other three leaders of the soul engineer group have never seen missiles. Although they can see that there is something wrong with those things in the sky, they still think that the other party's bed has been blessed with some wind attribute, so they can Flying so far, I didn't even realize the power of these things.

If you don't realize the seriousness of the problem, let alone evacuate. If you abandon your position in the Sun and Moon Empire and leave the battlefield, you will have to go to a military court. Even if there are soldiers who are greedy for life and fear of death, the commander will never allow this to happen. .

As a result, these people could only watch meteors fall from the sky, and finally hit their shields almost in no particular order, followed by an explosion they had never imagined.

A single explosion is insignificant to the shield. But facing hundreds of explosions almost at the same time, the pressure on the shield is too great. After all, the soul shield is constructed by absorbing everyone's soul power.

Even if the loss during the transformation process is not considered, the shield's output power will not exceed the sum of the output power of each soul master. In other words, if the enemy's attack instant power exceeds this value, the shield will definitely not be able to withstand it. of.

The saturation strike formulated by Dai Luoli must definitely exceed this instantaneous power. If these director warheads arrive one after another, it is possible for the shield to block them all. Unfortunately, the attacks are too intensive.

The surface of the shield was quickly covered with cracks, like an egg shell that had been beaten hard. With the increasingly dense explosions, it was finally overwhelmed. At the same time as it was shattered, every mentor who joined the linkage felt as if their chests had been hit hard by a sledgehammer.

There is no doubt that this is the backlash of soul power. It is like working next to a fast-moving machine tool. If everything in the machine tool is running normally, it is undoubtedly safe, but if you are cheap, take a screwdriver and insert it into the flywheel. If it's inserted inside, you can imagine what will happen to you.

The linked soul guide is like that high-speed rotating flywheel. When it is operating normally, there will naturally be no problems, but now it is destroyed. For those who keep it running, it's a disaster.

And this was just the prelude to the disaster. An explosion fell from the sky like a meteor shower, directly hitting the position. Even if everyone has a personal shield or even passively triggered life-saving props, there is a good chance of survival in the explosion, but the army falls into chaos and loses its organization, which means that it has no combat effectiveness at all.

An army without organizational capabilities and individual bravery are nothing more than a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group that Orange belongs to obviously has a stronger shield endurance, so he was lucky enough to witness the collapse of his other three soul instructor groups. Soon it will be his turn, and even she has some They underestimated the power of such dense missiles. If they were replaced by the Terror Claw Soul Instructor Group or the Imperial Dragon Soul Instructor Group, it might be possible to withstand it, but the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group, which is not good at defense, might not be able to withstand it. .

[To be continued]

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