Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,674 Fire Phoenix Level 9 Soul Guided Cannonball

Orange has realized that the shield of the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group he belongs to can no longer protect his safety. If he wants to continue to protect his position, he must use his real trump card.

Among the five legions at the head of the empire, the legion with the weakest defense also has its own means of saving lives. It is no longer realistic to rely on the huge output of other legions to maintain a more powerful linked soul shield.

If you want to withstand such a violent explosion, you must find another way.

Therefore, within the shield, some people are working hard to exert their own strength to maintain the long-term existence of the shield, while others have begun to build the second part of the defense line.

Energy defense is always inferior to physical defense. People always fantasize about having sci-fi shield defense, as if the shield can withstand all attacks. In fact, this is not the case. Compared with shields, The biggest advantage of physical defense is actually its lightweight.

If a 500kg shield generator is needed to maintain a 1m-diameter shield, then such a shield will have little practical value.

Compared with physical armor, the two biggest advantages of shield defense are that it is lightweight and easy to carry, and it conducts in one direction like a diode. In contrast, energy shields do not have advantages in terms of defense strength.

The Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group adopts a different defense method, which is to use physical shields for defense.

The structure they use is also very familiar to people. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as football in this world, so even if they see a structure like football, no one will think of a certain sport.

The physical shield itself is not very strong. After all, it is made up of pieces of shield. Even if the titanium alloy parts are spliced ​​together into a high-strength stick, it will not be as strong as an ordinary cast iron stick. This It’s just a matter of processing technology. The strength gap between splicing and one-piece molding is obviously huge.

However, if the physical shields spliced ​​together are injected with soul power and have defensive enchantment attributes added to the surface, it can also make up for the weak connections between them.

Time was running out, and they had no time to build the largest shield structure. They could only protect the survival of the most important facilities and personnel in the position. In the intense busyness, they finally managed to put these physical shields in place before the shields were completely broken. In the right place.

As a large number of female soul masters injected their soul power, these physical shields also released fiery red light and were tightly spliced ​​together, like a bowl upside down on the ground, allowing them to be beaten by the violent explosion outside.

The power released by the soul guide is only responsible for strengthening the strength and making up for the weaknesses of the connection.

The soul power turned into threads and wrapped around these shields, like steel bars interspersed in concrete, further increasing the strength of the defense.

The outer energy shield was completely shattered, and all the remaining warheads hit the physical shield. Although the violent explosion washed away the shield and was crumbling, it was ultimately the end of the war.

Even though all members of the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group are composed of women, and their cultivation and total soul power are generally lower than those of the other four Beast King Soul Instructor Groups, they still relied on the advantage of the defense power of their physical equipment to withstand this final attack. Aftermath.

It would be difficult for the soul masters who had drained most of their soul power to launch a counterattack in a short period of time.

Orange's face didn't look very good either. A normal soul mentor group would have to bring along some ordinary people's support staff so that when the soul mentors recover their soul power, they can still maintain the normal operation of the camp.

But this time, considering the high speed of the soldiers, they did not bring along ordinary people who were traveling slower to assist them, which made the redeployment of the camp slower.

In addition, the physical shields also caused huge troubles. These strong shields were twisted, deformed, and squeezed together in the explosion. If they wanted to be removed, they could only be broken open by force.

During this process, on the pass position, all the soldiers responsible for position defense began to retreat. After retreating to the mountains on both sides, Dai Luoli knew after seeing a soul guidance position forcibly blocking the attack. The big one is coming.

There will definitely be an extremely brutal explosion next. There is no need to defend the position. How to regain the strategic position as soon as possible, re-garrison the mountain pass, and block the opponent's intention to advance. This is the top priority at the moment.

In order to do this, Dai Luoli left a group of suicide squads in the position. They carried a small number of guided warheads. If they could survive the subsequent bombing, these warheads would become their sharpest weapons. .

The remaining people are hiding in underground bunkers, ready to rush out as soon as possible after the explosion to block the enemy.

However, Dai Luoli himself had no idea how powerful the ninth-level fixed soul-guided artillery shells were. After all, I'm afraid this thing has never been used or suffered, but no matter what, it is always necessary to leave some people to fight for the opportunity. of.

The power of this one-time ninth-level soul guide is even more terrifying than a Titled Douluo's full blow. If you have to make an analogy, it is probably equivalent to a Titled Douluo's self-destruction attack.

Taking into account different titles, the power of Douluo's self-destruction attack is also different, and the lethality of different ninth-level soul guides after explosion is also different.

What Dai Luoli saw in front of him was obviously a relatively powerful one among the ninth-level soul tools. After all, this is the weapon carried by the beast king level soul mentor group.

Orange's Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group. Preparations are being made for launch in full swing. The ninth-level custom-installed soul-guided artillery shell cannot be launched as easily as the rocket launched by the supervisor.

Fortunately, the position was not destroyed, and the ninth-level soul-guided cannon was still intact. After a short debugging, the launch preparations were finally completed. Although one soul-guided cannon shell was not enough to completely change the terrain, it could theoretically flatten the terrain in front of you. The position is sufficient.

This was already a strategic weapon, and Orange didn't even consider using it before paying such heavy losses.

But after seeing the opponent's frantic attack, he used it without hesitation. If the opponent still had such a strange weapon, the price he would have to pay would be even greater if he wanted to defeat this level again in the future.

The senior officials of the Star Luo Empire obviously haven't realized that they have such a powerful commander among their own people. This can be seen from the fact that the other party does not dare to fight with them head-on. In terms of equipment, the overall equipment is not inferior by much, and each has its own characteristics. , but did not dare to fight head-on. Naturally, the opponent did not have enough troops.

Obviously it hasn't been taken seriously yet, but if the rear takes it seriously and allows the commander to have enough soldiers and weapons in his hands, and he also occupies a favorable location, then if he wants to defeat him, he will need more than just a level 9 fixed-equipment soul. Missile missiles.

As the preparations for the firing of the artillery shells are completed. A burst of red light also flashed at the end of the earth. Compared with the missiles, bombers and the like on the earth, which strive to be as invisible as possible, the ninth-level custom-made soul-guided artillery shells of the Sun and Moon Empire appear to be much more ostentatious.

It’s not that the technology is insufficient to design invisible missiles. Compared with Earth, it is much easier for Douluo to be invisible in the eyes of the enemy. The main reason for not having such a design is that there is no need for soul-guided shells and ordinary nuclear missiles. Still different.

Each one of them is like a powder keg. It will explode on the spot with a little stimulation. It is not like a nuclear bomb. If the structure is damaged, it will be completely unable to release its power.

This makes interception equivalent to direct detonation, and the only ones who can intercept such weapons on this continent are Titled Douluo. The soul masters are eager for someone to intercept the weapons they launch, and the Titled Douluo who intercepts them after hitting the ground target. Luo, obviously more worthy.

After the cannonball was fired, it turned into a fire phoenix with spread wings, soaring unscrupulously in the sky. The wings of the flames twisted the air and burned it, and the heat wave could be felt even from a long distance away. And this fire phoenix actually It still circled in the sky before diving in the direction of profit.

Theoretically, at this speed, it is possible to attempt interception. His flying speed is not even supersonic, but the guided warhead interception occurred when trying to reach the top of the mountain. But all failed.

Although level nine soul-guided cannonballs do not need to be invisible, the powerful power they unleash can prevent some weak attacks from affecting their performance.

All the missiles had melted and deformed before they even got close, and were forcibly detonated in mid-air. They looked like fireworks adorning the soaring fire phoenixes, but they failed to stop them.

Even Dai Luoli, who was hiding behind the mountain and in the bunker, couldn't help but feel solemn after seeing the scene in front of him, even if he purchased a large number of new weapons. There is still a huge gap in equipment between the two sides. If Dai Luoli wanted to create an attack of this level, he would probably have to launch thousands of guided missiles at the same time. The manpower and material resources that need to be mobilized are far greater than what is in front of us.

As the fire phoenix swooped from the sky and plunged into the camp, dazzling explosions and flames also rose from the camp. The ground was instantly burned into magma. The final death squads left in the camp were probably in danger.

You can feel the heat wave hitting your face through the mountain's defenses. These people are soul-guided cannonballs with extremely specialized functions, and use almost all their power to increase the temperature. In comparison, the impact and attack range of the explosion are weaker.

Will it develop in this direction? In fact, it is the soul master's dissatisfaction with the soul master's dominance. The soul guide shell being fired now is not so much a weapon of mass destruction as it is specialized in killing a single person. It is obviously much easier for a super weapon to create a large-scale explosion than to restrict high temperature to a very small range. A large-scale explosion has very limited lethality for an individual strong person, and an ultra-high temperature that is restricted to a very small range It is very lethal to individuals.

If the one who was hit was a Titled Douluo, it might have been reduced to ashes by now, but this also allowed the main force hiding behind the mountain to survive, and immediately rushed towards the camp after the explosion.

A river on the hillside was directly redirected by them, leading it in the direction of the position to cool down the overheated ground and try to resume the station in a short time.

A large amount of water poured into the valley, releasing a large amount of water vapor after contact with the high-temperature ground, making the place look like a fairyland shrouded in clouds and mist.

Orange was relieved when he saw that his attack had flattened the opponent's position. Although the losses were huge, the strategic goal was finally achieved, and the troops were extremely fast. If the immediate strategic node could not be captured quickly, the losses in the future would be even greater.

But when he saw a large amount of water mist rising from the camp, Deep Color became serious. He didn't even bother to gather the remaining soldiers of the other soul mentor groups, and immediately ordered the entire army of the Fire Phoenix Soul Mentor Group under his direct command. Attack.

"The enemy has not been annihilated yet, we must occupy it immediately. Don't carry the large linked soul guides in the valley, just carry the portable soul guides. Now is not the time to dwell on losses. If you can't capture the position in front of you, you will be in trouble in the future. The loss is definitely greater.”

Although Orange's cultivation level is not high, he still has full prestige in the army. Under his order, even though they were exhausted, all the members of the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group still attacked.

The rising fog in the valley indicates that someone is extinguishing the fire, which means that the enemy has not given up the position. In this way, even if you have to face close combat that you are not good at, you must go up and never let the enemy take back the position.

Dai Luoli was also racing against time. He saw that after completing the attack, the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group abandoned their position and attacked with the whole army. It was like a Ula charge. He also knew that his last little trick was blocked. See it through.

The next competition is no longer the commanding ability of both sides, but the will of the soldiers on both sides. Whoever can forcefully seize the position with greater losses will be the final winner.

At this time, the person who can dominate the outcome of the war is no longer Dai Luoli, but the evil-eyed tyrant master who trained the army before. In this feudal era, don't expect to train an army that is thoughtful and knows why it is fighting. , the only thing that can reflect the will of soldiers on the battlefield is the conditioned reflex formed by strict training.

In this regard, the evil-eyed tyrant master has absolute confidence. Although he may not be as good as the master who occupies this body in terms of command and strategy, in terms of military training, regardless of the manufacturing of equipment, there is absolutely no one in the world who can compare. He's doing better.

The same is true now. Even if the ground is strong enough to bake out the soles of the feet, the soldiers still wear thick shoes and forcefully log into the position. Buckets of water are brought from behind to cool the ground under their feet. The conditions for obeying orders have been formed. Reflection, as long as they obey the orders, they will feel pleasure from the bottom of their hearts. Once they disobey the orders, even if they are not punished, they will feel extremely painful. This kind of conditioned reflex obedience actually gave birth to this army. A bit of iron-blooded atmosphere.

[To be continued]

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