Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,675 Reinforcements

Compared to the Soul Engineer Group, which still retains a considerable amount of humanity, the army trained by the Evil Eye Tyrant is simply a war machine that only knows how to obey orders.

In this era, an army that can strictly execute orders almost represents the strongest, no matter what type of military it is? As long as they can strictly execute orders, they can be regarded as the strongest among similar arms.

After all, we are not yet in the information age, and soldiers' equipment is not that complicated. For adapting to the battlefield, the ability to command on the spot is not very high. Compared with adapting to the battlefield, strict execution of orders is more necessary.

Therefore, even though the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group still had an advantage in terms of personal equipment, and could rely on their own small linked soul guides to release a strong shield, when the two sides encountered each other at close range, they were still in a stalemate.

Dai Luoli's troops are also equipped with soul guides, and they are all individual soul guides with the longest range. The linked soul guides are mature versions of the military secrets of the Sun and Moon Empire that can be used on the battlefield. In the battle It is difficult for the Three Kingdoms of Luo, including the Dou Ling Republic, to find legion-level high-level linked soul guides. Even if the Dou Ling Republic can produce them, it is impossible to sell such strategic-level weapons.

But in the final analysis, they still have long-range weapons. It can be regarded as a duel of firepower between the two sides. Dai Luoli will not suffer from the range. Both sides consume each other at almost the ultimate range. The Fire Phoenix Soul Instructors rely on their own shields. Protection, you can shoot safely during the protection process.

Facing the ordinary soul master army, this kind of situation where they can only be attacked but have no way to fight back has long been unable to maintain their morale, and they have begun to collapse.

But Dai Luoli's troops have been trained into killing machines. Even if their comrades around them were blown to pieces, they did not show any signs of movement. They still raised the soul guide in their hands, aimed at the opponent's shield, and fired, consuming the opponent. of soul power.

The total amount of soul power consumed by attack and defense is almost the same. In comparison, defense consumes even more. In theory, as long as they are not afraid of death, the soul master army can withstand the pressure of being blown up. Using a few waves of violent output from the remote soul guide can temporarily make the soul guide army's soul power unable to keep up with consumption and unable to continue to maintain the linkage shield.

But the price of doing so is that before the enemy's shield is exhausted, he endures a one-sided massacre. The casualties may be as high as 30% or more. Three out of ten people die. For most people, this death is The rate is already unacceptable.

Therefore, even in the original work, almost no soul master legion will adopt such tactics, but the training of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord allows these people to act like mobilized soldiers in the game, completely ignoring their own losses and unswervingly executing Order.

Orange also felt the terrifying resilience of his opponent. Even though he had suffered such heavy losses, he had no intention of retreating. If he continued to fight hard, the total amount of soul power of the soul master on his side was actually not dominant, because he wanted to Because of the rapid attack, they did not carry bulky large-capacity soul power storage equipment. Under the fierce bombardment of their opponents and regardless of their own consumption, the soul power of many soul masters could no longer keep up.

Not only that, the opponent also uses a large number of weapons that do not consume soul power. They look like rocket-like equipment. When the distance is close, careful guidance is no longer needed. As long as you aim and throw it, it will basically be done. After all, the purpose of hitting is not to kill the opponent, but to consume the opponent's strength. As long as it can hit the shield, it is enough, and the shield is quite big, and it is difficult to miss it.

As a result, the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group was depleted faster than Dai Luoli's legion. This was because Dai Luoli's legion continued to die and its output limit was constantly reduced.

Orange gritted her teeth. If her opponent still attacked so resolutely after losing more than 20%, she felt that she had to withdraw.

In order to pursue speed, I did not use any large-scale soul guide. Once the linkage shield on my side is broken, facing the opponent's soul master army will definitely not end well.

Although the soul masters themselves also have certain combat effectiveness, facing the same number of soul masters, they will definitely be crushed in close combat. The soul masters in war are different from those in the competition field who are specialized in single combat.

Just like a martial arts master, it is impossible to be like a soldier. Wear heavy armor to fight, because going home will affect the actions of the martial arts master. Make it difficult for them to climb over the wall. But this does not mean that when soldiers wear armor on the battlefield, their combat effectiveness is weakened.

However, Orange did not wait until Dai Luoli's army collapsed in the end. What she waited for were reinforcements from the Star Luo Empire.

Originally, if her men were loyal enough, they could continue the forcible attack even if the reinforcements arrived. After all, the reinforcements must be traveling at high speed. Even if they arrived, they would still be a tired army. Even if they were in better condition than the three soul master groups that were bombed, they would still be no better. Where to go.

As long as the other three generals can collect the defeated troops in time and return to the main battlefield for support, the greater the number of soul mentors, the stronger the combat effectiveness they can exert. Even if the opponent's supporting masters have several titled Douluo, they can still fight. hope.

It's a pity that the three defeated legions are now expected to be able to gather their defeated troops in time. It was impossible to come back for support. Orange's reason still overcame his own sensibility. He had to admit that this time he was facing an evenly matched opponent. Under the opponent's preemptive calculation, he had no chance of making a comeback.

Either you have to bypass the checkpoint, or you need to regroup the army and fight a battle here. The former will put huge pressure on the supply line. If the latter is the case, fighting a big battle in a place where the enemy occupies a favorable location will cause huge losses. Just imagine.

On Dai Luoli's side, he was relieved after seeing the reinforcements. But when the reinforcements got closer, he used his mental power to find out how many people came to support him, and suddenly cold sweat came down from his back.

The army that looks like thousands of people actually only has a few people. The rest are illusion projections and smoke effects created by a few soul masters. This is like tying branches to the tail of a horse to raise more dust to fool them. The effect on people is the same.

If the opponent is not frightened, then he may be in trouble. Who knows if the Fire Phoenix Soul Instructor Group has a second level nine soul-guided artillery shell? If it does exist and there are conditions for launching it, then With the support of two or three big cats and kittens, I'm afraid they are going to be wiped out here.

Fortunately, this strategy of emptying the city finally scared Orange away. Otherwise, given the opponent's tactical ability, Dai Luoli would probably suffer a loss on the frontal battlefield.

What he is good at is decapitation tactics. If he really competes head-on with Orange on the battlefield, both sides will suffer big losses if they have the same strength.

The strong ones come. He was also a Titled Douluo, but he only had spiritual attributes and was not very good at frontal combat. He felt the explosion of the ninth-level soul guide from a long distance away.

The nuclear bomb-like mushroom cloud couldn't be more obvious. Even more obvious was the devastating soul power fluctuation after the explosion. All soul masters within a hundred miles nearby could feel this destructive power.

Originally, he thought that the general who was still waiting for reinforcements after being hit by such a shell was definitely over. However, he did not expect that although the shell leveled the position, Dai Luoli, who had long expected that he would be bombed, was already one step ahead. Withdrew people and important strategic materials, launched a defensive counterattack, and dragged it until now.

It would take a day for a large number of reinforcements to arrive. The Star Luo Empire's military dispatching capabilities were so deceptive. If Orange continued to persist, her follow-up troops would arrive before the Star Luo Empire's reinforcements.

When the time comes to attack this strategic location, it will be the Sun and Moon Empire that occupies the advantageous location, and in terms of defense, there is absolutely no way the soul master can compete with the soul master.

In the continent-wide advanced soul master fighting competition, many soul master academies have demonstrated the operation of the fort soul master. The whole figure is arranged on the competition stage like a grizzly tank, used to withstand the recoil of many powerful soul guides, and is convenient Aim and control to burst out powerful firepower that can suppress powerful men of the same level several times.

The Sun and Moon Empire can say that they can capture a large number of these strong men who need fixed firepower points. If they are used to attack the city, they can only be used to suppress the opponent's firepower at most, but if they are used to defend, they can be used for defense. Super castles that can be arranged flexibly. It's a pity that if the opportunity is missed, it is missed.

Anyone else, faced with an unfavorable situation like Orange's, would give priority to retreating. If he didn't retreat, he would have to face the enemy head-on and launch a powerful attack. Otherwise, he might not be able to wait for his reinforcements to come, but he would be killed first. The existing force on the other side was wiped out.

The day passed quickly, and the real reinforcements also arrived at the position. There was no bloody fight to seize power. On the one hand, all the officers who came here saw it. The earth that had been burned and then solidified again. Looking at the huge damage to the terrain, you can tell what a brutal war this place went through.

Can command an army to win in such a war and hold the position. No matter what, the other party's ability must be affirmed. Ask yourself, if it were you, you would be attacked at night in a place like this. It would be good if you don't flee directly. If you can evacuate in an orderly manner, you are a general. If you can hold on to your position like this, it is possible to become a marshal in the future.

As for not objecting to Dai Luoli's command, the other reason is because of his bloodline. Although he is not the legitimate son, his identity as the son of Duke White Tiger is confirmed.

The officers in the entire Western Military Region are all the younger brothers of the White Tiger Duke. Even if their sons have not made any achievements in the army, they have to be given face.

What's more, they have indeed made achievements that ordinary people cannot do, saved the last face of the empire in critical moments, and also guarded one of the most important strategic locations.

However, although no one was trying to seize power, Dai Luoli still handed over the command power at hand. These new people had not been trained. Even if they were given command by him, they would be able to exert better effects, but the increase would be limited. , it is difficult to make up for the huge equipment gap with the Sun and Moon Empire.

His own troops had already suffered heavy losses in the battle. The casualties can be supplemented. After all, if you mix in this strange group, you will definitely blend in before long.

However, the loss of ammunition requires resupply. The top priority right now is undoubtedly to go to the Douling Republic to purchase large quantities of the lacking military supplies.

Without a large number of guided warheads, the weapon generation gap between the Star Luo Empire and the Sun and Moon Empire would be too big. If the commander on the opposite side is a rookie, he can still think of a way to solve it.

However, his opponent's overall strategic ranking is slightly higher than his, and his experience in commanding large-scale battles is much richer than his.

There are even more opportunities to get out of the game practice than he does. Dai Luoli, who has a strong grasp of his abilities, knows very well that it is no longer possible to continue to take advantage of his command by relying on surprise.

So he immediately handed over his command and went to Dou Ling Republic in person to negotiate arms foreign trade.

He went there in person before and placed an order. This time, he would undoubtedly increase the amount of orders. The war was already a difficulty he had to face, and he could not see any success relying on the Star Luo Empire. It is possible that strength can win this war.

The military technology of the two sides is very different. The Star Luo Empire is still popular in cavalry charges, but the Sun and Moon Empire has already begun to try to weld steel plates to motor vehicles, and cooperate with the Soul Engineer Group to carry out a combination of infantry and tank attacks.

If weapons are not upgraded, ordinary soldiers on the empire's side will have almost no effect. They are equivalent to heavy cavalry attacking strong positions and harvesting faster than wheat.

The fort soul mentor is more ferocious than a heavy machine gun within a hundred. If your own soldiers fight these guys with bows and arrows, it will be no different than dying.

As for the process of going to the Dou Ling Republic, the body's actions were still dominated by the Evil Eye Tyrant. However, Dai Luoli did not go to sleep directly this time. I was planning to wait until the arms trade cooperation was discussed to see for myself what was going on. What suitable weapons can be purchased.

The reason why I don't personally control my body to purchase is partly because I think I am not as good as the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord in this aspect, and partly because I have been sleeping before and don't know the ways of the Dou Ling Republic at all.

He originally thought that the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord would be familiar with the secrets here. But I didn't expect that after coming to Dou Ling Republic, my big backer also showed a confused look on his face. Who am I? The expression where am I?

Although he had not been here for less than two years, the city here had developed so much that he could hardly recognize it.

This is actually quite normal. In one year, the labor of more than a dozen people is enough to make a building completely unrecognizable. If the people of the entire country were working so diligently to transform the country, the entire country would become It's normal to not recognize it anymore.

[To be continued]

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