Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,677 The Development of the Sandstorm Group

I believe everyone has recalled that the Sandstorm Group is actually an organization established by Ji Zhen and his people who came out of the desert. Relying on collectivism, strict organization and rules and regulations, it has achieved rapid development in a short period of time and has a large number of employees. After that, the funds began to invest crazily in industry.

Possessing a large amount of important means of production in this era, the top management of the Star Luo Empire did not realize that within their own organization, a behemoth had unknowingly emerged, controlling nearly 1/3 of the industrial production capacity of the entire empire. This was more than The royal family has more industrial production capacity.

It’s just that this group has always been secretive. It pays taxes when it needs to pay taxes, and spends money on management when it needs to. Without anyone’s oil and water, no one will bear a grudge against this organization, and it will develop quite a lot. smoothly.

Nowadays, the group has more than 3 million employees, which is quite similar to the historical style of saying that millions of workers in the rivers depended on their food and clothing, and the abolition of the rivers and the sea were categorically prohibited.

While the Sandstorm Group has created huge benefits, it has also given jobs to millions of people. When the empire realizes that this group has grown bigger, it is no longer possible to do anything to them. If it is done through violence Eradicating this group is still theoretically possible given the situation of many experts in the country, but in that case, millions of unemployed people will cause trouble within the country, which will definitely be a disaster.

And there is definitely more than one country on this continent. Beggar-thy-neighbor, diverting trouble to the east, and taking advantage of the situation are the best tricks of the empires on the continent. If civil strife breaks out within the Star Luo Empire, there is a 100% chance that other empires will jump in to take advantage. In desperation, they could only allow the Sandstorm Group to develop in the direction of a big trust.

But now, this group that may have become a cancer for the empire seems to have become the savior of the Star Luo Empire. The position of the Sandstorm Group in the short term is undoubtedly the same as that of the Star Luo Empire. The Sun Moon Empire's army, fighting away from home, will not do anything to protect the Sandstorm Group's industries. Before the war is won, all burning, killing and looting will be done. It's all possible.

Today, the Sandstorm Group and the Star Luo Empire are tied to the same tank, and Ji Zhen has actually realized this problem. Shortly after the war broke out, intelligence personnel on the front line sent news.

Before Dai Luoli could contact him, he had already opened the production line and started producing long-range soul guides that could be produced in large quantities. Although these weapons could not make up for the huge generation gap between the two sides in the war, they could at least narrow the gap in weapons. At the level of rifled guns and smoothbore guns, although there is still a gap, they can still be shot.

After the intermittent soul guide communication connection, Ji Zhen also got Dai Luoli's needs in this regard.

"We can complete the production of the order you need within a week and guarantee it will be shipped to the front line within ten days. However, for the product specifications you need, we need to re-open the mold for production, and I'm afraid the cost..."

Dai Luoli and the evil-eyed tyrant master knew very well that the lion was about to open its mouth, but there was no other way at the moment. Currently, only the Sandstorm Group could supply weapons. As a leading capitalist, it was impossible not to start a war.

"Money is not a problem. The empire will directly ask me for funding for procurement. If possible, I hope to start production as soon as possible. There may be a crisis in the frontline war at any time. We need more weapons to protect what you are stepping on now. That land."

Ji Zhen didn't say anything about this, but promised to start production immediately and send the weapons to the front line as soon as possible.

However, after the call ended, he issued an emergency mobilization order for the entire Sandstorm Group while producing weapons.

Different from ordinary business groups, the Sandstorm Group has had its own armed forces since its birth. Jizhen started by relying on violent rule. Now that troubled times are approaching, if you only maintain a lot of wealth, but do not have the corresponding If you defend yourself with armed forces, you will be like a lamb to be slaughtered, a delicious piece of fat in this troubled world.

If the empire can still conduct relatively fair transactions now, in the next war, when the war is tight and the funds are tight, it is likely to delay the payment of goods, or even rob military training materials and force the Sandstorm Group to produce them.

To avoid this situation, one's own armed strength must be shown. Jizhen's decision is that instead of being a peaceful capitalist, it is better to be a strong warlord.

In his opinion, the Star Luo Empire is just a broken ship. Even if there are a bunch of experts on this broken ship, these people are not united at all and cannot fight against the enemy unanimously. Sooner or later, the ship will sink.

If you tie yourself to this broken ship at this time, you will be acting like a fool. It just so happens that the empire needs its own productivity, and the army must be transferred to the west to guard against it. Even if you make some big move, I don't have the energy to suppress myself.

Workers in factories often undergo military training, but now the intensity and professionalism of the training have only been enhanced. These 3 million workers are, in a sense, 3 million reservists. They can be drawn out at any time to form a fighting force.

What is needed now is actually a base area. During the previous peaceful development, the areas occupied by the Sandstorm Group were all industrial areas, close to rivers, coal mines, and rare metal minerals. Most of the industries were concentrated in factories in big cities.

These can indeed be used as base areas, but there is a problem, that is, the lack of food productivity. They cannot rely on food-based soul masters to maintain food supplies like several major empires.

Similar to the problem faced by the Dou Ling Republic, in order to give high enough treatment to the many ordinary people under its command, the Sandstorm Group cannot offer too high remuneration to the soul masters. This makes it difficult for them to recruit food-type soul masters, and they can only rely on growing food themselves.

At this time, some relatively remote villages have become the targets of the Sandstorm Group. By occupying these areas, they can achieve food self-sufficiency in the future. As for the issue of food production, the Sandstorm Group, which has basic chemical facilities, can produce its own fertilizers, and can temporarily rely on importing seeds from the Douling Republic. Although these seeds will degrade during the planting process, the relationship between the two parties will not completely deteriorate until the relationship between the two parties is completely deteriorated. , the supply of seeds can still be guaranteed.

The Sandstorm Group is also cultivating its own improved seed system, but because this part of the industry started later than the hard-core heavy industry, it will take some time to catch up with the current progress of the Douling Republic.

As a result, the Star Luo Empire was unlucky. Although much-needed weapons were waiting on the front line, it felt like there was a fire in the backyard. Many villages were occupied and forcibly transformed into collective farms, using machinery for more efficient large-scale planting.

Euphemistically speaking, such centralized management can provide the country with more food during wartime. The Sandstorm Group will provide massive support to the front line after the food is harvested.

This kind of verbal promise does not require spending money. It is the Sandstorm Group that has the final say on how to support and what price to charge. If this is the case, the empire will definitely not compromise, and even this kind of provocation will lead to Come for crazy revenge.

Although the policy of pacifying the country before resisting foreign forces is a major black history, for a power, most of the time, this strategy is actually correct. Internal dangers are often more deadly than external enemies, just like the glorious empires of ancient times. , it is rare that encounters the invasion of foreign enemies and leads to decline. Usually, it is the invincible that has been invincible for a long time and internal problems arise, and then it declines.

However, after the Star Luo Empire saw the force displayed by the Sandstorm Group, they got along well with each other. Now they have no ability to retaliate and go back. Jizhen casually pulled out an army of 50,000, equipped with advanced soul guidance devices. Occupying half of the province's countryside, all the troops were semi-mechanized and marched incredibly fast. They were even more well-trained than the ordinary armies of the Sun and Moon Empire.

This also made the top brass of the Star Luo Empire understand that they now simply do not have the ability to pay enough to suppress this group of guys who suddenly appeared to rebel.

We can only hold our noses and admit it, otherwise, now that we have lost the supply of weapons, if the Sandstorm Group and the Sun and Moon Empire come together to form a cheese sandwich, then the Star Luo Empire will be in great danger.

Not only that, if they really fall out, the supply of weapons will be gone. At that time, I am afraid that I will have my head pressed against my head and a hammer blasted by the Sun and Moon Empire.

The senior officials of the Star Luo Empire, who were frustrated at both ends, could only think of Shrek Academy as a source of help.

During this turbulent time in the continent, only Shrek Academy remained independent, as if no changes in the secular world could affect him. It was like a holy land above everything else.

However, those who have done this in history have basically been eliminated by history. Just like the church that originally controlled almost the entire Western civilization, now it only has less than one square kilometer left.

This kind of behavior that considers oneself noble, considers oneself superior to others, and disdains to get involved in the struggles of mortals. To put it another way, it is actually complacency. Reluctant to open his eyes to see the world.

But no matter how problematic Shrek Academy's decision-making is, there is no doubt that they have many masters and strong combat effectiveness. Any party that can get their help will gain a huge strategic advantage.

The Star Luo Empire is currently engaged in a fierce fight with the Sun and Moon Empire at the Lanier Pass. Both sides have not only invested a large number of troops, but also a large number of experts.

The Death Soul Guide originally used on the Mingdou Mountains was directly used to attack this strategic location this time. Although Ye Xishui was almost psychologically affected, he was still invited out as a top expert. Sitting in the military camp.

And the fighting prowess displayed by such a ninth-level soul master and ultimate Douluo really made the Star Luo Empire's scalp numb. Who knows how many titled Douluo would have to join forces to defeat her.

The Star Luo Empire, which was already at a disadvantage, suffered a heavy blow to its morale. In desperation, it had no choice but to turn to the original Shrek Academy. This kind of blow to morale requires defeating the opponent at the master level.

So Shrek Academy also held a Poseidon Pavilion meeting and had a serious discussion. This meeting was obviously very serious. Even Mr. Xuan, who had always been dishonest, put away his wine bottle and chicken drumsticks.

There is indeed an Ultimate Douluo in charge of Shrek Academy, and it is an Ultimate Douluo who is even stronger than Ye Xishui, Munn.

It's just that this person has already declined and is about to die. If he is dragged out for a fight, he will basically be dead. Supporting the Star Luo Empire is undoubtedly politically correct for the Douluo side. Shrek Academy must You have to support, but you definitely can’t use all your most precious family assets to support.

Therefore, the one who led the support team during the discussion could only be Mr. Xuan, but he was only a level 98 titled Douluo. Facing the level 99 Ye Xishui, the gap was still quite big.

In order to express its sincerity, Shrek Academy also dispatched Qian Duoduo and Yan Shaozhe, two branch deans, as deputy leaders of this support operation. One is level 95 and the other is level 97. They are also ranked among the highest in the mainland. A master of the number.

It's a pity that times have changed. Strong individuals can only play the role of special soldiers on the battlefield. Shrek Academy has actually made similar attempts. For example, the Extreme Individual Soldier Plan in the original book is actually Shrek Academy. The soul master felt a sense of crisis.

As soul guides become more and more powerful, the combat effectiveness of soul masters will inevitably play a smaller and smaller role on the frontal battlefield. The ultimate individual soldier plan is aimed at reconnaissance, assassination, infiltration, destruction, and beheading, and uses soul masters as special forces. Soldiers use it.

There is no doubt that this attempt is in the right direction. Facing the soul mentor group, Super Douluo can only avoid their sharp edges. Naturally, special operations are the best way to apply this high-end individual combat power.

It's a pity that Shrek Academy still only selects students for this kind of training. Masters who already have a very high status and reputation on the mainland can't bear to be like this and carry out infiltration and destruction on the battlefield as special soldiers.

Even if Mr. Xuan goes to the battlefield to support him, his status will most likely be like that of a worshipper. He must be respectfully requested to carry out any orders, and his opponent must be worthy of his status, and he must fight with dignity on the frontal battlefield. .

If he was asked to ignore his identity and directly assassinate the opponent's officers, destroy the opponent's military supplies, and massacre the opponent's logistics personnel, Mr. Xuan would definitely refuse with high-sounding reasons.

Not only him, basically all Titled Douluo level soul masters are not willing to perform such tasks, but in their minds, only small soldiers can perform such tasks.

Even the Star Luo Empire's own masters couldn't bear to do this kind of thing, so how could they possibly let the foreign aid they brought in do these things that they didn't even want to do?

Therefore, after the support arrived, many soul master masters faced a very embarrassing situation.

[To be continued]

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