Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,678 The Correct Usage of Elite Soul Masters

Elder Xuan is relatively good among those who came to support him. After all, he is very powerful. Even at level 98, he has the combat power to compete with a level 99 ultimate Douluo in a short period of time. He can stand up to a single soul master army on a frontal battlefield. , as long as what you encounter is not in the hands of the empire, there will be no problem.

Just arrived. Relying on his own strong combat power, he conducted a surprise attack during the correction of the enemy's position and achieved quite good results.

Xuan Lao, who transformed into a hundred-meter-tall giant, had huge power as if he had a real body. The temporary shield could not withstand his huge strength. After a few punches, it became full. It's cracked.

After a big move, it finally shattered, and the shield was shattered from the front. Naturally, there were heavy casualties inside. Unfortunately, Mr. That was the light of the Death Soul Guidance Device.

In an instant, even with a powerful title of level 98, Douluo felt the approach of death. With his strong desire to survive, he jumped away when he was hit and avoided the fatal bombardment, but his shoulders were still cut off. A piece of meat, a large amount of curse power, eroded on the giant's shoulder, constantly pestering Mr. Xuan like a gangrene attached to the bone.

If he were hit head-on, even if he wouldn't die immediately because of his huge size, he would definitely be seriously injured if he was entangled in a large area of ​​​​curse, and lose all combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Even if we don't have three or five days now, we can't even think about suppressing the curse entangled by the wronged souls. Death God Douluo Ye Xishui has mastered his own Death God Soul Guidance Device, and his attack power is even higher than that of ordinary Limit Douluo. The power released by the linked attack from the soul guide position is even greater.

More importantly, her soul guide is more convenient. Although it needs to be placed on the battlefield to use it, it can be lifted up from the ground, carried around, and even fired in the air. However, the power will not be the same after it is deployed and deployed. So big.

Before Xuan Lao advanced to level 99, he was obviously no match for such a strong man. Fortunately, he only had a shoulder injury, which didn't look serious. The two sides confronted each other and then retreated. It looked like Lao Xuan was slightly injured. But it actually took advantage of it. What actually happened? Only Mr. Xuan knew it in his heart.

After the highlight moment after arriving at Shrek Academy, he continued to falter. Although Yan Shaozhe had advanced to level ninety-seven and could be considered a strong man among Super Douluo, facing the soul guidance formation that was waiting for him, Even though he was not at the level of a beast king, he failed to break through it after several attempts. Instead, he was beaten badly by the coordinated attacks and was almost seriously injured under the help of other soul master groups.

Fortunately, he had the life-saving rebirth soul skill, so he was able to withdraw from the front line intact, but he also felt a deep sense of powerlessness. When the soul master group was wary, even someone like him in the mainland Even a soul master who ranks among the top twenty in terms of strength would find it difficult to achieve any results.

Times seem to have really changed. As long as the linked soul guide cannot be solved, the era of soul masters being invincible on the battlefield is over.

As another dean, Qian Duoduo naturally needed to try, but his own cultivation level was only level ninety-five, and his talent was not comparable to that of Yan Shaozhe. In order to catch up with the gap between the two, he took up soul guidance. weapon, and wanted to rely on the soul guide to bridge the gap between the two parties.

It's a pity that things went counterproductive. I invested a lot of energy, but my progress in the soul guidance system finally stopped at the eighth level. I couldn't even create a complete ninth-level soul guidance device myself. Now I can only He relies on his own martial spirit and black dragon shield to fight. Among the martial arts weapons, the black dragon shield is definitely considered to be the best.

It's a pity that in the second part, the weapon soul was almost cut into a dog, the Clear Sky Hammer had almost no chance to appear, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower could only defeat second-rate enemies, and the Blue Silver Grass had to be blackened into an evil weapon. Only after the soul can one have strong fighting power.

The entire second part basically focuses on explaining the bloodline suppression between different beast martial souls, and is full of bloodline theories. If the martial soul bloodline is not as good as others, then it cannot be beaten. If the bloodline is strong, then one can defeat two.

Wang Qiuer has a top-grade Golden Dragon Martial Spirit. Just because she has the blood of the Golden Dragon King, her fighting power is no worse than Huo Yuhao, who has two top-grade Martial Spirits. It can be said to be the pinnacle of the Beast Martial Spirit in this part.

As for the weapon spirit, in the story of this time period in the second part, it is basically just soy sauce. In Extreme Douluo, there is only the spirit of Death Douluo Ye Xishui, which is between the beast spirit and the weapon spirit. , including Poisonous Death, all take the path of possession by martial spirits.

Qian Duoduo's black dragon shield was smashed to pieces by Xiong Jun in the original work. The martial soul was directly shattered and the body was seriously injured. It can be said that the strength of a super Douluo's weapon soul was not shown at all.

At present, it is not very effective on the battlefield. The attack of the linked soul guide may not be as domineering as Xiong Jun's attack, but it is quite difficult for Qian Duoduo to resist it.

After receiving several severe blows in a row, he tried to use a soul guide to fight back, but his opponents aroused collective ridicule and disdain for the eighth-level soul guide he took out.

And as for the eighth-level soul masters in the Sun and Moon Empire, they are really a handful. The number of ninth-level soul masters is conservatively estimated to have exceeded fifty. The eighth-level soul guides are simply Banmen Nongwu.

Instead, he revealed a flaw in the process of using the soul guide. His defense made a mistake and was directly broken. The defense attack hit his body. If it weren't for Mr. Xuan's action, he would have died after being seriously injured on the battlefield.

Even so, such serious injuries could only be sent back to Shrek Academy overnight and sent to the Golden Tree for emergency treatment.

For a time, the Star Luo Empire fell into an extreme embarrassment. Although it had strong individual combat power, it was unable to be used. If it were not for large-scale purchases, long-range soul guides had a range that was not inferior to that of the opponent. The soul masters on their side take turns to shoot, consuming the soul power of the opposite soul guide position, making the opponent unable to launch a linked soul guide attack. I am afraid there is no way to continue to support the battle line.

As long as the Sun and Moon Empire continues to invest its strength, sooner or later the desired pass will be achieved.

In contrast, the Sun Moon Empire suffered an unexpected setback when it attacked the Sky Soul Empire. When it originally attacked the Sky Soul Empire, everything went quite smoothly, and they almost pushed all the way to Tiandou City. As long as they captured this A ten thousand year old capital can basically declare victory in the war.

Even the overall strength of the main body that suddenly appeared greatly increased, and a bunch of soul cores were condensed in the body by some unknown force. The combat power exceeded the limit, and the upper limit of Douluo was poisonous, but it could not stop the ferocious attack of the Sun and Moon Empire. attack.

Even after the PY transaction with Cheng Ying, his individual combat power has exceeded the upper limit of Ultimate Douluo, but he still has no way to resist head-on in front of the Legion. His combat power is close to that of a second-level god. During the bombardment of super soul-guided artillery shells, he had to choose to retreat.

If forced to fight, he would probably die on the battlefield. It is known that the army of the Sun and Moon Empire came to the city and attacked Tiandou City.

This was once the capital of the Tiandou Empire, and now it is also the capital of the Tianhun Empire. It has a thick city wall blessed by tens of thousands of years of soul power. The city wall is hundreds of meters high. Even if it is not as good as Mingdu, it is comparable to 400 titled Douluo. The big shield of soul power won't be much different.

The soldiers of the Sun and Moon Empire also realized that they might encounter a hard battle, but no one thought that this battle would be so difficult.

As the base of the Party of Order, Tiandou City has been infiltrated from top to bottom and transformed into a look that conforms to the rules of the Party of Order. The provinces directly under the city have also been almost completely transformed. During this period, It has always exploded with powerful productivity like the Dou Ling Republic.

And in terms of cutting-edge technology, Tiandou City can be said to be the highest on the entire continent. This can be seen from the fact that all game warehouses in the continent are exported from here.

As the founder of the Party of Order, Liu Tianxin would not provide too much excessive technological support beyond this era. After all, the Sun and Moon Empire was more advanced than the Tianhun Empire itself, but it was just more advanced than the system of the Party of Order. It was just lagging behind, there was no need to suppress the Sun and Moon Empire in order to preserve the Heavenly Soul Empire.

However, some of them were not excessive and did not involve the details of basic skills, but Liu Tianxin was not stingy in teaching them to the Party of Order. This also made the Party of Order's technology second to none on the entire continent.

The high dividends brought by high technology have also attracted a lot of strong people. There are not many top experts who have joined the Party of Order, but they are not few. The most fanatical among them is Nightmare Douluo and Time.

Maybe some friends have forgotten who this guy is. Let me mention it here. After Liu Tianxin returned from the Hokage plane with black technology, he held a competition in Tiandou City and defeated several titled Douluo in succession, and Time The last one he defeated.

During the defeat, Liu Tianxin used the powerful computing power brought by the supercomputer to modify the Tsukuyomi of the Mangekyou Sharingan, and changed the Tsukuyomi into an open world, allowing time to be experienced in it for five thousand years. , I personally experienced how the civilization I once lived in stumbled through the mud, and never bowed down even in the face of hardships and troughs.

Time keeps reincarnating in this virtual world, either living the life of an ordinary person, or becoming a prince, general or national hero. I don’t know how many hundreds of years of life experience have diluted his real memory and completely changed his personality. It also made him agree with Liu Tianxin's philosophy from the bottom of his heart, and he was willing to fight for the rise of his own civilization from the bottom of his heart.

This kind of change is even more powerful than the strongest illusion in Naruto, because this process does not distort a person's personality at all, it just takes longer, with more excitement and more memories. It dilutes the narrow and selfish part of this person's original personality. In essence, he has not suffered any personality distortion, and all choices are of his own free will.

This operation is somewhat similar to Izanami, but it is much more sophisticated than the infinite loop of a memory space.

And Shi Guang also voluntarily joined the combat team to deal with the Sun and Moon Empire, where he showed his abilities.

As a titled Douluo, his personal combat power is strong, but if he attacks the soul guidance position head-on, the result will be death.

However, his ideological consciousness was completely different from that of the titled Douluo in this world. After handing over all his leadership tasks, he resolutely joined the special operations force to infiltrate and destroy enemy positions.

In terms of frontal combat ability, Nightmare Douluo is actually relatively weak. What he is good at is mental power, which can be seen from his title. And this also allows him to be at ease in combat.

The time guide himself directly disguised himself as the enemy, relied on his powerful stealth ability to sneak out of the city, detoured to the enemy's rear, found the enemy's logistics troops, and did not attack. Instead, he hypnotized some people and asked After obtaining their basic information, he captured these people and disguised himself as some of them.

With some black technology, even if you don't use mental power, you can still look like these people with just makeup. So a group of people followed the logistics team and swaggered into the military camp of the Sun and Moon Empire.

This kind of thing is something that other Titled Douluo are absolutely unwilling to do. After all, they are lurking and pretending. During the whole process, they must really play a logistics role, even if an officer shows off to them and slaps them in the face with a whip. , they all have to show a charming smile and greet each other with a smile, otherwise flaws will inevitably be exposed.

This requires not only acting skills, but also ideological awareness, and only Shi Guang and his team members can do it perfectly.

After sneaking into the enemy camp, you will naturally start to destroy it, but showing your combat power directly here is definitely the stupidest choice.

Shi Guang and several of his teammates made up to look like a ninth-level soul master and his close subordinates, and went to various positions to quietly install bombs. Although the whole process was concealed, they did not deliberately avoid all detection. They were exposed. There are some flaws.

But even if they were seen, they could still pull the flag, and in the face of the ninth-level soul master, Shi Guang said without blushing that they were on a routine inspection, and then left in a swaggering manner.

Many people saw the whole process, and he was spotted in other military camps more than once. This matter will definitely lead to betrayal, but it doesn't matter, because a scapegoat has been firmly placed on the head of this ninth-level soul master. superior.

The next day, all of them changed into the costumes of logistics personnel and left the military camp to transport the next batch of supplies. As they left, all the bombs in the military camp were detonated, and a large number of precious soul guides were The equipment suffered heavy losses, and this kind of internal destruction that caused chaos was most likely the work of insiders.

A ninth-level soul engineer who was sleeping in his own military camp was inexplicably accused. A lot of people accused him of wandering around the military camps of different soul engineer groups in the middle of the night. The evidence was conclusive and indefensible.

[To be continued]

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