Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,679 Tiandou City retreats from the enemy

Time's provocation was obviously effective. The Title Douluo who was good at mental power used illusions, which was naturally not something that ordinary patrol soldiers in the position could see through. No one could have imagined that a powerful Title Douluo would be willing to do something that only a special soldier would do.

The ninth-level soul master who was considered the mastermind of the explosion had no way to defend himself. He wanted to argue that he was just resting in the tent at that time, but the problem was that there were only two guards who could prove that he was resting in the tent. Both of them were his absolute confidants. Their words, in the eyes of outsiders, were undoubtedly biased towards this ninth-level soul master, and there was no credibility at all.

And there were more than fifty people who observed him wandering around in different positions. There was simply no room for defense. In the army, military law was extremely strict. Even though the ninth-level soul master was extremely precious to the empire, he betrayed the battlefield and brought huge losses to his side.

He must be dealt with seriously, so in the eyes of the ninth-level soul master who was unwilling to die, the army of the Sun and Moon Empire carried out a round of beheading in front of the formation.

In this round of attack, the first fallen Titled Douluo appeared, but it was the Sun-Moon Empire who beheaded its own people, which was quite dramatic.

However, the chaos in the position did not end because of this. Shi Guang was still in the logistics team, and he was able to infiltrate and destroy not only the position, but also the supply line and even the factory in the rear.

After the special operations forces were made up, it was almost impossible to tell that they had changed people, whether from the appearance or the voice. This was not based on illusion, but on the appearance changed by the most ordinary makeup, but almost no soul guide could detect it.

The Sun-Moon Empire basically did not light up the technology tree of genetic technology. At present, even the law of separation, the law of free combination, and some simple genetic laws have not been fully summarized. Only the Sun-Moon Empire and the entire Douluo Continent are like this. Judging whether they are relatives still relies on the most primitive blood recognition. Naturally, it is impossible to judge whether they have been replaced by means such as blood testing.

Shi Guang followed the logistics team and went to the rear factory of the Sun-Moon Empire, where a large number of soul guides were being assembled and packed, loaded onto motor vehicles and transported to the front line.

Many workers were busy, and the generous rewards made them work hard. The Sun-Moon Empire spared no expense for this war. In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of the workers in the factory, it gave a very high reward, which also allowed the factory with lower operating efficiency than the Douling Republic to show super high efficiency beyond the Douling factory in a short period of time.

The workers were almost tirelessly assembling and manufacturing soul guides in front of the assembly line. Yuanyuan did not feel that the strategic materials were produced and loaded on trucks, ready to be transported to the front line at any time.

Faced with the current situation, Shi Guang and his teammates naturally used the same trick again, disguised themselves as the workers here, and prepared to carry out a new round of infiltration and destruction.

But before that, Shi Guang thought he needed to do a social survey. If these factories were destroyed directly with bombs, it would inevitably harm the workers here.

Although it is necessary to destroy the opponent's factory in the face of war, even if this infiltration and sabotage method is not used, the factory here must still be destroyed in a frontal attack, but if there is a way to disintegrate the productivity here without hurting these workers, Shi Guang feels that it is necessary to try it.

After putting on makeup to look like a worker here and working on the construction site a lot on weekdays, Shi Guang easily mixed into their inner circle and found out the current situation of these people.

When they were just recruited to the factory, they received the highest salary, but with the continuation of the war and the stalemate of the war, especially the Xingluo Empire, which defended the Lanier Pass, consumed a lot of military supplies, resulting in a shortage of various domestic supplies, and the originally generous rewards began to shrink.

Although they can still work with enthusiasm now, it can be expected that in the near future, their wages will become lower and lower, and they may even be unable to pay their wages at all.

"Boss... we don't seem to need to do any destruction. The Xingluo Empire has held back a lot of the Sun-Moon Empire's forces. I'm afraid it won't take long. The Sun-Moon Empire will go bankrupt." A member of the special tactical force disguised as a cleaner met with Shi Guang next to the toilet.

"No... the destruction will continue, but we must try to avoid harming innocent people, and we will delay the time of destruction. You don't know enough about the country.

An empire in war will not go bankrupt. Even if there is no money in hand, the empire trapped in the quagmire of war will continue to maintain the war, because the empire is not facing a problem of money at all.

If the money is used up, you can use food coupons, cloth coupons, and any vouchers that can be used to allocate materials. As long as the factory is still there, the machines can still run, and the workers can still work, the state machine can continue to operate. Unlike peacetime, it still needs to consider the emotions of the people. After putting the fate of the country on the war, like a gambler, the empire will not consider those things.

They will only squeeze the people desperately until the war is won and the plundered wealth and labor force are enough to replenish the huge consumption during the war, and society will return to normal operation. This can barely be regarded as a total war. The Empire of the Sun and Moon Although the system is a bit backward, it is still more advanced than Douluo's empire. It won't be long before the huge consumption of the war will cause this empire to mobilize the entire empire for war production.

That is the best time for us to carry out destruction. Today's factories are still a fantasy land that can bring a lot of wealth to workers. When the war continues to stalemate, the dream of getting rich through work will be completely shattered.

Labor will become an obligation, and only labor can obtain the rations needed to maintain life. At that time, the factories will become ugly and ferocious in their eyes. If we destroy these factories at that time, the workers will not oppose us, and they will even Cheer for us and lead the way for our actions.

Don't destroy the factory for the time being. It is enough for us to assist the ambush troops and destroy the next batch of supplies. The explosion we created on the soul guidance position caused the Sun and Moon Empire to lose more than ten large-scale linked soul guidance centers. , the next batch of supplies will probably have a large number of linked soul guidance centers, and we need these things.

The production of soul guidance devices requires long-term hard study and constant practical training. It often takes several years to master the simple production of soul guidance devices.

In comparison, the use of soul guides is much simpler. After all, these things are designed to be used by people. If we can bring these things back, we should be able to raise a large protective shield in Tiandou City. shield. "

Time's strategy basically determined the course of action of the special tactics troops, and just as they expected, the Sun and Moon Empire transported a large amount of precious materials this time, and even dispatched a ninth-level soul engineer to escort the shipment.

The transportation route of that special batch of supplies is almost unknown. The real way to ensure the safety of the supplies is not to send many bodyguards to escort them with great fanfare, but to prevent the enemy from even knowing when the batch of supplies set off or which route they took. .

This is much safer and more efficient than sending heavy troops to guard it, but things will obviously not go as smoothly as the Sun and Moon Empire imagined.

Because they had a traitor among the team that was working on the precious large-scale linked soul guidance center. There were people from the special forces among them, providing the troops of the Party of Order with the location of this team. Before the ninth-level soul engineer who led the team felt anything unusual, he saw the guidance warheads all over the sky hitting him. Come down.

All long-range firepower and air power were suppressed immediately, and at the same time, the powerful soul power fluctuations interfered, making the soul guide communication in this area unusable. Even if the ninth-level soul master wanted to command his men to resist, he could not So, we were directly beaten to death in the information war.

There were not even Titled Douluo-level experts among the forces that came to attack, but with the first round of saturation firepower strikes and the quick follow-up of the ground troops, they were able to successfully occupy and take over the transportation and logistics team.

A large amount of supplies were quickly transported to Tiandou City, but the masters of the Tianhun Empire could only watch helplessly. They did not hand over these things, and the Party of Order would naturally not share them with them generously.

At present, the Party of Order has become the absolute main force in this war. Even though there are not many masters among them, with their more advanced equipment and information age fighting ideas, they have single-handedly withstood nine attacks by the Sun and Moon Empire. into the above pressure.

Those masters who can't lose face can only undertake the task of attacking and attacking in this kind of battle, and there is almost no room for intervention on the frontal battlefield.

With the achievement of this strategic goal, a total of 24 large-scale linked soul guidance centers were successfully captured by the Party of Order. And installed it on the city wall of Tiandou City.

In Liu Tianxin's view, using 24 large-scale linked soul guidance centers in this way is a very wasteful behavior. Using these centers in mobile warfare can play a far greater role than placing them on city walls.

However, tactics must serve strategic purposes. The current strategic purpose of the Party of Order is to force the Sun and Moon Empire to temporarily withdraw its troops and buy time to rectify the internal affairs of the Sky Soul Empire.

If you want to buy enough time, you must use a method that the Sun and Moon Empire can clearly see to show your strength. Although Mingdu has no city walls, what really makes the people of the Sun and Moon Empire proud is that they have a A stronger shield for the city wall. In the final analysis, the idea of ​​building a city wall still cannot be escaped.

Therefore, if you want to show your strength to the Sun and Moon Empire, you can only use fierce city defense to make your opponent retreat.

Simply relying on the captured weapons to annihilate many enemy forces in mobile warfare, the Sun and Moon Empire would only think that it had made a mistake in its tactics. As long as it was more careful to prevent enemy sneak attacks, it could completely reverse the unfavorable situation. On the contrary, it has no deterrent effect.

If the strategic goal is really to annihilate the enemy's effective forces, Liu Tianxin doesn't even need ordinary members of the Party of Order to take action. He takes action himself, opens his eyes of reincarnation, and shouts at the Sun Moon Empire's position: "How many floors can a bag of rice resist?" , it would be possible to wipe out most of the effective forces on the opposite side, but that would obviously regenerate the cult of personality in the Party of Order, which would definitely be detrimental to the development of society.

With the installation of 24 large-scale linked soul guidance centers, huge shields were raised around the walls of Tiandou City. Although they were beaten back and forth, Tiandou City still had an advantage in terms of the number of soul masters, and even the quality. There are also advantages.

Although these people were unable to coordinate attacks like the Soul Engineer Group, they could still charge the shield with soul power. However, the blue translucent shield rose and enveloped the entire city.

The Soul Engineer Group of the Sun and Moon Empire seemed a little unwilling to give in. A total of 12 Soul Engineer Groups, led by the Evil Lord Soul Engineer Group and the Emperor Dragon Soul Engineer Group, launched a fierce attack on the wide-area shield of Tiandou City.

The ferocious firepower made the Super Douluo in the city feel their scalps numb, and the dazzling light was like a flash bomb, making people in the entire city think that the sun had descended on the ground and they could not open their eyes.

The violent explosion set off a hundred-meter-high sandstorm outside the shield. The shock wave swept away all the vegetation outside the shield, and the ground felt like it had been plowed.

But after all, the total amount of soul power of the soul masters in Tiandou City is too great. Although the terrifying attacks consume a lot of them, their shields still stand.

Guide warheads rose up one after another in the city. When the Sun and Moon Empire's soul masters were at their weakest, they attacked in groups, falling from the sky like rain. This made the many soul masters of the Sun and Moon Empire realize that if they continued to attack the city, they would have to rely on their strength to attack the city. I am afraid that it is difficult to conquer this city with the current manpower.

The best way is to retreat temporarily, wait for more follow-up support, and use a large number of level nine soul-guided cannonballs at once to break the turtles in Tiandou City.

The army that had besieged Tiandou City for two full months began to evacuate, and there was cheering in the city. Chuunibyou who had not experienced war might shout, "I like war," but for those who have truly experienced war, they will all be dissatisfied with war. Full of disgust.

Like a veteran with post-traumatic stress disorder, he feels disgusted by killing chickens or even eating meat, and never wants to see bloody scenes again.

Especially in modern warfare, on the ancient cold weapon battlefield, blood may mean that you are bravely killing the enemy, but blood and wounds on the current battlefield can only mean that your comrades are injured and dead on the battlefield.

Most of the blows were already out of sight, and the soldiers could not see the blood of the enemy. Being able to see the blood meant that their comrades around them had fallen, which would undoubtedly make people hate war and killing even more.

Although the war ended briefly, the aftermath of the war had just begun. The top leaders of the Sky Soul Empire had already felt that the Party of Order was sharpening its knives, and a change was inevitable.

[To be continued]

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