Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,680 Tianhun Constitutional System

The Tianhun Empire can be regarded as the empire that inherited more of the legacy of the Tiandou Empire after the split of the Tiandou Empire. It not only inherited Tiandou City, a great city on the mainland, but also retained its own emperor, whose surname was still Xue.

Compared with Dou Ling's control over the country, the centralization of the Tianhun Empire should have been higher. The problem is that the existence of the Party of Order has led to it. Even if the centralization is strengthened, it will not mean much.

Because the Party of Order has replaced almost all administrative agencies in Tiandou City and has begun to take charge of administrative power. Moreover, compared with the feudal era, administrative agencies needed to rely on the cooperation of clan landlords and others to complete the central government's local governance.

Relying on more advanced communication methods, more scientific management systems, and more efficient talent training channels, the Party of Order has completed the direct control of the central government over local areas, delegated administrative execution capabilities to individuals, and can control almost everyone under its control. journey.

This makes the royal family of the Heavenly Soul Empire have little ability to control soul masters, but its ability to control people within the country has become very small. There was a trend of being ignored a few years ago, but due to the large amount of benefits provided by the Party of Order , many people were kidnapped by their interests, and the Tianhun Empire did not take any action against this huge interest group.

But now it seems that it is time to reap the bitter fruits. The first to take action were not the members of the Party of Order, but ordinary people in the city. They organized spontaneously, held up banners, and organized parades on the streets to express their wishes. .

This war has proved who is better able to lead this country. When the Sun and Moon Empire just launched its surprise attack, the entire Tianhun Empire was controlled by the emperor and his ministers.

It’s just that at that time, the army was directly blinded. It was in a state where the soldiers did not know the generals and the soldiers. The resistance on the front line was retreating steadily, and they were directly pushed to Tiandou City. As for the resistance in Tiandou City, it was still somewhat effective. of.

After all, masters from all over the country are gathered here. Even if the advantages of these masters cannot be used, the Sun and Moon Empire will have many fears during the attack because they are worried that these mermaids will be defeated.

However, even if they rely on tall city walls for defense, the rulers of the Tianhun Empire are still not doing ideally. Some of the nobles within the empire have defected, and some are preparing to make the country difficult to make money. However, there are only a few who sincerely and wholeheartedly want to defend the city.

This has led to chaotic management in the city, and a distribution mechanism has been adopted in the city. Materials cannot be circulated in the city at all, and residents in the city cannot effectively organize labor for urban defense.

As a result, this side of Tiandou City not only failed to take advantage of its manpower advantage, but was dragged down by the huge population in the city. People who had lost control began to buy for zero yuan, public security was almost broken, and guns were smashed everywhere. , In the end, the army can only directly suppress it, and this will undoubtedly hurt innocent people.

The entire 10,000-year-old city was reduced to a state of chaos, which can be said to have fully demonstrated the weakness and incompetence of the feudal rulers. In the end, they could only rely on the coercion of Titled Douluo to use force to suppress the chaotic civilians and use military control to restore order in the city.

But this consumption of manpower and material resources will undoubtedly reduce the intensity of defense. As a result, the city gate was directly shattered by a linkage soul cannon, and the soul guidance position of the Sun and Moon Empire almost burst into the city.

That is, when the front was about to collapse, the Party of Order finally took action. Relying on its strong influence on the grassroots, it immediately rectified the order within the city, resumed production, and organized militia to assist in city defense.

It established a reward and punishment mechanism adapted to the wartime system, and at the same time mobilized its own armed forces to resist the most violent wave of sieges by the Sun and Moon Empire.

The Sun and Moon Empire troops that had rushed into the city gate were pushed back again. Naturally, the Party of Order took over the defense of the city. Of course, the top leaders of the Sky Soul Empire were not willing to do so, but they did not want to have their heads chopped off by the armies of the Sun and Moon Empire, so they could only accept their fate and let the Party of Order take over everything in the city. Defense and management of the interior of the city.

After being able to change management, production in the city quickly resumed. The large amount of food reserves can fully support the defense for more than half a year, and the large amount of raw materials is enough to be assembled into numerous weapons in the factory for consumption against the enemy on the battlefield.

In addition, the Party of Order has stricter control over its military organizational system, and there will be no situation like that in major empires where master soul masters do not obey the orders of military commanders.

In this case, the Sun-Moon Empire's attack was immediately severely frustrated. The weapons continuously produced in the factories were sent to the city wall, which put heavy pressure on the Sun-Moon Empire's defense. At the same time, the troops penetrated into the enemy's interior to carry out infiltration and destruction. , which also makes it difficult for the enemy to display perfect combat effectiveness due to lack of logistics.

Under the influence of various factors, the reputation of the Party of Order has reached a terrifying level for a while, especially now that it has established a shield system for the city and driven away the invaders from the Sun and Moon Empire. It can be said that it has provided unparalleled benefits to the residents of the city. sense of security.

Now, the state of war has been lifted, but the top leaders of the Tianhun Empire want to take back the right to rule from the Party of Order. How can the ordinary people of Tiandou City be willing to see such a thing.

Emperor Tianhun's original plan was to ignore these people's demonstrations, open the treasury, and give these people some sweetness. To some extent, he had learned a little bit about the Party of Order. Next, he only needed to distribute social benefits and provide well-paid jobs, and then deliberately Give some people priority in choosing jobs.

Then they started to sow dissension among the marchers, saying that those who took the lead were given priority in selecting jobs. Others who participated in the march were simply taken advantage of. At the same time, some marchers were declared to have disturbed social order and would be deprived of the right to receive social benefits.

In this case, the people participating in the march are likely to have the idea that they have been betrayed by the leader. As a result, the conflict has shifted, from the conflict between the marchers and the empire to the conflict within the marchers.

This is the simplest and most fundamental way for rulers to use a few people to rule the majority. This way has not changed much throughout the ages. That is to pull one faction to fight against another. If there is no contradiction, they must create contradictions so that the people under them cannot unite. .

However, the emperor of the Tianhun Empire can see clearly, but it does not mean that other noble ministers can also see clearly. There will always be two fools among feudal rulers. These people have the pride of the nobles, but do not have the brains of the nobles.

When I saw the signs held by the marchers and the slogans they shouted, I became furious. It's like a chuuniyou, wanting to let these people know the dignity and inferiority, wanting these people to understand the consequences of irritating the superior.

So he got excited and directly suppressed it with force...

When the emperor of the Tianhun Empire heard that the son of Duke Silvis under his command, he directly ordered an armed suppression of the marching people, his vision went dark and he almost suffered a cerebral hemorrhage from anger.

The official reputation of the Tianhun Empire is already bad enough, and the current behavior is simply smearing shit on one's own face, and there is no good remedy at all. Even if this brainless heir to the duke is beheaded, the people will think that this guy is just a scapegoat.

After Emperor Tianhun calmed down, he closed the palace directly and began to ruin it. There was no way to save it and he was waiting to die!

At least he still has many masters loyal to him, even if the people outside are really upset. He would not be unlucky enough to be sent to prison for reform through labor like the emperor before Dou Ling.

At best, the glory and wealth of a lifetime can still be retained.

Duke Silvius' current mentality is much more explosive than that of the emperor. His son's IQ dropped and he directly suppressed it. It was like putting his family on the fire. He betrayed Silvius thousands of years ago. The royal family of the Si Kingdom, this family had taken the position of Duke of Silvis after the unification of the Tiandou Empire. Over the years, the emperor had been changing his position, trying to weaken the power in their hands.

This is good, there is no need to weaken the rights, maybe it will only take a few days. His entire family would have to be hanged on the gallows. This was like handing a knife to the Party of Order, and it was a knife to chop off his own head.

Unfortunately, even if he stopped the family's private soldiers immediately, it was already too late. The suppression had already caused a large number of casualties, and his unlucky son took it upon himself to kill several leading marchers. , tens of thousands of people watched him take action, and there was no way he could get away with it. He now felt like strangling himself, the evildoer.

The Party of Order also took advantage of this opportunity to intervene in this conflict under the slogan of maintaining urban order. There is no doubt that Duke Silvis will be in bad luck this time.

But he was not the only one who was unlucky. After the Party of Order intervened, the order of the city was quickly restored, the injured were treated immediately, the families of the deceased were compensated, and the city temporarily entered military control again. After order was restored, The emperor of the Tianhun Empire was also invited out and held a negotiation with the current chief of order in the largest square in the city.

Tens of thousands of people watched this conversation and witnessed history. Emperor Tianhun seemed quite calm, so he must have had a few days of buffering time. He has been able to accept the reality in front of him.

His rights will inevitably be restricted. In his opinion, this is determined by strength. Although the Party of Order does not have many masters, the armed force they control has far exceeded the high-level soul masters controlled by the royal family.

If the leader of the Party of Order is someone else, perhaps assassination and other shady means can be used to threaten and force the Party of Order to give up its power.

The problem is that the current leader is Liu Tianxin. In terms of combat effectiveness, Emperor Tianhun has already tried it. Super Douluo can hardly sustain a round in his hands. Naturally, the emperor knew everything about the battle outside Tiandou City.

In the wheel battle, none of the Titled Douluo could defeat Liu Tianxin. Not only that, every Titled Douluo who took action was defeated in the way they were best at. Those who were good at physical skills were defeated by stronger ones, and those who were good at ultimate moves were defeated. Those who are good at summoning will face stronger summons.

The most outrageous thing is that the one who is good at illusion is Shiguang, one of the best illusion masters in the entire Tianhun Empire. After a battle with this boss, he seemed to be pulled into an illusion and was directly modified. The will has now directly become the vanguard of allegiance to the Party of Order. It has higher consciousness than anyone else and works more actively than anyone else.

I'm afraid no Limit Douluo will be able to match this person, and threats and intimidation are out of the question. As for threatening other high-ranking members of the Party of Order, not to mention the ideological consciousness of those who can become high-ranking officials, even if they really meet the will. It is weak and cannot affect Liu Tianxin, the chief, and the damage it can cause is extremely limited.

Therefore, Emperor Tianhun was mentally prepared that he would most likely be forced to the negotiation table and deprived of most of his rights.

This is also true, Liu Tianxin did not leave him any favors, but directly put forward his own conditions: "In view of the improper behavior of the Tianhun Empire royal family during the war and during the restoration of order after the war.

We have reason to believe that the royal family is no longer suitable to be the ruler of this empire, and is not suitable to continue to be in charge of the most important weapon of the country.

The safety of the people must be under the protection of the system, and the nominal ruler of this country must also be restrained by the system.

Therefore, after discussions with representatives of all citizens, we make the following requests to you.

First, everyone in the empire, including the emperor, must abide by the imperial constitution.


Demands were put forward one after another. Although the emperor of Tianhun had no expression on his face, he was sighing in his heart. Under the constraints of these demands, the rights he could use became less and less, basically only Just a national symbol.

If you dare to violate the law and commit suicide privately, you will even be directly pushed to the gallows.

At a certain moment, he even had the urge to overturn the table and leave. What's the point of being an emperor with almost no rights? It would be better to go to other countries and become a warlord.

But considering the capabilities of the Party of Order, the emperor of the Sky Soul Empire knew very well that he had no possibility of separatist rule. Even if he showed this tendency, he might catch a cold the next day and die in bed.

Now he can be the mascot of this empire whether he wants to be or not.

During the negotiation process, the top officials of the empire seemed quite silent and repressed. It was not only the emperor, but also the nobles and ministers whose rights were restricted. They all had to abide by the constitution, and any important decisions they made had to go through the parliament. discuss. It would be extremely painful for anyone to watch their rights being taken away from them.

But in stark contrast to the heavy expressions on the faces of these noble ministers, it was the people who were watching all this in the square. Although what happened in front of them was not actually the transfer of the rights of the family owners in this country to their hands, most of them People will also feel confused because the emperor's rule disappears. But instinctively, they are still happy for this change.

[To be continued]

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