Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,681 Pulling the Nie Er Trojan

The atmosphere in the Sun-Moon Empire military camp was very solemn. Information from the northern front had been passed on. The Sun-Moon Empire suffered a major setback during its attack on Tiandou City. Not only were the logistics supplies robbed, but the frontal positions also suffered huge losses. The four soul engineer groups have been unable to exert their full combat effectiveness due to shortage of supplies.

It can be said that the losses this time were much greater than the first tactical mistake of Orange. Originally, the Sun and Moon Empire had formulated a plan for a blitzkrieg, but now that it was hindered, it had to face the huge pressure of a two-front war.

Logistics has become tight. The most troublesome thing is that rumors have begun to appear in the factory, and the positive symbols of the workers are declining. This kind of unrestricted warfare has never been experienced by the Sun and Moon Empire. But you can also feel the huge trouble contained in it.

Except for Orange, all the generals who participated in the military meeting looked solemn. If the immediate strategic disadvantage cannot be solved as soon as possible, there will be huge logistical pressure. I'm afraid it won't be enough to accomplish this strategic goal.

Fighting against the Star Luo Empire and the Heavenly Soul Empire is not the main goal this time. The real strategic goal is the Douling Republic. Only there are enough benefits to meet the consumption of this war.

If it were simply to conquer the territories of the Star Luo Empire and the Tianhun Empire. It was just an increase in enclaves that hindered domestic economic development. These two countries were already somewhat barren in the eyes of the Sun and Moon Empire. Even if they carried out destructive plunder, the benefits they could obtain were limited.

If the strategic goal cannot be achieved, if you want to attack the Douling Republic, you will probably have to spend another ten years recuperating and recuperating. The Douling Republic is accumulating wealth so fast that in ten years, who knows what the other side will develop into.

Every senior executive in the Sun and Moon Empire did not want to give the other side this time. At the end of a dull meeting, when neither arguing nor shirking responsibilities can find a solution to the problem at hand.

Orange suddenly spoke: "If I remember correctly, on our northern battlefield, the logistics line was attacked, and a total of 24 large-scale linked soul guidance centers were snatched away and installed on the city walls of the Sky Soul Empire. This That’s right.”

Orange's question immediately made the general in charge of the northern battlefield look ugly: "This is indeed our dereliction of duty, but I'm afraid now is not the time to blame each other. When I return to the empire, I will personally apologize to Your Majesty. Even if you are the emperor and empress, in the Please also put the overall situation first on the battlefield.”

Orange waved his hand: "I don't mean to blame you for your dereliction of duty. What I mean is that the Star Luo Empire should already know the information about this matter! After all, they are attacked by us at the same time. There should always be a conflict between the two empires. We are mutual allies. There is no doubt that it is impossible to hide the fact that Tiandou City has raised a large soul shield."

"What do you mean?" The general who had great responsibilities in protecting the logistics county breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the other party did not want to accuse him of negligence.

"I was wondering, if I were a general of the Star Luo Empire, after learning about the actions of my allies, would I also want to imitate the same actions of theirs.

After all, our shield is very precious to the Douluo empire. They cannot make it, but they can use it, and when combined with their soul masters, it can have an excellent defensive effect.

If this kind of soul shield appears in our logistics supplies, will our opponents also want to come and snatch it? "Juzi's words immediately aroused everyone's deep thought. The losses on the front line were heavy, and it was indeed necessary to supply the large-scale linked soul guidance center.

"Do you mean to strengthen the defense of the logistics line? We have already stepped up our efforts in this regard. Beware of anyone being able to damage our supply lines." The officer in charge of this aspect immediately emphasized that he was already working hard in this area.

But there are also officers who think faster and think of another possible idea from Orange: "You mean, we can deliberately expose flaws to lure the enemy to sneak attack, and then set up an ambush near the supply line to eat the sneak attack." enemy.

Anyone who can perform this kind of task must be a master. If you can defeat the opponent's master, it will obviously be a huge blow to the opponent's design. "

Orange nodded slightly, showing a childish expression: "You still have some brains, but we have to do more than that. It is indeed necessary to annihilate the enemy's vitality.

But the most important goal before us is to break through Ranier Pass. As long as we capture this place and continue to the east, there is an endless plain. The Star Luo Empire will be undefeated. We can drive straight in and directly attack the Great Star Luo City. .

Therefore, what we have to do is not only to annihilate the enemy's effective forces, but also to break through this dangerous level. Have you never considered that we have so many high-level soul engineers, can't we do something with the large-scale linked soul guides?

With our enemy's soul guidance technology, it is difficult to tell what we are doing on the soul guidance device, so we not only have to let the opponent snatch it, but also let them snatch away the large linkage center.

After they install the problematic hub on their fortress and activate the shield, the next strategic initiative will be in our hands.

I think with our advanced technology, we should be able to think of many ways to restrict our opponents' use of linked soul guidance machines. "

Orange's words immediately triggered a noisy discussion. Many generals did not think of this operation at all. This was also a problem with the military system of the Sun and Moon Empire.

To be able to assume important military duties, most of the time, the necessary condition is to be strong. And this strong strength, if placed on Douluo's side, is just the strength of martial soul cultivation, and the energy required is not actually counted. Especially in the later stage, when there is no need to exercise to strengthen the physical fitness, the time a soul master needs to spend every day practicing is actually replacing sleeping with practicing. There is actually a lot of free time.

In comparison, the ninth-level soul masters in the Sun and Moon Empire need much more time to practice. They must spend a lot of time studying soul guidance devices every day. This also has an advantage for those who serve as military commanders. Although all of them have high IQs, they are somewhat nerdy. Even in the military camp, they have to open a laboratory for themselves every day to design and make soul guides. In terms of strategy, those who are immersed in the production of soul guides This group of scientists is probably at a more limited level than the Trisolarans.

This makes it possible that no one thought of this operation before Orange proposed this Trojan horse plan.

However, after being enlightened, these people also started their carnival. If these officers are asked to make suggestions, their level may be quite average, but if they are asked to design and manufacture soul guides that can deceive people, that is definitely their strength. okay.

"I understand what you mean. It is very easy to transform the linked soul guidance center. We can even temporarily build a dysfunctional one. The power of the released shield can be completely controlled by us. When should it be turned on? Close? It’s entirely up to us.”

"What are you doing? Just making it impossible for people to control the opening and closing of the shield is not an advantage at all for us. If you ask me, just install powerful soul guides on these linked soul guide centers. bomb.

They must not be too far away from the center when using it. When the bomb explodes, thousands of soul masters can be killed at once. As long as it triggers chaos within them, we can take down this fortress in one go. "

"No! If we only install bombs, we can install at most eight-level soul-guided shells in this volume. Only those who are close can be killed by this power. Those who are farther away can basically survive as long as their cultivation level exceeds that of the Soul King. .

If you ask me, I can directly use these people's own soul power to create a super explosion for them.

I have designed a failed soul guidance device. After being turned on, it will crazily absorb the user's soul power, and it is almost impossible to cut off this absorption. This absorption will not stop until the soul master's soul power is completely drained.

When enough soul power is absorbed, the soul guide itself will explode. The more soul power is absorbed during this period, the more powerful the explosion will be. Theoretically, an explosion more powerful than a level nine soul guide is possible.

It's just that this kind of soul guide can only be used to self-destruct. After I designed it, I found that it couldn't be used in combat, so it was discarded as a failure. However, if it is used to make a trap, it is just right.

It can drain the enemy's soul masters dry, and then let these soul masters with no vitality at all face an unimaginable horrific explosion. Even a titled Douluo will not be immune to this level of attack. "

A group of ninth-level soul engineers were making crazy plans. Making plans was not what they were good at, but designing soul guides was their specialty, and there was nothing that made them more excited than this.

After hearing their plan, Orange also showed a satisfied expression. The last step of his plan was also perfected. As long as the enemy fell into his Trojan horse trick and installed the soul guidance center in his fortress, then this battle would be The stalemate battle is basically over.

On the other side, Dai Luoli was also in an embarrassing situation. If the Sun and Moon Empire still had enough time to consider the logistical pressure, as the head coach of the Star Luo Empire, all he could think about now was how to ensure that his country would not be subjugated.

Under the long-term attack, the fortress where I am is already crumbling. Maybe if I continue to hold on, I can still defend for a few months, but it will put a certain amount of logistic pressure on the opponent. But if the situation does not change, then the route of this fortress It's almost inevitable.

And if this place is captured, there won't be any dangerous checkpoints in the winter beyond Lanie'er Mountain to defend.

It is precisely in the face of the terrible situation in front of him that Dai Luoli is also thinking about other strategies besides defending. Since the level is almost bound to fall this time, some more dangerous strategies can also be tried.

"At present, the safest plan is to continue to strengthen the city's defense. We can learn from the experience of Tiandou City. The terrain advantage and the soul shield can have a very good defensive effect.

If possible, I can also rob the Sun-Moon Empire's logistics line. However, after what happened to the Tianhun Empire, the Sun-Moon Empire's protection of the logistics line will inevitably be tighter. It may not be easy to rob it.

Otherwise, all you can do is come up with strange ideas. If you want to completely eliminate the enemy and free the level from the siege, the most direct way is to annihilate the enemy's vitality. As long as the opponent dies enough, morale cannot be maintained. They will inevitably choose to withdraw their troops.

The biggest problem we face now is the lack of weapons for coordinated attacks, and relying on long-range soul guides for defense and offense is insufficient. Once the opponent's shield capacity drops to a dangerous level, he will immediately replace himself with other groups of soul masters and retreat.

All we can do is consume the opponent's soul power, but we can't kill the opponent's personnel. The most we can do is consume their supplies, and it is almost impossible to force them to retreat.

If we go out to attack the city..." Thinking of this, Dai Luoli had a headache. Originally, the masters on his side should have certain advantages. Even if there is a Death God Douluo on the opposite side, they cannot withstand the siege of many super Douluo. As long as these powerful As long as the soldiers are willing to listen to the command and take advantage of special operations, field battles can actually be fought.

The problem is that these masters are all uncles. It is simply impossible for them to obey orders and do things that look like sneaking around.

Therefore, Dai Luoli could only rack his brains and find other ways to break up the soul mentor group and plunge them into chaos, so that the strong ones on his side can take advantage of it.

"We have no choice but to use some more risky strategies. If our strategic goal is to hold the fortress and make the enemy retreat, then the enemy's goal is undoubtedly the fortress under my feet.

As long as I give up the ground under my feet, my opponent will not be able to resist the temptation and not attack no matter what. If so, this fortress must never be used as a trap.

Bury a large number of explosives and flammable materials in the city, wait until the enemy rushes in, prepare to occupy, and then detonate and burn the city.

Although an explosion of this magnitude cannot harm the enemy's vitality, it is definitely enough to cause serious chaos, leaving them with no time to activate the linked soul guide. At this time, our master's advantages can be brought into play, causing huge damage to the enemy in the chaotic city. Casualties, chaos! Taking advantage of our personal strength, there is some hope. "

Neither Orange nor Dai Luoli realized that when there was a stalemate on the battlefield, both sides began to play dirty tricks, but both sides were quietly carrying out their own strategies. Each battle was a classic battle worthy of being recorded in history. , will be staged at the important fortress of Ranier Pass.

However, this is basically the last glory of classical war strategy on this continent.

[To be continued]

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