Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,682 Bright Phoenix

Dai Luoli's backup plan will naturally be implemented only when it is absolutely necessary. Although he has already begun to prepare explosives and incendiary materials, the higher priority is still to strengthen the city defense. Even if he uses a conspiracy to kill the Sun and Moon Empire, a large number of effective forces, Ranie There is no doubt that the position at Ershan Pass will be greatly damaged. Even if it is captured by then, if the opponent is ruthless enough and does not hesitate to lose a lot of manpower and material resources, it is possible to take advantage of this period of weak defense to destroy Xingluo, which itself has suffered heavy losses. The imperial army drove them out.

Therefore, Dai Luoli stepped up the investigation and even went to conduct the investigation himself. After all, he had the mental power of the Evil Eye Tyrant. In a sense, his level of cheating was even more exaggerated than that of Huo Yuhao.

You can be invisible, or you can be far away. The enemy's information was detected.

And his movement speed is not too slow. The flying soul guide narrows the gap in flying speed between low-level soul masters and soul saints.

Basically, everyone can maintain subsonic flight. As long as you bring enough milk bottles, long-distance and high-speed reconnaissance by one person is not a problem, especially since Dai Luoli has strong mental power and can shield himself from the enemy's eyes. It's a stealth reconnaissance aircraft.

After arranging the defense work within the camp, he began to investigate, and he also discovered unusual movements in the Sun and Moon Empire's logistics troops.

This part of the logistics staff is transporting some important items. Looking down from a high altitude, they are probably transporting the centerpiece of a large-scale linked soul guide.

There is no doubt that this thing is very useful. If it is placed at Ranier Pass as a barrier, the difficulty of the Sun and Moon Empire's attacks will be greatly increased. If one's own people use long-range soul guides to hide in the shield, they can also reduce it as much as possible. Casualties, as long as enough can be obtained. With the large shield generator and the linked soul guidance center, it is possible to complete the task of holding on to the position and resisting the attack of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Just like the army of the Sun and Moon Empire could not resist the temptation to directly occupy Ranier Pass, the Star Luo Empire could not resist the temptation to directly seize the linked soul guide and strengthen its defensive positions.

However, Dai Luoli did not pass on the news immediately, but observed carefully. He knew very well that his opponent was Orange, and he was definitely an enemy with many tracks. He had experienced the opponent's strategies many times in the game, and added The Heavenly Soul Empire has already suffered a loss once.

Dai Luoli felt that Orange might not have any means to counter his sneak attack. Sure enough, after he flew around the transportation line of the logistics force for a few times, he noticed that there were actually masters hidden in the logistics force. Let someone else do it. Through investigation, it may be difficult to discover the existence of these masters.

But his powerful mental power forced these masters who had hidden their strength to be found out from the crowd. Not only that, there were also two groups of soul engineers on both sides of the logistics transportation line. They used optical camouflage to hide themselves. Move forward with the logistics team.

There is no doubt that this is a trap. If Dai Luoli did not have investigative capabilities that far exceeded common sense, it would be difficult to discover such an exquisite trap.

If you rush in headfirst, you are likely to be directly ambushed by the enemy.

It was precisely because he would probably not be able to discover this trap under normal circumstances that Dai Luoli felt relieved and thought that Orange would not have any other plans.

Orange is actually using all his talents to set up this trap. If the trap is too simple and can be easily seen through by the enemy, then the opponent can easily guess that there may be a bigger conspiracy behind the trap. conspiracy.

So Orange is really preparing to ambush Dai Luoli's troops to rob the logistics line. Anyway, if this plan succeeds, it will not be a loss. It can always kill the enemy's strength. By weakening the opponent's defense, he can definitely win the fortress in a shorter time. of.

In short, no matter whether the enemy successfully breaks through her trap or not, she will not lose.

Dai Luoli, on his side, immediately felt more confident after realizing that Orange had laid a trap waiting for him to step in.

Traps are most powerful when they are not discovered. After being seen through, it will be extremely vulnerable, and it will be easier to crack than an upright attack.

With great speed, Dai Luoli quickly flew back to his camp, reported the information he detected to other officers in the military camp, and immediately formulated a plan for the field battle.

"The enemy has hidden masters in the logistics team, but this part is actually the best to deal with. We have no shortage of strong men who can deal with these masters.

The key point is that on the north and south sides of the supply line, there are two soul engineer groups that accompany the movement of the logistics team.

I have figured out their location now, and I will deal with them silently. They are the focus of our tactics. During the march, it is impossible for the soul mentor group to keep turning on the shield. This is our opportunity.

My suggestion is to ambush them on their only path, make a surprise attack, and destroy them in the shortest possible time.

Since their strategic purpose is to ambush and plunder our troops on the supply line, there is no doubt that the scouts' attention should be focused on the logistics troops, and they are obviously negligent of the dangers on their way.

Here and here, it should be the only way for these two soul master groups to pass. The terrain happens to be complicated, suitable for ambushes. The mountain road is narrow, and they must form a narrow queue to pass.

We only need to ambush on the mountains on both sides and cut off their team when they pass through the valley, and the battle can be ended in a short time.

Remember, the speed must be fast. We don’t have many troops to organize when we go out to fight in the city. Our goal is not to destroy the other party's vitality, but to rob the other party's logistical supplies.

After confirming that the enemy's army is depleted, we immediately converge on our feigned attack force and take down the opponent's logistics in one go. I have already conducted reconnaissance. As long as we can get this wave of supplies, our defense can be strengthened to the point where it can easily support a whole day. years. When the time comes, the opponent will be exhausted. "

Although Dai Luoli is still young, his record is already very terrifying. Without him, Ranier Pass would have fallen several times. This also makes the soldiers listen to him very much, especially this is the White Tiger Duke. His son, even if it is difficult for him to inherit the position of Duke in the future, with this war-god-like record, he will definitely be the pillar of the White Tiger family in the future.

Therefore, no one objected to the plan made by this man. Instead, he immediately summoned the army and prepared to leave the heavily defended position and go out of the city to rob and kill the enemy.

The Sanalan Hills are a hilly area with complex terrain to the east of the Mingdou Mountains. It is precisely because of the obstruction of this area that the mechanized troops of the Sun and Moon Empire cannot advance quickly. This is why in the first round of attacks The festering Star Luo Empire army had a chance to escape.

However, the war lasted for such a long time, and the Sun and Moon Empire's logistics lines needed to pass through here, so the roads in the middle of the hills were hardened to a certain extent, allowing mechanized troops to pass quickly in most areas.

However, the cost of construction in mountainous areas is undoubtedly huge. There are still many places that are difficult for the army to pass, and they must slow down and advance slowly.

Behind a mound in a wetland, the troops of the Star Luo Empire were ambushing here. The roar of internal combustion engines could be heard from a long distance away. That was the sound of the Sun Moon Empire's vehicles trudging through this complex terrain.

Wet and muddy wetlands are a nightmare for vehicles. They often get stuck in the mud and have to be pulled out with a winch.

Marching in such a harsh geographical environment, it is difficult to blame these people for their negligence in investigation.

As the armies of both sides approached, the Star Luo Empire was ready to attack, and the martial spirits began to be released silently. It's just that the soul ring should be hidden in the ground under one's feet as much as possible. After all, it is an invisible thing, so it is okay. There is no need to worry about the mold being worn. Even if it is hidden in the ground under one's feet, it will not affect its use.

Soul masters may not be very familiar with similar techniques, but this is not a profound skill for soul masters who use martial souls to their advantage. Basically everyone can do it.

Just when another vehicle from the Sun-Moon Empire fell into the quagmire, the Star Luo Empire's army ambushing here launched. They immediately launched the most violent attack on the vehicle equipped with the linked soul guide.

A Soul Douluo directly used his eighth soul skill. He transformed into a huge bloody dragon, separated the swamp under his feet, rushed directly in front of the opponent's linked soul guide, punched down, and knocked out the precise The soul guide was broken into parts.

Almost at the same time, everyone else rushed within the range of the enemy's shield release. Even if the opponent releases a shield immediately, it cannot isolate these powerful soul masters.

For melee combat, soul masters are much better than soul mentors. A soul saint released his martial soul's true form and transformed into a dragon-like strange beast. He spurted surging water from his mouth, and the already damp earth instantly melted. For the quagmire.

Most of the Sun Moon Empire's army had their legs stuck in the quagmire, but the Star Luo Empire was well prepared, throwing down pieces of thin wooden planks and stepping on them. It's like surfing, moving at high speed on the swamp.

At the same time, another soul saint displayed his martial spirit true form and transformed into a fox with snow-white fur. As his tail swept in a circle, the extremely cold breath spread out, covering the muddy ground just now. The swamp froze violently.

Those who didn't have time to pull their legs out of the swamp were all frozen in the swamp. If it were just pure ice, you might be able to break free with brute force, but people living in the north know very well that frozen mud is far stronger than ice.

Ice is very brittle, but frozen mud is both hard and tough at the same time, making it much more difficult to break pure ice.

For a time, half of the soul mentors were temporarily trapped in the frozen soil. They were not advantageous in close combat, and they were deliberately plotted against them.

Naturally, they had no ability to resist. Those who could still move quickly collapsed in the short battle. After all, there was a huge gap in strength between the two sides, and there would be no results if they continued to resist.

And those who were trapped in the mud were desperately trying to take out the soul guides that could help them escape. Facing the fierce enemy, they thought they were dead.

However, the people who attacked them seemed to be in a hurry this time. They only had time to finish the attack. Several powerful men with higher cultivation levels and other soul masters who were trapped in the frozen soil were directly thrown on the spot.

The soul masters who had just fought a big battle left quickly, as if they appeared suddenly, and then disappeared suddenly after the attack.

Some people who reacted quickly have realized what happened. They were preparing to ambush the Xingluo people who were behind the robbery. As a result, they were counter-ambushed, so there was no doubt about the enemy's purpose.

Leaving in such a hurry, they must have gone to the logistics supplies. For a moment, these trapped people were very anxious. The person in charge of communications took out their soul guides and prepared to contact the logistics troops, but the communication could not be connected. It was obvious from the other side that It has also fallen into chaos.

The perspective came to the logistics force. In order to ensure that they could grab the supplies from the other side and ensure that the other side would not destroy the supplies before escaping, this time the Star Luo Empire dispatched three Title Douluo-level masters and also invited Dean Yan Shaozhe of Shrek Academy is in charge, which can be said to be an extremely luxurious lineup.

Especially Yan Shaozhe, whose level 97 Bright Phoenix Spirit is easily ranked among the top twenty in the continent in terms of combat effectiveness, and may even be ranked among the top ten.

The reason why we rank twenty is because there are four Extreme Douluo on the mainland. If there is only one level 98, Mr. Xuan, it is obviously unreasonable. There are probably other hidden level 98 experts. , but these powerful men are obviously not within the Sun and Moon Empire.

After all, the Sun Moon Empire didn't even have a local Super Douluo, so it was naturally impossible for it to have a local strongman comparable to Yan Shaozhe.


The golden flaming phoenix descended from the sky. The bright phoenix was worthy of being a top-notch martial spirit. The powerful power it burst out in an instant directly broke through the temporarily bloomed linked soul shield.

Like a golden drizzle. But the rain turned by the golden flames was undoubtedly fatal to the soldiers of the Sun and Moon Empire who faced this rain.

As long as these flames stick to the body, it will be like gangrene attached to the bones, which is difficult to extinguish. The more you use soul power, the more intense the flames on your body will burn. Only by stopping the operation of soul power and using physical means can you burn it out. Little by little extinguishes the flames on his body.

But on the battlefield, if you don't use your soul power, wouldn't you be waiting to become a lamb to be slaughtered? Obviously this move was quite practical, and it immediately greatly weakened the combat effectiveness of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Facing such a powerful person, two ninth-level soul masters in the Sun Moon Empire army flew up. One of them sneered at Yan Shaozhe: "Dean of Shrek Academy? It is indeed majestic. The two of us join forces. They may not be your opponents, but do you think there will only be two of us sitting here to escort such important supplies?

Hum! How stupid you are, you don’t even know that you have fallen into a trap. You, the phoenix of light, will surely perish here today. "

[To be continued]

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