Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,685 The brilliance of the protagonist

This time Dai Luoli directly handed over his body to the control of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. No matter how exquisite his own fighting skills were, they were nothing compared to the boss with 800,000 years of experience.

Even an Extreme Douluo can hardly compare with an 800,000-year-old soul beast in terms of combat experience. Except for the Beast God Di Tian, ​​there is no one on the entire continent who can match the experience of the person in front of him.

Even though his current cultivation level is only level 50 and he has not even obtained the fifth soul ring, he can still exert strong combat effectiveness with his strong mental power.

I saw him taking his tactical sharp knife team and heading straight to the camp where Orange was located to kill him.

Everyone was carrying armor-piercing bullets to guard against the possibility of shields appearing around them. As the empress, Orange was definitely the most tightly protected.

When Dai Luoli saw that most of the soul mentor group was guarding Orange's camp, he knew that this matter would be difficult to handle and it would be difficult for him to break through to Orange.

However, he was not the one controlling his body, so he never considered this matter impossible.

Under the command of the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, all the soldiers carrying armor-piercing bullets pulled the triggers at the same time, breaking a hole with a diameter of only 40cm in the solid shield. This hole is still being repaired quickly.

At this moment, Dai Luoli jumped up, his body as flexible as a civet, and rushed in before the gap closed.

It's just that none of his teammates came in. Logically speaking, if he was the only one from the Fourth Ring Soul Sect to come in and kill him, it would be the same as dying, and there would be no chance of winning at all.

However, everyone underestimated his fighting power. Many masters directly aimed at him with their soul guides, preparing to shoot. It was related to the safety of the emperor and empress, and they could not be allowed to survive at this time.

Just before Dai Luoli landed, several laser pointers suddenly popped out from his fingers. Under the powerful mental scanning and strong control of his body, there were a total of eight laser pointers sandwiched between his four fingers. The pen takes turns to illuminate those who aim at it.

Each stroke hits the opponent's pupil. Anyone who has played with a laser pointer as a child must have tried to use it to illuminate the pupil. Children can only come into contact with low-power ones. Even so, being exposed to this Even if it is irradiated, a large blind area will appear in the field of vision, and it may even burn the retina.

The power in Dai Luoli's hand is greater. Just a short exposure can make the person who is shooting unable to see anything. The suppression ability that bursts out in an instant is even better than the flash bomb that hurts me.

Almost as soon as he landed and stood firm, the several soul masters who had the right angle to shoot at him were all blinded. The scouts who were suitable for observing him also had their eyes briefly scanned by lasers, and a brief blind spot appeared in their field of vision. .

Then a layer of optical camouflage was put on his body, and as he rushed into the position, he immediately disappeared from everyone's sight.

This scene made all the soul engineers responsible for guarding the oranges fall into tension. The opponents were obviously weak, but they used strange means to disappear from their investigation. The temperature scanned the mixing guide, and the fluctuation positioning soul guide, one after another It was taken out and used to search for possible enemies hidden in one's position.

And Dai Luoli is like an unparalleled assassin who plays Assassin's Creed seriously. He relies on his strong mental power to stay in the blind spot of everyone's vision without knowing the enemy's position with the light steps of a civet.

No patrolling soldiers were killed, because this was unnecessary. Even if there were patrolling soldiers, there would still be visual blind spots, and even if there were detectors, there would still be areas that could not be covered.

He quickly passed through the guards one after another. When he encountered obstacles such as barbed wire fences, he directly took out the vise on his body, cut these things off, and used his mental power to make up for the previous layer of disguise after passing through.

The people searching for him may carefully search the camp to see if there are any hidden people, but they will not carefully check whether there are holes in the barbed wire and fences. After all, holes can be drilled by the enemy. There are too many places to sneak in, and time is tight. It's impossible to explore them one by one.

That's it, Dai Luoli touched the camp where Orange was located all the way, but here, there was an independent shield guarding it. It was no longer possible to move forward silently. The next thing he could do was Wushuang, and solve the problem. All the enemies here then took hostages and forced the Sun and Moon Empire to retreat.

He took out all the bombs on his body and quietly placed them next to the shield. He then came to the opposite direction of the shield and then detonated all the bombs.

The violent explosion immediately destroyed the shield. As long as it exploded instantly and had enough power, even a ninth-level soul guide could be exploded. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Dai Luoli rushed in directly.

The master responsible for protecting Orange focused all his attention on the direction of the explosion, completely unaware that after his opponent appeared, he sneaked in from the opposite direction.

By the time they discovered it, the attackers had already reached the high platform where Orange was commanding. The two ninth-level soul engineers responsible for protecting Orange immediately released their soul guides.

The two large nets quickly enveloped Dai Luoli and collided head-on. There was absolutely no chance of him surviving. The gap in soul power between the two sides was too great. But if they just want to take hostages, there is no chance at all.

Although the ninth-level soul master is powerful, if he does not consider the problem of his own injury and forcibly stimulates his spiritual power, an opponent of this strength is not completely invincible.

boom! boom!

The two ninth-level students felt as if there was a loud explosion in their minds, and they fell to the ground with their heads turned.

His mouth and nose were bleeding. Although he was not seriously injured, he had lost the guidance and control of his attack. Dai Luoli threw a light ball. The light ball released powerful soul power fluctuations during its flight, just like a magnet. Attract these two big nets to fly far.

This is a little thing he made out of consideration for the design concept of the soul guide of the Sun and Moon Empire. Whether the soul guide is easy to use does not necessarily depend on its power or level. In many cases, it depends on whether it is suitable. .

For example, the thing he just threw out was not even a first-level soul guide, but it relied on simulating the fluctuations of his own soul power to directly attract the two large nets that were tracking him. The attack released by the super soul guide was directly deceived by a decoy bomb.

After this battle, the masters of the Sun and Moon Empire will definitely start to reflect. Simply pursuing the power of a single soul guide without considering the reasonable tactics formed by the combination of various weapons is no longer suitable for this era of rapid development.

It is no longer an era where tactics serve weapons, but an era where weapons are designed for tactics.

Dai Luoli relied on himself to gain less than two seconds and quickly climbed onto the high platform. Regardless of the fact that his mouth and nose were bleeding and his spiritual sea was severely damaged, he once again gathered powerful mental power and slammed into the high platform. oranges on the table.

At this moment, he really seemed to be the protagonist possessed by a halo. He turned the tide from collapse time and time again, helped the building to collapse, and was able to single-handedly kill the enemy leader in the final desperate situation. In a sense, Huo Yuhao's protagonist The halo has now fallen on his head, and he has given full play to it, interpreting what a wonderful plot should be for a fantasy protagonist.

But just when he knocked down the woman on the high platform and took out the sharp blade and put it on her neck, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. The reflection from the mental attack just now was somewhat beyond his expectation. According to the intelligence, the emperor After all, he should only have the strength of a sixth-level soul engineer.

With this level of mental power, let alone backlash, Dai Luoli's normal mental attacks were enough to knock her out directly. However, by the time she realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

Everyone took out their weapons and pointed them at him on the high platform. Including the woman whose neck was being held hostage by him with a sharp blade. Although this woman looked exactly the same as Orange in the portrait, the eight soul rings that appeared behind her at this time had proved the problem.

The person in charge of the command on the high platform was not Tangerine at all, but made up to be her stand-in. The most puzzling thing is that this kind of make-up is the simplest kind of make-up using cosmetics. The two of them originally looked alike, plus the make-up The process did not involve the intervention of any extraordinary power, resulting in Deloitte having strong mental power, but unable to see whether this disguise was true or false.

Bang bang bang!

A burst of applause sounded behind him, and at the same time a cold mouth was pressed against the back of his head. As long as he dared to make the slightest move, the gunman would pull the trigger without hesitation.

Under the protection of two ninth-level soul masters, Orange climbed up to the high platform and looked at Dai Luoli with eyes full of admiration: "I have to say, you exceeded my expectations. If it weren't for you, my army's equipment level would have been greatly improved. There is also a huge gap in the influence of the army. I should lose this war.

But it's a pity that there are no ifs in reality. Your raid was very heroic, and your refusal to give up at the last moment is worthy of respect. But now you have lost, surrender! "

Dai Luolixin took back the control of his body and sighed: "Did you know that someone would come to sneak attack and capture you alive?"

Orange nodded: "This is not difficult to guess. From the number of people you attacked, I can roughly guess the situation on your side. After the previous heavy defeat, you had no time to gather enough soldiers.

If I were you, if I wanted to achieve my strategic goal, the only possibility would be to capture the thief first, because no matter how sophisticated the command is, it is impossible to make up for the huge gap between our troops and equipment. .

Therefore, taking precautions in advance is naturally nothing worthy of praise. On the contrary, you, with only the cultivation of the fourth ring, can achieve this level. I am afraid that for the Star Luo Empire, you are not just a general who is good at commanding. So simple. "

"What's the use if I can fight on my own?" Dai Luoli shook his head. Now that someone was pointing a gun at his head, he didn't dare to resist at all. He was still the same as Huo Yuhao when he was not exposed to the Internet in the early days. , still held prejudice and hatred towards the Sun and Moon Empire, but after more discussions with players from the Sun and Moon Empire, the nationalistic sentiments in his heart gradually faded away.

He worked hard to command the Star Luo Empire's army, and he only made this choice out of the obligations of his position and the benefits he could gain in the process. Now that he was captured, he naturally would not try any futile resistance.

"One thing I still don't understand is how you contacted this substitute to command the army for you. Commanding the army requires timely judgment, soldiers are very fast, and there are complicated transfer processes in between. How could you still complete it? Smooth command? Didn’t you command the army from the beginning?”

Orange smiled and replied: "Because I have indeed never been in command! Since I have anticipated that your strategy is to capture the thief first, I only need to capture your elite, and the battle will be over.

I don't need to effectively command the army at all, because with the huge gap in strength, even if you tie a dog on this high platform, you will definitely not be able to win.

Besides, you have already set fire to my camp. The soldiers don’t know the generals, and the generals don’t know the soldiers. Even if I personally go up to command, what I can do is limited. My strategic purpose is to defend this city. In order to achieve this purpose, some troops losses are naturally allowed.

Just like when you made the plan in front of you, planting a large number of explosives in the city, and preparing to catch turtles in an urn, didn't you think about it? Sacrifice some of your own people as bait? "

"..." Dai Luoli was silent.

He had no way to refute, he could only say that those who play tactics have a bad heart.

Although he was defeated, as a protagonist, Dai Luoli's experience is more in line with the growth experience of a fantasy protagonist, which is a cycle of cheating, improving strength, pretending to be cool, and cheating again. Occasionally, the protagonist's experience will be Insert frustration before cheating, but the frustration is generally not particularly offensive.

For example, he was captured by a high-ranking beautiful general and was imprisoned in a military camp, but he was treated very well, just like the famous generals and divisions who were captured during the Three Kingdoms period. As for the captured protagonist and the beautiful general, they admire each other and have a secret love for each other. And so on, these are naturally what the question should mean.

The protagonist's life is always fun and exciting, just like a fairy tale for adults. But for adults, the only way to truly realize their own excitement in reality is through their own courage and perseverance, and perseverance in doing one thing. And achieve success.

Compared with the imperial battlefield, where tens of thousands of people set off one person's glory, and one general's achievements are worth thousands of bones. In another country on this continent, every ordinary person is performing his or her own splendor.

In a social environment where hard work, bravery, and strong character can be recognized, as long as you work hard, you can often reap rewards. It is precisely because more and more people believe this that countless people have joined this group. , expressing his passion and performing the wonderful things that belong to every ordinary person.

Perhaps the protagonist of this world is still dazzling, but the center of the world has quietly shifted.

[To be continued]

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