Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,686 The Struggle of the Spirit Fighters

Dai Luoli and Orange are both protagonists in this world. Their wonderfulness is supported by countless people, but in Dou Ling, no one is the protagonist, or everyone is their own protagonist. In this country , Everyone is given the same possibility. An ordinary child from a rural family may appear in a synchronous orbiting laboratory in the future.

Not only because of the implementation of compulsory education and a fairer distribution system, but more importantly, everyone can enter a civilized space, act as a leader of civilization, and promote the development of their own civilization.

The existence of civilized space is not just about disseminating knowledge and letting people understand the principles of various rules in society. The more important role is to give everyone a brand new existence that can be compared.

Human beings like to compare. This is human nature. If you just suppress this nature and try to build a utopian society, you will undoubtedly fail in the end.

If people find that no matter how hard they work, they are still absolutely equal to others, then what reason would there be for working hard?

Competition still exists. Although personality is equal, the gap in social status will still exist. A positive and equal society does not mean that there is no competition and you can enjoy life at home.

That is a service-oriented society. In essence, it is a social form that is not enterprising. It uses all productive forces to meet people's material needs and regards enjoyment as the ultimate goal of social development.

In such a society, competition will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and people will gradually lose the desire to compete, but this is not a good phenomenon.

In a positive society, competition between people will still exist, and it will even become more intense, but it is no longer a meaningless involution, and judging a person's value and social status no longer relies on the wealth that an individual controls.

One of the important roles played by civilized space is to provide a universal competition standard for the entire society. Everyone can enter this space and promote the development of their own civilization, and the degree of civilization development is what everyone competes with and compares with.

With almost complete equality in material life, people living in Dou Ling have gradually lost their pursuit of money. Even if they obtain a large amount of money through certain means, they cannot be used for low-level consumption. .

In short, the types of goods in society are limited. There are only a few hundred types of drinks and tens of thousands of types of clothes. With so many types, they can basically meet everyone’s needs other than comparison. The added value of the brand is almost eliminated. Erased from this society.

Even if you have money, you can only use it to buy the items you need for your life. If you buy more than you need, you will be subject to supervision. Once it is deemed a waste, you will only be severely punished and the entire network will be notified.

Wealth can only be used for positive interests, which makes the foundation of private ownership begin to be shaken, and wealth has become less and less meaningful to individuals.

If there is no new existence in the entire society that allows people to chase and compare as something that exists in place of money and evaluates one's social status, then such a society will gradually decline and people will lose their enthusiasm for labor. .

In this process, civilized space replaced the status of money and became a new way to evaluate a person's value. People began to pursue the pursuit of promoting their own civilization to a more advanced and prosperous stage.

Pursuing victory in the process of clashing with other civilizations, and to do this, you must learn a lot of advanced knowledge, improve the technology of your own civilization, and establish a more complete social system.

This makes everyone start to actively learn and think about what kind of social system is most suitable in reality. Only by learning more knowledge can they push their civilization to a higher level.

The Douling Republic has also formulated relevant laws. Only by completing work better and achieving higher achievements in reality can we obtain more education, obtain more advanced knowledge, and at the same time obtain a longer login civilization space. time.

This has promoted the enthusiasm of citizens to work hard in reality. In such a society, competition is fierce, but vicious competition rarely occurs, because in a civilized space, leading the development of a civilization is not about sitting in front of a screen. Just click the mouse and you're done.

Instead, you must personally participate in the development of civilization. You need to set an example when necessary, and you even need to become a moral benchmark in civilization. If you overindulge in reality and unscrupulously destroy social rules, then it is difficult to say that you can do it in a civilized space. Lead by example.

And a civilization with broken morals and order, even if it has higher technology, is likely to be at a disadvantage in a war, and will eventually be counterattacked by the side with lower technology.

You must know that time in a civilized space is longer than in reality. If you cannot even maintain your own morality in reality, then it is even more impossible to insist on your own principles and not collapse in a civilized space. done.

In a sense, competition in such a society is actually more intense. Once someone slacks off, they will fall behind in the civilized space, and those who fall behind will be beaten. Moreover, after losing, the laggards will not immediately read the save and start over. .

Instead, he joins the victor's civilization as an ordinary person, accepts the rule of this civilization, and is instilled with the culture and ideas of this civilization.

If you are aspirant, you can naturally learn what you need in the process, summarize the shortcomings of your own civilization, and go back to make corrections after completing this period of service.

And if you are a relegated person who does not seek advancement and only knows the existence of enjoyment in a civilized space, you will be severely beaten by society under strict social rules. If you are beaten too much, most people will wake up. Well, if this cannot get rid of depravity, such people will generally be raised as rice bugs. If they have unstable personalities and cause harm to society, they may be sent to prison or given away as gifts.

In this kind of positive but competitive society, the speed of technological advancement in the Republic of Dou Ling is actually very fast. Some people who have pushed the civilization in the civilized space to extremely high levels have already caught up with or even surpassed it. In addition to the actual level of science and technology, many of Dou Ling's black technologies were brought by these people.

As for the drawbacks of the development of this system, the rulers of the Douling Republic can also see it. The more they push their civilization to a higher level, the more these people worship the creator of the civilized space.

Because in their opinion, the technology in this space seems to have no upper limit. The person who can create it may be as powerful as a god. Facing such a being, it is difficult not to feel worshipful.

And this is the hidden danger. If the person who created this space has malicious intentions, then countless people will lose their faith, and a considerable number of people will even give up their own civilization and choose to follow the creator of the space.

This is undoubtedly a devastating blow to Dou Ling, so while using civilized space to promote technological development and social progress, Dou Ling's top management is also trying its best to de-spatialize it, but unfortunately it has little effect. , Dou Ling still cannot do without this crutch.

Especially now that the divine disaster is coming, the civilized space becomes even more important, just like Noah's Ark that takes them through the disaster.

Cheng Ying is quite satisfied with the development of space on Douluo Planet, especially the Douling Republic. Although the cutting-edge technology is still lagging behind the top scientists of the Party of Order, the industrial system is more complete.

In terms of development potential, the Douling Republic, with a population of 150 million, undoubtedly has more potential.

Cheng Ying was already ready to personally guide these people in construction, but this time he was not in a hurry to bring these people to the moon.

Establishing a base on the moon is actually just the final insurance. If no serious disaster occurs on Douluo Planet, the surface of the planet is actually far more suitable for survival than the moon.

To give the simplest example, you can understand how difficult it is to develop planets in outer space. Just compare it to the difficulty of developing the western part of China. Even if the organization is as strong as China, it is extremely difficult to develop remote areas in the western part of the country. , you can imagine how difficult it will be for humans to develop a planet like the moon.

On the continent of Douluo Planet, there are still too many remote lands that are in urgent need of development. It is not that the coastal areas are prosperous. Even if the planet is fully developed, there is still a lot of potential for development in the inland areas, and the cost will be higher than that of development. Alien is much lower.

Even if Cheng Ying personally guides these people, he will not guide them towards outward development. There are still too many exploitable resources on the planet under his feet that have not been utilized. Although there is a foundation for entering the starry sky, from the perspective of civilization development Look, the cost of resource extraction on alien planets is still too high.

The real development method that is conducive to the advancement of civilization is to develop as much land as possible on the surface of the planet, establish laboratories in space, conduct scientific research activities that cannot be carried out on the ground, continuously accumulate technology, and reduce the cost of space colonization before proceeding. development.

The Douling Republic has obviously determined to develop these inland remote areas. This can be seen from the Disha Project. The underground three-defense facilities are not just built. Someone also needs to maintain the facilities. If If it is built in a deserted area, the cost of maintenance will be too high. Someone must build a city here and develop remote areas so that human footprints can be spread all over the land underfoot.

The Douling Republic has never lacked dedicated people. The development of these remote areas is already in progress. Centered on the underground three-defense facilities spread across the land, villages are starting from scratch one by one, under difficult conditions. China has built roads and railways, splitting mountains, crossing rivers, crossing frozen soil, spreading across the entire land like miracles.

The glory of civilization has begun to evolve, but those who once considered themselves the protagonists did not realize that they regarded themselves as the center of the world, and came towards such a great country with the thoughts of invasion and plunder.

His eyes returned to the army of the Sun and Moon Empire. After successfully seizing the Lanier Pass through the Trojan horse trick, the army of the Sun and Moon Empire rushed straight to Xingluo City without stopping.

The nobles of the Star Luo Empire surrendered one after another wherever they passed, and some even surrendered their private soldiers directly and joined the advancing army of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Without natural protection, the Star Luo Empire can only rely on the towering Star Luo City for defense. However, although they are stronger than the Tianhun Empire and the Star Luo City has been preserved more completely, they are still under great pressure in the face of the Sun and Moon Empire's army. .

On the one hand, it is impossible for them to imitate the Heavenly Soul Empire and steal the linked souls to the center to use them for defense. They have already suffered a loss once, and it will be difficult for ordinary people to be fooled again.

If the stolen soul tool explodes in their city again, then they will have no place to retreat. Star Luo City is the last fortress of the princes and nobles.

On the other hand, after the plain area was cut off, the supply line from the Sandstorm Group was also cut off. As a result, Xingluo City could only use the most primitive means to resist and try to import weapons and equipment from the Dou Ling Republic behind it.

It's just that we have learned that the Dou Ling Republic itself is hoarding a large number of weapons, so it may be difficult to agree to their trade request.

Therefore, after Xingluo City was attacked by troops, it appeared to be very conservative, as if it was holding on to the city and letting the rest care whether it lived or not.

This made many generals express dissatisfaction, but the empire is the emperor's empire, the emperor's safety is the most important, and the opinions of the generals are not important.

So after Orange sent people to surround Xingluo City, he directly bypassed the city and went all the way north, bypassing the Xingluo Empire, going around behind the Tianhun Empire, and headed straight for the Dou Ling Republic.

Orange himself actually does not agree with this. The long-distance attack strategy is a severe test for the endurance of the soldiers. Tired soldiers are the most vulnerable to sneak attacks, and their own side also lacks intelligence from the Dou Ling Republic.

If you choose to attack rashly, you are likely to suffer a loss. But Orange's suggestions were also not adopted. Tactics serve strategy, strategy serves war, and war ultimately serves political goals.

The Sun Moon Empire launched this war in order to plunder the large amount of wealth accumulated by the Douling Republic after its technological development. Therefore, the strategy was to plunder within the Douling Republic, and all tactics must serve the plunder.

Even if this requires the army to risk heavy losses, they will not hesitate to do so. After all, they have tasted the benefits in the Douling Republic before. In this country where all the people participate in active labor, the wealth accumulated is very huge, and they can be plundered at will. , enough to make you full.

As a result, the Sun-Moon Empire's army collided with the Dou Ling Republic's defense line...

[To be continued]

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