Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,688 Skyfire Meteor

It was difficult for Orange to describe the scene in her eyes at this time. Cannonballs trailing flames at their tails fell from the sky like meteors, and some were even real meteors, falling from the sky.

Although it doesn't seem that huge, the distance is too far after all. But that silent sense of oppression made Orange's army dare not act rashly.

As missiles and space-based weapons approach, the friction between high-speed moving objects and the atmosphere causes terrifying screams. People targeted by these attacks can hear loud noises like a train moving towards them.

As if something huge was about to come in front of them and crush them all, everyone immediately stationed themselves on the spot and turned on the shield to maximum power.

At this time, there is no point in escaping. What is locked is not a certain strong man, but an entire army. The locked army has no possibility of escaping. No matter how fast they move, the missiles in the sky only need to be slightly deflected. By moving the flight path, you can easily bomb wherever they move.

There is no need to make fancy sharp-angle turns or turning maneuvers in the sky. Once the speed reaches this level, you only need to fine-tune the flight trajectory to make the enemy's avoidance ineffective.

As for if you are dealing with an individual strong person, you may be able to deflect the impact of the missile at the last moment, but this is meaningless. The missile is equipped with a warhead, and the real damage after landing is not the impact, but the explosion.

In comparison, it may be useful to dodge the blows of space-based weapons, but that one is faster, and it is more difficult to dodge at the last moment.

Orange has given up the possibility of evasion. The 15 soul mentor groups gathered together, with the Fire Phoenix Soul Mentor Group as the core, and deployed all the large-scale linkage soul guidance devices they could arrange on the spot. There was no time to worry about what they might face next. The sudden attack concentrated everyone's soul power and launched an unprecedented super shield.

The strength of this kind of shield would not cause even the slightest ripple even if an Ultimate Douluo's attack hit it. The upper limit was so terrifying that only strong men who had accepted the inheritance of the Lord God could threaten this kind of defense.

But it is usually impossible to use such a defense, because maintaining this level of shield consumption is very huge, and every minute will consume the entire soul power equivalent to the level of a Titled Douluo.

The defensive strength is not inferior to that of Mingdu Barrier, but even with such a strong backing, no one present has the slightest sense of security. Although the distance is far away, it is difficult for people to judge the speed of objects falling in the sky. Fast, but even just by instinct, you can feel what kind of terrifying power the red light streaking across the sky contains.

The sharp screams became louder and louder, and this terrifying sound could be heard for miles around. As the core of the attack, the sound waves alone gave them a severe shock.

"Don't have any reservations. Insert all bottle soul guides into the guidance center and output all soul power with all your strength. Now is not the time to consider combat endurance."

Orange knows very well that if you can't withstand this wave of blows, then there is no need to think about the future. Any one of those red flashes falling from the sky that falls on the position will definitely cause the annihilation of the entire army. If it cannot be intercepted, It's best to raise your middle finger in advance, so that you can at least die with dignity. If a silhouette is stamped on the ground by a terrorist explosion, that raised middle finger may become one of the unsolved mysteries of the future.

As bottles of milk were inserted into the linked soul guide, a huge amount of soul power was injected, equivalent to the soul power of 400 titled Douluo who went all out to output defense at the same time, and condensed on the entire shield in an instant.

The attacks from the sky arrived almost at the same time. There were almost no attacks, and they all hit the top of the shield. The first ones to arrive were missiles carrying nuclear warheads. Although nuclear weapons technology was not mature enough, warheads that could be transported by missiles were , the power is very limited, but for the soul masters of this era, it is still a destructive energy.

This continent is filled with soul power, which causes radioactive materials to accelerate decay when exposed to the soul power environment for a long time. This means that nuclear weapons can be used as conventional weapons in this world, and nuclear radiation will only remain for a short period of time. Basically within ten years it can be reduced to a completely harmless level.

Similarly, this also means that the development of nuclear weapons technology in this world is very difficult. The purification of spent fuel rods and the mining of fuel need to be carried out in an environment that lacks soul power deep underground.

But no matter what, the power of this super weapon is very huge. When it debuted on a regular battlefield for the first time, it caused devastating damage.

Like the sun, light rose outside the shield. No one could look directly at the light within the explosion range. The huge energy was converted into thermal energy and mechanical energy, destroying the most powerful backing in the world in the most brutal and primitive way.

With a shield containing more than 400 titled Douluo's total soul power, the upper limit of the defensive power is also far beyond imagination, and it survived the successive nuclear explosions.

But in the explosion, all the soul masters' faces were extremely pale. Each explosion almost drained the soul power from their bodies. Those with lower cultivation levels had rolled their eyes and collapsed to the ground. Everyone was forced to link up. There is absolutely no possibility of taking advantage of a soul guide in times of crisis. Everyone will only exit this link after being drained of the last trace of soul power.

Just the initial nuclear explosion had already consumed most of their strength, and the meteors that followed immediately overwhelmed the shields.

Compared with the huge explosive yield of nuclear warheads launched by missiles, the power of space-based weapons is more concentrated in kinetic energy, which means that the area where energy is released is more concentrated, and it also tests the strength of the shield more.

The first high-strength, high-temperature-resistant alloy fell down at a speed beyond what the human eye could capture. After impacting the shield, it did not compress the entire shield as before, but felt as if it had hit a highly elastic colloid. In general, he squeezed the shield downwards to create a depression, like a pair of pliers piercing a rice cake.

Everyone couldn't help but feel terrified when they saw this scene. If the shield had not been improved and had no powerful soul, and the instructor used his own material to transform it into a flexible shield, then the penetrating attack just now would have happened. I'm afraid the shield has been completely shattered.

As all the kinetic energy of the warhead was exhausted, the shield gradually returned to its original shape. The concave position suddenly bounced back, throwing the warhead in the sky high into space.

Theoretically, if they can control the direction in which the warhead bounces, this move can be used as a powerful weapon. Although the rebounded warhead is no longer at the speed of the first universe, its power is by no means what conventional kinetic energy weapons that can be manufactured in this era can level reached.

It's a pity that they encountered a surprise attack and had no time to carry out relevant operations.

There was not just one warhead falling from the sky. The one just now reached the target first because of a control error. The next warheads hit different positions on the shield almost at the same time. In fact, the best result should be that all the warheads hit. At one point.

But unfortunately, it is not easy to control such high-speed, high-temperature, and high-friction falling objects. It is already a pretty good achievement if most of them fall on the shield.

At the same time, more than ten warheads fell, and the shield was like a hedgehog that had been turned upside down. Many downward depressions were blown out in an instant. The nearest depression to the position was only a dozen meters away. If the attacks were more intensive, even if the backing was not broken, if this thing hit the position, it would definitely destroy the linked soul guidance center. , the shield will still be broken by then, and even a flexible shield cannot resist this level of attack.

However, although the current attack has been resisted, all the reserve soul power of the entire legion has been used up, including the soul power remaining in each person's body.

Even everyone's milk bottles had been squeezed dry. Orange looked at the slowly dispersing shield with a pale face, and the large crater in the white ground that was blasted around, feeling a lingering fear in his heart.

Surrounding the shield, there is a huge depression that is several kilometers wide. At the bottom of the depression, there is a light green fluorescent molten material. The green fluorescence is all emitted by high-intensity radioactive materials, although they do not know it. The dangers of radioactive materials, but you can feel the danger just by looking at the fluorescence. Within a radius of several kilometers, only the ground beneath their feet was undamaged. It was like an isolated island in a storm of destruction, looking lonely and small.

Orange did not dare to relax their vigilance. Although they relied on the most advanced shield technology and the huge soul power of everyone to withstand the most violent attack, they also completely lost contact with the rear. A strong signal after the nuclear explosion The interference not only blocked the orderly propagation of electromagnetic waves, but also cut off the communication of the soul guide.

In this kind of area, information warfare is already difficult to achieve. In theory, no one should be able to carry out follow-up pursuits in such a tragic terrain after bombing, amid high temperatures and radiation.

But Orange found that he had underestimated his opponent's will. In the smoke that had not yet dissipated, powerful metal chariots rushed out. They were like beasts, crossing the muddy ground due to the high temperature. , ignoring the bumpy terrain, relying on the tracks to run over everything and rushing towards the army that had lost all its soul power.

These tanks all have external plug-ins, thick radiation-proof armor, and almost all use mechanical transmission. They can still attack forward in this extremely harsh electromagnetic environment.

All tanks are manned, and the drivers are well aware of the risk of risking radiation when driving tanks in such terrain, but the duty of soldiers is to stand in front of everyone. If they do not stand up, what will happen next? Facing the powerful soul mentor group, the country and people will face a hundred times more serious losses.

A steel behemoth that moves forward inexorably. Crush towards the Sun Moon Empire army's position.

At this time, the soul master who had lost his soul power had no ability to defend himself. After several intimidating bombardments, everyone understood that after the soul power was exhausted, he would face an attack equivalent to at least ten thousand years of soul skills. , there is no possibility of resistance anymore.

A steady stream of steel behemoths broke through the barrier of gunpowder smoke, their engines roared, and their tracks rolled over the scorching ground, killing their opponents like Shura in hell.

If there are regular Titled Douluo in the Sun Moon Empire army, they may still have the strength to fight. Although the nuclear bomb destroyed the extraordinary power in a large area, the soul power is replenished quite quickly. If there are Titled Douluo, rely on it. With his ability to quickly restore soul power, even when both parties' communication capabilities have been lost, he can still rely on his individual strength to gain an advantage in the melee.

It is a pity that all the soul masters in the Sun and Moon Empire are not very good at soul master training. Even if the soul core is condensed and passed the test, in such a harsh environment, there is no time to recover quickly.

In the face of a civilization that can create vitality, nuclear bombs can only be regarded as useless. Weapons with very low technological content, but the power of nuclear explosions is unquestionable. Just like primitive people picking up flames, the technological content of torches may be extremely low.

But it cannot be said that high temperatures of more than 600 degrees are not lethal. Modern precision electronic products are much more technologically advanced, but few can withstand such high temperatures.

The same goes for soul power. The core of a nuclear explosion is the release of energy inside the atomic nucleus. Its power has exceeded the upper limit of natural phenomena that may occur on most solid planets. It can directly destroy soul power. It is true destruction, rather than using Finally, let the soul power lose its activity, turn into a low energy state, and re-reserve strength.

Therefore, after a large-scale nuclear explosion, the soul power content in it is very thin. Titled Douluo may still be able to rely on the strong attraction of his soul core to summon soul power from further away to assist in the battle.

The inferior soul core of the soul master obviously has no possibility of this. Faced with the situation in front of him, Orange is helpless. This is not a problem that can be solved by strategy.

"Disperse and retreat!" Orange had no choice but to give an order that was almost equivalent to an escape.

A soul engineer who has lost his soul power is extremely fragile. Even a seventh-level soul engineer has no way to penetrate the steel plate of a chariot without soul power. At this time, there is no point in continuing to fight head-on, and these soul mentors have not been trained to engage in formation warfare or hand-to-hand combat.

After the order to disperse and evacuate was given, the four ninth-level soul masters who finally gathered some soul power immediately protected Orange and retreated. In contrast, Dai, who had been taken by Orange by his side, did not have such good luck. Well, in this critical situation, no matter how high the status of a prisoner is, there is no time to protect him.

[To be continued]

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