Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,689 Cheng Ying’s Huge Split

Dai Luoli was naturally unable to be protected when the Sun-Moon Empire's army was defeated. As a prisoner, he was taken beside the commander, which itself aroused the dissatisfaction of many people. Many people looked at him as They look at it with the mentality of a man who loves oranges. At this time, they don’t dare to say it, and they don’t know.

They really wanted to pluck out their eyeballs when the queen did something like this. Even if they knew about this kind of thing, it would be a big trouble. Now that he can't even care about his own life, it is naturally impossible for him to take the initiative to rescue these big troubles.

Dai Luoli wants to try to escape invisibly. In this chaotic situation, he has the mental power reserve of the Evil Eye Tyrant to dominate. In theory, running away should be possible.

It's a pity that he found that he couldn't escape at all. The hot ground and strong radiation around him made him realize that as long as he rushed out, without the protection of the shield, and the soul power in his body was sealed, he would never be able to escape from this place. The battlefield environment is harsh.

Helplessly, he could only watch the army of the Sun and Moon Empire collapse. Although the entire army was not wiped out, a large number of prisoners were left behind. After being captured once, he did not expect to be captured a second time.

The only good thing is that the law of the Dou Ling Republic does not allow the abuse of prisoners. All the captured prisoners of the Sun and Moon Empire were put into special metal armored vehicles and transported away from this shooting-rich area.

Soul power can definitely speed up the decay of radioactive materials, which means that in the early stages of a nuclear explosion, the radiation residue is actually stronger than on the earth. If you stay here for a long time, even if you don't suffer from various chronic diseases, you will probably suffer from skin ulcers. Wait for the horrific scene.

If these people are thrown here, even if they can escape from this terrible environment, a large number of people will die. Especially those who were captured were mostly weak, and their chance of survival in such a harsh environment was even smaller.

These prisoners of the Sun and Moon Empire will be interrogated one by one, especially those with special status, the order of interrogation will be higher.

Dai Luoli obviously had a special status. He had been standing by the side of the Sun-Moon Empire's coach from the beginning, but based on the intelligence, he was clearly a recently famous young general in the Star Luo Empire.

This strange scene naturally requires close intelligence investigation.

It was just that Dai Luoli and his interrogator looked at each other, and the scene seemed a bit awkward.

Cheng Ying didn't expect that his body would actually touch the re-selected protagonist of this world. In a sense, this can be regarded as a kind of fate.

As for Cheng Ying's clone appearing here, it is actually not a strange thing. In other words, it is not a strange thing for his clone to appear anywhere. After Dou Ling's civilization has the momentum of positive development, , Chengying has successively released his own translation time into this country, descending into a large number of clones who are homeless immigrants, etc., and quietly integrated into this country.

Some clones are adults, while others are in the form of fertilized eggs and twins, born into the world together with the children who were originally supposed to be born. Due to the limited information storage capacity of the carbon-based body, the memory that each body can obtain is not complete. Many babies even have to start learning all over again, but Chengying believes that even if he starts over as a baby, he will make progress towards civilization. the right path.

This can be regarded as his investment in promoting the development of civilization, relying on a large number of personal participation in the development process of civilization to promote the progress of civilization.

Under this approach, no Lannuo will show extraordinary power or even extraordinary knowledge. Most of the knowledge is inspired by the same people in this country through continuous learning and practice.

The biggest advantage of this approach is that there is no trace left. If those clones can still find subtle problems with their identities through meticulous investigation, those individuals who have been born naturally in the form of fertilized eggs will not be able to see it at all. There are no traces of interference from other forces.

From birth to growth, to becoming an important force in promoting the development of civilization, it is all a process of this individual accumulating and progressing in this world bit by bit. Every step can find traces in this world. There is no doubt that in this way, Facing enemies that have also traveled through time is the most difficult thing to deal with.

Each clone is like an ordinary person, living and growing in this world, and there is almost no way to distinguish them. We can't kill everyone in the world.

And the current facts have also proved that even if Chengying's cluster does not carry all the memories of the main body, it still has a perseverance part in its own personality. It can not give up or give up in difficult situations, and strictly adhere to the life goals of each split. , and move forward unswervingly.

The potential of each clone is not the same. Some clones, even if they try their best, can only reach the level of a skilled worker, but this is not a reason to give up. Even these clones with insufficient talent are still working hard. Work, but still haven’t given up thinking.

After splitting into countless clones, the initial problem faced was actually the conflict between one's own wills.

That is, after conflicts of interest occur between different self-individuals, the ugliness that belongs to oneself is revealed.

This kind of problem is actually caused by the equality of personality of each split. If there is an absolute superior-subordinate relationship, and some splits are completely used as tools, and the human body ignores split thinking, there will actually be no such trouble. .

But in that case, the clone is just a simple tool, unable to show its own intelligence and subjective initiative. Such a clone. It is difficult to serve as a qualified promoter of civilization.

Now, Chengying has actually passed the most difficult stage in the early stage, which was the stage where he was unable to integrate the thinking between his different parts and had to face self-conflict. At this stage, each part must abide by a fixed set of rules. Self-principles, strictly abide by certain bottom lines, do not indulge, and do not show ugliness to oneself.

If only one body insists on this, it is not difficult, but thousands of thoughts have to insist on it. This is actually a very tough test of one's will.

Fortunately, both Chengying and Yake survived this test in the end, relying on their own perseverance to adapt to maintain the moral bottom line of each clone without self-contradiction.

At this stage, each body has a bottom line and can understand and tolerate each other. Even if the ugly side is shown to oneself, one will not be disgusted with oneself because of it. This stage is to admit one's own ordinaryness. , but never settle for the ordinary.

And if you want to unite everyone in such a group, you must have a goal worth fighting for, and a concept that everyone is willing to pay for.

It is still difficult for Cheng Ying to sum up what kind of concept it is, but each of his fragments has been condensed by some kind of thought. Even if the gap between them is getting bigger and bigger, their personalities and habits are even different. But all of them are willing to identify themselves as a whole and are willing to contribute to this whole.

Cheng Ying is not sure how far he can achieve it, but now each of his clones has survived in this country with his own efforts, and is working hard to survive every problem and promote the development of this civilization. .

Among the troops that raided after the nuclear explosion, there was actually a clone of Chengying. Faced with such a high-risk mission, this clone even actively signed up to participate.

In other words, Chengying not only has to shoulder the mission of his own survival, but also the contract he has concluded with this society. Since he is protected by this stable social environment, he naturally has to shoulder the responsibility of another part of himself. Protect this safety responsibility.

For others, the reason why there are no quiet years is because there are people who are carrying the burden and moving forward. But for Chengying, I am the one who is carrying the burden and moving forward for myself.

Back to the plot, Cheng Ying's current alter ego is named Wang Heng, and he currently serves as an ordinary operator in the intelligence department of the Dou Ling Republic. His current task is to interrogate the child in front of him.

In a sense, the Star Luo Empire can be regarded as an ally of the Dou Ling Republic, but there is no room for friendship between the countries, and they can stab each other in the back at any time if possible.

So after a brief surprise, Wang Heng started a routine interrogation. He did not bring in any known information of his. However, during the interrogation process, the questions showed some tendencies, which immediately exposed Dai Luoli. A little unusual.

This part of the anomaly was quickly reported and received attention from above.

Wang Heng did not take advantage of his information advantage, but chose to integrate the known information from several parties, such as the information that Dai Luoli had personally come to Dou Ling to purchase. Cheng Ying consciously tended to ask about this part of the information.

Because these were not reports involving state secrets or his own secrets, Dai Luoli did not appear to be very vigilant, but answered truthfully.

As a high-ranking member of the army, Dai Luoli knew very well that if he was caught and interrogated by the enemy, it would be best to directly reveal what he could say, because no one could survive a truly professional interrogation. Although human will can be extremely Brilliant, but most of the time they have to make compromises with their carbon-based bodies. Ninety-nine percent of people can't guarantee that useful information will not be revealed in professional interrogations.

Even if they insist on not telling anything, a professional interrogator can judge the authenticity of the information through various details such as eyes and expressions. After disturbing a person's mentality through pain, intimidation and other means, the detailed changes in these expressions and eyes will It will become difficult to hide. Through leading questions, even if you meet a die-hard person, you can probably get the necessary information out.

Therefore, a lot of strategic information is kept secret from ordinary soldiers, but it is a kind of protection for them. After these people are captured by the enemy, during the interrogation process, they can tell what they know and avoid persecution by the enemy.

For prisoners, the most appropriate response to interrogation is to tell the truth honestly. If you have the ability, tell half the truth and falsehoods, hide one lie among the nine truths, or only tell half the truth and analyze the information. Misleading processing.

Because of this, Dai Luoli did not speak too harshly, but said everything he could say as much as possible. He wanted to try to insert some lies, but he found that the questions asked by the other party seemed to be completely unnecessary. At most, they are just pretending that they don’t know some key issues.

It's just that he himself didn't realize that this performance had exposed certain problems. These problems originated from the fact that when he came to Dou Ling to purchase in person, his ontological consciousness was asleep for a long time, which caused him to have some problems. There is absolutely no need to conceal the answer to a question where you really don’t know, or the answer is information that is inconsistent with the truth.

Regarding the concealment of this part of the information, Wang Heng reported it truthfully. Although Dai Luoli told the truth, it was because he was asleep at the time. So the truthful content is inconsistent with the reality. Nature is defined as deliberate concealment.

And a high-level official from a certain country came to the other country and deliberately concealed his behavior. This was very suspicious behavior. After Wang Heng reported this part of the behavior, the senior management immediately raised the alert level for Dai Luoli and prepared to conduct a more detailed interrogation of him.

At this point, Wang Heng's purpose and responsibilities have been completed. He is not a senior member of the intelligence department, so all he needs to do is to make the intelligence department pay attention to Dai Luoli's information.

For this kind of person who is full of secrets, as long as we pay attention to it and judge it based on reality, we will find more and more doubts. A lie often needs more lies to make up for it. Dai Luoli did not lie, but he The description is inconsistent with reality. It is impossible to explain this without lying.

In professional interrogation, he will definitely reveal flaws. What Wang Heng has to do is to let the senior management gradually realize the invisible control relationship between gods and mortals through continuous exploration of these flaws, so that they can understand their own development. On the road, divine disasters are inevitable. There is no point in escaping. We must face them head-on.

On the other side, Dai Luoli felt that his answer was quite good. He did not lie at all, nor did he reveal any useful information. Even the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord did not think there were many problems with this answer. Although Dai Luoli made a mistake in his words, He made some mistakes about his actions in reality, but due to the perspective, the Evil Eye Tyrant Master did not realize what a serious mistake this was.

The perspective shifted from Dai Luoli back to the battlefield. Although the attack of the Sun and Moon Empire was repelled, with only a few masters left to escape in embarrassment, this defeat also aroused the vigilance of the Sun and Moon Empire. The foundation of a strong country cannot be exhausted by one setback, and a larger-scale war is in the process of brewing.

[To be continued]

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