Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1691 Sun Yao Class Battleship

In the west of the Sun and Moon Empire, there was originally the longest coastline on the entire continent. The entire empire now has nearly half of the coastline on the continent, and many excellent ports. It is a terrain that is quite suitable for the development of maritime trade.

Originally, the terrain of the Sun and Moon Empire 3,000 years ago was more conducive to the development of the ocean fleet. At that time, the continent where the Sun and Moon Empire was located was still an isolated super island overseas like Australia.

There is not only the west coast, but also the east coast adjacent to Douluo Continent. You only need to cross the strait of less than a hundred kilometers to reach Douluo smoothly.

Before the two continents collided, the Sun and Moon Empire had actually developed a considerable number of fleets to serve as escorts for maritime trade fleets.

At that time, the Demonic Whale King of the Deep Sea had fallen, and the Demonic Orca group had also suffered a heavy blow. The environment in the ocean had become much simpler, and with the two continents approaching, the water became shallower. A large number of marine life fled the strait. Making ocean trade safer.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The collision of the two continents triggered a terrible disaster. Earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions occurred one after another. The newly established and fragile Sun and Moon Empire Navy was completely wiped out in the tsunami, and even the port finally It was also reduced to nothing in the earthquake, and finally became a relic at the top of the Mingdou Mountains. For three thousand years, soldiers from the Sun and Moon Empire have been coming to this relic to commemorate their once-defunct navy.

Now that the technology of the Sun and Moon Empire is advancing by leaps and bounds again, it's time to challenge Deep Blue.

In the three thousand years since the two continents collided with each other, the geological environment has gradually stabilized. Large-scale earthquakes have rarely occurred on the west coast on the side facing away from the fault zone, and the ports here have also become suitable for the construction of naval fleets.

Of course, the construction of the army must also consider economic interests. The prosperous maritime trade and shipping of the Sun and Moon Empire require the protection of armed forces. In the past, they could only hire soul masters, but now, these soul masters are becoming more and more regular, and eventually they were members of the Zhao'an City Navy of the Sun and Moon Empire.

And what they were driving was not the original wooden sailing ship, but a steel battleship with strong ships and sharp guns.

The ferocious sea spirit beasts in the ocean forced the Sun Moon Empire's navy to take the form of steel battleships. If a wooden sailing ship dared to sail across the ocean, it would definitely be torn into pieces by the ferocious sea spirit beasts.

They like human teams best, these strange things with thin skin and big stuffing. It is easy to destroy the monkeys on the boat after falling into the water. You can't use all your abilities, but you can kill and prey easily.

Therefore, if the fleet in the ocean does not have a certain strength, there is no way to gain a foothold, and the current fleet of the Sun and Moon Empire is obviously capable of fighting against large-scale sea soul beasts.

In the shipyard, the soul engineer responsible for supervising the construction of the battleship is reporting to the general who came to take over the battleship: "The Sun Yao-class battleship has been manufactured. This is also the largest battleship we can build at this stage.

Its technology draws on many technical details of the new spells of the Douluo Three Kingdoms, as well as the natural science knowledge of Huayun Advanced Soul Guidance Technical College. The entire Sun Yao-class battleship is made of meteorite iron, with a displacement of 79,000 tons, and a mixture of soul guidance steam. power.

We adopted new spells. It is used to reduce the friction between the hull and the water surface, and adds an extreme speed mode to the battleship, which can move at high speed over long distances.

However, in this state, the friction between the entire battleship and the water surface will be greatly reduced, and the steam-powered propeller will be unable to be used. The propeller speed will become too fast and cause cavitation, causing the propeller to be scrapped quickly, and it can only be used to consume more souls. Guided advancement.

However, the speed gained in exchange is also very amazing. It can run faster on the sea than on land, and its ultimate speed can reach 100 kilometers per hour.

However, due to the huge size and weight of the battleship, the acceleration process will be very slow. After reaching the limit speed, if you want to stop the line, you will have to decelerate for a long time. If the drag reduction effect is suddenly removed, the battleship will lose its balance due to the violent friction on the water surface. There is a high probability of rollover, so I hope all generals will pay attention during operation and try not to violate the safety manual.

In addition, the battleship's defense consists of shields and armor. A large-scale linked soul guide and a large soul power storage array are installed inside the battleship. After charging, it can store the equivalent of fifty titled Douluo souls. The total amount of power, and quite advanced sealing technology has been used, can ensure that the loss of soul power within three months is within 30%.

When the large-scale linkage shield is released, it can withstand attacks at the Extreme Douluo level. The full complement of the battleship is 2,000 people, 500 of whom are soul engineers, and the remaining 1,500 are ordinary people who have undergone rigorous training. Man sailor.

In addition, the most sophisticated sunlight-to-soul power soul guides and thermal energy-to-soul power soul guides are installed inside the fleet. Although the technology is not yet very mature, it can be forcibly activated in critical moments when the shield is in danger. To replenish the soul power of the battleship.

In addition to shield defense, there is armor defense. Compared with shields, armor's physical defense is even stronger. On the battleship armor, we have etched a large number of reinforced core arrays, and the armor strength is far greater than the shield.

This is no longer a problem that even the Ultimate Douluo cannot break. None of the currently known attacks, including our own linked soul guidance attacks, can destroy the armor on the surface of the battleship. Of course, the premise is that there is enough soul power to replenish it. If the soul power is exhausted, Otherwise, the armor is just a solid piece of rare metal alloy.

Finally, there are our weapons. Compared with on land, the soul guidance group needs to consider mobility and cannot carry super large soul guidance weapons. As a result, the linkage attack cannot exert the most perfect effect of positional defense. Our warships have large enough space to carry large enough equipment.

Therefore, there are a total of three turrets and six main guns on the battleship, all of which are super weapons with the same specifications as the fortress guns on Mingdu. In terms of pure destructive power, it can be said that it is a level 10 soul guide, or even beyond level 10.

After all, the tenth-level soul guide is the definition of a single soul guide and needs to be used by an individual strong person. However, the fleet's linked soul guide does not have this restriction, and its power must exceed the weapons that can only be used by individuals.

After testing, with the assistance of the upgraded sighting system, the battleship's main gun can reach a maximum range of fifty kilometers, which is powerful enough to destroy most ground units. Except for fortress-based units like our country's capital, there are almost no shields that can resist it. Withstand this kind of main gun attack.

Theoretically, no matter which country it is, there should be no unit that can resist our battleships within 30 kilometers of the coastline. For us, the Sun Yao-class battleship is an epic-level unit, and there is almost no unit that can confront it head-on. of individuals. "

The engineer who introduced this battleship did not consider that there would really be a god in this world. However, under the main god, facing such a behemoth and a super steel monster that is not slow on both offense and defense, it is difficult to cause any effective damage. Instead of being killed, he was boiled instant noodles, and he was very likely to be seriously injured.

On the ocean, the Sun-Moon Empire has completely brought out the advantages of its soul-guided industrialization. The combat effectiveness of an epic-level battleship is almost equivalent to that of multiple second-level gods.

In the original book, the Sun and Moon Empire can theoretically produce this kind of combat power. The only drawback is that the sighting system is wider than in this version, the range is shortened to less than 30 kilometers, and the other parameters are not the same. Too much change.

It's just that in the original work, the war between the Sun and Moon Empire went smoothly and was not forced. The extent of the need to find another way to develop the navy, coupled with the end of the war, was so hasty that a supreme god and a deus ex machina suddenly appeared.

In that case, even if the Sun and Moon Empire had vigorously developed its navy and accumulated a large number of Sun Yao and Yue Hui class battleships, there would be almost no chance of defeating a supreme god.

But now, the gods are busy making a qualitative change in their own strength in the past few years, and Douluo's resistance is unexpectedly tenacious, leading the Sun and Moon Empire to develop this kind of steel monster on the sea.

When a large number of battleships sail from the port to the sea, the end of the sea soul beasts will come. On this day they will understand that the home of mankind is not the earth, but the ocean. After technology reaches a certain level, mankind will be in the deep ocean. The combat power unleashed by Zhong Neng is far more terrifying than on land.

The 10,000-ton battleship is larger than any sea spirit beast. The only one that can compare with it in terms of size is probably the Deep Sea Demon Whale King. However, the last Deep Sea Demon Whale King has died and became Someone else's soul ring, the next Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, has not yet come out. The sea soul beast is in a stage of inactivity, and it is completely up to the Sea Princess to be the leader in the ocean.

The combat power of this powerful 600,000-year-old sea soul beast may surpass that of many second-level gods. However, it is unable to resist an organized steel monster even if the battlefield is in her ocean home.

The fleet's first military exercise was met with an attack by the Sea Soul Beast as expected. For safety reasons, only one Sun Yao-class battleship, three Yue Hui-class battleships, and twelve Starlight-class cruisers were dispatched. and several Stalker escort speedboats.

All ships in the fleet can also release a super-large linked shield with the Sun Yao-class battleship as the core. Within the scope of this shield, all spirit beasts will be strongly suppressed. Compared with defense, this shield's The effect is more of weakening the enemy within, creating a field in which to fight.

Within this range, the ability of sea souls to make waves will be greatly weakened, and the effect of sea water controlled by soul power will be weakened to a negligible level. Sea soul beasts that are less than 100,000 years old can only rely on their own strength to fight, and Unable to rely on Ocean's home court advantage.

This time, the fleet was attacked by numerous sea soul beasts led by a large 100,000-year-old octopus.

This large octopus had appeared as the protagonist of various sea monster works of the Moon Empire in the past thousands of years. As a desperate boss, it destroyed one ocean-going merchant ship after another, almost It is the nightmare of the maritime merchants of the Sun and Moon Empire.

But at this time, the big octopus felt a huge crisis after emerging from the water. After the fleet activated the joint backing, he felt that his connection with the ocean was disappearing. He could have easily set off waves tens of meters high and destroyed the wooden He could easily overturn the sailboat and tear it to pieces. Under the suppression of this soul power, it was difficult for him to ride a wave of more than ten meters.

What was even more frightening was that when these steel monsters showed their teeth, the huge amount of soul power they condensed into one body made even him, a hundred thousand year old soul beast, feel frightened.

That has almost surpassed the scope of human beings. Even a god seems not to have such a huge soul power to charge the main gun of a Sun Yao-class battleship.

This 100,000-year-old giant octopus desperately tried to dive into the water, but his attempt was in vain. A layer of shield was spread silently under the sea surface. This was also the reason why his power to control the ocean was greatly reduced. One of the reasons for the weakening.

When he tried to dive, he hit the shield and was bounced back to the surface of the water in a panic. What came face to face was the main gun that released a brilliant light.

The attack containing huge energy fell on the sea surface. Even if it took 100,000 years, the soul beast had no room for resistance. It evaporated instantly in the brilliant and blazing light. Along with it, a large amount of sea water also evaporated, and it shot down. , there was only a steam mushroom cloud rising high into the sky on the sea.

The mushroom cloud dissipated, leaving only a dense collection of soul rings and a hundred thousand-year-old soul bone suspended in mid-air. The location just hit by the main cannon had already been boiled by the powerful energy. Even the other sea soul beasts Those who were not hit were cooked alive in this pot of boiling water.

The soul beasts killed by the linked soul guides are ownerless in the setting, so after the fleet surrounded the sea area, there were boats immediately sailing to the position where the soul rings were suspended, and began to absorb the soul rings. Contra began to absorb the hundred thousand year soul ring.

With the power of the country dispatched, the hundred thousand year spirit ring becomes less precious. Compared to individual spirit masters, defeating the hundred thousand year spirit beast is the biggest trouble.

For the army that represents the strength of the country, finding these powerful beasts is the biggest trouble. Once these guys show up in front of the army, the end will be the same as the octopus in front of them. The fleet will not exert its full strength at all. Just a casual shot caused fatal damage to the sea soul beast.

If a fleet battle-level naval battle really takes place in this world, the place where the battlefield is located will definitely be a purgatory for the sea soul beasts. No sea soul beast can guarantee that it can survive in such harsh conditions. Come down.

Humanity has become more and more clear as the overlord on this planet, instead of claiming to be the primates of all things like before, but always being suppressed by the soul beasts in terms of high-end combat power.

It's just that the people on this continent who are willing to use their brains are not just the Sun and Moon Empire. It's not just the Sun and Moon Empire who suffered huge losses in the land war. Therefore, it is not only the Sun and Moon Empire that is developing the navy.

[To be continued]

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