Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1692 Kunpeng Class Battleship

The Party of Order of the Sky Soul Empire started the warship construction plan almost at the same time as the Sun and Moon Empire. As a time traveler, Liu Tianxin naturally knew the significance of the navy to a country.

The people of Douluo Continent have been too obsessed with land power over the years, and have even completely ignored the terrible consequences that would occur if their coastline was occupied by the enemy.

This situation is partly due to the fact that there are a large number of sea soul beasts in the ocean around Douluo Continent, making ocean trade extremely dangerous. Although the port cities are prosperous, there are no port cities on earth. So easy to prosper.

However, with the advancement of science and technology, various countries have gradually begun to pay attention to sea power. The Party of Order invested a lot of resources in building battleships.

As a time traveler, I naturally know the advantages of aircraft carriers compared to battleships, which are advantages that only exist on earth. The attack range of aircraft carriers is larger than that of battleships, and carrier-based aircraft are also more flexible than artillery shells. As long as they are matched with radar and other equipment Forming a strategic system, the combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of battleships.

However, in order for an aircraft carrier to show its combat effectiveness, it first needs to have a sufficiently powerful carrier-based aircraft. With Douluo's technological level and the soul guide technology, it is possible to build a carrier-based aircraft.

But this thing doesn't have much advantage in Douluo Continent. Soul masters can also fly. As long as the soul master is paired with a flying soul guide and a storage soul guide, it can also function as a bomber.

Just fly over the enemy's head and drop bombs. As for fighter jets, soul masters are even more professional. There is no high-level soul master who can't fight in the air. In contrast, before the development of stealth fighters, fighter jets were relatively weak. He has no advantage over soul masters, and is even at a disadvantage in terms of flexibility.

This greatly restricted the development of early aircraft carriers. Carrier-based aircraft needed long runways to take off, but soul masters did not need it at all. They could live on the ship like ordinary soldiers. When they needed to fight, they just needed to take off. With the flying soul guide out, you can take off from where you are.

Even if the flying soul guide requires a larger volume to meet the requirements of long-distance navigation, it can still fly in mid-air and then replace the equipment. This means that at the same time as the battleship is being built, the battleship can work part-time as an aircraft carrier and be responsible for serving as a carrier. The powerful soul masters of the aircraft only need to be on standby on the ship. When they need to take action, they can just take off on the ship. Compared with the troublesome aircraft, it is much easier to serve.

This is why Liu Tianxin, even with the knowledge of later generations, did not try to use aircraft carriers to fight battleships in this world. Fighters may have a slight advantage when facing battleships, but battleships also have the advantage of being tough and durable. Free up space to carry stronger shields and weapons. No matter how the carrier-based aircraft explodes, your own soul masters have already been beaten to their lair. They will definitely be able to fight back under anti-aircraft fire with the most efficient efficiency.

Moreover, the range of the battleship's main gun here is not particularly disadvantageous. Judging from the trajectory of the energy cannon fired by the linked soul guide, it is completely possible. Fires an arc-shaped light cannon parallel to the isogravity line.

With certain adjustments required, weapons that originally spread in a straight line can be modified to spread along the vertical direction of gravity, completely avoiding the possibility of being blocked by the sea because the planet under your feet is round.

The battleships that have undergone such modifications are set to be farther away than those produced by the Sun and Moon Empire. They can ignore the influence of the curvature of the earth. With reconnaissance aircraft in the sky to assist in surveying and mapping, it is still quite possible to hit battleships hundreds of kilometers away. possible.

Not to mention that the strategy would consist of the unnecessary use of artillery, missile battleships, and also battleships.

So the Tianhun Empire now has the Kunpeng-class battleship. The benchmark for this type of strategic ship is the Sun-Moon Empire's Sun Yao-class battleship. Liu Tianxin only provided an idea and did not participate in the specific design of the battleship.

This time I came to the shipping department to review it in person. I am generally quite satisfied with the strange warships designed by engineers of this era.

"Commander, please see, this is our Kunpeng-class battleship, with a displacement of 30,000 tons. It has a lightweight design that can travel at high speeds on the water surface, greatly reducing the friction between the water surface and the battleship.

After the internal anti-gravity engine is running, it can cruise on the sea surface at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour.

In addition, we have also specially designed the hull. You see, our hull has wings and the main body is divided into three parts, which can move at super high speed when necessary.

While activating the anti-gravity engine at full power, we also use the ground effect to float our warship above the sea, maneuvering at an ultra-high speed at a speed of 240 kilometers per hour.

In this state, the anti-gravity engine will squeeze the sea surface to make the sea water as calm as possible to ensure that there will be no problem of waves entering the engine and causing the engine to stall.

The Jingwei-class battleships and Jiaolong-class cruisers paired with the Kunpeng-class battleships also have similar functions. They can achieve high-speed cruising on the sea and carry out tactical penetration of the enemy. Even directly evade the enemy's blow at high speed. "

Liu Tianxin listened to the report and observed the strange structure of the hull divided into three parts, with one large wing and two engines distributed on both sides of the hull. He was also amazed by the creativity of these designers.

In particular, the design of this battleship is very consistent with the myth related to Kun and Peng. There is a fish in the North Ming Dynasty, and its name is Kun. It turns into a bird, and its name is Peng! Although Kunpeng was named after him, Liu Tianxin didn't really expect this thing to fly at the time, but he didn't expect that the designer's idea happened to coincide with the myth.

As for this thing, if he can come over for review, there will naturally be no problem with its performance. This thing can use the ground effect to travel on the sea surface at super high speeds like the Caspian Sea Monster. Even if it relies on an anti-gravity engine to offset part of its own weight, it is still Quite a stunning design.

If you can achieve such speed on the sea, you can try many tactics that you never dared to think of. However, the lightweight design of the battleship will inevitably sacrifice the shield and main gun. However, when the main gun has a range advantage, With high-speed movement and high range, flying kites to fight enemies seems to be a feasible method.

The most important thing is that this fighting method, if it continues to be developed, is very suitable for dealing with gods. A battleship with a strong shield, relying on its offensive and defensive attributes, may be able to deal with the second-level gods among the gods. But facing an opponent at the level of the Lord God, it seems a bit weak. The speed is too slow, and even if there is a numerical advantage, it is difficult to exert it.

In comparison, it may be difficult for the Kunpeng class to single-handedly challenge the second-level gods, but it is very fast. Even the main god cannot chase two ships at the same time. This leaves room for guerrilla warfare and tactical interweaving, relying on the advantage of numbers. , disperse and surround the Lord God, and it is possible to kill him after paying a certain price.

However, the price must be very heavy. After all, a Kunpeng-class battleship is an epic-level unit that is the most important weapon of the country.

After Dou Ling Republic first revealed the Tiangang Disha plan, various countries also began to reveal their own super weapons.

"In addition, when a Kunpeng-class battleship is severely hit, its shields can split like soap bubbles. This is just like how two shields with similar parameters will merge like soap bubbles when they are close to each other. This is what you mentioned in the textbook. The Klein Effect written above.

When the shield splits, the original three parts of the battleship will also split and become three independent battleships, each fighting on its own.

In this way, when facing a devastating blow, if the command loses one-third of its warships, it can still regroup if it encounters similarly divided warships.

After splitting, although the aerodynamic shape is not as good as the original design, it can still fly using ground effect. Not only that, because its own mass has become lower, its flexibility during flight will also increase. "

Liu Tianxin nodded with satisfaction. There must have been in-depth exchanges between the designers and users of the fleet, and an effective tactical system has been formed. Otherwise, the combination of such high-speed battleships will have a splitting effect when faced with powerful attacks. , it is difficult to appear in the design plan.

A major problem with high-speed battleships is their survivability. When facing the enemy's powerful firepower, they can only rely on high speed to evade. If they are hit, it will be very difficult to resist.

This is like biological evolution in nature. Some creatures will choose to stack armor to make themselves more resistant to beatings, while some creatures will make themselves more flexible and run faster in the face of ferocious predators.

The design of the Kunpeng-class battleship is obviously the latter. Not only must it run faster, but it must also be able to survive by cutting off its tail. After the tail is cut off and survived, the remaining parts of other battleships can be found and reassembled.

This means that even if it is a fatal attack, if you want to completely destroy a Kunpeng-class battleship, you will need to hit it three times. Since the health bar is not long, it is very likely that the person will be killed in one hit, then force yourself to make it, and you must fight It takes three kills, so it doesn't matter how strong the enemy's attack power is. Anyway, no matter how strong the enemy is, he won't be able to kill him.

In a sense, this is an extremely extreme harassment tactic, and it is very suitable for dealing with individuals with strong combat capabilities. After all, if you choose to spread out, no matter how strong the individual is, you can only chase one. For example, the opponent can split up and chase several at the same time. If he can win in a fight, he will be an opponent of another level of strength.

The command system of the Kunpeng-class strategic ships is like a Transformer that can be continuously combined with each other. Not only the Kunpeng-class battleships can be combined with each other, but theoretically warships of different levels can also be combined with each other. Different combinations do not affect the speed, only the speed. The strength of the linked attack.

Facing such an opponent is like facing oily flowers in vegetable soup. You can easily smash the oily flowers with your chopsticks, but as long as you leave them alone for a period of time, these oily flowers will gather together again and merge.

After reviewing the Kunpeng-class battleship, Liu Tianxin was very satisfied with the creative ability of people of this era. Just as he was about to leave, all the battleship officers and soldiers and design engineers stopped him.

"Chief, we hope to name the first launched battleship after you. Although we all know that it is not good to have a personality cult, it is precisely because of your many great discoveries that we can have enough basic science. knowledge to complete this miraculous battleship, so we hope to leave a souvenir.”

Facing the enthusiastic officers and soldiers, Liu Tianxin hesitated for a moment and was already about to agree, but a strange idea suddenly popped into his mind, which stopped him suddenly.

Naming a battleship after oneself seems to be a glorious thing, but in fact it is also true. When the battleship has achieved brilliant achievements again and again, everyone can't help but think of you. Even if it is sunk, they will still remember you. Deep condolences and remember this name forever.

But this is only a matter of the years when battleships have been in service. During these years, it is very honorable for people to name battleships after themselves. But when peace calms down and entertainment and culture and other industries begin to prosper, the battleship named after you will It is possible to be dug out of the pile of old papers.

Then add a cute girl's portrait, turn into a ship girl, and throw it into a two-dimensional card drawing mobile game. What will happen next? It is conceivable that a bunch of bastards will shout at your name, wife, lick your portrait through the screen, charge you money to buy you a swimsuit, buy a ring, marry you in the game, and have strong cooking skills. They will also draw you color pictures and even produce a book.

Although being a historical celebrity may also face the same risks, at least for modern historical celebrities, the probability of this happening is much smaller, and almost no modern warship can escape...

When Liu Tianxin thought of the possible cheating scene, he made a decisive choice and rejected the requests of the fleet officers and soldiers in euphemistic words. He also selected a boy with a handsome appearance and weak temperament among the designers and officers and soldiers, and pushed him out to tell the story. Everyone, just name it after him.

The photos of this person have been circulated to later generations. His handsome appearance made him an extremely rare ship boy among many ship girls. The picture of a girl insists on being a boy, which even makes him have more fans than other ship girls.

Sun and Moon Empire... Xu Tianran sneezed hard, always feeling that something bad had happened. Naming the empire's most powerful battleship after himself should be a matter of course.

Why do I feel vaguely uneasy after making this decision? Soon, Xu Tianran got rid of this nonsensical idea. It was obvious that the emperor had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

Later generations... There are also a lot of books on the Tianran. On the one hand, it is because of the glorious achievements of this battleship and the death of many gods. On the other hand, some people who watch the excitement and are not afraid of big things take the fact that Xu Tianran is an eunuch. The incident was written down in the history books, and then various unofficial histories described Xu Tianran as a very beautiful pseudo-mother emperor, so that even if he did not name the battleship after himself, he would not be able to escape his fate in the future...

[To be continued]

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