Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,693 Segmented Guidance System

Being transformed into a card game or something like that is a thing of the past. Compared to the famous historical figures of this era who face such risks, Cheng Ying does not need to worry about this.

Because he is actually quite unknown in history. Except for his appearance and rise in Shrek Academy, he quickly fell and disappeared without a trace. When he reappeared, he joined the advancement of civilization as thousands of ordinary people. .

Although there are outstanding characters among these splits, Chengying, who is accustomed to moving forward in a low-key manner, will not be as prominent as the protagonists of this era.

He is also serving in the navy and is responsible for designing the Dou Ling Republic Navy warship. He has always only signed his name among the team members and has become a scientific researcher who flashes by in the news but no one can remember.

Compared with the Sun Moon Empire and the Sky Soul Empire, which have distinctive warships with the iconic characteristics of defense and speed, the navy of the Dou Ling Republic appears to be much more ordinary. An ordinary aircraft carrier battle group looks like There is no difference from the navy on Earth.

The Republic of Dou Ling is also the only country on the mainland that develops aircraft carriers. Because they do not have enough soul masters, the strong ones can serve as carrier-based aircraft, so idling can still only rely on fighter jets. Aircraft carriers that are not suitable for this era have become their only s Choice.

In order to make up for their lack of high-end powerhouses, the designers and fleet officers and soldiers of the Republic of Dou Ling worked hard and fast together with Cheng Ying's split body to improve the design of the battleship, trying to create a ship that could be used without high-end powerhouses. A battleship that displays powerful combat capabilities.

Aircraft carriers are the only option for the Douling Republic, but how to build them is also worthy of study and design. Chengying’s team is mainly responsible for the design of carrier-based aircraft.

This is also one of the most critical designs to close the gap between the two sides. Chengying did not skimp on his knowledge and shared his experience and experience in weapon design with the members of his team.

Everyone is trying to design the most extreme fighter jet under the current industrial level.

First of all, propeller fighters are excluded. In this era and in this world, there is no room for propeller fighters to survive. Propeller fighters that fly no faster than Soul Masters have defects in size and flexibility and will be massacred in air battles. .

Therefore, carrier-based aircraft that can be used in actual combat must be jet fighters with faster speeds, even surpassing the speed of soul masters using flying soul guides.

As long as the speed is fast enough, the shortcomings of the carrier-based aircraft itself being larger and less flexible can be made up for.

In this aspect, Cheng Ying can be considered to have rich experience. When he first came to the Sun and Moon Continent, he taught his disciples step by step to assemble a flying fighter plane.

The idea adopted at that time was that of a jet fighter, except that there was no common air inlet, but a storage soul guide instead, which was perhaps more similar to a rocket engine than a jet engine.

Without the need to consider the problem of carrying fuel, rocket engines have more advantages than traditional jet engines. The difference between the two is that jet engines require air inlets to compress air into the interior of the engine to mix with gas and ignite. It's just that the engine doesn't carry its own oxides.

Therefore, this type of fighter cannot fly out of the atmosphere. After leaving the atmosphere and without oxygen, the engine cannot run.

The rocket engine needs to have its own oxide and can be used outside the atmosphere, but its shortcomings are also obvious. The density of liquid oxygen is very high. There is no doubt that the power required for an aircraft carrying liquid oxygen to fly is also high. bigger.

So now, rocket engines are not used in fighter jets, but the situation in different worlds is different. If there is no need to carry fuel, rocket engines actually perform better than conventional jet engines.

The simplest point is that there is no need for an air intake duct, and the engine can be completely streamlined to reduce air resistance.

However, it is not enough to make it streamlined. It is like the difference between the third-generation aircraft and the fifth-generation aircraft. From the appearance point of view, the fifth-generation aircraft does not have the streamlined beauty of the previous aircraft. It gave up the most perfect aerodynamic shape and chose Stealth performance.

This is also a trend in air combat. As the range of missiles gets farther and farther, the significance of stealth gradually exceeds the significance of flight speed. Fighters no longer need to engage in close combat frequently.

This is also the main attack direction of the Chengying team. Stealth fighter jets can strike at ultra-long distances and retreat in one strike, leaving no chance for the enemy to counterattack.

In this aspect, aircraft carriers have the only chance to overtake battleships. They cannot fight stealth. In terms of aerial combat, fighter jets have no advantage at all against strong flying soul masters.

To achieve stealth, it is not only necessary to prevent the enemy from detecting it, but also to complete precise strikes at long distances. What is needed is more advanced fire control radar and more advanced guidance equipment.

Cheng Ying and his team had a heated discussion on this point and finally designed a multi-stage missile plan. This is a compromise for the shortcomings of today's guidance technology.

In reality, missiles rely most on satellite guidance for navigation. As for inertial guidance, terrain matching, geomagnetic navigation, ground radar stations, etc., they can also be used for navigation, but most of them can only be used as assistance.

Not only because the systems of these navigation methods are not perfect enough, but also because the principles of these methods themselves determine that the accuracy of the same technology is far inferior to that of satellite guidance.

Although the Douling Republic has established its own satellite network, deviations of several kilometers often occur during the navigation process. This has puzzled domestic scientists. The quartz clocks in the orbiting satellites inexplicably coincide with those on the ground. There is a time difference, and the time on the orbiting satellite will inexplicably move faster than the time on the ground.

Not only that, some scientists have observed gravitational redshift and put forward related speculations, that is, in a gravitational environment, the flow speed of time will actually change.

Scientists believe that light is a kind of fluctuation, and the frequency of this fluctuation determines the color of light. When observed from space, the ground will undergo a red shift, which means that when the ground is observed from space, the frequency of light becomes lower.

From the perspective of space, the frequency of light becomes lower, which means that time on the ground slows down. Some people have put forward a bold conjecture that gravity can affect time, and the flow of time around massive celestial bodies will slow down. However, this conjecture is not yet known. It has not been definitely verified.

Cheng Ying knew that this conjecture was correct, at least in the world in front of him, but he would not directly state the conclusion without any experiments. He could offer help without hesitation on technical issues, but theoretically The people of this country still need to discover the problem themselves.

It's like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon. If it doesn't break free by its own strength, but is broken out of its cocoon, its wings will be deformed and unable to fly. The same is true for civilization. Without the advancement of science and technology, it will be unable to fly. A few somersaults will not last long in your memory.

Going back to satellite navigation, gravity can indeed affect the flow speed of time. Not only gravity can do it, but also speed. Various complex conditions lead to the problem that the clock on the satellite in space is different from the flow speed on the ground. As for the calculations involved in navigation, a slight error can lead to a huge error. Even if there is only a weak time error, the resulting navigation error will be huge.

Until this part of the error is corrected, satellite navigation will be difficult to achieve.

So Chengying and his team racked their brains to design a very weird-looking navigation method.

That is to divide the launched missile into different sections like the Apollo rocket. Every time it flies a certain distance, one section is discarded. There are nine sections in total. After all are discarded, the range can reach up to 100 kilometers.

However, this act of abandoning the thruster is not like rocket launch, it is to save fuel. Being able to use the storage soul guide means that there will be no shortage of fuel.

The discarded propeller is actually the coordinate node of the navigation. The satellite in the sky will lock the position of the fighter jet and navigate with the fighter jet as the origin coordinate. If there is only one coordinate, the navigation accuracy will be interfered with by time error.

However, during the flight of the missile, a part will fall off at intervals to serve as navigation coordinates. As long as the relative movement speed between the missile and the falling part is measured, and the relative speed of movement between the falling objects in each section is calculated, it can be accurately The missile's position can be determined and even controlled in real time to ensure precise targeting of the enemy.

Theoretically, it is possible for eight positioning nodes to fly behind and reach the range of an intercontinental missile. The range is only a hundred kilometers because the nodes flying behind the main body cannot maintain stable flight for a long time. With a smooth curve, the calculation process will become extremely complicated, exceeding the upper limit of the capability of the missile's internal chip, so currently 100 kilometers is the range limit.

Even so, this range is already the highest in the mainland. Even the Lord God can hardly attack the enemy from a hundred kilometers away. Moreover, in aerial combat, such a long range is usually needed. Carrying such missiles is more for breakthrough. The enemy's blockade line and tactical bombing of important enemy targets.

After the Chengying team designed the combat missiles used by carrier-based aircraft and carrier-based aircraft. He was directly kicked out of the design ranks of carrier-based aircraft and was thrown out of the missile design department.

The meaning above is that you perverts are really underestimating your talents by staying here! I asked you to design a carrier-based aircraft, but you ended up designing a small air combat missile that can completely explode conventional missiles without relying on the Disha system. You should quickly take away your magical powers and change departments!

So the entire team, more than 200 people, were kicked out and thrown into an inland missile base to study how to create an intercontinental missile without relying on the Disha system.

All departments believe that missiles with segmented designs have greater potential to be tapped in terms of range. It’s so pitiful that this kind of crooked idea is not something Cheng Ying came up with at all, and he has never seen anything like this before. type of guided weapon, all he did was rely on his own knowledge to help team members perfect the design. Who knew, it would be more suitable than expected.

As soon as he changed departments and came to the inland area, Cheng Ying saw that his peers, or his own clones, had also joined the missile research and development department. They were currently working with their mentor to develop solid fuel slow-release soul guides. .

In reality, rocket propellant requires top-level professional workers to carve it, and it must be extremely uniform before it can be used.

Use the storage soul guide to release it and ignite it. It cannot be released all at once. It must be released slowly and evenly. This aspect also involves many technical details. When Chengying and Yake landed on the moon, it was because of this aspect Insufficient technology means that it must be tested in high space before it can be launched in real space.

Purely in terms of technical reserves, the Douling Republic already has some technologies that surpass the black technology base on the moon.

Although the two Chengying research and development directions do not overlap, the two teams need to cooperate with each other. As a result, Chengying turned into a tool and was forced to become a bridge between the two teams.

Similar things have happened many times. The larger the industrial system, the closer cooperation is required, but there are very few people who understand the knowledge of different industrial categories at the same time.

As a result, when teams with different scientific research directions cooperate, they often disagree with each other, and sometimes they use technologies that are difficult to implement in their own directions, but they don't know that they can be easily implemented in other people's research directions, leading to immersion. Research, but don’t know to ask the other person for help.

Chengying can be involved in different fields at the same time. Even if his brain capacity cannot accept the knowledge of two fields at the same time, because his soul is the same, he can directly exchange ideas and learn from each other's strengths more efficiently, like a lubricant. The cooperation between different industrial sectors has been enhanced.

This is also one of the important reasons why Douling Republic can explode in science and technology. Chengying alone plays the role of coordinator between a considerable part of the industrial sectors.

As his behavior gradually becomes a routine, more and more people will be willing to stand up and act as collaborators between different categories. Even if he leaves in the future, the cooperation system of industrial large-scale production will remain and be used by future generations. Use for reference.

As for the navy's fighter jets, after Cheng Ying left, there was still a split of Cheng Ying fishing in the new team. Although he is not the leader of the team this time. But because they were also involved in the design, the new team could perfectly take over the previous research progress.

It is precisely because Cheng Ying is working in every team that many important scientific research projects are not afraid of temporary substitutions. However, during this temporary replacement process, a professional replacement process also began to gradually form. Under the influence of someone's influence, everyone unanimously chose a recording method that was more conducive to future generations taking over.

[To be continued]

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