Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,694 Dong Douluo Company

The Republic of Dou Ling can be said to have a relatively late start in the navy, so the navy is still in training. The country is focusing more on the space industry. Dealing with divine disasters on land is the top priority, and it can be done on land. The Tiangang Disha plan, which carries out precise strikes at any point on the planet, is more suitable to fight against divine disasters and protect the people.

Apart from the Dou Ling Republic, only the Star Luo Empire is left. It is a pity that the feudal nobles can see the benefits in the ocean, and it is very difficult to form a navy. Only those who are so poor that it is difficult to make a living, Only then will his vision be shifted to the direction of the ocean.

Feudal nobles did not have the long-term vision to develop the oceans, but this did not mean that there was no naval construction in the Star Luo Empire during this period.

For some reason, the Sandstorm Group replaced the official responsibilities of the Star Luo Empire and began to form a maritime armed force. On the one hand, it would be taboo to form land armed forces. The Star Luo Empire is a typical land power country. If there is a land-based armed force on the mainland, A force that is too strong is likely to be suppressed by the imperial army.

Therefore, ordinary employees of the Sandstorm Group only undergo the simplest military training, and spend more time working normally in the factory. However, in order to maintain a certain standing military strength, a part of the standing army must continue to perform tasks.

If the army cannot do it, then naturally the navy can only be chosen. Of course, this is only one reason. On the other hand, the reason is naturally that ocean trade requires fleet protection. As a super business group, it is natural to recognize the transportation costs of ocean trade. There are more trades than land trade. As long as the troublesome sea soul beasts can be dealt with, everything will not be a problem.

Driven by commercial interests, the Sandstorm Group was the first among all the forces to start researching and manufacturing warships. After learning a lot of natural science knowledge from the Huayun Advanced Soul Guidance Technical College, the Sandstorm Group formed its own scientific research team. Starting from the sail battleship and testing step by step, the most complete shipbuilding system in the continent has been summarized.

In order to further strengthen its power at sea, the Sandstorm Group established a super company, East Douluo Company, to control the entire continent's ocean trade on the eastern coastline of the Star Luo Empire, which is also the longest coastline on the Douluo Continent!

And it was the first to open a circumcontinental route, starting from the northern end of the Star Luo Empire's coastline, all the way south, bypassing the southernmost tip of the Star Luo Empire's territory, continuing west along the equator, and then north to the territory of the Sun and Moon Empire.

The entire route stretches for more than 40,000 miles, passing through major port cities in the mainland, and can even extend north to the Douling Republic.

The only one that cannot be reached is the Tianhun Empire. In fact, the Tianhun Empire is the least suitable country among the four countries on the mainland for establishing a navy.

Its geographical location is inland. The eastern coastline is blocked by the Dou Ling Republic, the southern coastline is blocked by the Star Luo Empire, and the western side is bordered by the Sun and Moon Empire. Only the northwest area close to the Arctic Circle has several ice-free ports formed due to warm ocean currents. It can be used as a port for the Tianhun Empire to go to sea. This is also the most tenaciously defended area in the Tianhun Empire, except for Tiandou City.

The Sun and Moon Empire repeatedly increased its troops but failed to capture this city with ports for supply. However, the conditions of these cities were deteriorating. Before the war began, the ports could still be used by the Star Luo Empire for trade. Although the distance was far away, the cities were still functioning. The supplies can still be delivered.

But with the beginning of the war, the Sun and Moon Empire occupied the Ordin Strait leading to the north, cutting off the merchant ships of the Star Luo Empire. Currently, the Tianhun Empire can only defend along the river and rely on the river to transport supplies to maintain the operation of several port cities. The defense is quite a bit like relying on supplies from the Volga River to hold on to Stalingrad.

Before the conflicts between the navies of various forces, the importance of the port had not yet been reflected. But now as the conflict becomes increasingly fierce, large-scale naval battles may occur at any time.

The Douling Republic will most likely not participate in naval battles. During the construction process of the Douling Navy, the design concept is not for other warships, but for divine disasters that may occur in the ocean.

Although the damage caused by divine disasters in the ocean will not be as serious as on land, if the gods in the ocean are too powerful, they may still cause earthquakes in the ocean and lead to disasters such as tsunamis. As a mature national leader, It is necessary to prevent such incidents.

From this point of view, the probability of Dou Ling Republic participating in a naval battle is very small. Currently, the ones with the highest probability of large-scale naval battles are the Tianhun Empire and the Sun and Moon Empire. If they cannot break through the Orting Strait and break the sea blockade of the Sun and Moon Empire, they will suffer The supply of the Heavenly Soul Empire, which has been baptized by the flames of war, will become increasingly difficult. This cannot be compensated by tactics and fighting will.

People cannot eat, and machines will lie down without replacement parts. No matter how strong your will, you cannot change this, so a large-scale naval battle between the two sides is almost inevitable.

As for the navy of the Star Luo Empire, which is not affiliated with the country, it is likely to appear as an intervening force in naval battles, seeking benefits for its own group and vacillating.

Not everyone has the qualifications to be this wallflower, but the Dong Douluo Company established by the Sandstorm Group obviously has this qualification. The most complete shipbuilding technology allows the warships they design to have considerable advantages in performance.

More importantly, Dong Douluo Company is the earliest force involved in submarine technology, and has developed mature underwater sonar technology, landing combat tactics, supercavitating torpedo technology, and other cutting-edge technologies. Many maritime combat exercises have also allowed Their tactics are more coordinated, and a fleet of the same size can exert stronger combat effectiveness.

As for the classification of Dong Douluo Company's battleships, they seem simpler and more crude than those of the other two empires. They are divided into gold-class battleships, silver-class battleships, and bronze-class destroyers. In addition, there are silver-class submarines, and certain Some secret weapons.

Grading according to the color of coins is very uncreative, but it is very consistent with the characteristics of Dongduluo Company.

As for the form of the battleship, the top battleship of Dong Douluo Company is the famous nuclear-powered battleship. The power source is the reverse-engineered reactor of the purchased Douling Republic reactor, so that the battleship can cruise for a long time.

Unlike conventional battleships, nuclear-powered battleships do not look like battleships, and the deck does not have the main guns of normal battleships. It is more like a submarine than a battleship.

The huge volume can be completely sunk underwater. Relying on the friction reduction in the new art and the super-air gun effect, it can sail at high speed underwater. After floating up, how can it launch nuclear shells through the electromagnetic railgun on the top of the battleship, or even The latest technological achievements allow them to fire without surfacing.

Electromagnetic forces stir up water flow. A vortex common in our tanks is formed, and the electromagnetic railgun will be set up in the vortex to launch nuclear shells at the target.

The number of senior soul masters in the Sandstorm Group is even smaller than that in the Dou Ling Republic, so this rather evil design was adopted when designing the battleship.

In terms of range, the electronic rail gun is further than the linked soul cannon. As for the accuracy, the error is indeed very large. A deviation of one kilometer is normal. However, in order to protect all its warships, the fleet of the Sun and Moon Empire, The range of the spherical shield is also huge.

As long as the shells can be thrown within the enemy's fleet, the damage caused by the explosion can weaken the enemy's shield. After weakening the enemy's shield to a sufficient extent, a nuclear-powered battleship can be used. Move forward into the enemy's range and engage in a close-range naval gun showdown.

Neither side has missiles, so the close-range artillery battle is quite fair. Whoever is hit first will die first.

As for how to fight against the enemy's combat power and the strong men taking off from the ship, Dong Douluo Company's strategy is to dive immediately after the enemy's strong men attack.

Underwater is a terrain that the enemy is not familiar with, and it is difficult for most strong men to show their strength here. However, warships that can skillfully use the gun effect to navigate can move forward at high speed underwater, far away from the enemy's strength. Or, let the black iron-class ray-type submarine accompany this group of diving masters in a dogfight in the sea.

So far, the navies of the four countries have taken shape, but no one expected that after the real crisis struck, they would become the four elephant fleets of the combined navy. When designing their own fleets, they did not realize that, The characteristics of the fleet exactly match the attributes of the four images.

The Xuanwu Fleet of the Sun and Moon Empire has powerful defenses, the Suzaku Fleet of the Sky Soul Empire has unparalleled maneuverability and can be reborn from the ashes, and the Azure Dragon Fleet of the Star Luo Empire can travel up and down the water like a dragon. As well as the Dou Ling Republic, the White Tiger Fleet looks ordinary but has insane attack power.

Of course, they are far from the Four Elephant Fleet now, but each other's enemies. Only after a fight will they recognize their respective strengths.

At this time, Dong Douluo Company was relying on the fact that its nuclear-powered battleships could dive to escort its large cargo submarines, secretly from the bottom of the Ordin Strait, through the blockade of the Sun and Moon Empire, and to deliver supplies to the Tianhun Empire.

The fleet was not assisting out of internationalism, nor was it aid due to its status as allies of both sides. The biggest reason for sending supplies was that the Tianhun Empire gave too much...

In the final analysis, Dong Douluo Company and Sandstorm Group are both huge business groups. Even if they already have the flavor of local warlords, they cannot change their profit-seeking nature.

Nowadays, the Tianhun Empire is under blockade and there is a shortage of domestic materials. Even common daily necessities can be sold at sky-high prices in the Tianhun Empire. Land transportation is likely to be intercepted by the army of the Sun and Moon Empire, so let’s transport it by sea!

The profit from this trip was more than ten times. How could the Sandstorm Group and Dong Douluo Company, established by a group of big capitalists, give up this opportunity to make huge profits?

The battleship was turned off, and its active sonar moved forward quietly at the bottom of the dark strait, relying on the previously scanned seafloor terrain and the spiritual guidance of the soul masters in the fleet.

The other major empires have not invested resources in submarine technology, and even have a vague concept of submarine weapons. Naturally, they lack the concept of anti-submarine, and they are completely unaware that after they occupy the sea surface of the strait, there will be fleets sneaking around. Run under yourself.

Although the sea surface was heavily guarded, there was almost no defense at the bottom of the dark trench. The fleet escorted a large number of merchant ships through the trench and continued to sail underwater for 12 hours. After that, the fleet surfaced and had arrived at the Empire of the Sun and Moon. sea ​​area, but has completely escaped the surveillance of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Next, they can sail on the sea to the ice-free port of the North Pole, and transport the fleet's full cargo to the northern port of the Tianhun Empire.

A group of dark warships emerged from the water, and the huge sea water bulged. Looking down from the sky, it looked like a pimple on the face of the sea. As the sea water receded, the bean also broke open, revealing the giant pimple inside. Battleship.

Other merchant ships also surfaced soon after, opened their cargo holds, and transported a large amount of cargo. When they returned, they also had to transport a large amount of cargo. Even if they did not transport cargo, they still needed to load a large amount of ballast in the cabin. Otherwise, they would not be able to dive underwater and return to the waters of the Star Luo Empire through the strait.

The design of these merchant ships is different from that of battleships. Their weight is very low, but their size is very large. They are completely supported by rare metal alloys inside, so that they will not be crushed by the high pressure of the seabed. Simply relying on the weight of the merchant ships will not The method of sinking under the sea surface is too wasteful to build a huge watertight warehouse, so during the transportation process, it must rely on the weight provided by a large amount of cargo to sink.

Therefore, in addition to transporting a large amount of gold, these merchant ships also need to load a large amount of ore in the cabin, so as to ensure that they can dive underwater and return to the Star Luo Empire smoothly to complete a trade.

However, before returning this time, the captain of the fleet had a secret conversation with the fleet officers of the Tianhun Empire.

Breaking the sea blockade of the Sun and Moon Empire is of no benefit to the Dong Douluo Company. Without the sea blockade, the goods they transport cannot be priced at a higher price. As for the threat of the Sun and Moon Empire, a company will not stand aside. Look at the problem from a country's perspective. For them, there is no problem in surrendering to the Sun and Moon Empire. As long as they can guarantee the same treatment as the Star Luo Empire, Dong Douluo Company has no moral integrity.

But since the two sides can negotiate, it naturally means that the Tianhun Empire has equal bargaining chips.

In human terms, although our Dong Douluo Company does not want to participate in the battle between empires, and we are just a peace-loving commercial company, the Tianhun Empire has given us too much.

A conspiracy against the Navy of the Sun and Moon Empire is slowly beginning, and one of the largest naval battles in the history of Douluo is also coming quietly.

[To be continued]

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