Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,696 Trench Encounter

The Sun and Moon Empire does not have professional underwater units, so if you want to explore the underwater situation, you must send experts to dive.

Even if there is a powerful fleet on the surface, blocking the water still cannot guarantee absolute safety. The sea soul beast may always be hidden in the dark deep sea. Conduct a sneak attack on the masters in the ocean.

This is also one of the important reasons why the Sun and Moon Empire did not develop submarines. Under water, human steel creations do not have much advantage over sea soul flesh. This is like mainland countries not building a navy for tens of thousands of years. Because for tens of thousands of years, humans have had no advantage over sea spirit beasts at sea. It was the same kind of inertial thinking that caused the Sun and Moon Empire to lag behind in developing submarines.

Dong Douluo Company's submarines are already quite mature, otherwise they would not have developed commercial cargo submarines. The ones dispatched to the Orting Strait this time were not ordinary cargo submarines. The escort submarines and nuclear-powered battleships also proved that This action was extraordinary.

There was only one large-tonnage submarine responsible for this transportation operation, and it carried a fifteen-ton strategic hydrogen bomb inside. A hydrogen bomb of this weight is already very difficult to airdrop from an aircraft or launch from a missile. In theory, it can be airdropped in a storage soul guide. However, the status of this thing that is too large is not very stable. If you want to complete the smooth access to the storage soul guide, you still need to go through a series of technical verifications.

So this is the only nuclear bomb that can be dropped by submarine for actual combat.

To ensure the success of the mission, escort the fleet of merchant ships. The scale is also quite large, with three nuclear-powered battleships alone. One gold-class, two silver-class, and countless submarines. The purpose is to ensure that the task is completed.

However, they did not expect that there would be an encounter underwater. The people sent by the Sun and Moon Empire to explore the bottom of the trench were two eighth-level soul engineers. They are two specialized soul masters who are good at fighting in the ocean.

Their soul guide looks a bit like a small submarine, but the idea is different from that of a submarine. It uses the same principle as an airplane, that is, relying on the different air flow speeds on the upper surface and lower surface of the arc-shaped wings, Get lift.

Essentially, if you throw this thing into the water, it will sink directly into the water. The difference between this thing and a traditional submarine is similar to the difference between an airship and a fighter jet. In terms of speed, there is definitely an advantage. But if it is not driven by an eighth-level soul master, there is no relevant large investment in research, the endurance is very limited, and it must rely on platforms such as aircraft carriers for supplies.

The two sting-ray-like soul guides entered the water and began to slowly dive into the water for exploration. They turned on the searchlight to the brightest. Everyone has some phobia of the deep sea. In the deep darkness, at a glance There is no end to the bottom of the sea, and those who dive in will feel as if they are being swallowed by darkness.

It was pitch black in all directions above and below. Without strong light shining on the rock walls on both sides, it would be difficult to tell whether one was descending. The two eighth-level soul masters turned on searchlights, on the one hand, to check the surrounding situation, and on the other hand, In order to relieve your own psychological pressure.

If their soul guide is damaged underwater, the situation they will face will be very dangerous. Pressure exceeding 30 atmospheres will cause huge damage to humans who do not live in the deep sea. Even the body of the soul master The quality is strong and can withstand the physical damage caused by pressure. Under high pressure, nitrogen will also merge into the blood, causing poisoning effects such as nitrogen drunkenness. Returning to the sea is definitely not an easy task.

The resistance of water flow can be greatly different from that of air. For them, a distance of several hundred meters may be fleeting in the air, but when faced with high pressure and poor oxygen conditions underwater, it is not easy to quickly rise to the surface of the water. Easy thing now.

Especially in the deep and dark seabed, it looked like a monster might appear at any time, which made the two eighth-level soul masters feel their hearts beating faster, as if their throats were being strangled.

As the sonar was turned on, the terrain at the bottom of the trench began to appear on the screen. This was a setting to prevent them from running aground. Normally, there would be no Sea Spirit Beasts where the navy was stationed, but just when they thought there would be no danger when.

In the sonar, a huge object revealed its figure. Its streamlined structure was like a blue whale. It was not the most eye-catching thing about it. What was most eye-catching was the shape of the objects that appeared in their sonar detection range. In terms of size, it was a behemoth with a length of nearly three hundred meters. Even a blue whale-like sea spirit beast would be almost impossible to grow to this size.

In history, only the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King can exceed this size. In sonar detection, there is not only one such monster at the bottom of the ocean, but also two slightly smaller ones following behind.

In an instant, cold sweat broke out on the heads of the two eighth-level soul masters. Their first reaction was that they had broken into the territory of a certain super soul beast. This kind of super soul beast and the group exist, and every individual is like a giant kun. The same behemoth.

"Requesting to surface, requesting support from the sea surface!" the eighth-level soul master shouted in the soul guide communication: "We have discovered an unknown underwater object, which is huge and moving in our direction! Requesting support, requesting..."

Zi La La!

The communication was interrupted. Kong Deming, who was listening to the information coming from underwater in the command room of the Sunyao-class battleship, stood up suddenly at the console: "The whole army is on alert, prepare to activate the combat shield!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a huge earthquake in the flagship where he was, as if it was violently pushed by some giant beast under the water. If the emergency trigger reaction shield hadn't been activated when the impact came, the bottom of the battleship would probably have collapsed. Damage caused the entire flagship to sink.

"Damn it! It's an enemy attack. Our enemy has been hiding under our feet. We haven't noticed it for so many days!" The expression on Kong Deming's face was ugly. He had no idea that things would develop to the point before him.

The commander of Dong Douluo Company also had an equally ugly expression. This nuclear bomb delivery mission was extremely important. Dong Douluo Company directly dispatched its highest military officer, who was also one of the first few trusted subordinates recruited by Jizhen. One, Li Er, sits on the flagship as the commander of the fleet.

Li Er, an old man who had already joined the Sandstorm Group when he just came out of the desert, had not yet been established. When the Group was first established, he personally helped Ji Zhen, which was still extremely weak, to eradicate dissidents and establish an organization. It can be said that now He is already a veteran of the Sandstorm Group and the top military officer of the East Douluo Company.

He has the right to make emergency decisions on the battlefield, and when he saw the Sun-Moon Empire's detector in the sonar, his expression became extremely ugly.

If I didn't detect it before, but I did it at this worst time, it was just bad luck.

Li Er knew very well that after he was discovered, any explanation was meaningless. Hidden under the other party's feet without notifying the other party, only a few kilometers away, this kind of thing could not be explained no matter how much he explained.

It was inevitable for the two sides to start a war. Li Er also made an immediate decision. While launching an attack to destroy the enemy's detectors, he ordered the entire main gun of the fleet to fire, aiming at the bottom of the Sun-Moon Empire's battleships and giving them a hard hit.

At the same time, he powered up the Heavenly Soul Empire and asked them to cooperate in the attack, and informed them that the matter would be settled with the Heavenly Soul Empire afterwards.

Li Er's idea was this. The original purpose of the Tianhun Empire was not to let them transport nuclear bombs, but to force them to get involved in this war. Therefore, they deliberately leaked the information and allowed the Sun and Moon Empire to explore the seabed at the right time. Caught them transporting secret weapons, forcing Dong Douluo Company to get involved in the war with the Sun and Moon Empire.

Li Er remembered this plan, but for things like revenge, the battle must be won first. If the main force is annihilated by the Sun and Moon Empire in the strait, then all revenge and condemnation will be the barking of a defeated dog. .

As for the Tianhun Empire, he was also very confused. It was naturally a good thing for Dong Douluo Company to take the initiative to attack the Sun and Moon Empire, but their warning also caused the Tianhun Empire to arrive, which was extremely innocent.

One thing to say is that this time it is really not the Tianhun Empire that is scheming against Dong Douluo Company. The real situation is that the supplies that mysteriously appeared in Maple Leaf City have aroused the suspicion of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Then a lunatic officer forcibly interpreted the seal ventilation cave in the Far North as the vent for the submarine route in the Far North. A series of chain reactions led to the immediate result.

To say that the accusation was unjust, the Tianhun Empire was the one who was most unjustly accused, but it was too late to say anything now. After receiving the information from the allies, the Kunpeng-class battleship led the Jingwei-class battleships and the Jiaolong-class cruiser, and all came out, one by one. Suspended above the sea, relying on ground effects and flying at the speed of a fighter jet, it launched an assault in the direction of the battlefield.

Looking back to the Sun and Moon Empire side of the Orting Strait, Kong Deming was furious after being attacked. He immediately ordered the fleet to release depth charges and open the shield to the maximum.

"Blow it up, blast it hard! Don't worry about our own shield capacity, I don't believe there is anyone on this continent or in this ocean who has a stronger shield than ours?"

I have to say that the tactics he chose are very correct. The biggest advantage of the Gold-class nuclear-powered battleship is that it can dive and operate covertly. However, in terms of shields, it is even worse than the Kunpeng-class battleship. This is not a technical aspect. The problem is that in terms of technology, Dong Douluo Company is not said to be stronger than the Tianhun Empire, at least it is not inferior in terms of fleet technology.

The reason why the shield is inferior is that Dong Douluo Company's population base is too small and there are simply not enough soul masters to operate their powerful advanced battleships. This kind of trouble is simply unimaginable for the two empires.

They all have many masters, but they don't have enough advanced weapons for the masters to control.

The depth bomb fell into the water and detonated it directly without waiting for his fleet to get out of the explosion range. Li Er did not expect that the commander of the Sun and Moon Empire would be so reckless and even exploded his own fleet, relying on the tortoise shell. Defense, insisting on a wave of death tactics.

"Dive, dive for me, don't worry about the endurance limit of your hull, just throw the nuclear bomb directly on the seabed, we will dive directly, don't worry about anything else."

The sea water can offset the power of the explosion to a considerable extent. As long as you go forward to a sufficient depth, you can avoid the blow just now.

Of course, the incompressible nature of seawater also makes the shock wave more powerful during the diffusion process. At a relatively short distance, the power of the explosion will be greater.

Dong Douluo Company's fleet dived collectively. Fortunately, the Orting Strait was deep enough and most of the warships avoided the shock wave of the explosion. However, a Silver-class submarine was still sunk, and a Silver-class nuclear-powered battleship was sunk. The water leakage was affected by the shock wave and is being repaired urgently.

Leaking underwater is much more troublesome than leaking warships on the surface. If it cannot be repaired in time, the entire army will be wiped out.

"Retreat, retreat! Throw a round of suspended mines and retreat to the north."

Li Er's order to retreat to the north was a helpless move.

Now his fleet is stuck in the middle of the Orting Strait. Although the top of the Strait is extremely wide, the bottom is not narrow enough for nuclear-powered battleships to pass.

But after all, the bottom of the strait is not as wide as the top. There is no problem in letting the nuclear-powered battleship pass, but if you want to turn around, it will not be possible in a short time.

It is the stupidest decision to engage in close combat with a group of warships like the Hitachi Empire with a defense report. No country's warships can guarantee that their warships can remain intact before penetrating the powerful backing of the Sun and Moon Empire.

As a large number of mines were released from the top of the battleship, Dong Douluo Company's nuclear-powered battleship also quickly left the Orting Strait and arrived in the waters of the Northern Sun-Moon Empire.

At this time, Kong Deming was still furious, and he felt another violent vibration under his feet. The density of the mine was lower than that of sea water, and it floated up at high speed. It exploded immediately after reaching the water surface, although it did not cause any harm under the protection of the shield. to any warship, but the rough sea surface prevented the warship from continuing to drop depth bombs and strike on the seabed.

The sonar technology of the Sun and Moon Empire was quite backward. After scanning, it was found that the enemy fleet had disappeared. The atmosphere in the fleet was quite solemn for a while.

The explosion of the depth charges just now did not cause any damage, but the first round of bombardment brought heavy losses to the Sun and Moon Empire fleet. One Sun Yao class battleship was damaged, three Yue Hui class battleships were sunk, and the invincible Sun Moon Empire fleet suffered heavy losses. The Moon Empire Navy had not yet had time to activate its powerful shield. They suffered such heavy losses due to this despicable and shameless sneak attack.

Whether it was the commander of the team or the officers and soldiers of the fleet, the mood at this time was furious.

As for Dong Douluo Company, after learning that its fleet had encountered an encounter with the Sun and Moon Empire, its mentality exploded. However, it immediately made the right choice and sent a large number of fleets to support, preparing to fight against the Tianhun Empire. Attack from north to south.

[To be continued]

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