Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,697 Nuclear War Mode

The perspective of the war switched to the side of the Tianhun Empire. After the action of planting nuclear bombs was discovered, the Tianhun Empire knew that the previously formulated strategy was meaningless.

Now it is impossible to sneak attack the military port of the Sun and Moon Empire. Time is life now. The war must be launched as soon as possible and the battle must be completed at the military port of the Orting Strait before the reinforcements of the Sun and Moon Empire arrive.

After conducting beach landing operations and occupying the strait, there is no point in the continued arrival of reinforcements.

Kunpeng-class battleships lead many battleships that can also use ground effects to fly on the sea and advance at high speed. They are the fastest fleet across the ocean, and even birds cannot match their high speed.

And this incredible speed also means that if you make a slight mistake, you may die without a burial place. If a warship with a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour hits an obstacle, the consequences will be disastrous. Imagine what it would be like if an object weighing more than 30,000 tons hits a target at a speed of more than 200 kilometers per hour. A devastating scene.

Almost nothing can withstand an impact of this magnitude. The beings and warships that are hit will be destroyed into ashes almost simultaneously.

The Sun and Moon Empire did not have satellites in space, so they could not see the fleet rushing forward on the sea. However, in the Dou Ling Republic, where the sky was full of satellites, after seeing the fleet of the Tianhun Empire, the departments responsible for monitoring the ocean situation were all in an uproar. No one had ever thought that the fleet could appear in this form.

This speed means that many tactics that would have been impossible to implement now become possible.

The Sun and Moon Empire did not know that the enemy fleet was approaching rapidly, but it still sent a request for help to the headquarters immediately and was on strong alert for the enemy's sneak attack.

At the same time, the East Douluo Company's support fleet crossed the Orting Strait and surfaced in the waters of the Sun and Moon Empire in the north.

The electromagnetic railgun on the back of the nuclear-powered battleship stretched out, and the electric current flickered and stirred on the railgun. The independently developed nuclear shell was mounted on the railgun. As the railgun was charged, the electric energy stored in the capacitor was released instantly, powerfully. The driving force accelerated the nuclear artillery shell to an incredible speed, crossed the troposphere, and advanced through the stratosphere at high speed. The target was the naval base of the Sun and Moon Empire in the Ordin Strait.

After the three nuclear-powered battleships completed three rounds of shooting, they immediately dived underwater. The movement of their launches had been detected by the fleet of the Sun and Moon Empire. It was difficult to hide the huge soul wave. If they did not dive immediately, the sun would The Moon Empire's fleet can come over and carry out a devastating blow to the nuclear-powered battleship.

In close range shooting, no warship from any country is the opponent of the Sun and Moon Empire. After all, the strength of the Sun and Moon Empire's shields is too exaggerated. Even if they shoot face-to-face, it is difficult to break the shield head-on.

After an eight-minute flight, the nuclear artillery shell arrived at the military port in the La Ortin Strait. However, the military port in a state of alert always had its shields turned on. When it saw a meteor-like shell falling in the sky, it even lowered its shield. The power is increased to full power.

Only thousands of tons of tactical nuclear artillery shells landed on the shield. Although it caused huge pressure on the shield, and the optical radiation brought by the nuclear flash also caused some damage to the soldiers inside the shield, nine consecutive times After all, the strongest shock wave of the explosion was blocked by the shield, and only some soldiers were scorched by the intense light radiation.

After receiving the blow, the Sun and Moon Empire immediately raised its alert level and began to temporarily modify the soul guides to enhance their ability to protect against light radiation.

In order to ensure that people inside can see the external situation clearly, conventional shields are basically transparent and have limited resistance to beam-type strikes. Therefore, a considerable part of the high-temperature radiation after a nuclear explosion can penetrate the shield. The shielded, surviving part of the soldiers present had no idea that they were about to face a tragic second half of their lives.

Although the shield helped them block the impact of the explosion and allowed them to survive the radiation, the genes in many people's bodies had been damaged, and canceration was almost inevitable during the recombination process.

People in this world have not even discovered cancer. On the one hand, many ordinary people may not live to the age of cancer. On the other hand, those who can live to that age are basically soul masters. Their strong physical fitness makes They have relatively strong resistance to this disease.

Just face nuclear radiation. Even if they have the ability to resist, it will not help. Nearly 1/3 of the chromosomes in the body have been broken into pieces. Even if they can be repaired based on other cells, many errors will inevitably occur during the repair process, and these errors are almost certain to occur. Cells that develop cancer.

At present, the Sun and Moon Empire has not had time to consider the problems that may arise in the future after the nuclear war starts. By inferring the direction of the artillery shells, the Sun and Moon Empire roughly guessed the location where the enemy fired the artillery shells, which was located on the island peaks on both sides of the Orting Strait. The large-scale linked soul-guided cannon turned with the mountain as its base, looking back like a giant beast from the wild, looking in the direction of Dong Douluo Company's fleet.

The power of the heavy artillery that can be installed on the land fortress is even more terrifying than that installed on the fleet. After roughly aiming at that area of ​​​​the sea, the huge soul power begins to gather.

The islands on both sides were covered with the latest soul guides that convert light energy into soul power. This was also the most advanced technology of the Sun and Moon Empire. The huge soul power gathered. The soul power produced by sunlight over time was extremely huge. At this time, it was rapidly gathering in the muzzle. The inner and outer ring barrels were suspended under the drive of electromagnetic force and rotated towards each other at high speed. At the muzzle, the dazzling light ball began to gather, and as the light ball grew larger, it gradually became more and more unstable.

As the light ball expanded to a diameter of about 50 meters, it finally lost its restraint and turned into a bullet, which was violently ejected by the invisible electromagnetic force.

The light ball formed by the huge plasma was of very low quality, so it accelerated very quickly on the electromagnetic track, and in the blink of an eye it became several times the speed of sound.

It passed over the sea like a flash of lightning, and it seemed that two suns rose above the sea level, one hanging high in the air and the other falling rapidly towards the sea surface.

Even the sea surface close to the light ball was boiling with the burning of the terrifying heat.

As the light ball reached the predetermined target, the terrifying attack also smashed into the sea. In terms of the power of the explosion alone, the equivalent of this shot just now even exceeded the sum of the nine tactical nuclear bombs just now.

The seawater around the hit instantly vaporized, and the bright light could be seen even on the island. If the distance was closer, it would feel that the world turned white in an instant. Countless seawater was instantly evaporated into steam, and the expanding steam turned into a terrifying shock wave that spread in the seawater.

As the power of the explosion continued to be released, a mushroom cloud rose slowly in the ocean, and the circular waves were still slowly spreading towards the distance. If there was really anything at the place where it was hit, it would probably have been destroyed by now.

Even though it had dived away from the appropriate distance, the fleet of the East Douluo Company was still affected by the shock wave, and the fleet shook violently.

This level of fortress artillery attack has exceeded the scope of attacks that humans can release. Even if it is an Extreme Douluo, if it is hit, it will be instantly destroyed, which feels a bit like doomsday technology.

The era when individual strong men could dominate the battlefield has gradually come to an end as sea giants and land fortresses have sprung up one after another. Unless the Extreme Douluo can make further progress in cultivation, it is difficult for them to play a decisive role in such a frontal battlefield.

The huge explosion on the sea surface was naturally observed by the Kunpeng Fleet. The bright explosion flash and the huge mushroom cloud could not be covered up. The battle had already occurred. The Kunpeng Fleet was not far from the Ordin Strait. As they got closer and closer to the main battlefield, the Kunpeng-class battleships began to slow down. They had been flying close to the sea surface and began to slowly lower. The landing gear slowly contacted the sea surface, dragging a long white line on the sea surface. The fleet was like a water skip, rising and falling on the sea surface, slowly slowing down.

This deceleration process must last for quite a while. If it decelerates rapidly in a short period of time, the strong impact between it and the sea water will directly tear the hull apart.

However, while the Kunpeng-class battleships were decelerating, the Jingwei-class battleships did not decelerate. Instead, it surpassed Kunpeng in the process and spread out longer wings from the side. At the same time, while the Kunpeng-class battleship was sailing at high speed on the sea, electromagnetic coils flashing blue light were released from the top of the battleship, and the direction of the electromagnetic coils was aimed at the bottom of the Jingwei-class battleship. At the same time, the same electromagnetic coils appeared at the bottom of the Jingwei-class battleship.

The huge repulsive force and the effect of the anti-gravity array allowed the Jingwei-class battleship to get rid of the shackles of the ground effect and soar into the sky. It is hard to imagine what the state of a battleship of more than 10,000 tons flying in the air is like. This huge steel creation with heavy armor flying in the air gives people the feeling of an alien invasion.

Even the navy of the Sun and Moon Empire felt the collapse of their worldview when they saw these battleships soaring in the sky. It is really hard to imagine how humans can make such a heavy object fly into the sky.

The power of this thing falling from the sky is quite terrifying. At this time, these battleships flying in the sky like big birds unfolded their main guns on their abdomens and aimed at the positions of the Sun-Moon Empire in the military port. It was a burst of firepower coverage. Both sides were tentatively attacking to test the ability of the opponent.

Even such high-energy soul guide rays destroyed a large number of fortifications of the Sun-Moon Empire that were not protected by shields.

The soul guide cannons in the positions wanted to counterattack, but the Jingwei-class battleships that could fly into the sky had a faster flight speed than when they were on the sea. When necessary, they could even use gravitational potential energy to convert into kinetic energy, dive at high speed, and dodge attacks.

The fire control system of the Sun-Moon Empire had difficulty hitting such a high-speed target. Even if the target was actually quite large, the distance between the two was extremely far. After several consecutive shots, the Sun-Moon Empire found it difficult to hit the enemy, and the enemy's attack was also difficult to cause damage to itself.

After both sides failed to achieve results in probing the space, they chose to retreat. After circling in the sky, the Jingwei-class battleship flew towards the Kunpeng-class battleship and spread out more wings to cushion the landing.

The Kunpeng fleet also began to turn around and headed out of the attack range of the Sun and Moon Empire Fortress Cannon.

This round of probing attacks also broke the arrogance of the Sun and Moon Empire. Although its own shield was strong enough to withstand most attacks, its opponents could not be underestimated. Although due to its size, a considerable part of its attack power was sacrificed for flying.

But the advantage of being condescending to the Sun and Moon Empire is still very clear. The enemy can store a large number of large-mass weapons in storage equipment, use airdrops, and use gravity potential energy to carry out bombings.

The effect of this type of attack is absolutely outstanding, especially since the gravitational potential energy of this type of attack can be used to consume the shield capacity. In a sense, it restrains the shield of the Sun and Moon Empire.

From this perspective, the Dou Ling Republic's space-based weapons are actually more effective in restraining shields. The last time they attacked Orange's army, the Dou Ling Republic considered that the enemy's shields might bounce off kinetic energy weapons, so the attack process was relatively conservative. There's not so much mass thrown at it all at once that it doesn't even end up completely breaking the shield. In fact, if you invest enough weapons at once to bombard them wildly, you can rely on your own energy advantage to directly exhaust your opponent's soul power.

The naval battle has entered into a confrontation. The fleet of the Sky Soul Empire is patrolling at high speed like a pack of wolves. If it catches the enemy's weakness, it will strike hard. The Sun Moon Empire will be a strong rhinoceros with attack power and defense power. They are far ahead of their opponents, but at an absolute disadvantage in terms of speed, they carefully occupy the geographical advantage to defend.

If the war continues like this, it will be detrimental to both the Tianhun Empire and Dong Douluo Company. The weapons of both sides will be difficult to break through the opponent's defense. Although both sides still have trump cards that they have not used, it is theoretically possible to break through. It is for the defense of the Sun and Moon Empire fleet, but using such a trump card will undoubtedly cost a huge price. Neither side will use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

But what can really change the stalemate battle situation at this time is actually the high-yield nuclear bomb that is guarded by a high-level concealed soul guide and may be detonated at any time on the seabed. The yield of five million tons has exceeded that in this world. Although all the weapons created by humans cannot be accurately dropped on the enemy's warships, even if they are detonated underwater, they are enough to break the current deadlock.

[To be continued]

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