Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,700 Trumpet Effect

The fleets of the Sun and Moon Empire were arranged in a super formation more than ten kilometers long on the sea, and their formations were used as nodes to create tsunamis. It is not as exaggerated as a natural tsunami. But it is also not something that ordinary battleships can withstand.

Especially this man-made tsunami. It is more ferocious than a natural tsunami within a certain area. The huge energy contained in the waves of hundreds of meters has exceeded the limit that the linked soul guide defense can withstand.

This is an overall attack. After it falls, the entire shield will bear the blow. Perhaps the attack power of each point is not particularly strong and is not enough to break the shield, but all the points add up. The total upper limit of the output power has exceeded the limit of the shield.

It is not that the attack power of a certain point exceeds a certain limit before the shield can be broken. If the damage sustained by the shield completely exceeds the power of the shield, there is no way to continue to maintain the defense.

Facing the oncoming tsunami that was hundreds of meters high and as big as a mountain, the Tianhun Empire's fleet also fell into panic, just like the Sun and Moon Empire had no effective way to counter their suicide attack.

They also have no effective way to resist such a large tsunami. If a tsunami really hits, then the Kunpeng-class battleship will definitely suffer heavy losses. By then, the Jingwei-class battleship in the sky will not be able to maintain its flying attitude. The Moon Empire's only advantage disappeared.

At that time, even if the fleet could still maintain its speed advantage on the sea, this level of advantage was no longer enough to prevent the enemy from hitting it.

"Kunpeng-class battleship, give up the suspension airbag and retreat with all your strength." Shiang made the decision very quickly, and it was his decisiveness that prevented the Tianhun Empire's fleet from suffering greater losses.

After giving up the suspension airbag, the Kunpeng-class battleship is equivalent to stopping the magnetic support of the Suzaku-class battleship in the air. In this case, the Jingwei-class battleship will fall from the sky.

However, the Tianhun Empire had already considered this situation during the design. When the Kunpeng-class battleship is attacked, it will definitely need to be evacuated. If emergency evacuation will cause the Jingwei-class battleship to crash directly, then this weakness will be Too deadly. It could very well lead to the complete annihilation of the fleet.

So the fleet actually has another solution. As the Kunpeng-class battleship stopped providing magnetic support to the air, the battleship was able to successfully decouple from the surrounding suspended airbags.

It is a Kunpeng-class battleship that points its butt at others, and can speed up and escape on the spot. This is an escape plan that has been set from the beginning of the design.

While cutting off the tail to survive, the suspended airbag will also drive backwards at high speed. The external bombs and trigger-type disposable shield on the suspended airbag have a very good resistance to most attacks.

In terms of various parameters, the warships of the Tianhun Empire should be the worst among the four countries when resources are scarce, but when it comes to tactics and the integration of various tactics, there is no doubt that the Tianhun Empire does the best. Okay, using limited resources, we pieced together the most suitable battleship for the battlefield.

As the Kunpeng-class battleship detached at high speed and activated the suspension state of the ground-effect aircraft, it was difficult for the tsunami to catch up with the Kunpeng-class battleship. Only some cruisers responsible for helping the Kunpeng-class battleship decouple had already escaped before they had time to activate the suspension. In the tsunami's influence among.

At the same time, the Jingwei-class battleship in the sky lost its support and began to fall. However, at the same time as it fell, the battleship also spread its wings. The wings looked very fluffy. Although they were made of steel, they imitated the structure of feathers, which made them fall. In the process, air resistance can be utilized to a greater extent.

The steel battleships slowly fell from the sky like gliders. Before it was released when it was about to fall to the water surface, it sprayed towards the water surface, which also achieved the effect of ground effect and also completed high-speed gliding on the water surface.

Most of the Jingwei battleships landed on the water smoothly, but because the ground effect requires a relatively gentle water surface to achieve, the Jingwei and battleships that landed in the tsunami were not so lucky.

As soon as they landed, they plunged into the sea water because the water surface was not flat enough.

The impact brought by the huge weight and the tearing force brought by the tsunami instantly tore the battleship into pieces. As for the pilot on the battleship, it would be difficult to escape in this situation.

However, there were battleships that fell, and there were also battleships that chose the final blow. Some captains of the Jingwei-class battleships found that they were likely to land in the direction of the tsunami when they landed, so they chose to take their battleships directly to the Sun and Moon Empire. fleet.

The complete version of the three-in-one Jingwei and battleships can weigh up to 150,000 tons after the interior is filled with high-density metal. This weight cannot be lifted without the strength of the Lord God. As for the power of hitting it from a height of thousands of meters, if this was not the sea but the land, the Lord God would probably be flattened to the ground.

Of course, in actual combat, powerful individuals will dodge, and it will be very difficult to hit simply by relying on powerful attacks.

But the battleships of the Sun and Moon Empire are difficult to dodge, especially after releasing the ultimate move. The shield of the Sun Yao-class battleship that has been focused on has been greatly weakened, and releasing the ultimate move consumes a lot of money. The soul power caused the shield capacity to remain at the red line.

The Jingwei-class battleship falling from the sky surprised the pilot. At this time, it was too late to borrow soul power from other battleships. All the soul masters on the battleship can only try their best to squeeze their own potential, trying to make the shield recharge faster.

It's a pity that they are already at the end of their strength. No matter how hard they squeeze, the strengthening of the shield is limited. The impact of a 150,000-ton giant falling from the sky is unimaginable.

The shield shattered into scattered pieces like glass, and the strength of the battleship was not much higher than that of the shield. After all, even if it could be reinforced with soul runes, the interior of the battleship still had to accommodate the structural strength of other large equipment. It is impossible to compare with a solid whole steel plate.

The behemoth that fell from the sky directly hit the middle of the battleship, breaking the battleship into two pieces. This was the most direct result for a top-level battleship since the war began.

The battleship that was broken into two sections had almost no room for rescue, and few fleet members survived.

However, compared to the Tianhun Empire, the Sun Moon Empire's losses were still much less. Many Jingwei-class battleships fell directly into the tsunami and were crushed into pieces.

The tsunami is still going on. The empire's ultimate move is not a one-time move. The sea water can continue to be shaken and the waves can be turned in another direction. The range of tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers is within the attack range of the tsunami.

Even underwater will be affected by the tsunami. The nuclear-powered battleship of Dong Douluo Company was severely disturbed and almost hit a rock underwater and sank.

Faced with the severe situation, Li Er gritted his teeth and ordered: "Send all the underwater vehicles and destroy the enemy's tsunami soul guide. With this thing existing, I can't fight at all, I will only be chased by my opponent."

Never mind the losses, as you said, if we can't get rid of the enemy's tsunami soul guide, we will all die in this sea. "

A large number of submarines and underwater carrier-based aircraft, like bees emerging from a hive, crowded out from around the nuclear-powered battleship.

Just when the situation was critical, meteors suddenly flashed across the sky, and dense meteors fell from the sky, covering the positions of the Sun and Moon Empire.

In order to arrange tsunami positions, the Sun and Moon Empire Navy has moved away from the Ordin Strait and came to the northern seas. This also means that the land position direction of the Ordin Strait has lost the protection of the fleet.

The support of Dong Douluo Company has already arrived, occupying the exit of the strait from south to north, and launching nuclear artillery shells towards the land positions on both sides of the strait. The covering firepower is enough to destroy the defense of the position. Next, as long as the beach landing is completed, the strategic The purpose is achieved.

The most important thing is that this important strait will be controlled by Dong Douluo Company. By then, even the Sun and Moon Empire will need to collect tolls if they want to pass through the strait. This kind of big business is rare. Therefore, Dong Douluo Company also took great risks and sent the main force of the fleet to support.

However, when Li Er saw this scene, he slapped his thigh fiercely and shouted into the radio: "Idiot, run! Do you have shit in your head? How dare you sneak attack on the Orting Strait at this time."

The commander on the opposite side was dumbfounded by Li Er's scolding. Originally, he wanted to blame Li Er. After all, he was discovered through the seabed of the Orting Strait. Even if it was an accident, Li Er had to take the blame. If things go wrong, Dong Douluo Company may lose power.

However, Li Er, as a veteran who followed Jizhen and fought out from the run-down town in the desert, didn't care about these little intrigues at all. He just wanted to pry open the skulls of the supporting troops to see if there was shit inside.

And the other party's brain was obviously not very good. He didn't realize why Li Er scolded him. He still thought that Li Er was afraid that he would seize the class and seize power and was ready to show off his abilities. They seized the coasts on both sides and did not follow the other party's advice to retreat.

"Fuck! Silly teammates!" Li Er gritted his teeth. His teammates had no idea about the battle situation before they came to support them. They were looking for death in the strait.

Indeed, if compared with the data on paper, the combined armies of the two countries are definitely stronger than the fleet of the Sun and Moon Empire. In theory, it seems that as long as they are reckless, they can win.

But the actual situation is that the Sun and Moon Empire has just launched a tsunami formation. Li Er does not believe that the Sun and Moon Empire has not considered the possibility of using the strait to amplify the tsunami.

At present, although the tsunami formation is directed towards the north, as long as the warships make a slight U-turn, the formation can turn to the south, and the arc will be aimed at the Orting Strait.

As mentioned before, the spectacular Chantang Tide is caused by the seawater flowing upstream along the river mouth and becoming more and more turbulent in the increasingly narrow river channel, forming a spectacular natural phenomenon.

But now the Sun and Moon Empire can set off tsunamis on calm seas. If they aim their tsunami at a narrow strait, a strait like a trumpet mouth, all the power of the tsunami will be concentrated in that channel of the strait.

Perhaps the ports established by the Sun and Moon Empire would be destroyed by the tsunami, but the East Douluo Company fleet, which is greedy for credit and rushes in, may not be completely wiped out by this tsunami.

A tsunami of this magnitude cannot be overcome by hiding underwater. However, Li Er's teammates are now in a state of being unable to listen to human words. How can this prevent people from going crazy?

It was too late to say anything. The fleet of Dongdou Luo Company surfaced, releasing a large number of amphibious landing craft. The fully armed soldiers, under the cover of artillery fire, rushed onto the beaches twice and prepared to occupy the military fortresses on both sides in the ruins.

The strongest fleet was gone, which greatly reduced the defense on both sides of the coast. The soldiers of Dongdou Luo Company were unstoppable. The powerful firepower of the nuclear-powered battleships suppressed the artillery on both sides of the strait. In particular, a nuclear shell came from time to time, which directly shattered the shield of the coastal position of the Sun and Moon Empire. They fired crazily against the firepower suppression of the land-based fortress artillery and relied on the advantage of their own firepower density to blow up the fortress artillery.

Seeing that victory was only one step away, and the capture of the Orting Strait was just around the corner, the commander standing on the bridge folded his arms proudly, thinking that he had made such a great contribution, and the next thing he would welcome was a promotion and salary increase, and he would be appreciated by the big boss. At that time, he would become the CEO of Dongdou Luo Company, marry a beautiful and wealthy woman, and reach the peak of his life. Li Er, a grass-roots guy, would not be worthy of comparing with him at that time.

However, he did not feel proud for long before he saw the scene that made his heart and lungs stop.

The sea surface in the distance to the north began to bulge slightly. At first, he thought it was just an ordinary wave, but as the bulging waves got higher and higher, things began to go wrong.

The waves in the distance gradually changed from more than ten meters at the beginning to dozens of meters. In the process of continuous advancement, they entered the trumpet mouth of the strait, and the height became higher and higher. It has become hundreds of meters high, like a wall of water covering the sky and the sun. Everything on both sides of the Orting Strait disappeared in this tsunami.

The height of the tsunami has risen to a terrifying height of more than 300 meters. Standing on the battleship and looking into the distance, it is as if you can see the end of the world. The size of the wave is enough to trigger anyone's giant fear. Nothing can survive such a wave, not even a nuclear-powered battleship.

He finally understood why Li Er cursed him so angrily, but it was too late to do anything now. In order to occupy the strait as soon as possible, he drove the fleet to the center of the strait to provide fire support to both sides. Now there is no way to retreat. When the tsunami reaches the narrowest part of his strait, it may exceed 500 meters... The ending is self-evident.

[To be continued]

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