Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,701: 00,000-ton nuclear explosion

The Dong Douluo Company's army all showed desperate expressions when facing the tsunami hundreds of meters high. This level of attack was already a god-level one.

Not even a god would be able to create such a devastating disaster. All Dong Douluo Company can do now is dive into the water immediately. Leaving the interface of water and air, there may be a glimmer of hope. If they continue to stay at this interface, the powerful impact will definitely tear them into pieces.

It was not only the main fleet of Dong Douluo Company that was frightened by the power of the terrorist attack, but also a second-level god who was practicing nearby. Unlike the main god and the supreme god, he could practice deeper underground, using sea water and The temperature difference between the earth and the magma obtains huge energy to assist in the process of practicing self-cultivation techniques.

A relatively weak second-level god and a third-level god. The cultivation techniques obtained are also not comprehensive. Refining can only be carried out by utilizing cracks in the earth's crust in relatively shallow strata and relatively directly utilizing the temperature difference between magma and the surface.

Somewhat similar to the theoretical power generation from dry hot rocks, this energy utilization efficiency is actually very high, but it will cause the earth's crust to become unstable, and earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will occur frequently.

This is also an important reason why they are regarded as a divine disaster. The Dou Ling Republic captured two low-level gods, but it did not attract any attention from the gods. After all, there is no telling whether a god of this level can beat a stronger Ultimate Douluo.

It is normal to be caught by humans, and everyone is scrambling to practice. If we continue to settle accounts with these mortals, we will have to wait until they have perfected their skills.

It's just a second-level god who is currently practicing near this sea area. But they can't sit still. Even if they use the movement of the earth's crust and the eruption of volcanoes, the disasters they can create are probably at most the level they are seeing. If they don't use the power of nature, I'm afraid even the Lord God won't be able to create such horrors. disaster.

Below the strait, there is an active volcano itself, facing terrifying tsunamis. The second-level god shivered on the bottom of the sea. He could only rely on his strong vitality and the protection of the earth's crust to save his life. If he dared to surface and face the tsunami, he might not die, but he would definitely be mercilessly attacked by the sea. He was slapped in the water, losing the last trace of his dignity.

In this way, he couldn't help but be horrified at when humans had become so powerful. In terms of pure attack intensity, it seemed that they had reached a point where they were considered quite strong in the God Realm.

What he didn't know was that something even more terrifying would be waiting for him soon.

Returning to the battlefield, Li Er saw the huge tsunami from a distance, and saw that the main force of the company did not listen to his order to retreat. Instead, he was greedy for success and rushed forward. When he was preparing to attack the coasts on both sides, his eyes turned red.

It's a pity that it was destined to happen. It was really a scam. No matter how much he tried to persuade him, he could not escape this disaster. Dong Douluo Company's fleet could dive underwater. There might be a chance of survival in the face of such a tsunami, but in such a tsunami, There will definitely be heavy losses during the attack.

The loss of the fleet can be said to be just rebuilt. The most important thing that Dong Douluo Company lacks is productivity. Dong Douluo Company, which controls more than 90% of the Star Luo Empire’s industrial capabilities, is even more productive than the entire Tianhun Empire in terms of productivity. The empire is even stronger.

What really hurts is the soul masters and technicians in the fleet. It is much more difficult to train experienced sailors and technicians than to build warships. No matter how powerful the weapon is, it still needs people to use it. Without these experienced operators, even if a large number of warships are built, there will be no one to pilot them.

Li Er gritted his teeth and ordered to continue cleaning up the tsunami soul guides of the Sun and Moon Empire. This was not the time to feel sorry for the loss. Everything had to wait until the war was won.

As for accountability, we have to wait until the pig-brained commander survives. Under such a natural disaster, whether he can survive depends entirely on the probability.

This is also true. Even if it sank under the sea, the tsunami still swept up the nuclear-powered battleship.

Although these warships are huge in size, with the longest point even approaching three hundred meters in length, they are just slender chopsticks compared with the tsunami. Steel is already hard enough for humans, but warships cannot be cast in one piece. There are gaps between steel and steel, and this has a fatal impact on strength.

It's like a long sword made of 108 titanium alloy parts. Its strength is not even comparable to that of a weapon cast from a single piece of steel. This is because the connection process cannot be perfect, and no matter how tightly the joints are placed, it is still a weak point.

The same is true for battleships. Even if there is a keel, there is still a weak point on the battleship. These places may break if attacked. The tsunami is a test of every structure of the battleship. People riding in a nuclear-powered battleship can clearly understand He heard the unpleasant twisting sound of steel being swept by the sea water.

Like the roar of a monster, sometimes sharp and sometimes deep, each sound seemed to grab people's hearts. Some warships failed to hold on and began to leak. The ultra-high water pressure under the sea surface made these cracks like fountains, and high-pressure water jets poured towards them. High-pressure water cannons generally fire inside battleships.

A crack often brings about structural collapse. One after another cracks will appear on the battleship, and the speed of repairing the battleship cannot keep up with the speed of damage.

Those who have time to repair the battleship are already lucky. Those who are unlucky are those who have the battleship broken directly in the middle. That kind of scene is extremely desperate for the members of the battleship. The sea water slams into the cockpit and the steel is twisted and deformed. , the battleship that loses its support will be twisted into twists, like an empty can with a vacuum inside. Many soldiers will not even have time to drown to death before they are crushed into meat patties by the deformed metal.

There is no doubt that this is a disaster. Only the warships with the fastest response to the deepest part of the sea can survive this disaster. Water is still viscous. The closer you get to the bottom of the sea, the more viscous the effect. Large, the speed of water flow will be relatively gentle.

A battleship with faster response and deeper dive. Although they will also experience the pressure of turbulent currents, most of them are simply washed out of the strait and swept farther into the ocean. A few unlucky ones will be trapped in the whirlpool on the bottom of the sea.

The wreckage of the broken battleship above will turn the vortex into a blender of death. The high-speed spiraling steel fragments, each piece is like a cannonball, posing a life threat to the structure of the battleship.

Faced with such a situation, the shield is meaningless at all, because the shield will defend against the seawater first, and the huge kinetic energy of the water flow can exhaust the capacity of the shield almost instantly. Only the physical protection of the battleship hull can be used in this way. Fight for a glimmer of hope in a chaotic environment.

At the end of the disaster, Dong Douluo Company's main fleet had lost nearly 70% of its fleet. Only 30% was still intact and could continue to fight. The rest had either sunk or been seriously injured and had to return to the port immediately for repairs.

However, after the Sun Moon Empire put down this ultimate move, the positions on both sides of the coast were also abandoned.

There is no way a shield can withstand such a tsunami. In such a tsunami, even if the fortress built on the ground can activate the physical shield to resist the erosion of the sea with stronger defense, the scale of the tsunami is too great, except for the two strongest fortresses on both sides of the strait. In addition, all defensive facilities were destroyed, and all offensive weapons were swept away.

At this time, both sides of the Orting Strait were almost undefended. Without the protection of the fleet, anyone could easily capture this beach.

A large number of the Sun and Moon Empire's tsunami soul guides were destroyed under Li Er's command, and they had no choice but to retreat to the strait for defense. In fact, there was a better defense plan in theory. That is to station the navy near the strait. Maintain the operation of the tsunami soul guide. If anyone wants to land, they should hit the opponent hard immediately. A large tsunami is enough to destroy any army trying to occupy the Ordin Strait.

It was a pity that the Sun and Moon Empire was lagging behind in the underwater field, and after the tsunami soul guide was released, it had no suitable means to protect it. Seriously restrained by nuclear-powered battleships and underwater carrier-based aircraft.

Before the emergence of Dong Douluo Company, it was naturally possible to garrison the strait like this, but now it is obviously not possible. No matter how strong the Sun and Moon Empire is, it must return its fleet to the strait at this time and rely on its strong defense. Attack and capture this place as a carved fort.

No matter what, the previous battles had caused huge losses to the opponent. Although the tsunami soul guides had been almost completely destroyed, the Sun and Moon Empire had regained the advantage in terms of total strength.

Now as long as we wait for reinforcements, we can delay the war until victory. Even if the Tianhun Empire jumps over the wall and takes off the Jingwei-class battleships again, playing the tactic of perish together, the exchange ratio is only 1:1. The Sun and Moon Empire can afford to exchange it now, and the more it can be exchanged The advantage is greater.

If the delay continues, reinforcements from the Sun and Moon Empire arrive, and the war ends. There will be no more reinforcements from the Tianhun Empire and Dong Douluo Company.

Kong Deming also breathed a sigh of relief. When the two sides of the Ordin Strait suffered a nuclear attack before, he couldn't help but sweat. In a nuclear attack of that scale, the opponent's input has exceeded the limit that the Sun and Moon Empire fleet can handle. If the opponent is not stupid, , plunged directly into the strait. The Tsunami Soul Guidance Device has little effect on them.

After all, they can dive underwater themselves. If I have to say it, I actually have some restraint on the Tsunami Soul Guidance Device of the Sun and Moon Empire.

Fortunately, this fleet was stupid and was almost wiped out by a big move. Now the remaining defeated troops are no longer fearful.

The overall situation is decided!

This is the view of the vast majority of the officers and soldiers of the Sun and Moon Empire fleet. Next, they only need to rely on their invincible shields and wait until reinforcements arrive. Just encircle and annihilate the enemy.

It's just that they didn't realize that the trump card originally prepared to deal with them in this war has not been revealed until now due to various accidents.

That was the hydrogen bomb that Dong Douluo Company transported and buried under the Ordin Strait. Unfortunately, the Sun Moon Empire's fleet was completely destroyed due to the defense facilities on both sides of the strait, and its own tsunami soul guide It was also destroyed by an underwater submarine and had to choose to return to the center of the strait for garrison defense, just above the hydrogen bomb.

Due to a strange combination of circumstances, the strategic plan originally formulated by the Tianhun Empire was back on track.

"This guy actually went back." When the time came to see the Sun Moon Empire's move, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. This was just right and made it easier to execute the plan.

"Let's start executing the plan, codename: Buzhou Mountain!"

As Shijiang ordered the plan to begin, the correspondent also contacted Li Er: "The Buzhoushan plan is about to be implemented. Friendly forces are requested to leave the sea area where the plan is implemented quickly to avoid accidental damage."

Li Er naturally knew what the Buzhoushan plan was, which was the hydrogen bomb they transported here. If this thing exploded, the energy released would probably not be much worse than the tsunami, and the damage rate would be even higher. .

He immediately led his troops towards the north, away from the possible spread of the explosion.

At the same time, the Kunpeng-class battleships were arranged in a circle, and then released a large number of steel plates into the sea. The rivets were thrown into the seabed like cannonballs. Driven by the torpedo thrusters, these steel plates were firmly attached to the seabed. Undersea fixation.

Then, the anti-gravity engine and the electromagnetic force engine were started at full power. The engine almost turned red due to the high-power operation, and an even more shocking scene happened. The Kunpeng-class battleship with a displacement of three tons actually flew like this, although it was only Being able to fly like this with the location of prefabricated steel plates underwater is also an extremely shocking picture.

Like a flock of birds soaring in the sky, the Tianhun Empire's fleet launched the most violent general attack on the Sun-Moon Empire's fleet, which completely entangled the Sun-Moon Empire's fleet and prevented them from leaving the strait.

At the bottom of the Orting Strait, the hydrogen bomb, which was originally firmly fixed on the seabed, was decoupled from the seafloor and slowly floated up driven by the suspended air bag. The internal ring-shaped particle accelerator began to operate. This is a detonation method that is difficult to use on earth. plan.

It accelerates the neutron flow mixed with soul power to a level close to the speed of light, and then uses the high-speed neutron flow to bombard the nuclear material, thereby detonating it.

If the technology is mature enough, the size of the nuclear trigger is expected to be significantly reduced, making the hydrogen bomb as practical as possible.

As this emotional bomb floated to a position about 50 meters away from the water, the detonation process had reached the final step. The battle in the sky at this time also reached a fever pitch. There were even Kunpeng-class battleships who were injured in the battle and chose to die together. Inside Filled with metal, it fell from the sky with a dead weight of more than 50 tons and destroyed a Sun Yao-class battleship.

After such a brutal battle, the Sun and Moon Empire had no doubt that there was something fishy going on, and in the next second, a dazzling light bloomed on the water below them, time seemed to freeze, and the nuclear explosion... began!

[To be continued]

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