Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,769 Return to Level 4

Huo Yuhao, the new ascendant, felt that he was under increasing pressure. The opponent's attacks were really too fierce, and after getting familiar with the tricks of his artificial intelligence, he also started to use some fatal killing moves.

The supreme god's divine power itself is much stronger than his equipment, and he can control microscopic basic particles. If the level of knowledge is not insufficient, it is possible to control basic examples and even the unified force with this set of equipment. of.

And the control of unified force is a much higher level than the control of chaotic matter. It has basically reached the limit of conventional technological level. At this level, it is naturally not something that Huo Yuhao in his current state can withstand.

If the equipment on his body were better, and with the assistance of artificial intelligence, he might be able to hold on for a while, but now defeat is imminent.

"Although it's just a clone, I can tell from your body that your body cannot exceed the middle stage of the fourth level at most. No wonder you are so sneaky and dare not meet me. Do you think you can escape this way? Too much So naive!”

During the battle, Pangu's true body's fist suddenly broke through Huo Yuhao's defense. After many confrontations, William, who gradually became accustomed to the artificial intelligence style, successfully neutralized the strange quarks released by Huo Yuhao and hit him directly. of ontology.

And through the brain waves emitted by his body, he searches for nearby similar spirits, so that his body can be found. If there is only one flying body of Huo Yuhao on the moon, William will not be able to find it, but his There are simply too many ascended bodies.

The spiritual signals released after gathering together are super easy to distinguish.

William couldn't help but raise his head. He felt that there was a huge source of spiritual power on the moon, which was resonating with Huo Yuhao who was captured by him!

"I caught you. Were you hiding on the moon? You were really careful! In this way, even if I kill everyone on Douluo Planet, you can still survive on the moon and even build a spaceship. Go to the dark star and get rid of me completely. We may not win or lose for hundreds of thousands of years.”

When William realized that his opponent was on the moon, he felt lingering fear.

If the other party has the ability to live in space for a long time, then he is likely to be trapped in this universe for countless years, or even forever.

The solar system is an extremely small existence in the entire starry sky. Galaxies are extremely small existences in real space. Most areas in the universe are void areas without any matter. In other words, there is almost no way to be detected by people in the dark space between galaxies. turn up.

A spaceship is too small compared to the vastness of space. Things of this scale are impossible to observe in the dark space between galaxies. If you keep flying in such a dark space, the longer it takes, the harder it will be to find it. If dozens or millions of people have passed by, In the year, the spaceship may even fly out of the silver where they are, and then it will really be an endless dark void. In that environment, although it is impossible for the opponent to turn defeat into victory, there is no doubt that William will not be able to leave.

After being trapped in this world for hundreds of millions of years, even if he could really leave, he would probably be a madman.

Therefore, after realizing this, William felt cold sweat all over his body. Now he even wondered if the other party had sent his body into the dark interstellar? This makes you invincible.

Then all of them sent their clones to fight against themselves. Regardless of whether the clone can survive or defeat himself, his body is invincible in the dark stars anyway. No one could possibly attack him.

Thinking of this possibility, William didn't care about the humans on the ground at all. The humans on the planet meant nothing to him, and he had no intention of conquering the planet. Everything he did was to kill his opponent, so he flew directly out of the atmosphere and flew towards the moon, followed by his army of gods.

This power is theoretically possible to destroy the moon. After all, before obtaining the power of the Supreme God, although the technology of the moon base is advanced, the most powerful war weapons are still not as easy to use as the power of the gods, although they have many people with powerful minds. , but many of them are unable to obtain weapons sufficient to fully utilize their powerful thinking abilities.

Even now, it is extremely dangerous for William to rush to the moon. Fortunately, the humans on the planet have done a very good job, which completely exceeded Cheng Ying's expectations and delayed them a lot of time. At this time, the moon has already deployed its own defense line. Being more perfect can already delay it for a long time.

William realized something was wrong with the moon after flying into space. Previously, due to the obstruction of the atmosphere and the long distance, his exploration of the moon was greatly interfered with, so he did not see through the camouflage of the moon. However, after leaving the atmosphere, his perception was no longer disturbed. The specialness is clearly perceived.

It was simply a fully armed planet. The interior of the entire planet had been hollowed out, and the surface had been turned into an armed fortress. Heavy artillery was not the biggest problem. Although the power of these things was enough to threaten the gods. , but it is very difficult for them to hit the gods who have unlocked the genetic lock.

In contrast, what really troubled him was the huge silvery metal ocean beneath the moon's crust, filled with a large number of nanomachines like liquid metal. It looked like an underground ocean. And these nanomachines are evolving towards more microscopic scales at an extremely high speed.

A large number of Lord Gods have mysteriously penetrated into them, transformed these nanomachines, and gradually transformed them into strange quarks, that is, chaotic matter. If the transformation is successful, one-third of the moon's volume of chaotic matter will be transformed into it. It already poses a substantial threat to him.

If the person who controls these chaotic substances is at the same level of thinking as him, then it is really possible to kill him.

In space, many spaceships made of nanomachines also appeared one by one in his perception. With Huo Yuhao's mental frequency band in his hand, he discovered that many of the spaceships made of nanomachines contained clones of Huo Yuhao.

"In order to be safe, you actually created so many clones to confuse the public? In short, no matter what, these clones must not be left behind. If the main body is hidden in the clones and does the opposite, wouldn't it be wrong if I didn't kill the clones? Did he fall into the trap?" Thinking of this, he wanted to completely annihilate the captured Huo Yuhao, and release part of the chaotic matter that made up his body, invading Huo Yuhao's body. When it invaded his body, it also invaded into his brain.

Next, as long as this part of the chaotic matter releases a little energy, Huo Yuhao will be blasted into powder finer than dust, and will be almost obliterated at the atomic level.

Huo Yuhao felt his body being invaded by chaotic matter. In this case, even if there was a trace of divine power in his body, it might not be able to save his life. In the danger, his will to survive exploded, and at the same time, a strange power poured into his mind. He suddenly gained the ability to resist erosion.

His thinking ability is improving rapidly. Gradually, in his own body, he can control the chaotic matter that William invades into his body, prevent him from erasing it, and even fight back.

As for how things developed to this point, we need to go back to a few minutes ago when the ascendant Huo Yuhao arrived and showed off his power to hold William back.

The battle scenes have been relayed to the rear through real-time communication. While most people felt happy and inspired by Huo Yuhao's resurrection, some people saw subtle problems in the battle. The Huo Yuhao became weaker after his resurrection.

And this person is often accustomed to preparing for the worst, so he found an excuse to leave the meeting room early and called his most trusted subordinates.

"Ask the God Eaters to assemble! We must be prepared for Huo Yuhao to be defeated again."

The person who had prepared the worst plan was none other than Ji Zhen. Unlike the other big guys here, the others were not from the royal family and at least had some aristocratic background. Even Huo Yuhao was ultimately the child of a duke. Even if he was an illegitimate child, he was born Above 99% of people.

Only Ji Zhen and some of the subordinates he promoted along the way are the real people who have been climbing up from the bottom.

He used to be just an ordinary civilian, the kind who didn't even have enough to eat. It was through the human trade that he risked his life and crossed the desert, and only then did he earn his first pot of gold. Little by little rose up and became the leader of a major force on the continent.

It was precisely this background that made him more pragmatic than everyone else, and he was not fooled by the short-lived business in front of him. Huo Yuhao seemed to have the advantage, but he could feel that he was getting weaker.

If he continues like this, he will definitely die at the hands of William. Ji Zhen doesn't care much about whether Huo Yuhao can survive. What he cares about is whether this war can be won and whether he, who represents humanity, can continue to survive as a human being.

So he called the trump card he had prepared, the God Eaters. As the name suggests, they are a group of people who gain power by devouring gods. The source of their own power is certain substances extracted from the bodies of the gods, and the process of them becoming stronger, It is the power that constantly devours the gods in the midst of divine disasters.

In battle after battle, although they have never killed the gods, they have devoured and accumulated huge power, and what they devoured was not divine power. Without actively dividing the divine power, it is almost impossible for outsiders to control it. Hands, divided.

But what they devoured were actually the gods who came out to cause trouble. With the power of faith accumulated over the years, the gods that can be attacked and devoured by them are actually not very strong themselves. They are usually second-level gods or third-level gods. The number of their followers is very small. If several worlds are added together, I am afraid that Just tens of thousands of people.

But even the gods live a long time. One day in the sky and one year in the earth. In this way, it becomes extremely easy for them to accumulate the power of faith.

As long as you sign in every day, you can receive the power of faith for a year. Even if you are not a very strong low-level god, you still have a huge amount of faith in your body. In the process of fighting these gods, the God Eater devoured a huge amount of faith. power, and accumulated to create a device similar to a wishing machine, which can realize some limited wishes.

And now all these powers of faith are gathered in the bodies of the God Eaters. By gathering these people, he can complete the wish-making ceremony.

"Can you make me as strong as Huo Yuhao before?" Jizhen didn't intend to give up his rights, so the first thing he asked was whether he could strengthen himself.

"Yes, but it doesn't make sense. Huo Yuhao is powerful in his thinking ability. If it is strengthened in you, you will become Huo Yuhao, because your thinking mode will become a copy of his, except that the body is your own. , thoughts, memories, and ways of thinking will all become Huo Yuhao's. "The God Eater can feel the feedback of different wishes from the power of faith.

Ji Zhen frowned. It was indeed unsettling that he couldn't hold the power in his own hands, but the moment of crisis for mankind's survival did not give him much time to hesitate:

"Isn't it possible to make my mind become as strong as Huo Yuhao's along my own train of thought? Or directly make me as strong as that on the physical level."

"What we can't do, the wishes we can realize are limited, uu read the book; the wishes you make must also have a basis in reality, that is, you know how to realize it, and what it will look like after it is realized, at least A source of information is required.

For example, if you have seen yourself with your thinking ability strengthened to the level of Huo Yuhao, but without these, we have no way to know what you should look like after your thinking ability is strengthened, so there is no way to strengthen it.

As for being so powerful on the physical level, it is not completely impossible, but it consumes a lot of money and it is difficult for you to control your power. Not to mention the short duration, it is very likely that your own power will be leaked during this period, and it will Destroyed the ecology of this planet. "

Ji Zhen shook his head, feeling a little helpless. Not everyone could control power. He was approaching the third level and could understand the importance of thinking ability to his own strength. However, he had been taking chances before. Now it seems that this power of faith cannot be used on myself.

"I understand. In this case, let's strengthen the current Huo Yuhao to the previous level! Let him have the previous level of thinking ability and the strongest physical condition before. Although this level is still not necessarily the opponent of the powerful Golden Dragon , but at least there is a glimmer of possibility..."

The golden light of the power of faith bloomed and strengthened on Huo Yuhao's body through the air...

[To be continued]

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