Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,770 The Collapse of the Gods

After Huo Yuhao received the enhancement, his thinking ability began to skyrocket, breaking through to the fourth level, and he could barely get rid of the control of chaotic matter.

This kind of enhancement will definitely not work on other people, because their thinking mode cannot be the same as Huo Yuhao's thinking mode. Doing so is equivalent to erasing the person who was strengthened, and then re-establishing Huo Yuhao's thinking mode. It is basically meaningless to copy and paste the thinking model. Moreover, in order to obtain equally powerful thinking ability, it requires much more faith.

In contrast, Huo Yuhao, who is already at the third level, has his own cluster behind him to provide calculations of thinking patterns. Upgrading to the fourth level is basically a matter of course. He just copies his previous fourth level thinking model.

Although to a certain extent this is equivalent to making Huo Yuhao a different person and no longer his original self, the person he replaced also has his own thinking mode, so it is acceptable in itself.

Just like telling a person that it can transform you into a better you in the future, but some things you think are interesting now will not be of interest to you then, and many people will still be willing to accept this change.

As for Huo Yuhao, it doesn't matter whether he is willing or not. If he doesn't accept it, he will die. After the thinking mode breaks through the fourth level, its ability to control subtleties is greatly enhanced. The trace of the Lord God's divine power hidden in the body is burst out by him and forcibly contained. He resisted the obliteration of himself by the chaotic matter.

At the same time, the moon had already injected chaotic matter into his body at super high speed. This was the power he could control, which could just offset William's obliteration of him.

In a burst of explosion, Huo Yuhao's body was completely blown to pieces, but his brain remained intact. While flying out to escape control, he instantly reshaped his body with the help of a large amount of strange quarks.

In their current state, the body is no longer important, and people will not die if they are killed.

As long as consciousness has enough strange quarks, bodies and other things can be shaped at any time. There's no point in destroying their bodies.

A strong enough thinking model, combined with strange quarks or chaotic matter, can reshape the body in an instant.

Of course, if the original body was extremely complex, such as the body of Pangu created by the pseudo-twelve capital gods and evil formations, then it would definitely be impossible to repeat it instantly. But it is completely enough to repeat a body that is enough to carry one's own consciousness in an instant.

Huo Yuhao escaped again. With the assistance of the moon base, a large number of strange quarks were obtained. Although there is still no way to compare with William, behind these strange quarks are the thinking bonuses of many masters on the moon.

Their powerful thinking ability is like an artificial intelligence. Auxiliary controls these strange quarks.

Because everyone's thinking mode is different, the behavior mode of all strange quarks is also different, which is equivalent to William having to use one person's thinking ability to fight. Thousands of third-order, thousands of second-order.

If you only consider the total amount of thinking, William is already at the level of being crushed. If his realm was not much higher, it would be impossible to continue to suppress Huo Yuhao now.

On the surface, he still had the upper hand, but he became more and more irritated as he fought. The reason was very simple. He felt that something very dangerous was happening on the moon, and if he allowed that thing to be completed, he would face great danger.

With such a premonition, how could he dare to take it lightly and directly order all the gods under him to attack Huo Yuhao.

Although their thinking ability is not comparable to that of Huo Yuhao, their own power is far superior. Under siege, they can theoretically hold off Huo Yuhao and allow William to escape and directly destroy the ongoing operations of the moon base. matter.

Seeing that things have developed to this point. It was simply impossible for Huo Yuhao to withstand William's attack while facing the siege of the gods.

Zhang San and Yang Lie also made a decision. Now the only difference between the Moon and the Moon is time. As long as it can be delayed for a while, the Moon can basically guarantee absolute victory, so there is no need to continue the show now.

Just when the gods were besieging Huo Yuhao, two powerful supreme gods suddenly jumped directly. The third-level Yang Lie and Zhang San were the two strongest among the supreme gods. The impact of the sudden rebound was extremely bad. .

"What are you two doing? Are you crazy?" The God of Evil covered his chest, where Zhang Sanyi's palm hit him. It didn't look like there was any serious damage, but in fact, the strange quark had been driven into his body. , this chaotic substance can change into any quality, and can also transform any substance into itself. Under the control of the third level, the body of the evil god is constantly being transformed.

"Asshole! I originally thought you were a like-minded partner, but I didn't expect you to be so cruel and cruel! It was obviously Sir William who gave us the opportunity for revenge, gave us the strength we have now, and gave us the possibility to change this dark era. We have the power to make the whole world feel pain, but you chose to betray." Chen Heng, who was attacked by Yang Lie and Zhang San at the same time, also felt extremely angry.

"Unfortunately, your positioning of us was wrong from the beginning. We were not the same people as you from the beginning. The seemingly same experiences are just a prerequisite for us to come in as undercover agents." Zhang San did not What nonsense, these words don't even take 1% of a second for their current thinking speed.

The two people who suddenly rebelled showed their strong fighting power and at the same time destroyed the hearts of those anti-social elements who sincerely surrendered to William.

Especially Yang Lie, he was not chosen after his acting career.

"I am not different from Zhang San. I am really at the bottom of this society because I have not shown my talent and I am lazy.

But just because of such a blow, you blame others and take revenge on society. Your tolerance is too narrow. If you think there is something wrong with this society, then change it instead of destroying it. I feel that I have experienced unfair treatment. Then seek justice instead of letting other innocent people experience your pain. You are not messengers of justice at all, let alone representatives of the times. They are just a group of cowards who dare not face their own weakness! "

Talking does not affect the battle. Everything can be faked, but one's own power cannot, especially one's own thinking ability. This is something that is difficult to see even if you try to rely on other people's power. A stronger thinking ability is essentially stronger, and there is nothing to argue with.

And now the evil god who is being suppressed by Chen Heng is even worse, almost wiped out to the point of being completely destroyed.

Among the main gods, four of them jumped out directly, and they even swapped their bodies. They were replaced by the supreme god bodies of Zhang San and Yang Lie.

Because among the main gods, it seems that they are only second-level and first-level, but in fact there are two fourth-level bosses with hidden strength. They control the body of the high god, and the power they exert is far greater than that of Zhang San and Yang. Stronger.

After the two sides exchanged bodies, the battlefield of the Supreme God instantly became one-sided. Although half of their divine power was sent to the moon, with the remaining half of their divine power, they had easily crushed the three Supreme Gods, and the remaining Four main god bodies controlled by third-level power. It also completely suppressed the remaining gods.

There are many spaceships wrapped in chaotic material flying towards the moon base. The people riding there are all at least level two experts. They want to capture the bodies that occupy the gods!

And each of them has a part of the main god's power. This is to protect them from harm during the fragile period when they do not occupy the body.

At this time, the scene suddenly became extremely chaotic, and William was completely unable to escape. Although his realm was much higher than the three fourth-order ones present, the other party tried their best to delay him for a while. As a result, it is almost impossible to forcefully fight out. In particular, there are countless second-order and third-order people on the moon base who are providing calculations for these people, constantly improving their combat routines, and adding William's unpredictable data in the battle.

"Damn! You guys, how dare you lie to me like this." How could he still not know that he had been cheated? Those guys who had shown bitterness and hatred in front of him before were actually undercover agents of the moon base.

What I experienced is indeed true. I was indeed excluded and suppressed to the bottom of society. This kind of thing is enough to make people suffer mental breakdown if it is placed on ordinary people, but if it is placed on a person who has experienced it long ago, For people with higher-level thinking and more noble pursuits, these experiences are just drizzle, and they may not even have the ability to make them mood swings.

Such people can naturally control their emotions. He even acted out his bitterness and hatred during his undercover period to confuse William.

And the timing they jumped out now was simply too fatal. William rushed quickly and slowly just to reach the moon in time. The ongoing plan that made him feel extremely dangerous was now being dragged here by these undercover agents who suddenly jumped back.

The feeling of danger brought to him by the moon is getting stronger and stronger. A large number of strange quarks are produced like an exponential explosion. It seems that the entire planet is undergoing a productivity explosion, and large quantities of matter are processed into chaotic matter. , the whole planet seems to be turning into a chaotic planet.

William is now unable to detect the interior of the moon at all. Even he cannot directly penetrate the thick layer of strange quarks and see what is happening inside the planet.

The number of enemies arriving at the scene is increasing, and each of them has strong thinking ability. Using a powerful body.

He is very familiar with those bodies, and has even used them before. However, although the main god's body is still far from the body he is using now, the control has powerful thinking ability, and he can use this body to perform those things that the main god cannot fully exert. With the power coming out, more than a dozen third-level main gods came to support in the direction of the battlefield, and such main gods were still arriving one after another, at an increasingly faster speed. At first it took an hour for a new host to join the battlefield, but now it takes 15 minutes for a new host to join the battlefield.

Moreover, the thinking abilities of these people are all at the third level.

This is incredible. If the same person has copied countless clones and manipulated his own thinking ability, then these clones will have the same idea when facing the same problem, and it will be very simple to deal with them. They may even be confused by each other's thinking. They are exactly the same, but if you fall into a fixed mindset, you may be weaker than if you were inseparable.

But what William couldn't understand was that every third-level person present had his own thinking mode. Some people may have similar thinking patterns, but they are definitely not identical.

If he dares to apply one person's thinking pattern to another similar person, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

There are three level four as the backbone. Although they are only at the initial level, they suppress William tightly. Even if he shows the light of his soul, there is no way to break through the blockade of these people. Prevent the moon from constantly giving birth to new gods.

As time goes by, the number of main gods on the moon side has reached three digits on the battlefield, and at this stage, the overall situation has basically been decided.

Because it was not William who collapsed first, but the gods he brought. He was desperately delayed by three early stage fourth-level gods, which meant that he was unable to control the bodies of the remaining three supreme gods. In the end, The first one to collapse was the clone of God Shura. He was only at the second level and was not considered powerful in such a battlefield. The ability to hold on until now is entirely due to the strength of the body used by oneself. At this time, under the siege of many third-order main gods, uu Kanshu had no resistance at all. He fell into a deep sleep for a while, and his body was occupied.

And the body of a supreme god was taken away, which meant an avalanche of defeat. The moon quickly sent a main god, carrying the will of a fourth-level powerhouse, and arrived, and this time it was in the middle of the fourth level, the strongest Cheng Ying. One of the clones.

After arriving at the scene, he directly took over the body of the supreme god. And this also means the beginning of the collapse of the gods, which is the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

After losing one supreme god, the gods could no longer withstand the siege from the moon. Seeing that the bodies of the other two supreme gods were about to be taken away.

William endured the blow of the mid-level fourth-level Chengying clone and killed Chen Heng by himself. In his eyes of pain, confusion, unwillingness, and resentment, he seized the body of the supreme god he used and integrated it into his own power. among.

Although this cannot bring him much improvement, it can at least prevent Yue Yue from obtaining another body of the Supreme God. However, after he swallowed the body used by Chen Heng, it also means that the body used by the evil god can no longer belong to him. .

After taking the initiative to kill one of our own combat forces, the other one was naturally even more unable to withstand it. It was instantly occupied by a third-level man, while another fourth-level man on the moon was flying over at high speed while driving the main god's body.

[To be continued]

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