Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 9 Chengying's Extraordinary System

In the process of continuously compiling the Tree of Wisdom, Chengying has a deeper and deeper understanding of various professional systems. Judging from the development of different professional systems, various professions are becoming more refined.

That is to say, a more detailed control of one's own power. From the beginning of cultivation to the fourth level, which is the spiritual position, one has been exercising one's ability to control the energy in the body. There are indeed steps to increase the energy intensity in one's body during the whole process. But in the later stages, there is no way to defeat the enemy with massive energy accumulation.

You need to have enough control ability, or compress the energy to a strong enough intensity, or control the energy accurately enough to specialize in weaknesses, and you must control your own energy in more and more detailed ways.

Therefore, Cheng Ying also chose to carry out detailed transformation of his body. He needed to grow the genes of meridians. This aspect was not difficult for him. After discovering that his soul and body were not actually human, Cheng Ying I realized that if I wanted to obtain extraordinary power, it was actually as simple as any other race. As long as I studied and practiced normally according to the ideas of learning magic or martial arts, I could theoretically master extraordinary power.

It's just that before this, he had never made any attempt in this area. Due to his habitual thinking, he did not realize that he was not a human being.

However, he did not practice rashly. Instead, he searched for creatures that met his requirements among all races and various beasts in the wild. Each species must have the ability to grow energy lines in the body. Only then, he also needs to control how these energy lines grow. Ability, this ability must be strong enough and the control speed must be detailed enough.

Only in this way can the "meridians" in one's body grow to a sufficient standard, which is the prerequisite for having strong control capabilities, just like the production of chips. The higher the precision, the more complex systems can be carried within a smaller range.

What Cheng Ying wants to make is the meridians with the same precision as chips, so that even if he does not have to reach the fourth level, he can still have a strong ability to control the subtleties. After reaching the fourth level, it will be a matter of course, and he will gain a stronger ability to control the subtleties than others. force.

By constantly exercising this power, it is theoretically possible to fight against the Holy Throne. Cheng Ying recorded his thoughts in the Tree of Wisdom. This is also a skill tree and a way to become stronger.

In the future, other humans may choose to merge the genes of different creatures to embark on this path. Compared with other cultivation paths, this path requires more perseverance, because you have to rely on yourself to carve out the genes in your body bit by bit. There should be no slight deviation in the meridians. When the level is low, the more precise the main trunk is drawn. When the level is raised, it will be easier to draw the subsequent branch meridians.

Cheng Ying has even predicted that if this system develops and develops in the future, just the design diagrams of different vein growth structures in the body will become as valuable as a trade secret in martial arts.

He is now the pioneer of this system. Among the many prehistoric creatures, he selected a slime-like creature to symbiotically merge with himself to complete the intelligent system.

Compared with directly modifying one's own genes, the power that foreign creatures can obtain does not entirely belong to one's own. If the slime that lives with oneself dies, then the extraordinary power will disappear overnight.

But the advantage of this is that humans without extraordinary power can also embark on this path, but it will be more difficult and more persistent.

Chengying's pathfinder doesn't mind failure. Any meridian structure can only be summarized after countless failed attempts. Chengying knows very well that he will fail again and again, falling from a state of extraordinary power to nothing again and again. status,

Start from scratch. After all, if there is a problem with the initial configuration foundation, then no matter how the subsequent branches make up for it, they cannot completely make up for the mistakes in the foundation.

The only way to completely make up for the mistake is to erase all the meridians in his body and start from scratch. Like the previous plans, this is another plan that will take an extremely long time to realize, but Cheng Ying is not in a hurry. The history of the prehistoric world is extremely long, not just as simple as ten thousand years, but probably hundreds of thousands or even millions of years. He has no upper limit on his lifespan and has plenty of time to make various attempts.

At the same time, he also shared his idea of ​​​​a transcendent person with the Glacier City side. For this idea, the shadows all felt that it had merit. After receiving the slime sample from the Blue River Alliance, they began to Through nurturing and inoculation, everyone constructs their own meridians with different ideas.

This method of constructing meridians has also been taught to schools. Compared with the first generation of primitive humans, the intelligence of these children has returned to the level of normal humans. The level of human intelligence is actually not low among all races, and even Considered above average.

Children are very interested in building the meridians in the body, but when they are asked to guide the growth of the meridians in a boring way, most of them show irritability, and few have the patience to build veins according to their own design ideas. .

However, there are always some people who are exceptions, and one of them is Dugu Bo, a student that Cheng Ying likes very much.

Although the name is very awkward, this child has always shown great patience and also showed great talent. No matter what you learn, you learn it very quickly. You can quickly master what you learn and apply it in various ways.

Although he is only eight years old and has just entered elementary school, he has almost finished all the junior high school courses. The school established by Chengying can only teach up to the current junior high school level. Higher-level knowledge is indeed useful, but it is impossible to teach these people in a short period of time. Spending a lot of educational resources on this will lead to slow urban development. If you want to learn more advanced knowledge, you must show enough talent during the period of compulsory education.

Dugu Bo is obviously such a gifted person. Chengying personally taught him to build the meridians in his body, and he also carried out it meticulously. Every time the meridians were built, there was no slackness. Within two months, the basic structure of the meridians in his body had been completed. He was the first among all the students to show intuitive and visible extraordinary power.

After building the meridians in his body, Dugu Bo can absorb the energy of nature, store it in his body, and strengthen his bones and muscles through the meridians, showing stronger speed and strength.

But this is just the beginning. The construction of a more complex meridian structure can show stronger power, not only physical power, but also various skills.

Unlike magicians who need to use runes or chant spells to cast spells, after the corresponding meridians are constructed in the body, these spell abilities can be released directly like talents.

This is like programming an automatic program in the body, which can achieve one-click casting.

This system cannot be regarded as the elimination of magic. In fact, the prehistoric continent itself has similar magic skills, but there are relatively few people who can delve into this skill. Mages can use their own magic props to complete the effect of instant casting. Although this method of engraving skills in the body is more convenient, the engraving process is almost impossible to regret. If you want to erase and start over, you often have to start from scratch, which consumes too much energy. For magicians, it is not worth the loss.

In contrast, only those who have no magical talent and cannot directly rely on the existence of spell teachers will consume a lot of energy in constructing the meridians in the body.

Because Dugu Bobian is young and has limited knowledge, he can only be said to have made some achievements in the construction of veins in the body, and his real strength is less than the first level.

In contrast, Chengying's progress was much faster. Chengying's clone who had infiltrated the Ten Thousand Races did not build his own meridians at the first time, but waited for others to complete the construction, tried various possibilities, and then selected and combined the best set at present.

Others who did not have combat missions could help him with trial and error.

In this way, his efficiency in building the meridians in his body and the strength after the construction were much higher than ordinary people.

As he gradually became familiar with the meridians in his body and designed the most reasonable configuration, the construction process would be a piece of cake.

In the process of shaping the meridians, Chengying found that it was much easier than he thought. He originally thought that this kind of thing that required perseverance and talent was not necessarily good at him, but when he really got started, he found that it seemed not to be the case. His talent far exceeded his imagination. It took only more than a month to complete the construction of the foundation of his meridians, and there was no deviation in the accuracy. He could continue to build the second-level meridians, the third-level meridians, and even the fourth-level meridians.

And now he can exert the combat power of a first-level warrior or a first-level magician without relying on his body that is far beyond the norm.

Noah watched Lan Nuo easily perform an air separation spell, separating the oxygen in the air and creating an oxygen bomb, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

"You actually said that you have tested your magic talent and want to learn magic qualifications? How is this possible? Even a senior first-level magician may not be able to perform a high-level spell like air separation."

Chengying shook his head and said, "I just took a shortcut. If I cast the spell normally, I still can't cast it by chanting spells like ordinary magicians."

Chengying did not hide the meridians in his body. The information in this regard will be leaked sooner or later, and his practice method is nothing to the magic world. Any legendary magician can develop a similar practice path.

If you really want to make this practice path valuable, you need countless people to take this path, accumulate experience, create various possible meridian shapes, summarize the laws, and find the most suitable one. This is obviously not something that can be done in a short time, but for Chengying, this extraordinary power is enough for the time being.

If he is given another year, he can complete his second-level and third-level meridians and reach the level of a normal third-level extraordinary person, but his control is far beyond that, and his ability to be subtle is not inferior to that of a legend.

However, the potential of his meridians is roughly at this point. If he continues to expand, the fourth-level meridians can barely be constructed, but they will definitely be uneven and difficult to form a system. Barely reaching the legendary level is the limit.

This part of the extraordinary power is enough for Chengying to protect himself. When he is safe, he will naturally rebuild the scattered meridians in his body. After accumulating experience and lessons, the potential of the next set of meridians will definitely be higher.

After bidding farewell to Noah, who was enthusiastic about registering a magician qualification for himself, Chengying returned to his studio and began to build his own external mecha.

The meridian system he designed was to be integrated with industry. The body alone could not fully unleash the power of his extraordinary system.

Similar extraordinary paths also exist among all races. The most typical one is the Earth Spirit Clan. Because the Earth Spirit Clan was transformed from humans, they have strong wisdom, but their affinity for various extraordinary powers is relatively limited. Therefore, the path of extraordinary power chosen is usually combined with machinery.

For example, for the profession of Mecha Master, uu Kanshu, the combat effectiveness of the pilot itself is not very strong. A third-level pilot may not even be able to defeat a second-level warrior, but once combined with the mecha, their combat effectiveness will increase dramatically. A step up, giving you a huge advantage when facing opponents of the same level.

It's just that this extraordinary career path has not been recognized by the mainstream cultivation system. The biggest problem is that this path has not been led by the Holy Throne. Under the Holy Throne, no matter how strong it is, it has no meaning.

Of course, the Earth Spirit Tribe has actually created powerful creations that are comparable to the Holy Throne, such as Obelisk's Titan Soldier, Osiris's Sky Dragon... But after these things were created, they also triggered wars. As a result, these powerful machines were destroyed or buried.

Cheng Ying knew that Obelisk's Titan Soldier had not been damaged and could theoretically continue to be used after repair. But the problem was that the prehistoric continent was extremely huge and he didn't know where it was buried, so he could only measure it for himself first. By building a mecha myself, and combining the knowledge of technology and magic in this world, I slowly deduced the path of a mecha master.

Theoretically, Cheng Ying's soul is not, nor is his human body. In other words, there is a possibility that he will become a saint again. Even if he does not become a saint, he will not be targeted by heaven as seriously as humans.

In other words, theoretically, he has the opportunity to challenge the high-end combat power of Wanzu.

Just as he was building his own mecha, two people he had never expected came to visit and brought a secret about him that shocked Cheng Ying himself.

[To be continued]

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