Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 10 The Ascended One Who Preserves Memory

"What do you mean? You mean you used to know me? And you said you are from Tulip? And I created Tulip?" Cheng Ying fell into doubts. The answers brought to him by a man and a woman in front of him made him confused. He was very confused.

But this seems to be able to explain why he brought a lot of technological knowledge and powerful body modifications when he just traveled through time.

"Don't doubt that your former Tulip was built by you. We have watched the whole process. In fact, we are also very strange. Among the first batch of ascended people, Dugu Bo has lost his memory. The others have not yet arrived, but we But the memory was not erased at all, which is different from what you originally described." Rui Wenwen briefly explained to Cheng Ying, what happened after they traveled through time?

"When we first came to this world, we did not come as humans, but as our own bodies. In my words, it was the Emperor's auspicious beast, and in Emperor Tian's words, it was the golden-eyed black dragon.

But when we first arrived, we were all infants, retaining certain memories, but our bodies were very weak. After carefully hunting for food and growing up, we gradually recovered our memories, regained a certain amount of strength, and mastered the ability to re-form into humans. .

The spiritual energy in this world is much more abundant than that of Douluo, and our cultivation level is also improved much faster. Otherwise, it would be impossible to transform into a human being in such a short period of time.

Later, we discovered Glacier City not far away and learned that the city owner was you, so we came here. Unexpectedly, you also lost your memory. "Rui Wenwen frowned and couldn't help but start thinking about the differences between the two parties.

But from his perspective, he couldn't think of any difference. In theory, both of them are soul beasts. If soul beasts don't lose their memories and only humans lose their memories, then Cheng Ying's memory should theoretically be preserved. , unable to figure it out for the time being, the two of them stopped thinking about it. When choosing ascendants in the future, they would just increase their efforts in selecting soul beasts.

"In other words, not only did you not lose your memory after your ascension, but you also retained your original extraordinary power. Like all races in this world, you can use extraordinary power and show your racial talents?"

Cheng Ying thought for a moment and shook his head: "I suggest that you should learn about the extraordinary system of this world. In terms of bloodline power, you are indeed the best in Douluo, but in this world, even if you develop your bloodline to the limit, it will still be useless. It's nothing, even if the Dragon God comes to this world, he is not strong in terms of bloodline.

If you have to say what advantage your bloodline has, it's probably longevity. Even in this world, there are definitely not many creatures that can live for eight to nine million years. With such a long lifespan, as long as there is no accidental death, it is absolutely possible. deduce the extraordinary power to the peak under the holy throne.

Well, my plan does lack combat power with extraordinary strength. Having you here will indeed be a supplement. "

Di Tian shook his head when he heard this and said: "The greater significance of our existence is not the supplement of extraordinary power, but our memory. You underestimate the civilization you created. Tulip's technological level is higher than you imagined. many.

Even though we can't restore all the technology, according to your description, it is absolutely easy to fight against the ordinary holy ones. "

Cheng Ying raised his eyebrows, he couldn't believe that he was so powerful in the past, but since Di Tian was so confident, let's review the various knowledge in their memory.

The establishment of the Tree of Wisdom itself requires a lot of knowledge assistance. It just so happens that Chengying also needs to build his own mecha recently. You can refer to the technologies in their minds.

Although the rules are different between different worlds,

It may cause most technologies to be unable to be used normally, but mathematical knowledge will not be affected.

The design of mechas is said to be mechanics, but in the final analysis it is still mathematics. The operation of machines with different structures cannot escape the principles of geometry. Although Chengying carries a lot of black technology, he still has not enough time to study and research these technologies. Too short, too far behind his previous level. In comparison, Ditian and Rui Wenwen followed Tulip and experienced the hundred years after Cheng Ying disappeared. In terms of knowledge accumulation, they were even better than those without amnesia. The image is richer.

"It's possible to do this, I didn't expect it." Cheng Ying looked at the design of his mecha's palms. After a few small changes, it was obviously much more flexible. He suddenly felt inspiration flowing out in an endless stream, and he asked by analogy: "Isn't that right? These software can also be omitted directly. According to your statement, they are also redundant. They are just the structure of the palm. I found that the structure of the joints in various parts of the body can also be omitted in this way. "

Cheng Ying's understanding is beyond their imagination. As long as he is given a little hint, he can think of all the subsequent expanded technologies, and he can pick up various key technologies at his fingertips, as if he is building a new technology from scratch. It's generally invented.

Rui Wenwen and Di Tian asked themselves that although their understanding was very high, they were constantly learning and exercising. Intuition and inspiration have been greatly improved, but it still seems not as exaggerated as Cheng Ying.

In the end, they can only attribute it to the fact that after the memory is lost, not all is erased, but some residue will be reflected in the form of inspiration.

The design of the mecha is overturned almost every day, and the mechanical structure alone has been reset countless times. As more and more knowledge is acquired, Chengying can always find more advanced combinations and design performance A higher level of mecha, so that almost every day he would overturn the design of the previous day, so that as time went by, the second-level meridians in his body had been constructed.

With the completion of his second-level meridians, his extraordinary power has also increased to the second-level level, and the number of various spells he has mastered has also begun to increase dramatically. The mecha originally designed for the first-level can no longer keep up with the times. Had to overthrow and rebuild again.

Cheng Ying also felt helpless for a while, but he was also immersed in it and felt extremely interested in acquiring knowledge.

If he continues to overturn his own designs like this, he may not be able to design a mecha that satisfies him in a few years. However, after all, some accidents interrupted him and he continued to think about upgrades.

Noah, as one of the most promising young extraordinary beings in the entire Blue River Alliance, informed Chengying that the nearby Xunyuan Alliance had discovered an ancient Earth Spirit relic at the junction of the territories of both alliances. Both countries are currently making preparations. Archaeological work on this site requires experienced mechanics.

It's just that most mechanical workers are weak and accidents often occur when exploring ruins, so they are not suitable. Only Chengying has a wealth of mechanical knowledge and certain extraordinary abilities, so he is most suitable to become a secret explorer.

"My suggestion is to refuse the alliance's invitation. You will not be blamed for rejecting the invitation in your capacity. As the most promising young engineer in the alliance, you don't need to take this risk. Compared to your exploration of the ruins, The strength you can contribute will make you more significant among the scientific research departments within the alliance." Noah gave his advice sincerely.

"That's it! Let me think about it." Cheng Ying thought about various possibilities and continued to stay in the Blue River Alliance. In fact, he would not reveal much technology anymore. His purpose was to obtain knowledge, not to help With the prosperity of all races, technology will naturally not be shared casually.

In contrast, among the ruins, there may be black technology from the ancient Earth Spirit Clan. If these things can be obtained, it will be of great help to Chengying's combination of technology and magic to create a new path.

"It doesn't matter. I have made breakthroughs during this period, and I still have the ability to protect myself to some extent. With that said, Cheng Ying released a high-energy attack from the palm of his hand. The casting speed of ordinary mages is even faster, almost instantaneously. , the power is not weak at all, a set of armor hanging on the wall was melted directly. "

"You! How can you practice so fast? You can use first-level spells so casually, have you already broken through to the second level? You promised that you have no magic talent? This speed is not a lack of talent at all, it is a magic genius, right? ”

Facing Noah's exclamation, Cheng Ying was noncommittal: "In addition, I also found two helpers. With them protecting my safety, I don't need to worry too much."

Di Tian took a step forward from Cheng Ying and released his dragon power. Although the bloodline of the golden-eyed black dragon is not the top in the ancient continent, it is definitely much stronger than the most ordinary dragons, and even the most ordinary ones The dragon clan is considered to be extremely talented among all the clans in the ancient world, and they can basically barely touch the threshold of legend after they reach adulthood.

Although Di Tian's aura seems a little immature, as if he has not yet reached adulthood, he is already at the peak of the third level. With such a person by his side for personal protection, he does have a certain ability to protect himself.

"Okay, now that you have decided, I won't stop you. It just so happens that I will also participate in the archeology of the ruins this time. If you are ready, just set off with me. We will meet in about ten days Take an airship to the ruins site.”

Cheng Ying nodded, indicating that he had noted the time, and picked up the mecha design idea he had just overturned. Since it was time to use it, there was no time to continue upgrading it. It is the last word to create the strongest version available as soon as possible.

The Xunyuan Alliance is more powerful than the Lanhe Alliance. It has several demigods and a spiritual position. It can be said that it is a completely stronger alliance. The exploration of the ruins may not lead to all the experts, but there are several legends and even demigods. It's all possible.

Chengying must improve his strength. Fight the dangers that may arise during exploration. Although even without using any extraordinary power, he can beat the legend by relying on his extremely powerful modified body, and even support a few moves in the hands of demigods, but this is definitely not enough. The exploration of ruins is a zero-sum game. When others take more, you take less. There is almost no room for peaceful coexistence between the two parties.

In the studio, sparks flickered, and Cheng Ying once again started to build his mecha. This time he still used his best and most commonly used building method. He used space equipment to greatly improve the performance of the mecha and put spare Parts, fuel, energy, and weapons are all integrated into space equipment.

In this way, the mecha can achieve ultra-long battery life and ultra-high power output. In terms of pure power comparison, it is difficult for living things to compete with machines, at least with the same level of precision.

The armor designed by Chengying is a lightweight type. Compared with defense, it pays more attention to speed and precision. It is highly maneuverable and can greatly enhance the user's movement ability, increasing the speed to the same as teleportation. If it is just at the same time, For an opponent of this level, the opponent would not even be able to see his movements and would be easily knocked down by his punch.

As for strength, the mecha only provides a small increase. Cheng Ying's modified body itself has powerful strength. Legend-level warriors may not be as strong as him in terms of pure strength.

It's just that he won't show these abilities. He will only show his powerful strength when he has no choice or when there are no other witnesses.

After all, if he is so strong right from the start, then the Blue River Alliance will undoubtedly doubt his identity. Such a strong person will use the identity of an ordinary engineer to lurk in his own alliance, uu read the book; What is the purpose? No matter what angle you think about it, such a spy must not be allowed to stay.

Ten days passed quickly, and Cheng Ying took Rui Wenwen and Di Tian onto the airship heading to the alliance border.

The Blue River Alliance actually has things like spaceships. As an alliance, it has enough strong people to support its own framework. Naturally, it can import needed goods from other alliances with more advanced technology. However, in most important On occasions, the Blue River Alliance usually uses its own products.

It is not just a matter of expressing the official attitude, but also the safety issue itself. No matter how many tests the imported products have gone through, there may be flaws in them. In comparison, equipment produced with our own technology will be more secure. , even if the performance lags behind imported products, at least there is no need to worry about a counterattack.

"Now that you have chosen to go to the ruins, there is no chance to regret it. However, I still want to remind you that the Blue River Alliance is the weakest among the surrounding alliances. People from other alliances may be very arrogant. I hope you Be mentally prepared.

Try not to conflict with them as much as possible. Our force is incomparable to the opponent's. Whether it is the top experts or the various equipment used, we are far behind the opponent.

When you arrive at the ruins, try to keep a low profile and try not to attract attention as much as possible. Presumably, the Yuan Yuan Alliance will not target an engineer too much. "Noah kindly reminded Cheng Ying not to be too pushy.

[To be continued]

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