Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 17 Knowledge of Hidden Existences

It can be said that Chengying has no confidence that he can transcend the shadow of the hidden existence through practice. He is well aware of the huge gap between himself and the hidden existence.

"Don't be discouraged in a hurry. If you really want to go out, you don't have to be better than me in cultivation. It's enough to be able to reach the level of a demigod.

The space here is quite special, and the building facilities are also made to restrain me. For ordinary people like you, they don't have such strong restraint ability. "

"I said, why are you helping me?" Cheng Ying was confused. According to the records he obtained, secret existences are similar to evil gods. They are often full of malice towards ordinary mortals.

"Why can't I help you?" The voice of the hidden existence seemed very confused: "Why do you have a preconceived notion that I will be malicious towards you.

The reason why people think we have ill will towards mortal beings is because almost everyone we interact with is crazy. If you are like everyone else and I just talk to you normally like this, you will fall into madness.

Even after you stay away from me, your symptoms will not be relieved, and all your extraordinary powers will be unusable due to madness. Even your descendants may be affected by this symptom. Naturally, people will think that I am malicious, but in fact, I may just say hello to them, say hello, etc., and it will become Like this.

It doesn't matter to me, good intentions or bad intentions, I'm just bored and want to have some fun.

When I was a saint, I was still addicted to the power that my status could bring to me. The feeling of being above tens of thousands of people was really hard to let go.

An entire race worships you as a god. If you say anything, billions of people will rush for you. You will get whatever you want. Everyone will surround you and flatter you. That kind of thing. It feels really hard to give up.

But after being knocked down to low latitudes, these are all illusions. There is no normal life here at all, the kind of freedom that is more than ten thousand people. Not to mention, if you imagine, no one can be normal with you for hundreds of thousands of years. comminicate. You can understand why I am in this state now.

No matter how arrogant and lonely I was once, I don’t know how many thousands of years later, all I want is someone who can communicate with me normally and have some fun.

Of course, there are not many people who are unmotivated like me, and there are not many secret existences. Most of them are either crazy, or they are constantly pursuing to become stronger, constantly trying to let mortals pull themselves out of the low latitudes. If there are enough believers, we are It is possible to leave low latitudes and come to reality.

But the rule of low latitude is that the stronger we are, the more believers we need to pull us out. But the stronger we are, the more powerful we can be given to believers and the more believers we can gain.

I thought this was a dead end and it was impossible to get out by this method, so I almost gave up trying.

After all, it takes a lot of effort for us to communicate smoothly with ordinary lives. It is too difficult to rely on a group of lunatics to spread our faith.

If you have to say it, if you are willing to help me spread my name, it can be regarded as the best reward for me. I am not a very powerful existence in the secret existence. If you can help me develop hundreds of millions of followers, , maybe you can pull me out. "

Cheng Ying nodded, at least this is in line with the setting he understood. The more powerful the existence, the more difficult it is to escape from low latitudes.

Although those powerful beings who are comparable to the innate saints are well-known strong men throughout the prehistoric continent, and some people often summon some of their projections to cause terrible disasters, they have never succeeded in breaking away from the shackles of low latitudes.

Chengying felt relieved when the other party asked for something. If the other party didn't want anything, the power given to him would be a hot potato. The most terrifying thing was not knowing what the price would be.

"If you are like this, sit down cross-legged first, and let me test your meridians to see what kind of cultivation method is suitable for you?" After all, he was a powerful saint in the past. Although he has fallen to a lower latitude, he still has the precious knowledge he once mastered. The knowledge has not been forgotten, and it is more than enough to give guidance to the current Cheng Ying.

Cheng Ying hesitated for a moment, but still chose to believe what the other party said. After all, he had no other choice at this time. This strange holding space could even block the quantum communication between him and the main body, and no information could be transmitted at all. This At this time, even if you don't believe the other person, you can't leave.

As he sat on the island in the center of the pool, he saw the huge bud of the evil god's projection suddenly unfolding, and a humanoid woman walked out of it. There was a pair of cat ears on the top of the woman's head, which looked similar to the body Cheng Ying was currently using. Race is the same.

The woman was wearing a short skirt made of dark red petals, with a hint of evil in her temperament. She came to sit cross-legged behind Cheng Ying, sensing the situation inside his body, and then exclaimed.

"Ah! It's wrong!" Cheng Ying was confused by this sentence.

"What's the meaning?"

"I thought you were from the ancient orc clan, so I took on the appearance of your own clan. After all, it's more friendly this way. I didn't expect that you are not even a member of the Ten Thousand Clan, but are actually an ancient beast after its transformation. Hiss! You are actually He has lived for more than a million years, doesn’t that mean he is older than me?”

Cheng Ying: "???"

"Why don't I remember that I've been alive for a million years?"

"It's okay, it's okay. This is a normal situation. Before the ancient beast transformed, its intelligence was in a chaotic and ignorant state. In that state, you can hardly remember things, and millions of years are just a blink of an eye for you. And passed.

Judging from your appearance, it seems that you have just transformed. In theory, ancient beasts should not have the ability to transform. Unless they are born with powerful wisdom like the dragon clan, most ancient beasts cannot even practice. , you can only rely on your own innate instincts, and you will basically be at your strongest when you grow into adulthood.

You... are a bit strange. You are not any ancient beast I know. You seem to be a giant ice silkworm. It is indeed a race I have never seen before. "Pologe Balabala kept talking.

"Let's take a look! Your body is not bad. It looks like you are really in the form of an ancient beast. Otherwise, you wouldn't have such a strong body. The extraordinary power you chose is magic. It's interesting. I thought it was so powerful. For physical strength, you will choose fighting spirit, but it doesn’t matter. Extraordinary power will lead to the same goal in different ways in the later stages. After surpassing the legendary level, whether it is practicing magic or practicing fighting spirit, you must take into account both, whether it is physical strength or mental cultivation, at that point You have to find ways to improve your level.”

Boluo Ge rummaged through his memory, looking for things like exercises that could help Cheng Ying practice quickly.

I quickly found some clues: "You can try this book. I also practiced it back then. It can quickly increase your magic power, even within a breath. As long as you keep breathing, you can slowly increase it." Magic is a very convenient technique.”

The memory passed to Cheng Ying was a strange skill called Xuangui Immortality Technique. It sounded very fairy-like, but it was seriously inconsistent with the style of this world.

"Although I thank you for your kindness, I feel that this technique is not very suitable for me. Haven't you felt the meridians in my body? They are not born, but artificially adjusted by me. My body is originally If you don't have meridians, if you want to help me, then give me as many techniques and knowledge about the extraordinary power of higher realms as possible.

When this set of meridians in my body was designed, the knowledge I could gain could only reach the demigod level. So there must be many flaws in the design process. I can improve it if I can get a higher level of inheritance. The speed of cultivation will be accelerated, and the upper limit of the level will also be increased. "

"You don't look like a transformed ancient beast at all. In my impression, although those beasts are powerful, and some even have powers comparable to or even surpassing mine, each of them is completely unwilling to use their brains, let alone It's scientific, and they don't even care about extraordinary skills.

Judging from your appearance, you are actually an extraordinary person who specializes in both science and magic. "Bolo Ge felt that he had met a strange person. He bit his finger and seemed to have made up his mind.

"Anyway, these skills and knowledge are of no use to me. Even if they are all given to you, it will be of no use. In a place with chaotic rules like low latitudes, there is no such knowledge that can shine in reality. any sense.

However, I just don’t know if your spirit can bear it? I exported a huge amount of information. "As he said that, Pologe showed an evil smile on his face.

Suddenly he came around Cheng Ying, and the huge force pushed him to the ground. Then he sat on him, held down Cheng Ying's hands, and pressed his forehead against his forehead.

"You are so greedy and want all my knowledge, so be prepared to be exploded." The evil god is the evil god after all. As a person who has fun, he will naturally be happy as he pleases. Before, he thought he could help Cheng Ying escape. It's interesting, and now it's interesting to see him suffer the consequences of his greed.

Cheng Ying found that his own strength was unable to resist the opponent. With his legendary level of physical strength, he was like a child in front of the opponent.

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of information was transmitted down his forehead to his mind. I thought that it would be extremely painful for me to accept such a huge amount of information at once.

But I just felt a little bloated at the beginning. I quickly adapted to this huge amount of information and instilled the feeling in my mind. I was even understanding the information at a very fast speed, sorting it out while receiving it, and summarizing it into my own. In the knowledge base, it is used to complete the tree of wisdom.

"Eh! Are you okay?" Bo Luo Ge, who was lying on Cheng Ying, was stunned by the scene in front of him. Such a huge information was transmitted to a person's mind, let alone a mortal object, even a holy throne. After feeling dizzy for a while, Cheng Ying seemed to be fine and quickly adapted to this transmission efficiency.

The black hair falls on Cheng Ying's face, their foreheads touch each other, and the atmosphere seems very charming. However, this is a picture that is seen by people who are not affected by mental pollution. If an ordinary person sees such a picture, it will be difficult for him anyway. The scene in my mind should be one. The terrifying arthropod lies on the human body, and stretches out a large number of tentacles from its mouth, wrapping around the human head. The tentacles insert into the eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, and constantly pour indescribable things into them. .

Cheng Ying couldn't see these scenes of mental pollution, so he felt that the scene at the moment was too ambiguous. He quickly closed his eyes and immersed all his mind in sorting out the information. He secretly cursed himself for his carelessness and the fate woven by heaven. Even if you are a holy person or a hidden being, you may fall into the trap. I am afraid that what is happening in front of you is caused by the secret interference of heaven. You must seize the time to escape, minimize the communication with this guy, and put the favor and friendship together. The cause and effect are all cleared up, so that no matter how fate messes up, it will be useless.

After calming down again, Cheng Ying's speed in organizing information went up even higher, but Boluo Ge's efficiency in transmitting information could not keep up with his speed in organizing information.

"What kind of ancient beast is this guy?" Boluo Ge was confused. She couldn't remember any ancient beast that was good at wisdom, at least there was no such thing among the ice silkworms.

And this is no longer something that can be explained simply by being good at and wise. On the soul and spiritual level, Cheng Ying's essence even surpasses hers. The devil knows why the soul of a mortal can transcend the holy throne.

Now he understood why Cheng Ying's mind did not collapse after seeing him. With such a state of mind, his mental pollution has no effect, it is too normal.

Chengying is rapidly processing the knowledge in his mind. Although he cannot contact the main body, he has an advanced biological computer in his body. There are intelligent programs that can help him process this information and summarize which ones are correct. His most useful. And develop a learning plan that allows him to integrate the newly acquired knowledge into knowledge he can understand in the shortest possible time.

The knowledge that a former saint possesses in their mind is very valuable. Not to mention that they have a long life, let us say that they can become a saint. The various insights and experiences during the cultivation process, the techniques and skills learned, and the power they manage The various doors and insights gained from traveling around the world are all extremely valuable knowledge.

It is impossible for ordinary people to bear such complex information, but Cheng Ying can do it, so all this knowledge comes to his advantage.

Although he has not finished learning all of it, just the knowledge in front of him has benefited him a lot. I realized that the veins I currently built in my body were still too ordinary, and there were too many upgrade ideas.

So in the process of spiritual transmission. He began to transform himself, and he could become stronger just by lying down.

[To be continued]

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