After relying on his strong spirit to withstand the huge amount of information, Cheng Ying gradually mastered most of the knowledge of this hidden existence in front of him. The reason why I say most of it is because some of the knowledge is incomprehensible. The part of knowledge that comes with the holy throne.

This knowledge cannot be taught, because the universe has locked the upper limit of technological development, so after the knowledge reaches a certain level, it cannot be taught to make others understand.

The technology developed by scientists cannot be popularized. Even if you want to teach it, you can't teach others how to use it. Naturally, this thing can only be regarded as a personal extraordinary power.

What Cheng Ying can't understand now is this part of the knowledge. Unless he himself becomes a saint or a saint, otherwise, he has no normal means to understand this part of the knowledge. Even if he is not mentally contaminated by these super-standard knowledge, in his opinion, this is still a bunch of indescribable gibberish.

"Is this how the upper limit of technology is locked? It should be more than that. If an entire civilization sends a person to the pinnacle of technology, he can theoretically develop. At worst, he will be like me with a split personality, and knowledge cannot be taught. Isn't it possible to copy yourself? If you copy yourself into two copies, the other one will naturally know those indescribable knowledge.

Then you can build a civilization by yourself and continue to develop. In theory, you can still obtain higher technology, but obviously this is not feasible. There is no doubt that the universe has another way to limit the development of technology. "Cheng Ying will not think about these issues for the time being. Everything will wait until he develops technology to the limit. Although the universe has locked the development of technology, the upper limit is still very high.

It is true that individual combat power can never reach the holy level, but all existences below the holy level have no problem at all.

"You're such a weird guy. You can actually carry all my knowledge." Bo Luo Ge was still riding on Lan Nuo. He reached out and touched his body, as if he was coming into contact with some strange life.

"I don't know why I can accept so much information without having a nervous breakdown. So, can you come down?" Cheng Ying felt that something embarrassing might happen if the other person was riding on him again.

Chengying really doesn't want to have any strange bond with Wanzu. Women will only affect the speed of his scientific research, at least for now, until he finds the person waiting for him in the future.

"Why are you so boring? Can't you tell a joke?" Pologe jumped to the side and kept talking. It seemed that he was really infected with the attribute of a chatterbox.

Otherwise, it is impossible for a normal person to keep talking about it all the time, and there is no one who is the same.

Chengying chose to ignore her,

It feels a bit ruthless, and after getting the knowledge, I just throw it aside.

With richer knowledge, he reconstructed the distribution of meridians in his body. Previously in the Blue River Alliance, the knowledge he had access to was only at the level of demigod, so when he was constructing his own meridians, he had many problems. Without taking it into consideration, many unreasonable things appeared.

Now that he has started over again, his cultivation has fallen directly back to the level of ordinary people, and his extraordinary power has disappeared directly from his body.

"Go, what are you doing? Are you trying to kill yourself? How did you destroy the foundation of your extraordinary power?" Bo Luo Ge looked at Cheng Ying with wide eyes: "This will completely turn you into a mortal. of."

"What I want is to turn myself into a mortal again, and then rebuild my own meridians in my body. The previous configuration has huge problems as a whole. If I continue, the most spiritual position I can break through, and in the spiritual position , it’s not that strong.

It must be built from scratch before it is possible to break through to a higher level. Although becoming a Linsheng requires a spiritual breakthrough, if the material foundation is limited, even if you become a Linsheng, your strength will be limited. "

Cheng Ying opened his mouth and said "Linsheng". He listened to Boluo Ge and looked confused. He didn't expect that the other party's vision was so high. "Linsheng" sounds like it means approaching the holy position, but all the "Linsheng" that appeared in history can beat ordinary saints. The existence of Bit is theoretically stronger than the current Polo Song.

Pologe watched Lan Nuo rebuild the meridians in her body, and couldn't help but feel that this set of meridians was simply wonderful, and many of her ideas were simply unconstrained, as if the guy in front of her had endless inspiration, even if she had a much faster With his thinking speed, he found that none of the many plans he had designed could compare to Cheng Ying's design.

For a moment, she felt very confused on her face. She was clearly a powerful being at the holy level, but she actually lost to an ordinary mortal in terms of knowledge.

Everyone used the knowledge in her own memory. Even when she handed over her own knowledge, she still had some secrets. Some of her own trump cards were not passed on. As a result, she lost in designing the meridians. It's completely outrageous.

According to her own design, using this set of meridians to practice can definitely reach a level stronger than before she became a god. In other words, in theory, Chengying can become a saint by relying on the better meridians system she designed. Bit is no problem.

But first, he needs to gain the support of his own race. According to the normal method of achieving the holy status, he needs to sacrifice the luck of his own race. That is to say, after he becomes a saint, there will be no appearance among his race for a long time. Wonderful and stunning person.

"I seem to understand why you must become a saint. You are an ancient beast, not an ancient beastman. In other words, your race does not exist among all races, so you cannot take the normal path to sainthood. Yes, no race's luck can be sacrificed to you.

No wonder you chose to become a saint. Only by taking this path can you bypass the so-called limitations of luck and achieve the combat effectiveness of the saint by relying on your own hard power.

However, this road is not easy to walk, not to mention the difficulty of breaking through. Even if you succeed in breaking through, you will be besieged by the Holy Throne. After all, beings like Lin Sheng are aliens in the eyes of the Holy Throne, even if they are of their own race. wipe out. "

Pologe started talking incessantly again: "But this is none of my business anymore. I am no longer the Holy One. If you can make the Holy Level Group go crazy, I will be happy." It's not too late.

And judging from your talent, it's probably not too difficult to break through to the Holy Land. For normal people to break through this step, the most difficult thing is to have a mind that transcends mortal things, that is, a strong willpower. I feel that you are now It seems that you already have this quality. At least in my opinion, your spiritual strength will not be inferior to that of the Holy One.

If you can really grow to that point, maybe a breakthrough will be a matter of course. "Bolo Ge found that he seemed to have found a treasure. Although he couldn't interfere with reality much, at most he could only project a projection, but even if he couldn't do anything, it was still good to be a fun-loving person.

He is now considered to be in the chaotic evil camp, and it is a joy to watch Cheng Ying harm the Holy Group.

"Can you please be quiet? I'm about to break through the first level." Cheng Ying's retraining speed is obviously much faster. He has plenty of food with him and is not worried about spending time here. Even if he consumes ten He didn't need to worry about food shortages for half a month or even half a year.

And such a long time is enough for him to break through his own cultivation level. With his previous experience, it is logical to break through to the second level. After the breakthrough, he is obviously much stronger than before, but it is a pity that it is still not enough to break through this containment room.

He tried it and relied on brute force to break through, but found that it didn't work. His strength was still a little bit weak. He could indeed cause some damage to the wall of the icosahedron, but an attack of this level would take a long time to completely destroy the place.

"The strength of your body is quite interesting. Ice silkworms don't look like a physically powerful race, but your physical strength is just like those behemoths who are best at strength." Boluo Ge chatted while secretly learning techniques. Talking endlessly.

That's right, she is a secret existence that secretly learns skills like a mortal being, because she discovered that the inspiration of this mortal being is endless, and it can always burst out all kinds of fantastic ideas. Many can even change the status quo of entire industries.

There is a revolutionary discovery almost every few hours. This kind of inspiration can no longer be described as genius. It is simply like why the epic scientist has been reincarnated and possessed. It may even be a group of epic scientists.

So many new technologies and various inspirations were naturally learned secretly. Unfortunately, even if Bo Luoge learned it, it could only be used as his own knowledge reserve. He was now in a low latitude. These powerful techniques that can only be used in reality have little effect on him. The rules are simply incompatible. Under the chaotic rules, the only thing he can rely on is his own powerful essence.

Cheng Ying practiced here for half a month, and successfully broke through his mage level to the third level. At this level, he can already freely control nano-level substances with his magic power. In this way, relying on With some technical means, it has become possible to break through the defense here.

"Based on your description, I have roughly figured out the various characteristics of this containment room. What makes it able to block us is the integrity of its structure. As long as we break through any point, this containment cell will become fragile. Incomparable.

At that time, I can rely on the strength of my body to break the wall here, so I only need to make a weapon that can point through the surface.

In the past, one could only rely on the nanomachines in the body to transform one's body. Although the transformation at the cellular level was more than enough, weapons with higher precision were still unable to be manufactured.

Now it shouldn't be a big problem. I have some materials with me and the parts inside me. It's not difficult to make a weapon that can point Arrancar. "Cheng Ying said that he had already controlled the magic power, combined the nanomachines in his body, transformed his own cells, and transformed an arm into a heavy cannon. At the same time, he took out a large number of energy units from the space equipment and made them into energy supply equipment. , also installed on his arm.

"You are too hasty. How is it possible to destroy the containment room when you are only at level 3? At least you have to wait until you break through the demigods before you have a chance. Why don't you believe me? Although I am just a projection of this room The room is designed for me, and it has special suppression power on me. But my own strength is at least holy level, and even a projection's combat power is far beyond the limit of mortal things. You are only at the third level, why..."

As soon as she said this, she felt a strong sense of crisis, a feeling like a cold light on her back. This feeling made her see the source of the danger for the first time, which was Cheng Ying's pretended hand. Cannons and hand cannons do not actually pose any real threat to her. At most, they can break the defense, but it is impossible to be fatal. Maybe being able to break the defense itself is incredible.

I saw that huge energy began to gather and compress, and then entered a nano-scale structure. This time, even Polo Ge, who had secretly learned the technology for half a month, couldn't understand the operating principle inside. A line of white light thinner than a hair was emitted. Because the white light was too dazzling, from a visual perspective, the line of light was still very thick.

The white light only lasted for a moment, and the gap caused by the hit on the wall was not even visible to the naked eye, but the extraordinary aura that flashed throughout the icosahedron during the containment holiday disappeared directly after this episode.

This shows that although the damage caused by this white light is insignificant, it directly breaks the integrity of the containment room. Even a penetration gap of only a few nanometers is enough to completely destroy the room.

"What were you talking about just now?" Cheng Ying looked at Bo Luoge with a half-smile.

"Ah! What I mean is that when the attack is concentrated to a certain extent, even if the output power is lower, it is still possible to break the defense." Polo Getian shamelessly changed his statement, and then Wu Chengying took action , and saw the huge evil god projection waving his tentacles, easily shattering the containment room.

"I can finally leave here and go see the outside world! Ah! I have been locked up here for I don't know how many years. I am almost bored to death. It is even more boring than in lower latitudes." The containment room was damaged, Cheng Ying I was ready to part ways with Polo Ge.

However, the woman in the bud turned into a stream of light and merged into his arm.

"What are you doing? We didn't say before that I would take you away. You can just leave on your own after breaking the seal. Why should you follow me?" Cheng Ying frowned, thinking that this Heavenly Way is too shameless! This is too much to give away forcefully! However, a holy level projection was entangled in his body. Even he had no good way to get rid of it for a while. He could only wait until he returned to the Mage Tower and the equipment was fully equipped, and then find a way to get him out.

[To be continued]

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