Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 19 Nano Swarm

Cheng Ying feels very troublesome now. It would be okay if he just took his grandfather with him. Naturally, he does not reject this kind of thing. The problem is that his current camp is the human camp. Originally, relying on his non-human nature, he can mix well among all races. Now he has such a portable grandfather. existence, it would be difficult to communicate with humans openly.

This was the most troublesome part for Cheng Ying. He had to find a way to get rid of the other party.

"I am willing to protect you personally, but you still dislike me so much, tsk! I never thought there would be such a white-eyed wolf like you." Bo Luoge made a noise on the back of Cheng Ying's hand, making him irritated.

He really wants to cut off his hand, but unfortunately there is such a thing as secret. Even if he cuts off his hand, there is no way to get rid of it. He must use professional methods, and even professional methods may not be able to get rid of it. After all, this kind of thing The essence of the thing is at the holy level, even if it is a projection, it is almost irresistible to mortals.

Cheng Ying spent nearly a month practicing in the secret room. Logically speaking, the exploration of the secret realm during this period should have come to an end. After leaving the secret room, he began to look for the Blue River Alliance's large forces. , looking for an opportunity to return to the Blue River Alliance.

Although this alliance is weak, it is at least at the alliance level. The small tribes scattered around are still much stronger. The most important thing is that he has a pretty good status in this alliance. With his achievements in improving the power machine, he is already considered He is one of the top leaders in the alliance and has quite a lot of social resources at his disposal.

Relying on these social resources, it can collect technical information more conveniently and grow faster. In the future, it may even become the true high-level decision-maker for the alliance's future development, creating more development time for Glacier City. Although Glacier City The destruction of the city has long been in Cheng Ying's plan, but after all, it was built brick by stone. It would be good to be able to exist for a while and cultivate more human elites.

However, after leaving the secret room, he found no other ruins explorers at all. It seemed that everyone had evacuated in advance.

"Did you do this?" Cheng Ying asked Bo Luo Ge, who was parasitic on his wrist. After all, he is the most dangerous existence in this ancient ruins. Anyone else would go crazy just by looking at him.

"Obviously I didn't do it. You know that we were both trapped in the secret room before. If I could come out, I wouldn't have to wait for you to practice. I would just open the valve of the containment room outside. That’s it.”

"Okay, that's right. So where did the explorers of these ruins go?" Cheng Ying used his mental power to scan in confusion. Even if the teleportation here is very random, it's not like he can't find anyone.

Or everyone has left,

Either some important secret has been discovered, and everyone is gathered in one place.

"Are there any other important research targets besides you in this underground base?" Cheng Ying was reading in the library and couldn't remember that there was such a thing. Even evil gods like Polo Ge can be mentioned there. . In theory, there shouldn't be any important research projects that haven't been mentioned.

"You are asking about an experimental subject. Are there any experimental projects in the entire experimental base? Even if I am the projection of a hidden existence, you should not underestimate the ancient Earth Spirit Tribe.

Their technology is already very strong. There are even some weapons that can threaten me. It is possible to simply block my perception. Naturally, it is impossible for me to know what else is there. "

"Forget it, let me increase the search range!" Cheng Ying gave up asking and instead accelerated his flying speed. His flying is different from other extraordinary beings. Most of them use pure physical propulsion. , pays more attention to its aerodynamic shape. When flying, it will transform into the shape of a big bird or a fighter jet. When it needs to fly flexibly, dragonfly-like wings will grow from its back. Its agility and speed in the air are higher than other strong ones. Much.

As he shuttled through the underground ruins at high speed, he finally caught the breath of extraordinary power. Far below, someone was using extraordinary power to fight.

Cheng Ying didn't hesitate much and chose to go to see what was going on. Anyway, he now has an evil god's projection on his body. Although it is inconvenient to do anything with such a thing on his body, it is still beneficial. At least there is such a projection. There is almost nothing that can harm Chengying.

Even if it is just a projection, this thing almost means invincible fighting power in the world. Even if you encounter any danger, you don't need to be afraid if you have this thing as a backup.

As he continued to approach the battlefield, Cheng Ying finally saw clearly what was happening on the battlefield. It was like a ruined battlefield. It seemed that some kind of technology had been used to compress it into a small area. The entire battlefield It is very vast, covering an area of ​​more than one million square kilometers. All the experts who explore the ruins have gathered here.

An unprecedented battle is going on here. Their opponents are not each other, but a strange mechanical guard. The structure of the mechanical guard is very simple, and the entire body is composed of a large number of parts like spectacles and wrenches. The entire body The modular design has reached a certain level, just like building with building blocks. Not only the materials of the same parts can be interchanged, but also the components of different parts, such as hands and feet, can also be interchanged. They only need to be separated. Come and change the assembly mode and you can replace it perfectly.

Such enemy individuals are not too strong. The combat effectiveness of ordinary individuals is only level one, and even the elites among them are only level three.

But the trouble with these robots is that they cannot be killed at all, or they will be quickly reassembled after death. These parts are very easy to put together. Even a pile of discarded parts can be spliced ​​together into a complete robot. Not to mention those individuals who have been maimed, they can take parts from a large number of machines to replenish their bodies at will.

What's more troublesome is that these tiny parts are difficult to destroy. After discovering that these robots can self-repair and even resurrect, extraordinary people from all over the world are not stupid. They immediately realized that they must not only defeat the robots, but also destroy each of them. Parts, otherwise these universal parts can be reassembled casually and become a new robot.

But when they really wanted to destroy these parts, they discovered that the materials of these parts were extremely strong and very difficult to destroy. Even the legendary strong man could only destroy thousands of parts with one ultimate move. A robot requires tens of thousands of parts.

If this continues, there will be no way to clean up the robots here.

What's even more troublesome is that after they broke into this place, they originally wanted to break through the blockade of these robots to seize the hidden and inherited things in the underground temple. However, after they completely destroyed part of the structure of the robots. These mechanical warriors are no longer just for defense. Instead, after surrounding everyone, they closed the entrance and exit channels.

As a result, the problem is very serious. The other party obviously wants to build all these strange invaders here, and this time no explorers from any country have been recruited.

There are too many of these mechanical warriors who can be resurrected, and they can't be killed. Their energy seems to be endless. If this continues, they will only have one possibility of defeat in the end, and they will be consumed alive by these robots. His physical strength was completely trapped in the underground base.

After Cheng Ying observed it for a while, he found the existence of this kind of mechanical monster from the books he had recorded. They are the ruin guards, responsible for guarding the scientific research facilities in the ruins and eliminating intruders.

Judging from the layout inside, what should be stored here are high-energy nano-swarms, which can be regarded as the signature invention of the ancient Earth Spirit Tribe.

This thing is very famous even now. It is a kind of nano-swarm used on the human body. Because the Earth Spirit Tribe was extremely developed at the time and was almost the most prosperous technological race on the prehistoric continent. All races on the continent were using their nanoswarms. Therefore, Feng Qun's system is compatible with almost all races, and it has become a treasure that all races are fighting for now.

This thing is a pure technological creation, and its combat effectiveness is not calculated into the evaluation of the extraordinary system, but the increase it can provide to people is very strong, even for a pure ordinary person without any extraordinary abilities. After fusing the nano swarm. You can have powerful speed, strength, nerves, and reaction speed.

If it is a transcendent person, the increase will be even greater, as if he has obtained the protagonist of the system. If he is a mage, he can help people cast spells, record the magic circle, and assist the mage in using it.

The casting speed can be increased to twice that of a strong person of the same level, and the physical fitness can be improved to a level not inferior to that of a warrior. For warriors, this thing can greatly improve their physical fitness and increase their explosive power. .

When needed, it can stimulate the body's potential, allowing people to double their strength when encountering a strong enemy.

In short, no matter what profession, this set of nano-swarm is of great help. This is why everyone rushes in to fight for it. After discovering what is stored here, is there anyone who will not be attracted?

But now it seems that this place is a trap, made to lure them in and kill them all.

"It turns out to be a nano-swarm. This thing is indeed the signature technology of the Earth Spirit Tribe. Before they suffered a catastrophe, the output of this thing was still very large, and it was relatively common on the mainland. It can even It is passed down from generation to generation through self-replication and can be passed on like ordinary genetic material.

However, as the Earth Spirit Tribe suffered huge changes, the production line for this thing was destroyed. The Earth Spirit Tribe's technology suffered a major setback and the technology for producing this thing was lost.

When it was first lost, there were still a lot of nano-swarms. Some families even relied on having more children to obtain a large number of next generations with nano-machines, which gave them a huge advantage in the competition.

But this thing is, after all, a precision industrial equipment that has been lacking maintenance for a long time. Even if it has the function of self-replication, it will be damaged over time.

After it is damaged, not only will its own effectiveness be greatly reduced, but it will also become uncontrollable like a biological cancer cell. This is fatal to extraordinary beings, and gradually the nanomachines that have been inherited for several generations are completely abandoned.

Now this thing has become less and less. It can only be found in places like ancient ruins, and the ones displayed in these places are all first editions and have not been deteriorated. If people nowadays can grab a set, it will definitely be more than enough to achieve spiritual status, apart from other things. "

After listening to Bo Luo Ge's explanation, Cheng Ying finally understood why these people wanted to grab things so enthusiastically. It's a pity that he has only average interest in this thing. Nanomachines actually exist in his body. However, due to the restrictions of the rules of this world, most types of nanomachines are broken. Some of the ones that are not broken have their functions. More or less mutilated. But compared to the antiques of the Earth Spirit Clan, they are probably not much different.

"It doesn't matter whether we can get the nano swarm or not. We have to rescue the people of the Blue River Alliance first!" Cheng Ying thought in his heart, and he had already transformed into the appearance of the Earth Spirit Tribe, which was exactly what he had been doing while lurking. The appearance of use.

If everyone is killed during this expedition, he will be the only one to return alive. It is impossible not to be suspected. People from the Blue River Alliance must be brought back so that he can continue to enjoy his current status in the alliance and obtain enough resources to promote the development of technology and the advancement of strength.

At the very least, Noah must be brought back. He is currently his biggest backer. With him in the Blue League, there will be no shortage of AD resources.

This ancient battlefield is obviously a trap, uu read books; it is difficult to break through from the inside, but it is much less difficult to open the entrance to the battlefield from the outside.

Cheng Ying could vaguely sense the location of the Blue River Alliance camp through his mental power.

So he went around to the entrance in the corresponding direction. The entrance here was a teleportation gate, and the same was true for the exit. The ancient battlefield was reduced using space technology, and you had to use transport to get in and out.

It is a bit troublesome for Cheng Ying to handle this aspect by himself. Although he already has a considerable understanding of the space technology in this world, because his own strength is not strong enough, his mastery of space ability is still very unstable. So I could only ask Pologe for help.

"Now you think about me, okay? You were so disgusted before, hum!" Even though he said this, Boluo Ge did not embarrass Cheng Ying and quickly helped him successfully open the portal.

[To be continued]

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