Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 20 Conspiracy

Although Boluo Ge can only be regarded as a projection, it is still very simple for him to open a portal. Opening the closed portal in the secret realm, immediately there is an additional path leading to the ancient battlefield in front of Cheng Ying. Ring gate.

At the same time, in the ancient battlefield, Noah and other extraordinary beings from the Blue River Alliance were locked in a bitter battle. Even if they themselves are relatively weak among the many forces, even the strongest one sent by one of the hosts is just a legend.

Being besieged by numerous mechanical armies, Noah seemed a little stretched. With great difficulty, Noah produced a third-level spell, threw it and hit a third-level robot, and the bursting fireball directly blasted it into pieces. The fragments were scattered, and the shock wave almost knocked down one of his own people.

The third-level spells are indeed quite powerful, but the broken machines were quickly repaired and reassembled. Although the spliced ​​ones were not third-level, they were combined with the discarded parts of other robots to form five second-level robots. , still rushing towards the direction of everyone non-stop.

The legendary warrior of the Blue River Alliance waved the battle ax in his hand and released a crescent-shaped fighting energy impact. Only then did he sweep away the oncoming machinery, but he was already out of breath and about to run out of energy.

"Everyone should stop using killing attacks and use impact skills as much as possible to push these tin cans further away from us.

Our lethality is simply not enough to kill them all. Using powerful killing skills is just a waste of our physical strength. "The legendary warrior swung his battle ax and knocked away a nearby mechanical soldier. The huge force directly knocked the robot hundreds of meters away. It took a long time for him to get up and run over again.

It's just that we can only survive. If we want to leave here, we must defeat the twelve legendary level robots guarding the portal, and we must defeat twelve of them at the same time.

Because if you only defeat one of them, and then defeat the second one, the previous one will have collected scrap parts and resurrected, even completely destroying their bodies. They can also use the parts dropped by other robots to resurrect themselves. Piecing it together again, maybe they have souls or more essential beings and are controlling them, but no one present can attack their souls. The only solution is to defeat all the legendary robots at the same time, so as to open the way to leave here. Portal.

If you want to do this, you must at least have a spiritual position. But the strongest person exploring the ruins is just a demigod. Where can you find a strong spiritual position?

In theory, a strong person with a spiritual level can become the leader of an alliance. A weak alliance like the Blue River Alliance does not even have a spiritual level. How can such a person participate in this ruins exploration?

Just when everyone was almost in despair, a portal suddenly opened, and then the door appeared behind the Blue River Alliance Transcendents, and there was a familiar yet unfamiliar figure in the portal.

A few people are familiar with Chengying, but most people are unfamiliar with it. However, when it comes to the talented engineer who improved the Stirling engine in the Blue River Alliance, everyone will undoubtedly be more familiar with it.

Noah was surprised to see Cheng Ying and ran up quickly: "Folo, why are you here? I thought I would never see you again." Flo is Cheng Ying's pseudonym, which is most familiar to people in the Blue River Alliance. Also this name.

"Is that the genius engineer? I didn't expect you to be the one who saved everyone." How could anyone care about the nano-swarm at this time?

It was lucky enough to escape. He quickly rushed to the portal and prepared to escape.

"How did you open the portal?" Noah couldn't help but ask.

"It is opened from the outside! This kind of portal is indeed difficult to open from the inside. But if there is no way to remove a trap from the outside, then it is obviously a design flaw.

I am quite good at these mechanical things, so I tried it outside. Found the mechanism that opens the portal. "Cheng Ying is talking nonsense. He was able to open the portal only with the help of Boluo Ge's ability. There is no mechanism at all outside.

Keeping the portal open, Cheng Ying obviously couldn't offend people from other alliances. In fact, he wanted to close the portal. After rescuing the people from the Blue River Alliance, he would close the portal and send the people from other alliances to the other side. Everyone is trapped here.

After all, all the people here are from ten thousand races and there is not a single human being. Even if they are all killed, Cheng Ying will not have much psychological burden.

However, if he does this, all the people who get out alive will be from the Blue River Alliance, and there is no way to explain it to other alliances. Therefore, even if Cheng Ying wants to close the portal, others will not agree.

People from other alliances saw that there was an exit here. He immediately rushed toward the exit. A few weak alliances. After finally escaping, I naturally thanked Cheng Ying very much. But there were still some people from the more powerful alliance who just snorted coldly and walked away after seeing Cheng Ying, not showing any gratitude at all.

Chengying suppressed the murderous intention in his heart and continued to wait for the other alliance members to come out, but he didn't expect that the person who just snorted at him suddenly kicked him in and fell into the ancient battlefield.

A large number of robots gathered around, and the portal lost the support of Cheng Ying and was rapidly shrinking and disappearing.

Cheng Ying wanted to scold her for a moment. He understood why the guy looked at him so coldly just now. He had the idea of ​​closing the portal and trapping everyone here. The bully also had the same idea. And he obviously didn't know how to close the portal, so he just did it without stopping and just killed the person who maintained the portal.

The strength Cheng Ying showed to the outside world had just broken through to the third level. This strength is already very strong for ordinary people, but for legendary level experts, it is still like an ant.

In order to ensure that his strength would not be exposed, Chengying did not strengthen his muscles under normal circumstances. As a result, he was attacked by a sneak attack and kicked in. How can this be justified?

Cheng Ying was also helpless, but he wasn't too worried. He had a super-strong old man with a plug-in, and he could break through even if he was trapped here.

But just when he was thinking about how to kill the other tribes who were also trapped here, he saw a figure rushing in from the portal that was about to collapse.

Seeing Noah using magic to blow away several robots that were entangled with him, Cheng Ying didn't know what to say for a moment. He could only say that the way of heaven in this world is too shameless.

The problem is that what Tiandao does is to disturb certain details, causing the butterfly effect. In fact, what everyone does is basically what they want to do. In other words, even if Tiandao is not acting as a monster, when encountering such a crisis No matter the situation, Noah will still come to save him.

This is the most cheating thing. Chengying can take the initiative to avoid being bound to the Wanzu, but in the current situation, if there is a situation in the future where he must kill Noah to solve it, it will be difficult for Chengying to guarantee that he can do it. of hands.

"Tsk tsk! I didn't expect you to have such a beautiful confidante. It's rare to see women with such good looks in the Earth Spirit Clan!" Boluo Ge's joking voice directly sounded in Cheng Ying's mind, making him very emotional. explode.

In the situation in front of me, if I don't want to expose my strength, I have to expose it. I originally thought that there were no people from the Blue River Alliance here, but I directly showed my true strength and killed them. Kill all the races here that you don't like. Then he killed the robots at the exit as well, and finally pretended that he had found a mechanism in the ruins, and managed to survive. Other strong men died at the hands of the robots, which was barely explainable.

Anyway, it’s not the Blue River Alliance that’s causing the monster. He can continue to be his own rooftop scientist after he returns.

But now this situation is deceiving. If you show all your strength in front of Noah, do you want to keep silent after you get out? If it was for the sake of the future of all mankind, it would be cruel to silence Noah Chengying, but the problem is that just because he exposed his strength, he silenced a person who could sacrifice his life to save him. Chengying expressed that he couldn't bear the feeling in his heart. Road hurdles.

If this were not the case, he would not have scolded Heaven.

"Why are you chasing me here!" The reason why Cheng Ying's mentality explodes now is not only Noah, but also Boluo Ge. He must now play his identity of all races and cannot reveal his identity of the human camp, otherwise it will cause trouble. Luo Ge might fight back. Almost all life in this world is caused by humans. If humans want to rise, all races will be hostile to them. Even if Cheng Ying's essence is not human, this is too obvious. The act of protecting humans will definitely be resisted by other races.

"I don't know, so I just acted on impulse... It doesn't matter, there are so many people outside, they will definitely find a way to open the portal. We can definitely still get out. If I don't come back, you are so weak. There is no one to protect you. How can you be worth so many robots?" Noah has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Use your brain, do you think people outside will let me go? Since someone interrupted my portal, otherwise it is to trap all the people inside, even if the Blue River Alliance wants us to go out, you Do you think they dare to defy the strong man just now? I feel that his hidden strength is at least at the level of a demigod."

Noah was stunned and realized that he was in a desperate situation. Facing an endless army of machines that could not be killed, the two of them were probably going to be completely trapped here.

"Damn! Have you seen enough?" Cheng Ying slapped his wrist. There was the Polo song laughing wildly in his mind: "Please tell me, can you help me?"

"Now you know how to beg me? If you have the ability, go and deal with the twelve legendary robots yourself!" Boluoge said with a smile.

"Who are you talking to?" Noah looked around vigilantly, wondering if there was anything unclean in the biochemistry. After all, this was the remains of an ancient battlefield, and there might be some ghosts or other existences hiding here.

"He's talking to me!" Boluo Ge got out of Cheng Ying's wrist. Although he was talking normally, Noah fell into a sluggish state, and then screamed fiercely. sound, and her screams finally converged together, as if they converged into the name of the Polo song.

Chengying patted his wrist and let Boluo Ge return to live in it.

"Damn! Even if you are not busy, don't do evil things to your own people!"

"Ahem, haven't I been communicating with you for a long time and have forgotten that other people can't bear my mental pollution?"

Noah recovered from his sluggishness and looked at Cheng Ying warily: "What happened? Who are you? Why do you want to occupy Fuluo's body!"

"Tsk! I have to expose my strength after all." Cheng Ying was helpless.

"I have not changed, I am still the same Foluo you know, but there is a shadow of a hidden existence living in my body. She does not want to leave for the time being, and I have no choice.

By the way..." Cheng Ying looked at Noah: "Give you a chance, swear the Styx Oath, be loyal to me, and absolutely obey my orders. I can take you out alive. "

"Hey! What a cold man!" Polo Ge complained.

Noah was confused: "What do you mean, why should I swear allegiance to you? Wait! You said you could take us out, so you hid your strength? How is that possible? In such a short time, why did you change You must be so strong, no, in this case, you probably hid your strength when you first came to the Blue River Alliance."

"Ah... you didn't react until now?" Cheng Ying released a strong light from his palm, controlled the release of micro-nuclear fusion in his body, and then used a light cannon to knock a third-level robot behind Noah into pieces. It broke into pieces, and even the parts melted away and could not be reassembled for use.

"You! How could you do this! The alliance clearly has high hopes for you...well..." Noah bit his lip. uuread a book

"Yes, from all angles, you have taken enough care of me, so I will give you this opportunity. Now swear allegiance to me. I can promise not to do anything harmful to the Blue River Alliance. If you refuse, then Just in case, I can only..." Cheng Ying swallowed light in his palm, and could only explain what he said.

"You...bastard!" Noah swung his staff and threw it at Cheng Ying, but he caught it easily.

"Tsk, tsk, I really don't understand the style. I think back then I was..."

Cheng Ying: "..."

Just shut up! Cheng Ying thought about it, and when he got back, he would quickly think of a way to get rid of this secretive existence with a loud mouth.

Noah almost cried out of grievance, but in the end he discovered the oath under coercion, but still kept his bottom line, that is, Cheng Ying could not do anything that would harm the Blue River Alliance.

Cheng Ying nodded in agreement with his logic and joined in the oath that if he did anything to harm the Blue River Alliance, Noah would die.

Noah: "???"

"Look, if I do something that harms the Blue River Alliance, you will definitely fight me to death, so I can only kill you here. On the other hand, if I do something that harms the Blue River Alliance, you It will die, it is convincing and reasonable.”

Wow! Noah was really angry and cried this time!

[To be continued]

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