Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 22 Hacker Invasion

It was obvious that he was no match for this powerful robot in a head-on battle. Cheng Ying had realized this a long time ago, so he had been interested in collecting parts of this mechanical giant from the beginning. Especially legendary level parts. Although the specifications of all parts are the same and can be assembled together like nanomachines to form a powerful individual, there are also levels between parts, and the legendary level is undoubtedly the strongest.

And the specifications of these parts are the same. The combination of them can perform different functions, which undoubtedly means that there is a software controlling them. Perhaps this software is the soul in a sealed machine. Or maybe this is really just a deterministic computing system.

In short, there must be something controlling this battle. After Cheng Ying got the parts, he began to analyze them. As the basic module that makes up the giant machine, his structure is extremely complex, and the internal processing scale has reached the nanometer level, and it may even be at the microscopic level. It is processed on a certain scale, but there is no way to completely capture this aspect of information.

Fortunately, most of his programs are written on nano-level systems and can be analyzed.

Others may not be able to parse this part of knowledge during the battle, but Chengying has no problem at all. He doesn't know how he deciphers the internals of the system and software. You are the kind of person who inexplicably lets him They all felt unusually inspired.

It seems that when he faces an unfamiliar problem, he can always think of a solution. It's like he really is a genius. Chengying didn't know what he did the last time he traveled through time, but his essence seemed to have been improved in some way. At least when faced with an unfamiliar problem, he is far better at finding a solution than most people.

After the software stored inside the part was analyzed, Chengying realized that this thing could interfere with other basic components through remote control.

They can be combined into giant machines, relying on this kind of remote linkage. He can even interfere with giant machines. You can also use other scattered parts that are not assembled into the giant machine.

He saw the component in his hand emitting blue light. The mechanical giant that almost forced him into the corner with a powerful attack suddenly stopped and the attack missed, allowing him to dodge. Not only that, the energy cannon on the giant robot's body was directly confused and exploded internally.

A large number of basic components were blown out of his arms, and the shock wave directly knocked him to the ground.

"Sure enough, it can be controlled." After a large number of basic components were blown away, Chengying continued to release signals and seized control of some components in mid-air. Then he controlled them to fly to his side and formed a set of mecha on his body.

The wings on the back of the mecha spread out, and Chengying immediately flew up, his speed soaring, and he started to deal with the giant robot again.

This time he didn't need to be distracted to protect Noah. The machine was combined into a spherical safe house under his control, protecting Noah in the center of the safe house.

This safe house is getting bigger and thicker. Even the attack of the mechanical giant will be difficult to break through this layer of defense.

"You have a few tricks up your sleeve." Bo Luoge saw Cheng Ying constantly using the components in his hands to interfere with the giant robot, and realized that he probably wouldn't need to take action in this battle. As long as he continued to interfere like this, he would continue to steal from the giant robot. By taking control of the body parts, you can grind this giant robot to death bit by bit.

If it were any other legendary powerhouse,

Even if they could do the same thing and control individual components, there's nothing they could do. Rely on your own power to delay until the plot robot is completely controlled.

After all, ordinary people's physical strength is limited. If it is used up, there will be no way to maintain a good fighting condition.

Cheng Ying is undoubtedly a weirdo. He has very little extraordinary power in his body, and the cells in his body seem to have no upper limit on physical strength. As long as there is an energy supply, he can endlessly replicate himself and explode with powerful physical strength. As for the extraordinary power, Cheng Ying's extraordinary power itself is very small. Even if it is exhausted, it will not take much time to recover. His combat power is not supported by the extraordinary power in his body. The third-level extraordinary power The power is nothing more than a power amplifier for him.

Therefore, there is no need to worry about a war of attrition. Cheng Ying's combat effectiveness is almost constant. The longer he delays, the more advantage he will have.

"The thing this guy is guarding is to the northwest of us, which is the center of this ancient battlefield. You go and get the nano-swarm first. That thing will definitely help you." Noah's message came from came out from the metal sphere.

Cheng Ying also heard it and obtained the detailed coordinates of the nano swarm's location in his mind.

However, the mechanical giant also heard it, and the alliance ran in the direction of the nano swarm. Apparently it believed that Cheng Ying, an opponent that was already difficult to deal with, could not be strengthened.

Originally, Cheng Ying was not very interested in this thing. It was a blessing to learn about it, but it cost me my life. Even if I did get it, it would not greatly improve my own strength.

But when he mentally swept over there, he was surprised to find the magician who just used the holy sword in his hand to release the light cannon. He actually ran over quietly while the two sides were fighting and was preparing to fuse the nano swarm.

The mechanical giant also noticed this scene, roared, and rushed over, crushing the ground. He quickly opened the heavy cannon on his arm, and the bright light gathered and blasted at the melee magician.

His thoughts coincided with Cheng Ying's. What Cheng Ying thought was that it didn't matter whether he could get this set of nano-swarm, but no matter what, he couldn't let people from all races get it.

This time, he didn't need to take action. The terrifying light cannon blasted upwards. The magician who was climbing up the tower and about to start the fusion was evaporated directly. Not even a trace was left. The nanomachines were stored there. The high tower also collapsed, and the nano-swarm emitting silver light on the top of the tower seemed to be buried by the ruins.

Cheng Ying's speed was far faster than the mechanical giant. He had already reached the collapsed ruins and reached out to fish, and successfully captured the nano-swarm.

Others have no way to take away the nano swarm. They can only fuse it in the tower and take it away after fusion. This is actually part of the trap. If you choose to fuse here, you will be besieged by a large number of robots and unable to leave. In this case, both the individual and the team will suffer heavy losses. If you cannot restrain the greed in your heart, you are likely to die here.

But Cheng Ying doesn't like this at all. The nanometer ones are in his own body, so the restrictions designed on the nanometer swarm are as if they don't exist for him.

Others are like facing computer viruses with bricks. They have no choice but to follow the virus's program. Chengying is like owning a computer. Although the systems of both parties may not be compatible, at least it can be done. . Interoperable, at least there are methods of operation.

The mechanical giant was furious when he saw that what he was guarding had been taken away. Hundreds of light spots lit up on his body. Hundreds of heavy cannons were fired at the same time. White lights filled the sky. The lights were intertwined, like the focus of a magnifying glass. Sunlight generally converges in the direction of the shadow.

However, from time to time there will be a sudden lag. There was a slight delay in this inevitable blow, which caused a slight time interval between each shot.

Cheng Ying turned into an afterimage in mid-air, trampling the air and moving at high speed between light cannons. Not a single attack could hit him.

The giant robot released a red light all over its body due to the volley, and each muzzle was overheated and could not release another attack for a short time.

This was a great opportunity for Cheng Ying to fight back. The super-high-speed collision made him penetrate the giant's body like a bullet, knocking out a large number of components in the giant's body.

Under his control, these components flew towards the ball where Noah was, making the ball's defense even thicker.

The Mechanical Giant wanted to fight for control but couldn't win over Cheng Ying. It wasn't that his authority was lower than Cheng Ying's, or that his control was weaker. In fact, in terms of authority, the Mechanical Giant was undoubtedly above Cheng Ying. .

But the problem is that the requirements of the two sides are different. Chengying only needs to make these taken away machines remain motionless and remain on the surface of the metal ball. This is an extremely simple command, but the mechanical giant needs Instead, these parts flew over on their own and reassembled his body.

The order was countless times more complicated than Cheng Ying's. Between simple commands and complex commands, these mechanical components naturally choose to execute the simple commands first.

The mechanical giant, who had a big hole blasted out in the middle of his body, had to become smaller again in order to repair the defects in his body.

Although the attack is fierce, he has no advantage at all against the third-level Cheng Ying. The attack is always interrupted at critical moments, even though the power of his attack is extremely terrifying and he has the power to move mountains and reclaim seas.

Any punch on the ground can break the mountain into pieces, but his opponent is too cunning, extremely fast and does not give him a chance to counterattack, so that the powerful attack cannot hit anyone at all and is useless. .

Instead, he was hit again and again by Cheng Ying, and the material aura of his body was constantly falling. After losing about 10% of his material, his aura had already dropped to the critical point of his spiritual level.

After losing 30% of the substance, the aura intensity completely returned to the demigod level. Although it was the pinnacle of demigod peaks, it still failed to cross the gap.

In this state, Cheng Ying became more comfortable in dealing with it, but as the size of the robot became smaller, the robot's movements became more and more flexible, and its attacks became more and more agile. Instead, he hit Chengying several times.

But because his strength has become weaker, the power of the attack has been greatly reduced. Even if the attack can hit, the damage caused is not very great. With Cheng Ying's recovery ability, it can be repaired quickly.

As Chengying continued to scrape, the giant who was originally as tall as a mountain peak. In the end, it was scraped to death, and only four to five meters high remained, all made of legendary-level materials.

In this state, it has reached the most flexible level, and the two parties have become mutual Euler. Each can attack the opponent. But there is no way to kill him with one blow.

Blood and parts flew out of each other's bodies, but Lan Nuo's blood could soon recover as it repaired itself, but those parts that were blown away were directly controlled by Lan Nuo and could not come back.

Under this ebb and flow, the outcome of the battle has been determined. It is no longer possible for the giant robot to win. As more and more legendary-level parts are weakened, his strength is gradually weakened from the demigod level to a legend. In the last episode, he turned into scattered parts and was completely destroyed. A portal slowly opened from where he disappeared.

However, after completely smashing the last legendary level robot and taking control of all its parts, Cheng Ying suddenly felt that a mechanical will, similar to artificial intelligence, appeared inside all the legendary parts he controlled. Because it is now under his control, it directly declares allegiance to him.

Cheng Ying studied this artificial intelligence and found that it was indeed not a modified biological soul, but just a program.

When Chengying controlled these mechanical components before, he changed their allegiance. Now that the mechanical components are reunited, the loyal target of the assembled artificial intelligence is himself. uu reading; it is understandable, or this is Of course.

Legendary level mechanical parts flew out and combined into a four-meter-tall robot beside Cheng Ying. It still had the aura of the peak demigod level, but it seemed a little weaker than before.

After all, during the battle between the two sides, some legendary-level parts will inevitably be damaged. It is natural that the strength will be reduced after recombination.

Now that the control fell into his own hands, Chengying regretted that he had been too harsh before, and now he began to feel distressed.

"It seems that you won't need my help in a short time." Bo Luoge said sourly as he saw Cheng Ying easily subduing a thug at the peak of demigods.

"It doesn't matter, you can find someone to possess you! Anyway, you just stay with me for someone to chat with. Why do you have to act like a portable grandpa? Do you watch when I poop?" Cheng Ying He said helplessly.

Then, before the portal was fully opened, he put the demigod machine into his space equipment, then controlled the giant metal ball to open and released Noah.

Giant metal balls and a large number of high-level third-level parts flew out and were collected by Chengying into space equipment. What made him very helpless was that his space equipment had limited storage space and could only store high-level parts in a limited way. In this case, even if all If it is given to a demigod machine to strengthen itself, it will be difficult to strengthen it to the level of spiritual status.

[To be continued]

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