Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 23 Super Behemoth

After the portal reopened, there was no one outside. The battle with the giant inside has actually been going on for a long time. Those who successfully escaped from the secret realm will naturally not guard the entrance of the secret realm at this time. Either they were looking for other treasures, or they felt it was too dangerous and chose to leave.

However, a few people chose to stay and prepare to save others, including Di Tian and Rui Wenwen. They had retained most of their memories, so they knew the importance of Cheng Ying.

Although his memory was lost, his creativity was not lost. When faced with problems, he was able to come up with imaginative solutions. This ability is the intrinsic strength of a person and cannot be changed by losing the knowledge he has acquired. .

However, no matter how they tried to open the secret realm, they failed. Instead, they mistakenly entered another space during the teleportation process.

Di Tian and Rui Wenwen currently use the image of the orcs, with a pair of goat horns on their heads, which can be used to cover up the dragon horns. However, after they are transported to the secret realm, they will no longer need these disguises, and they will directly use the image of their true bodies. Show up.

The two of them should be classified as ancient beasts in this world. They are types with relatively strong bloodlines but not particularly powerful ones. Their biggest advantage is that they have long lifespans and their talents in combat effectiveness are not high. Therefore, the two of them have great combat effectiveness. It was only at the third level. After realizing that they had made a mistake and were suddenly teleported to an unfamiliar area, they all became extremely vigilant.

When they were outside before, Tier 3 could be considered strong, but in the secret realm, Tier 3 were really outnumbered. Even if they each had some trump cards, they were not considered strong.

"Be careful!" Rui Wenwen grabbed Di Tian, ​​who was about to investigate the surroundings, and then pointed at the feet of the two of them.

Di Tian hasn't discovered anything yet. His perception of breath is not as sensitive as Rui Wenwen's. Even in a different world, Rui Wenwen still retains part of the physique of an auspicious beast, and has a sense of transportation or strong people. In his perception, what the two of them were standing on was no ordinary ground. What was beneath their feet should be a huge skeleton, or to be precise, it should be a spine.

"Are you saying that our feet are just a spine?" Ditian transformed back into his true form and spread his wings to fly into the sky. He felt that there was no danger in this space, so he dared to fly.

As his height gradually increased, he finally saw clearly what was under the two people's feet. It was really a vertebrae. The two people were as big as ants in front of this guy. Even though Di Tian was now It has turned into a body with a body length of more than 20 meters. It is still not as big as one vertebrae of this giant beast. It is even good to have one tenth of the length of this root system.

He flew to the top of this space without seeing the full picture of this giant beast. Di Tian discovered that this space originally had a boundary. After reaching the boundary, there was no way to continue rising, although there seemed to be still space in the sky. Normally, but he seems to have hit a wall of air. If he releases an attack, it can be released to the outside world. At least the visual effect is still OK, but his body cannot leave.

Returning to the huge skeleton, Ditian described the scene he saw in the original text.

"You can't see the whole thing even though you're flying so high? Can you roughly tell what kind of animal it is?" Rui Wenwen asked.

"I'm not sure. I can only see part of his cervical vertebrae. There are probably wings on this thing's back, and it's not a pair, because I saw there are structures connecting the wings on his spine. As for other locations, it's just Can't see clearly.

There was thick smoke below us, and we were standing on a raised plateau. Most of the skeleton of this giant beast was submerged in the smoke. It was difficult to judge how big it was. I am afraid it would be 10,000 meters long, or even It's one hundred thousand meters. "

Rui Wenwen nodded and agreed with this judgment. If a vertebrae is a hundred meters long, it is possible that this huge creature could have been 10,000 meters long during its lifetime.

"Didn't you find a way to leave?"

Di Tian shook his head: "At least I didn't see it. I don't know where this place is. Why did the teleportation device of the trap in the ancient battlefield teleport us here? Could it be that this is another trap? It's better to be careful. Maybe it's here. There's something weird and weird that could kill us."

Rui Wenwen nodded: "Let's continue walking forward, walking along his ribs toward his head, and see if we can get under the fog. If there are no clues above, we can only go down and take a look."

The two of them had no other ideas. They could only move forward along the spine. When they came near the cloud and mist, they reached out and touched it to confirm that it was just an ordinary mist. It was not poisonous or cursed, so they were cautious. After walking down, this time Rui Wenwen turned into a human and lay on Di Tian's back.

Di Tian is a dragon and is good at flying. If there is any danger below, the two of them can fly up immediately to avoid it.

But their intuition told them that except for the two of them, there were no other living people here. As the two of them continued to explore downward, they soon passed through the cloud layer. This layer of fog is only about a hundred meters thick. It's like the clouds in this space.

When we reached the area below, the light became dim. Without the direct sunlight from outside the air wall in the sky, it seemed quite dark here.

The sunlight filtering through the clouds barely allowed the two of them to see the road.

And as they adapted to the dim environment here, the scene in front of them made the two of them feel frightened.

The earth is covered with the bones of various creatures. These are normal-sized bones. Some are human, some are from all races, and many are from ancient beasts. These bones are generally much larger, and some are Some of the remains are not bones, but crystals, roads or other things.

These bones are scattered on the ground, and it is impossible to spell out a complete corpse. Most of them have been crushed into pieces, and they are young people who are not known to have been dead for many years.

"What exactly happened here?" Di Tian frowned and stopped walking slowly down. He flew down directly and observed these skeletons.

"Did you see anything?" Di Tian asked Rui Wenwen. She was now in human form and could observe more carefully.

"Take me to the larger bone. Yes, that's the thigh bone, which is a full fifty meters long."

Rui Wenwen landed on the bones and observed carefully that the bones had been broken, as if they had been crushed by huge pressure, and there were still some marks on the surface of the bones.

"Do you think so? The traces on the bones are very similar to the broken bones we chew and throw out after eating chicken skeletons or the like."

"How can there be such a big one..." As soon as Di Tian said this, he suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but look back at the huge beast. If any creature spit out bones and slag that was so big, I'm afraid it's just the big guy.

The bones of most creatures here have traces of being crushed and are relatively well preserved. They are usually human-sized creatures, but their bones are twisted and squeezed together, much like they have been chewed and then eaten.

"Could it be that all these things here were once the food of that big guy? But why did he die?" Rui Wenwen wondered: "Is it because it has been too long? Or there has been no new food source for too long. starving?"

The two rummaged through the bones, looking for clues to leave. They did not find the teleportation array. Instead, they found a lot of extraordinary equipment. These things are quite precious to them now and are a big fortune.

Among the people who were eaten here, many were powerful extraordinary beings. Their equipment was not destroyed, or not all of it was destroyed. A considerable number of them were preserved intact, although most of them were covered in magic light. Dark, but most features well preserved. Just recharge it and you can continue to use it.

This is also in line with the laws of the magical world. Magical items are generally very durable. One piece can be passed down for three hundred generations. Unlike mass-produced industrial products, they usually only have a service life of a few years. Some items are even deliberately set for use. The upper limit of the life span has been extended to facilitate replacement.

Magic items are usually designed to have a very long service life. If they are at the Lingbao level, there is almost no upper limit on their service life. As long as they are not damaged in battle, they can be used almost forever.

Therefore, although a long time has passed here and many bones have been completely weathered and turned to ashes, there are still a large number of magic equipment that can be used.

It's a pity that the two of them are like mice trapped in a rice vat. Although there are countless treasures around them, they can't escape even if they get them.

Even if the two of them have a long lifespan and can hibernate, it doesn't matter if they don't eat or drink for tens of thousands of years, but if they continue to sleep like this and cannot leave, sooner or later they will become like the skeletons here.

"Searching for extraordinary equipment or something, let's go here first. No matter how much we get, it's useless if we can't get out. I feel that there still seems to be some energy left in the body of this giant beast. Probably at the location of his original heart. Let’s go take a look, maybe we can find clues to leaving?”

After the two came under the clouds, they roughly guessed the full appearance of this giant beast. It should be an extremely large dragon, with a body length of at least 20,000 meters, and three pairs of wings on its back. After that, the connection of the bones could not support the huge wings, so all three pairs of wings were broken and fell to the ground.

If you open the bones of many creatures, you can see the wings buried underneath.

The two quickly headed towards the original heart of the giant creature. As they got closer, Ditian could also feel the information about the remaining power. Even as the distance got closer, his perception was better than that of Rui Wenwen. All become more sensitive.

The scales all over his body trembled involuntarily. This was a feeling that he had not experienced in tens of thousands of years. It was a kind of blood pressure. In the past, he had only felt the same level of pressure from the Dragon God. Now he is like this The pressure was released on the corpse of a giant dragon. This level of pressure almost made him want to worship.

If the giant dragon hadn't already died, it would be difficult for Di Tian to say that he could control his body's instincts.

"You don't seem to be in the right state, is that okay?" Rui Wenwen asked Di Tian. Sitting on his back, Rui Wenwen could feel the trembling of his business card.

"It's okay, it's just that the bloodline level of this giant dragon is a bit high. My Xuanman seems to be suppressed. This phenomenon is normal among people of the same race, especially the dragon race." After Di Tian gradually adapted to this feeling, Even if it continues to be close to the heart, there is no abnormality anymore.

As the two got closer, they discovered that the source of the abnormal feeling came from the mist, and they couldn't directly see what was inside.

With the mentality of treating a dead horse as a live doctor, the two flew into the fog, but they did not expect that the inside of the fog turned out to be a transparent space. There seemed to be an invisible force field that opened up the space and made the fog inaccessible. .

In the center of the spherical space is a ball of golden blood, this blood. It might only be a drop to the massive creature, but to two people it was the size of a basketball.

Not only this ball of golden blood, but also several different colors of blood, rotating around the golden blood, a little bit will be swallowed up every time it turns. Although the bit that is swallowed up is very small, it has been over the past few months this year. , it may still be completely destroyed.

The meridians in Rui Wenwen's body turned into precise measurement spells, scanning the golden blood.

"He seems to be devouring several other groups of blood. Every time he circles around, the quality of the golden blood will increase slightly. Although it is very small, it is actually getting stronger slightly.

These groups of blood are like candles in the wind, almost extinguished. It feels to me that they should be the blood of legends or demigods. At least I can feel that they are very strong. As for this golden one, I don’t feel it at all. When it comes out, it's most likely to be ridiculously strong, beyond my range of perception. Of course, it doesn't rule out the possibility that it's garbage. "

Rui Wenwen gave her own judgment.

Di Tian nodded, and then cautiously approached the golden blood: "Is there a possibility that this space was originally intended to breed this giant beast, allowing him to continuously devour various powerful people, absorb their blood, and fuse into the strongest From a bloodline?"

"It's possible, so?"

Looking at the golden blood, Di Tian seemed to have made up his mind and said: "If the people participating in this experimental project don't want their project to disappear completely, they should have reserved how to teleport this big guy out after the experiment is successful. uu reading a book.

You can't go through so much trouble to fatten this guy up and then be completely trapped here doing nothing, right?

I am a dragon myself. Maybe I can try to fuse a little bit of this golden blood. The blood of the dragons in this world will also preserve certain memories. Maybe I can read how to leave. "

[To be continued]

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