Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 25 The Elf Empire

Noah survived and returned successfully from the ancient ruins, which surprised the members of the Blue River Alliance, but it was more of a surprise. After all, this is the nominal speaker, although he is just a vase-like role, whether in terms of combat effectiveness or Leadership skills are not very strong. The league isn't really controlled by him. But as a vase, he is still very qualified, at least in terms of talent, he is quite good. In the future, Breakthrough Legend will be stable at 18 or 19, and after Breakthrough Legend, he will also become a powerful figure in the league.

It was natural that such people should be happy to survive. After simply asking how they escaped, they found out that it was Di Tian who stayed behind and accidentally triggered the mechanism and reopened the space channel. He didn't ask any more questions, and even kept the information about the two people's successful escape secret from the outside world.

As for why no one else followed and escaped? The reason is naturally very simple. Everyone else was locked up in the secret realm by these two people. Since people from other forces could push Cheng Ying into the ruins before, trapping the remaining people inside and unable to get out, Di Tian Naturally, the same thing can be done to prevent people from other forces inside from coming out to cause trouble.

The leaders of the Blue River Alliance felt the aura of Ditian breaking through to the legendary level. He also roughly understood the situation at that time. Under his skull, it should be this genius who broke through to the legendary level before the battle. He intercepted people from other forces, closed the portal, and sealed them all in Among the ancient ruins, this was naturally the most in line with the interests of the Blue River Alliance, so naturally no one made any publicity about it.

Even in order to stabilize the situation before, they did not announce that it was their speaker who rushed in to save people. Of course, it may also be because the Blue River Alliance is too weak and does not dare to be hostile to other forces, so their speaker is trapped inside, and Don't dare to speak out.

In short, the group successfully returned to the Blue River Alliance, and their harvest can only be described as average. After all, the most precious documents and materials have been burned, and are now all stored in the mountains with a group of humans who are considered worse than animals.

"Now that you have returned to the alliance, you should talk about what you want to do to the alliance, right?" In Noah's room, the atmosphere between the four of them was a bit awkward.

After all, they were forcibly contracted, and there was still some gap between Noah and Cheng Ying.

"Our purpose? On the one hand, it is to understand the technological development of the alliance.

As well as the level of magic development, just understanding this aspect is enough, there is no need to do anything.

On the other hand, it would indeed be a lot easier if you came to help. We hope that the alliance can stop the development of the western snow mountains. Originally, I was prepared to solve this matter myself.

The people who developed the snowy mountains in the west were just a few wealthy locals. They have no power themselves and are scum with only a combat power of 5. I can deal with them without using force. If you are willing to help, then this matter can probably be resolved peacefully. "

Chengying prevented the development of the snowy mountains in the west, naturally to prevent the Glacier City from being discovered.

"It's just that simple." Noah felt incredible. She herself did not agree with the development of the snowy mountains in the west. The so-called development of the snowy mountains was nothing more than slave trade. There were a large number of human tribes on the snowy mountains that could not survive in the plains. The so-called development is to capture humans and then use them as slaves or experimental products to sell them inside and outside the alliance.

The industry itself is not very profitable and is extremely cruel. Noah herself does not approve of it, but it is such a trivial matter that even if she disapproves, she will not bother to take care of it.

However, there is actually a strong man whose combat power is comparable to that of a demigod or even stronger, and he makes a trip specifically for this kind of thing. These are all too weird, as if two countries have sent their own ace special forces to infiltrate the enemy's country. The result is just to get a bottle of soy sauce. It's full of contradictions.

"Of course it's not that simple. It's just a matter of convenience to prevent you from developing the western snow mountains. Our goal is not the Blue River Alliance." Cheng Ying deliberately said it in an understatement. After all, if he puts too much emphasis on preventing the development of the western region, the other party will probably judge his intentions and take advantage of them.

In addition, his own purpose is not only to protect the Glacier City. The war with the outside world will start sooner or later. The Glacier City cannot remain so hidden. Chengying only wants to support future plans and the Tree of Wisdom project. Just fine, the rise of mankind does not occur in this generation.

In addition to protecting human cities, the most important purpose of his journey is to learn the knowledge of all races, the technology and culture of this world.

Only part of the technology of the Earth Spirit Tribe has been learned so far, but it has also benefited Chengying a lot. In the ruins library, he has obtained a large amount of ancient technology of the Earth Spirit Tribe, most of which are beyond the modern Earth Spirit Tribe. There are many technologies from the Spirit Tribe, which means that the technology contained in the Earth Spirit Tribe's alliance or kingdom is no longer so important to Cheng Ying. He needs the technology from other races of the Ten Thousand Tribes.

And if you want to obtain these technologies, you cannot stick to one city or one place.

"So what is your real purpose?" Noah looked at Cheng Ying warily, as if looking at some evil villain. After all, the power Cheng Ying has now is enough to subvert the entire alliance. If he really If they plan to do that, for Lan and the Alliance, they will be no different from super villains.

"Why are you looking at me so warily? Didn't I say I wouldn't do anything harmful to your alliance?"

"Yes, I will die anyway if you do it, and it has no binding force on you at all." Noah rolled his eyes, and she became angry when she thought of this.

"If there is any other purpose, it is to travel to more countries and understand their level of technological and magic development. The higher the technology, the better.

If your status is concerned, you can give me the status of an envoy to other countries, or you can give me an exchange student quota and send me to study in other countries. In short, this kind of thing is very important for an alliance. It shouldn't be too difficult.

If you can do it, I might even give some of the skills I learned to your alliance. "Cheng Ying's purpose was a bit unexpected. Noah didn't expect that the other party seemed to be just passing by, or that the Blue River Alliance was just a springboard for him.

"If you go to other countries as an envoy, there is no problem, provided you can't cause trouble." Noah is very happy for Lan Nuo to go to other countries to cause harm to people, but she is always a little worried about staying in the alliance. .

"If you want to go to a country with advanced magic technology, I recommend that you go to the Elf Empire. Although the Blue River Alliance is weak, there is still a certain degree of diplomatic trade between the Great River Elf Empire, and envoys are regularly sent to the Elf Empire to study.

As one of the largest empires in the continent, the Elf Empire has an extremely vast territory, and some areas even border on us. If you want to go to the Elf Empire to investigate the knowledge there, there is no problem, but there is no need for you to go. Our approach. It is also possible to go through the immigration formalities directly yourself. As long as you show your legendary or even higher level strength. The Elf Empire will not refuse you to join.

No matter how powerful the Elf Empire is and reaches the legendary level, it is still considered a superior in this empire. "Noah looked a little confused and didn't understand the meaning of Cheng Ying's actions.

"For some reasons, it is not very convenient for me to show my true strength. I think you should have a deep understanding of this. People who see my true strength are either dead or have become mine. people."

"Bah! Who is your man!" Noah stamped his feet angrily.

"Okay, no, it's not the head office, right?" Cheng Xiang said helplessly as if coaxing a child: "In short, I hope to enter the Elf Empire as a low-key person with easier access to knowledge. The best one is an exchange student or something like that. Yes, you can use the influence of your alliance to send me to some higher education institutions in the Elf Empire."

Noah seemed to be still angry, but he still nodded: "It's simple, just give you a forged academic qualification. If you show third-level magic strength, it can basically prove that you have good talent.

By the way, you'd better look better. Elves are quite picky about appearance when forming a team. The appearance of men from the Earth Spirit tribe is generally a bit... Anyway, you know, men in our race generally look older and are relatively short in height. It is not very in line with the aesthetics of the elves. There are also certain requirements for exchange students in terms of appearance. "

Noah already knows that Cheng Ying can change his image at will, but now he doesn't even know what Cheng Ying's true race is?

"I probably understand what you mean. I need to be taller, not too much taller than before. One meter six should be enough. Some of the wrinkles on my face should also be removed. I probably had some experience with the Earth Spirit Clan before. These stereotypes have changed, but it is the image of you civilians that has changed.

Because civilians have been involved in labor all year round, their skin will be rougher and they will look older. If they are high-level people, they should all be like you. In addition to the skin, the face shape and facial features should also be able to be fine-tuned. Let me find out. Template, the aesthetics of the elves should be similar to that of most humanoid races, and the definition of handsome should be similar. "

It didn't take Cheng Ying long to complete his plastic surgery. At a glance, he could still be recognized as the genius mechanic from the Earth Spirit Tribe, but his appearance had improved by more than one level.

"How is it? My current appearance should meet the requirements for going to the elves." Cheng Ying came closer and asked Noah.

"Ah...ah! It matches! It definitely matches." Noah's face turned a little red. Although he knew that Cheng Ying could change into any appearance, his current appearance could be regarded as handsome in all senses in the place name organization. , suddenly so close, Noah couldn't help but blush.

He even couldn't help but fantasize that it seemed better to be able to change his appearance at will. This was equivalent to having countless appearances at the same time. He shook his head and forced the weird thoughts out of his mind. Noah patted his own Lian woke himself up, rushed out of the door, and left a message: "I will help you arrange things to go abroad." Then he disappeared into the magic tower.

Cheng Ying shook his head and said to himself that it is true that most intelligent creatures are good-looking animals. When he was still the original wrinkled image, although Noah was very kind to him, he was not as shy as he is today.

Noah quickly completed the things Cheng Ying ordered, even though she was just a role model and did not hold real power in the country. But it is still easy to arrange for those guys who secretly capture humans and wild animals in the snowy mountains of the west. As for arranging Cheng Ying to go to the Elf Empire for exchange and study, it would be somewhat difficult.

It's not that Cheng Ying's identity is not enough, nor is it a matter of authority, but the issue of appearance as mentioned before. In order to leave a good impression on the Elf Empire, the exchange students sent are all from the Earth Spirit tribe with top-notch looks. The appearance of the civilian template that Cheng Ying chose before can only be said to be average. It is not good-looking among the Earth Spirit tribe, but it is not ugly either. But this level can only be described as ugly in the eyes of the elves.

But after Noah took out the photos of Chengying after his training, the quota for exchange students was decided decisively. After all, if possible, the Blue River Alliance itself would like Cheng Ying to go to the Elf Empire for exchanges. This is a talented engineer that is rare in the country. If you can go to the Elf Empire, you will definitely learn a lot of advanced knowledge, which will be of great help to the Blue River Alliance.

The only thing that surprised Cheng Ying was that Noah also went to the Elf Empire with the group, and he was also an exchange student.

"By the way, I'm no longer in the alliance, why are you still following me? It's not like I can still harm the alliance in the Elf Empire." Lan Nuo was speechless to the girl from the Earth Spirit tribe beside him: "You are also a Speaker. Even if you just stay in another country for three or four years, the alliance will still be in chaos."

"It has nothing to do with you." Noah pretended to be indifferent and said: "I am a member of the exchange group. Even if you don't show up, I will go to the Elf Empire for exchange and study sometimes this year.

Have you forgotten that I am the youngest third-level magician in the alliance? "

"Oh!" Cheng Ying nodded: "If you don't tell me, I really forgot. After all, I broke through to the third level in less than a year. I thought everyone was like this. I thought there was nothing special about you reaching the third level at your age. .uureading books;”

Noah: "..."

He really wants to beat Cheng Ying to death now. If it weren't for the seems like he can't beat him without the contract, so that's okay!

The envoys to the Elf Empire set off soon, and Cheng Ying also followed this team to the empire with the most advanced magic technology in the entire prehistoric continent.

[To be continued]

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