Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 26 Social Problems in the Elf Empire

To get to the Elf Empire, you need to go all the way north. After crossing the national border, you also need to cross a deserted area, which is regarded as a buffer zone between different countries. In fact, in a sense, the entire Blue River Alliance is a combination of the Elf Empire and the Another buffer zone between empires, if you look at the map, the territory of the Blue River Alliance is not even one thousandth of the Elf Empire.

Even so, the territory owned by the small alliance already covers tens of millions of square kilometers. One can imagine how huge a country on the ancient continent that can be called an empire has.

The size of the entire continent is almost infinite. In many cases, the volume of a huge mountain is comparable to that of a planet. The area of ​​a huge empire will naturally be extremely vast. It is difficult to cross such a vast land without using the teleportation function. If If the two countries were not adjacent to each other, the Blue River Alliance would not choose to go to the Elf Empire via land.

On a certain level, the reason why the Blue River Alliance is so poor and weak is that it is too far from heaven and too close to the Elf Empire. Countries in this world are also so mercenary, and the Elf Empire is naturally no exception. They have no regard for the surrounding countries. The neighbor's attitude is to treat it as its own source of resources honestly. If you can, provide yourself with as much transcendence as possible.

Although the Elf Empire has a prosperous magical culture and is the empire with the highest magical civilization on the entire continent, they are actually still developing. They are not the civilization with the strongest magic technology in history. The once extinct logic tribe has the strongest The magical race, they are born with great calculation and analytical power, and what they use can no longer be called magic, but arcane magic. In other words, they can analyze the essence of magic to a certain extent and perform more essential functions. The power of their analysis and combination creates more powerful magic and magic props.

This kind of ability is still not available among the elves today. After all, they do not have the powerful racial talent of the Logic Tribe. The current Elf Tribe devotes a lot of energy to developing the outside world, and the country is far more than what they saw on the prehistoric continent.

Although the prehistoric continent is huge, it is only a part of the multiverse. It's just the most high-energy universe. Besides the prehistoric world, there are many worlds in the multiverse, but the energy in these worlds is not as abundant as the prehistoric world. But it is also possible to give birth to creatures and treasures.

The development outside is like a time traveler traveling between worlds and collecting good things in these worlds. It's just that the Elf Empire didn't send out individual time travelers for development. Instead, the Imperial Legion was dispatched in an organized and disciplined manner to develop external affairs.

Once a plane is developed, it can be enfeoffed outside and become the nobles of this plane. Continuously provide the elves and the clan with unique resources of this plane.

As a result, the elves have almost become one of the richest races on the ancient continent, and the entire race is extremely rich in material. However, their thinking obviously did not keep up with the development of technology. That part also lacked certain historical processes. They were obviously social animals, but the social stage stagnated at the end of the feudal system and did not even advance to the era of capital. .

The extraordinary power of individuals will actually hinder the progress of society. If there is a way to break away from society and still achieve improvement, it will prevent many social elites from investing their energy in social cooperation. They can improve themselves and gain a higher social status without participating in cooperation, so why should they cooperate with others?

As a result, social progress has stagnated, and all talented people have given up.

Participate in social cooperation and improve your social status. Instead, they use their precious energy to study extraordinary power. After all, it is easier for them to obtain a higher social status. It seems that the social system is stagnant, but it doesn't matter at the end of the feudal period. The Elf Empire has still developed into the largest in the ancient continent. One of the several empires in the world, its combat effectiveness ranks among the top.

However, the stagnation of the social system will suppress the development of wisdom. According to the historical data observed by Chengying, the Elf Empire has fallen into this stagnation of development. Although the territory of the empire is still expanding, it is also becoming more and more Wealthy, but the empire has begun to indulge in pleasure.

Beginning to indulge in exquisite life, the technological explosion began to lead to a cultural explosion. This can be seen from the fact that both men and women of the elves appear to be quite feminine. Even the male elves will have extremely delicate looks, and the utensils used in daily life are more sophisticated. Every piece is a work of art.

This is actually one of the important manifestations of a civilization that lacks historical progress and has become lost after great material abundance. It is addicted to material life and spiritual enjoyment, unwilling to devote its energy to the exploration of the unknown, and is coerced by the people at the bottom. The value of literary and artistic creation must be raised to the same level as, or even higher than, the value of technological creation.

This is actually a deformed social form, just like the salary of actors is the same as that of scientists. Although artistic workers have also created huge wealth, this cannot be equated with the development and progress of science. Once there are no restrictions, With this trend, the progress of civilization is likely to stagnate.

The social problems of the Elf Empire are not limited to these. It is now in the bonus stage of outer development. A large number of social problems have been covered up by the good economy. All elves are full of confidence in the future of the empire, but with the development of outer planes Gradually stagnating, those less dangerous peripheral lives are developed, and the economic growth of the Elf Empire will gradually stagnate. At that time, social problems will begin to intensify, the upward path will gradually be cut off, and the gap between the rich and the poor will begin to divide.

When it is difficult to obtain benefits from external development, the power struggle within the Elf Empire will become a zero-sum game. If you take one bite, I will take one less bite. At this time, if you cannot find the driving force for economic growth internally, you will not be able to find the driving force for economic growth internally. If we promote the development of science and technology and continue to maintain the progress of civilization, social problems will become more acute, so that drastic means such as war must be used to divert conflicts.

Cheng Ying sat on the motorcycle driven by the Stirling engine, flipping through books about the Elf Empire, learning about the development of this empire, and realizing that this was a huge empire with huge social problems, and this problem is now almost Unsolvable.

The biggest trouble is that extraordinary power is so easy to obtain. If a person is alone in the mountains and forests, as long as he is talented enough, he may become an extremely powerful person in a few decades or hundreds of years, and enjoy glory and wealth after he comes out of the mountain. , became the actual ruler of the country.

When such opportunities exist, why do those talented people cooperate with others, struggle in society, and regard others as equals to themselves?

And this will cause the social environment to become harsh. The harshness here does not refer to the living environment. The living environment of the elves is very good, and the citizens of the empire are of extremely high quality, and even have a sense of utopia. But the social environment But there is a lack of a spirit of seeking knowledge, and there is a differentiation between those who are talented and those who are not. People who lack talent have no motivation to work hard, and they have no conditions to rise to their own class.

Without subjective initiative, there is no way to develop wisdom. The more the brain is used, the better it becomes. Continuous thinking can improve wisdom, but the social environment of the Elf Empire cuts off this kind of thinking, and people are at the bottom of society. People who don't have the ability to resist, nor the motivation to resist, even if they can't climb to the top, they can still have a good life, just go to work every day and fish on time.

As for extraordinary power, it was something that Cheng Ying had no way to influence. After observing the situation in the Elf Empire and seeing the obvious technological stagnation and social stagnation, he had a new plan for his Tree of Wisdom plan.

Not only should we develop a transcendent system where everyone can find a path to progress, this transcendent system should also promote social cooperation. We should make the transcendent people realize that by cooperating with each other and participating in the social division of labor, they can burst out stronger. productivity.

Cheng Ying had not put a lot of energy into thinking about this issue before. Fortunately, it is not too late to think about it now. Originally, the extraordinary system he formulated was related to each other. Many types of extraordinary paths require the assistance of technology and other means. People's cooperation now needs to become more systematic. The differentiation of career paths is not only to differentiate into extraordinary career paths, but also to differentiate into life career paths, such as mechanics, commanders, and doctors, and these professions are You can continue to subdivide.

It is necessary to balance the value of different career paths in the entire system, so that the ultimate achievements of these life career paths will not be lower than the extraordinary career path, at least the importance in the social structure must be equally indispensable.

Cheng Ying had a vague feeling that after making this decision, some changes might occur in the future. The Tree of Wisdom, which was originally difficult to achieve great virtues, may achieve even greater achievements in the future.

Originally, he thought that his journey would be uneventful. He would go to the Elf Empire to be an honest student, absorb the most abundant magic technology in the world, enrich his database, and do some social research to see the elves. Can it be a boost on the road to the rise of mankind?

Although there are various tricks caused by the law of heaven, the influence of the law of heaven is not absolute. Among the many races, the elves have a very gentle attitude towards humans. Although they still treat humans as inferior species, their civilization is relatively prosperous. They have developed a strong empathy for other species, and most of the time they only drive away humans instead of directly killing them. As the most powerful force on the continent, they have a certain chance of fighting for it.

Heaven can hinder the development of science and technology, but it cannot prevent the sublimation of wisdom. If the elves can become a truly prosperous, healthy and progressive civilization, then it will not matter whether humans rise.

In Chengying's definition, a truly healthy and progressive civilization has an absolutely gentle attitude towards other races and other civilizations, and tries to guide them as much as possible so that they can have opportunities. developed into an era of prosperity.

However, it is probably more difficult for the elves to become such a civilization than for humans to rise. Cheng Ying does not have high expectations.

And everything that happened next gave him a deeper understanding of the elves. After all, there is a huge difference between races and individuals. Before the era when everyone is like a saint, individuals of the race will eventually have their own differences. Bad-rooted.

Although Cheng Ying had been sitting in the car, he could feel that the convoy he was in was driving into a barrier, like a ghost hitting a wall. The driver hadn't noticed that the street scenery on both sides had not been very clear for a long time. It’s a big change. I just feel that this road is longer than I remember, but I also suspect that I remember it wrong. After all, this road used to take several days.

"Did you encounter an ambush? It feels like the aura of an elf. Is it coming for me?" Cheng Ying is not sure how he did it, but he has a keen sense of crisis, hiding in the barrier The strong ones in the world have been targeting him, so he always has a sense of crisis.

"This guy...Have I offended anyone on the ancient continent? All the people who have seen my true strength are either dead or trapped in the secret realm forever. The rest have all sworn the Styx Oath. Why are you still being targeted when you become one of your own?" Cheng Ying was puzzled, worried that this was some kind of ritual arranged by the Elf Empire. For example, for the assessment of new students, he chose to stay put.

After all, not everyone can be controlled by the Styx Oath, and exposing one's strength is still a troublesome thing, especially in the Elf Empire.

He put down the book in his hand and leaned on the carriage to take a nap, giving the other party a chance to strike. Judging from his sense of crisis, the other party's strength was somewhere between a legend and a demigod. Even if it was really a stronger spiritual level, In fact, there is nothing to be afraid of. Cheng Ying has not been able to successfully expel Boluo Ge from his body in these days. If he really encounters any danger, this guy can also be used as an invincible plug-in.

As Cheng Ying appeared to be asleep, he felt the space around him distort, and then he was no longer in the carriage. He also appeared to be awakened by the fluctuations in space at the right time.

And he was teleported to a jungle. In front of him, stood an elf with a scar on his face. This man's face looked familiar to him. When he looked carefully, he finally thought I've seen this face somewhere.

It was this guy who attacked him from behind and kicked him into the ancient battlefield to close the portal. Chengying probably understood why the other party found him. He was trapped in the ancient battlefield and finally escaped. Others might not notice him. , but the person who kicked him down would definitely notice it, so this guy suspected that he had taken the nano swarm.

[To be continued]

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