Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 27: Snatching of Nano Swarm

The elf opposite Chengying really spoke at this time: "I think you should still remember me, so you should have guessed what I want. Some things are not for guys like you to get. Hand them over obediently, and I can consider sparing your life. Otherwise, hum." Chengying shook his head: "If you are talking about the nano bee colony, then unfortunately, you can't get it. Even if you kill my nano bee colony, it will self-destruct under my command. There is no way to force this kind of thing to be taken. I don't think you don't know this?" He didn't say anything nonsense about this. This kind of nano-level symbiotic device with biological organisms can self-destruct in a moment. Once the first symbiosis is completed, it is almost impossible to force it to rob. "I naturally have a way to make you hand it over. If you resist now, it will only make you suffer more." The elf with a scar on his face showed a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth. It can be seen that this race is not as peace-loving as described. Otherwise, the Elf Empire would not have occupied such a large territory. The legend of peace-loving is just that after the development of the outer plane, the material is so abundant that the elves need to rely on invasion to live a rich life, so this side is revealed. Elves like this who are not in the empire and struggle alone outside. There is no difference from other races.

"Let me suffer? Are you sure you can do it? And if I give this thing to you, won't it lose its value? No matter from what angle, I can't kill the nano bee, right? I have lost my value, so it's best to kill me." Chengying didn't rush to make a move, but used nonsense to delay time first, and released his mental power silently to scan the surrounding situation.

The battle method that could just teleport him silently is indeed something. Although this elf has just broken through the demigod level, it is also a relatively strong existence among the demigods with some trump cards.

If he has other accomplices, Chengying may be able to successfully escape if he rashly exposes his strength, but his own information may not be kept. If he can't capture all the opponents and leak the news, then his journey to the Elf Empire may not be peaceful.

Just as he was using his mental power to scan the surroundings to find other accomplices, the scarred elf in front of him suddenly smiled strangely: "You do have some truth in what you said. If you handed over the nanobee colony so easily, I would still doubt whether it was real or fake? But if it's not just your life that is in my hands, what will you choose? I'm curious about your choice."

While he was talking, the portal flashed again, and there was another person next to Chengying. Noah was looking around in confusion. She was forcibly teleported here. Just now she was in the car looking at the scenery outside the window, wondering if the scenery on the road seemed to have been seen once, and suddenly she was teleported here.

"Look, I have a hostage in my hand now. If you don't hand over your nano bee colony, I will kill her first. Isn't it interesting?

It doesn't matter. I can not kill him first. Aren't there many people in your team? Now I kill one every minute. If you don't hand over the nano bee colony in 20 minutes, it will be the turn of the little beauty next to you."

Chengying couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this. It's rare to see such a pure villain these days. He did such a crazy thing and he couldn't wash it off in the future.

Noah seemed to realize what happened and looked at Chengying vigilantly... That's right,

The object of his vigilance was Chengying. He didn't take the half-body that looked familiar seriously at all, because she seriously suspected that the situation in front of her was directed and acted by Chengying himself.

"Well... found it." Chengying didn't answer the other party's words, but said something without a beginning or an end, and then suddenly disappeared at an incredible speed. Then the air twisted, and with a scream, a person hidden in the air used special means, and the invisible person was suddenly caught out, and stopped breathing after a scream.

"You only brought one helper? And he's only level 2. Why do I feel like you're going to kill him after the mission is over?" Chengying threw the body on the ground. It was also an elf, but its cultivation was obviously much lower.

"You! You don't know whether to live or die. You're about to die, but you still..." Although he said this, the scarred elf had already rushed up. The speed just now had already made him feel a certain threat. Chengying obviously hid his strength. Now he felt that such a negotiation might not be safe. He had to beat the other party down first and break his legs before it would be convenient to talk properly.

The elf showed an extremely high speed. Although the speed Chengying showed just now was very fast, it was clear to him, which was one of the reasons why he did not regard his opponent as a huge threat.

However, after he showed a faster speed, he found that he was about to get a kick. It was caught lightly, and the ankle was pinched.

"As expected of an elf, even though it's disfigured, its ankle is as thin as a woman's." Chengying said this, but he was not polite at all when he moved his hands. His palms clenched like pliers, and the bones of the ankle made a sound as if they could not bear the weight.

Then a huge force threw the attacking elf away, and it hit the ground and cracked like a meteorite.

After seeing this scene, Noah really dared to believe that someone had attacked them. After all, if it was self-directed and acted, Cheng Ying would not be so cruel to his own people. This is simply a beating to death.

The elf who was thrown to the ground spat out a large mouthful of blood. He looked at Cheng Ying incredulously. The opponent seemed to be purely powerful. His strength, speed, and reactions all reached unimaginable heights. He was ravaging himself like It's like ravaging a baby.

"Who are you? Even if there are nano-swarms, it is impossible to achieve such a big improvement." The elf finally realized that something was wrong, and it seemed that he had kicked an iron plate.

"What do you mean, what am I? I am a human being, and I have no use for the nano-swarm you mentioned. This kind of foreign symbiote that has not been transformed by itself and has not understood the internal software system will be at a loss. You dare to Just take it and use it. If I know about this kind of thing, I will definitely leave a backdoor. If someone uses it secretly, I can make him explode and die with just one thought." Cheng Ying spoke while also keeping his hands busy. With.

Showing an even more insane speed. A scar-faced elf who is good at speed. He thought his speed was fast enough, but it wasn't until he saw Cheng Ying that he realized what it meant to have someone outside the world and a sky outside the world.

The speed of this guy has completely exceeded the range that his vision can capture. In his vision, he can only see the afterimages passing through the air, and he was knocked into the air by these afterimages, constantly flying in the air. Withstanding the continuous blows, the bones of the body were constantly broken in these blows.

Even though he had the powerful vitality of a demigod, he instantly became half-dead. Who knows how long he could survive such an attack. Thinking about how he dared to threaten the other party with his life before, it is not so ridiculous now that he thinks about it.

At this time, he finally understood why this guy was able to escape from the secret realm. He must have used his powerful strength to break through the secret realm.

From a certain point of view, what he said was indeed correct. Cheng Ying was indeed forced out of the ancient battlefield. He just used a little skill to make the robots in the ancient battlefield his little brother.

The scarred elf fell to the ground. Cheng Ying did not intend to save his life. There was no need to accept such a guy as his younger brother. He also did not want to bear too many Styx Contracts on himself. After all, this thing Not absolutely.

There is an Ancestor of Styx in this world. Although that guy is not Styx himself, he does have some ability to interfere with this kind of contract. It is not a particularly safe thing. If there are more people, there will always be danger. It might cause trouble.

In the desperate gaze of the Scarface Elf, the fists continued to enlarge in his eyes, and finally beat his head into a ball of mud.

The airflow impact caused by the high-speed battle tore the jungle around the battle site into a wasteland. Holding the corpse of the scar-faced elf in his hand, Cheng Ying prepared to transform the corpse into a puppet and cooperate with some of the Demigod-level robot parts should be able to barely reach demigod-level strength.

Anyway, it is impossible for the current robot to break through to the spiritual level. If a part is used to strengthen the corpse, the weakening itself will be minimal. Compared with having an extra demigod-level portable thug, it is completely worth it.

Noah didn't expect Cheng Ying to be so decisive and beat the person to death, with no intention of leaving anyone alive.

"Aren't you going to ask who he is? What if there are others behind him who are chasing us?"

Cheng Ying shook his head: "There will be no stronger ones. Things like nano swarms are more attractive to beings who have just stepped into the demigod level. Stronger beings that can pose a greater threat to me usually are I don’t care about this stuff.”

"By the way, where were we teleported to? From our envoy group." Although Cheng Ying's mental power was strong, he couldn't scan where the convoy went for a while.

"We seem to be still in the same formation." Noah is indeed quite talented in magic, and at least has the potential to break through to the legendary level, so he is quite sensitive to the current situation of the two of them.

"Hmm... It seems that is indeed the case. Our envoys, including everyone, are enveloped in a barrier. I'm looking for a way to break this barrier."

Cheng Ying is currently not very good at this kind of adaptable spell. In his way of practice, magic is directly burned into the body. After all, he is developing an extraordinary path for human beings and can only choose this type that does not require magic talent. This allows him to only use one specific magic flexibly, and other spells are quite troublesome to use.

"There is no need to break it. You have killed the person who presided over this barrier and lost the source of power. We can leave soon." Noah is not worried. There is no way to return to the envoys. If you have to say, She is actually a little bit greedy for the nano swarm in Chengying's hand.

" said you didn't use the nano-swarm before. Isn't it a bit wasteful to just leave it like this? How about...can you lend it to me for a while?"

This kind of technological supplies in the ancient ruins of the Earth Spirit Tribe is very suitable for the Earth Spirit Tribe. If she uses it, the effect will undoubtedly be the best. Even if it is used by him, it is possible to develop some hidden functions of the nano-swarm. Function.

She was able to become the Speaker as a vase not only because of her quite good talent, but also because of her origin. In the Earth Spirit Tribe of this era, the remnants of feudal ideas are still very serious. Noah's She was probably born from the noble blood of the ancient Earth Spirit Clan, and her blood might have some strange reactions with nanomachines.

"If you want to use it, just use it. There's no need to be fussy about such a small thing." Cheng Ying threw a jar casually. He didn't use this thing himself, nor did he use it for his own people. After all, in his opinion, this thing was just a dangerous, uncontrolled silicon-based virus that could strengthen the human body and destroy the human body. So even if it was one of his own, he had not given it to them before.

But Noah offered to take the initiative as a test subject, so how could he have the nerve to refuse? What's more, if Noah uses this thing, it is indeed the least risky. Her own race and the creator of the nano swarm are of the same race, and the compatibility between the two is undoubtedly the highest.

This is just like if the technology on earth develops enough to produce rice machinery, then the auxiliary nanomachines used by humans will probably be different from those used by dogs. The physiological differences between all races may be greater than those between humans and dogs. If you use this product casually across races, who knows what kind of side effects it will have.

From Noah's perspective, this is another story. In her opinion, the nano-swarm is an extremely precious treasure. This can be seen from the fact that demigod-level experts come to snatch it. Cheng Ying gave the precious thing to herself for use without hesitation.

You must know that once this thing completes symbiosis, the user can order them to self-destruct at any time. If she doesn't want to return it, she won't be able to take out the nano-swarm even if she kills her.

"Thank you!" Noah, who didn't know how to repay this trust, held back these two words for a long time.

Cheng Ying waved his hand, saying it was nothing, and Noah wanted to say something else. At this moment, the world changed, and the barrier covering the two people disappeared, and not far away was the convoy they were in before.

[To be continued]

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