Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 31 Treatment of the Protagonist


Cheng Ying's design of this simple spell shocked his instructor. If using this technique to perform holographic projection before required powerful enough software to drive it, using this technique for surveying and mapping is a universal skill.

Theoretically, you only need to calculate the time it takes for light to reflect inside the photosphere, and you can detect the shape of the object in the space filled by the photosphere.

If we use colored light for this kind of detection, it would be too obvious. It is equivalent to putting a flash bomb in the room, but there are obviously infrared light and ultraviolet light, but no one has thought of this. If we use these two If invisible light or even other waves are used for detection, it is completely possible to have a power different from mental power to find out the situation in the enemy's area without being discovered by the enemy.

Of course, limited by magic power, this skill needs to fill the entire space, and is usually only suitable for small-scale detection, but this also means some kind of skill that changes the situation.

At present, most of the things used in small-scale investigation are mental power, so people also pay more attention to the prevention of mental power. There are various spells that can reflect whether they are scanned by mental power, but they don't pay that much attention to being scanned by invisible light. , the concealment is much higher than directly using mental power to detect. In this case, the field of investigation and counter-investigation is likely to trigger a wave of changes.

This is true in the world of the elves, and even more so in the entire desert continent. After all, there are few places where magic is more developed than the elven empire.

Although such changes may happen several times a year in the magical civilization and prosperous Elf Empire, and are not particularly important, it is shocking enough for a new student to bring it up. This is just to let him change a spell at will. , if he comes into contact with more magic knowledge in the future, I don’t know what kind of miracles he can create.

"Very good, you have passed our assessment perfectly. We will provide you with corresponding treatment. For top students, we will open most of the library reading rights. If you have any questions about magic knowledge, You can also ask the instructor directly. In the next month, we will prepare a dedicated laboratory for you." The instructor, who seemed quite arrogant just now, immediately changed his expression.

In turn, he has become a flattering character. His only idea now is to keep Cheng Ying in his college no matter what, at least for a while. Such a genius will definitely play the role of the famous Qingshi in the future, which can make him The college becomes his alma mater, and the entire college may benefit from it in the future.

This kind of talent can probably reach the legendary level at the very least. If you become a demigod in the future, you will have a place even in the Elf Empire. If you become a spiritual person, you will be considered a high-level existence even in the Elf Empire. People and alma maters can definitely greatly improve their status, from Pheasant University to one of the top universities in the country.

Cheng Ying noticed the change in the other party's attitude, but he didn't realize how important he was in the college's system.

He just nodded and didn't realize how high his treatment was. It wasn't until Noah ran to the door of his independent dormitory and knocked on the door angrily that he knew what the treatment of other exchange students was like.

Noah is the genius among this group of exchange students, so he can live in the normal elf girls' dormitory and has three roommates. In comparison, other exchange students can only live in the more remote international student dormitories. The empire will not treat this group of international students. Not only are the dormitories for international students not better than those for ordinary students, they are more remote and have worse material conditions. There are restrictions on the number of times you can enter and exit the library every week, and there are a large number of books that cannot be accessed. Borrow.

This is not so much a dormitory for international students as it is a dormitory for borrowed students. The treatment is completely incomparable with that of normal students. However, they can't do anything about this obvious racial discrimination, because the whole continent is dominated by the jungle. Strong races can inherently discriminate against weak races, and there has never been any talk of racial equality.

In contrast, Cheng Ying's salary is extremely high. Not only does the single-family villa serve as a dormitory, there is a library next to the dormitory and very close to the teaching area. Not only can you borrow books at will from the library , even showing these books to other students will not be restricted. What is even more outrageous is that in a month, he will receive his own exclusive laboratory.

The laboratory in the magic world is not just a room with some simple equipment. In magician terms, this thing should be called a magic tower. In the academy, not every instructor is even qualified to build his own magic tower. Not to mention the students in the college.

Chengying's treatment is simply the same as that of professors in the target college, and may even be better in some aspects. For example, in terms of training resources, he is allocated more resources than professors, and he is invincible by standard. Streaming protagonist treatment.

After Cheng Ying learned that the treatment he received was so outrageous, he couldn't help but frown. He didn't want to be so public. He could tell that this Pheasant Academy was planning to use himself as a sign to gain fame.

It seems that during the entrance test, he went a little too far, and the practicality of the improved spells was a bit too high. However, this college did not intend to keep it to itself, but planned to publish his improved spells in exchange for fame. After all, this is However, the Elf Empire cannot produce a few results in a year. Although it is far from a revolutionary change, it is still a great honor for a pheasant university.

In this way, by leveraging Cheng Ying's fame, the college will be able to gain considerable benefits in the short term.

"Okay, don't be angry. If you don't want to live in a collective dormitory, it doesn't matter if you move to my place. In fact, I think it's better for young people to experience some collective life. Whether it's the earth spirit or the elves, it's all Being civilized and standing firm among all races.

The foundation of civilization is division of labor and cooperation, and collective life is very helpful in cultivating the spirit of cooperation...

Hmm... But with the current system of two groups, there seems to be no hope of expecting high-level people to participate in cooperation. That's pointless. It doesn't matter if you want to move to my place. I don't think anyone will stop it. "Chengying naturally won't mind Noah living in his dormitory, because he will live in the library next and will basically never come back.

However, after hearing Cheng Ying's proposal, Noah seemed to be even more angry. Cheng Ying was speechless about this, so he persuaded him to go back. Only then did he come to the library that he had longed for. Once here, he could no longer go beyond The distance communication is connected to the main body of Glacier City, so he needs to find a way to record the knowledge here.

In the library of the Elf Empire, knowledge is still stored in books. It seems that the advanced magic technology has not stimulated the imagination of the elves for knowledge carriers. There is no such thing as tablet computers or other devices that are more convenient to operate. knowledge carrier.

Knowledge still mostly exists in the form of words and pictures. The only difference from other places is that the contents recorded in books here are much more than what they seem.

A book that looks like it only has a thousand pages, but when you turn to the last page, you can turn back almost infinitely. It looks like it only has a thousand pages, but in fact it may have thousands of pages.

Cheng Ying is quite helpless in this aspect. High-end magic inheritance is taught by master and apprentice. This kind of almost one-to-one teaching does not rely particularly heavily on books. Most of the knowledge is kept in the mind. As for the Elf Empire, although magic is popularized and even has compulsory education, the carrier of recording knowledge is still so backward.

Of course, it may also be because they are on the magic side. In the secret base of the Sky Snake Clan, knowledge is stored in living creatures and computers. Perhaps traces of computers storing knowledge can also be found in some ancient Earth Spirit Clan bases, but it is assumed that Ying is not particularly optimistic. After all, sophisticated equipment such as computers cannot stand the test of time. It is likely to break after being buried underground for such a long time.

In the library, his reading knowledge is still stored in the memory device in his body first, and then he slowly understands the content of the knowledge he has stored. Before learning and understanding, the AI ​​will sort out the contents of these books first and use them to think. In the form of a map, a new learning catalog is planned, so that the ideas will be clearer and the efficiency will be higher during the learning process.

This is just Chengying's own learning. In the process of learning the knowledge of his predecessors, he still needs to understand the description of the knowledge from the text.

But with the development of civilization, the tools used for cultural inheritance are also constantly improving.

Just like in the earliest days, people only used books. Teachers asked students to recite the contents of the books and explain the contents of the books. Later, blackboards became available, so they could draw pictures and write on the blackboard, making teaching easier to understand. .

Later, everyone became accustomed to using slides, and they were even inseparable from class. It was as if something was missing if the projector was not turned on during class.

With the advancement of technology, teaching tools will undoubtedly further improve, from still pictures to videos, and even to more intuitive experiences, such as physical touch, or no need for direct experiments. , you can taste the taste and smell.

If you continue to develop, you may even develop to the point where you can feel other people's feelings during the learning process. For example, when learning a set of gymnastics, it will feel very familiar at the beginning. After doing it a few times according to the feeling, the guidance is cancelled, and the body But I am already familiar with this feeling, and I can quickly become proficient in it on my own. The learning efficiency is many times higher than before.

Of course, this kind of thing is still not possible for the time being. Currently, Glacier City only adds the five senses to teaching, so that with limited experimental materials, everyone can experience immersive experimental operations. Feel.

This is a very important progress for some disciplines that particularly rely on experiments.

Many new generation students learn faster than Cheng Ying can accept this new knowledge. Of course, there is an upper limit to their learning speed. It is difficult to surpass Cheng Ying. After all, Cheng Ying needs to understand all this knowledge first, and then he can pass it on to others and pass on his experience.

At present, this clone of the Elf Empire has mastered more knowledge than the main body. In a sense, this clone can also be called the main body. The library of the Elf Empire is much stronger than that of the Blue River Alliance. Even if it is just one The library of Pheasant University has a book collection that is more than ten times that of the entire Blue River Alliance. One can imagine how huge the gap is between the empire and ordinary alliances.

Cheng Ying stayed in the library for more than ten days. Noah originally thought that this guy had ulterior motives for letting him live in his dormitory. Although he was very entangled, he finally came and told himself in his heart, If the other party dared to plot evil against him, he would definitely do something like this. Then when he actually lived in the dormitory, he discovered that Chengying didn't even go back to the dormitory at night. He spent 24 hours a day in the library and didn't eat. I ate directly in the library.

In other words, he is considered a privileged class in the school. Others are not qualified to eat in the library. Originally, many top students in the college were dissatisfied, but as Chengying's reputation as a library maniac gradually spread.

There is no one who is dissatisfied. Maybe at first some people will despise this kind of behavior of being superior to others by relying on their own talents, but when they find that they can't compare with others even if they work hard, this contempt will disappear. There is no way to give birth.

Others are more talented than them and work harder than them. What can be done? No matter how dissatisfied they are, they can only be kept in their hearts.

And as Cheng Ying buries himself in the library day after day, at first some people said he was just showing off, but now everyone has shut up. It's not like he locked himself up in the library for a month just to show off. No one is so bored. The only explanation is that this pervert really learned it and enjoyed it.

This is also true. Cheng Ying is indeed enjoying it. Even he himself feels it is incredible. When did studying really make him happy? When did he become so trembling?

Now he just feels like he wants to learn more. He wants to continue studying without any desire to stop, and there are indeed enough books in the library to allow him to study non-stop.

Although it is called Pheasant University, the Elf Empire has such a long history. Even a Pheasant University has a history of thousands of years, and its collection of books is countless. The library building alone occupies an area of ​​one square kilometer. , this is not a space expansion spell. If Cheng Ying wants to learn all the knowledge here, he knows how long it will take.

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