Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 32 Oto! What a surprise!

Cheng Ying stayed in the library for a month. During this period, he ate, lived and ate in the library and almost never came out. It wasn't until someone came to the library and found him that he had to participate in the campus life. During the activity.

"You mean there will be another competition within our school? Is it an exam or something?" Cheng Ying's understanding of magic is different from other people's ideas. In this world of the jungle, most people will Magic is used as a combat ability.

Therefore, in their inherent impression, the magic competition is to determine the winner on the stage.

But it is obvious that someone does not realize this. In his impression, isn't school just a place for learning? Since it is a competition for learning ability, it is natural to take an exam.

Fair test with the same questions. Whoever has the highest score and who has stronger adaptability when facing complex problems will naturally be ranked higher.

"It's not something like a written test. It can't test the students' true strength at all. Even if they can answer correctly on paper, what's the point of talking about magic on paper? In the academy competition, there will be a group competition. Only the one who wins in the ring can become the champion of the game.

The college asked me to invite you out to participate in the competition. You have hardly been seen since you entered the college. You have been hanging out in the library from beginning to end, right? "Noah's tone was quite complaining.

He had already moved into Cheng Ying's independent villa at the cost of being rumored. However, this guy never lived in his dormitory for a day from beginning to end. He spent all his time in the library and barely slept at night. I have been reading and studying all the time, just like a learning machine.

"There's no interest in this kind of competition." It's not that Cheng Ying doesn't cooperate with the academy's arrangements. After all, this school has provided him with a fairly good learning platform. Even if it's just to survive in this school, I should still give him some face.

"If it's an exam or something, I'll take part. After all, it won't waste too much time on this kind of thing. But the intra-stage competition is really too troublesome. I have to compete all day long, and I have to be there even if there is no competition. This It's a serious waste of my study time." Chengying feels a little addicted now.

He didn't quite understand how he could feel happy while studying in this life. When he was in the library, he felt like he couldn't stop at all. Learning new knowledge was simply more enjoyable than catching up on something. It was so outrageous.

Facing Cheng Ying like this, Noah was also very helpless. Although in the eyes of others, she was a female friend who had a very close relationship with Cheng Ying, only she knew that there was no close relationship between the two parties, and Cheng Ying had no Silencing himself was all for the sake of the original favor. In this case, I really don't know what reason should be used to persuade him to go out and participate in the competition.

"Just go and participate. If you can get first place, you will have the opportunity to go to the top ten colleges of the Elf Empire for a league competition. Don't you like studying in the library? Those are the top ten colleges of the Elf Empire. , the size of the library is hundreds of times that of this pheasant university, and the collection of books inside is not comparable to the bulk goods here. 90% of the books here are directly purchased through channels outside.

But if you go to the libraries of the top ten colleges, at least more than 50% of the books there can't be seen outside. Those are the rare books that are truly related to super magic skills.

If you don't want to learn that knowledge, then continue to stay here. Anyway, even the knowledge here is probably enough for you to study for a lifetime. "

This time Cheng Ying was finally persuaded. In the past month, although he had not learned all the knowledge in the library, he had memorized most of it. The remaining understanding would indeed take a long time. , but there is no need to stay in the library.

I have to stay here because the quiet environment here is suitable for studying. Computing and trying based on the corresponding books can improve the efficiency of learning to a certain extent.

However, when it comes to the opportunity to go to a higher-level school, Chengying will naturally not let it go. When it comes to higher-level schools, do you have permission to enter the library? Opportunities must always be fought for. As long as there is a way to enter the college Internally, we can always think of ways to get this opportunity. At worst, we can get an excellent result in the league competition of the top ten colleges. In this way, we will definitely be able to get enough attention and get the opportunity to borrow books. .

"In that case, take me to sign up for the competition! Is there really a legend-level opponent in our academy? My current magic level is still third level. If I don't use my body's strength, I still have to be careful when fighting against legends." Cheng Ying He still has a relatively intuitive understanding of his own strength. His magic is more used to improve his physical fitness and assist in combat. Simply using magic to fight is not a particularly strong type.

"Don't worry, as long as it is you, you will definitely win if you participate in the competition. You have not broken the legendary level now, but it is an advantage. The competition in the academy is also heavyweight, but unless it is the league of the top ten colleges, otherwise There is no legend and this magnitude.

Our academy cannot recommend legendary level players to participate in the league, so the highest level limit is level three. If it exceeds level three, you will not be able to participate. "Noah has no doubt that Cheng Ying can win the final victory. He really encounters an opponent that he can't beat. If he shows his physical fitness, he can easily crush his opponent.

"In this case, I feel relieved. You shouldn't be allowed to kill people in the ring, right?" When Cheng Ying said this, Noah couldn't help but feel a chill.

Although Chengying looks gentle and quiet, he always shows strong murderous intent at certain times.

"In principle, killing is not allowed. Even if you want to kill someone, the referee will stop it in time. Although it is not a well-known academy, the referees here are at the demigod level and can easily stop it most of the time. Possible casualties when students fight.”

When Cheng Ying heard Noah's description, he couldn't help but think that the strongest person in the Blue River Alliance was only at the demigod level, and such a school had demigod level experts as witnesses, who could even serve as referees to judge the game. , which means that a demigod-level expert is definitely not the strongest person in this academy.

The size of an entire alliance can only be compared to one college in the Elf Empire, and it is just a pheasant university. It can only be said that the world is uneven.

Cheng Ying's registration was not hindered in any way. Even after he had the intention to register, someone came to him directly and asked him to complete the form, as if they were afraid that he would regret it.

The competition was held in the square in the center of the school, and the venue was extremely vast. The length and width are each one thousand meters, and the height is also a full thousand meters.

Even such a vast field seems quite narrow in front of some contestants. On the stage, there are all kinds of contestants. Most of them are elves, but a few are from other races.

Take the dragon clan for example. Most of the dragons use their own innate magic, but there are also some dragons. It is not as good as thinking that it is enough to only use the innate magic, so he will take the initiative to learn the magic of the elves. The magic of the elves is actually weaker than the magic of the dragons, but the variety is much richer than the innate magic. At the same level, if the talent is not high enough, the combat power can still exceed that of the same race who use talent magic.

This time, one of the dragons participating in the competition was a red dragon. This guy should rely on his strong body to fight, but he chose to learn magic, which seemed very out of place.

However, the Elf Empire is a fairly open empire and does not exclude all races. Dragons came to learn magic and did not refuse at all. In the audience of the game, the dragon player did not use his true body. Instead, he became the incarnation of an elf, but with a pair of dragon horns on his head, proving his identity as a dragon.

There are some members of other weird races also participating in this game, but except for the dragon race, most of the seed players in the game are from the elves. After all, this is their home court, and the magic talents of the elves are among many races. The center is also extremely advanced.

The competition is the simplest knockout round. If you lose a game, you will lose the qualification for the next competition. Therefore, the final result depends largely on your luck. If you meet a seeded player in the first round If so, the probability of winning is extremely slim, basically just a round trip, but the seeded players will generally not encounter other seeded players when drawing lots.

Chengying was drawn at a relatively late stage, so it’s okay. Let’s first see how others compete.

The battle between magicians does not seem to be about chanting spells on the spot and then activating spells, nor is it using various short and quick spells to fight like a gunfight in the Harry Potter world.

Mages in this era use a variety of improved spells. When the game starts, they usually release instant spells first to hide their body shape, or speed up their speed, dodge and fight at the same time. Time to cast stronger spells.

At this time, it is also necessary to distinguish the differences in tactics. Some people prefer to take advantage of the opponent's preparation of powerful spells at the beginning and use faster spell A to get past them. Some people prepare various defensive and evasive spells. Before the opponent breaks his defense, he can hold back his ultimate move and then kill the opponent directly.

Of course, the more bizarre option is to use spells to strengthen one's body, and then go up to fight with the opponent. The number of people who choose this option is not small, and even the number of mages who choose melee combat accounts for about 60%. It can only be said that every Every mage has a heart for melee combat, and everyone wants to become the dual-wielding Gandalf.

After watching a few games, Cheng Ying has a better idea of ​​the upcoming battle. The strength of the body can be used. Many races have used their physical advantages. For example, the previous dragon race, he relied on his The physical advantage constantly harasses the opponent in the early stage, releasing his own body, and using physical attacks to force the opponent to use short, flat and fast defensive spells to resist.

In the process, he prepared more powerful spells, and finally relied on powerful spells to kill his opponent instantly.

In the eyes of many tutors and students, they are quite optimistic about this dragon player. With his strong physical fitness, he can have a big advantage at the beginning. As a red dragon, his strong magic resistance is good for Many spells can be directly immune. Many of the spells that students plan to use in the beginning will hardly be able to harass this guy.

In addition, there is a very strong mage who uses a bow and arrow. This is a trick. After all, a powerful archer has a certain restraint effect on the mage. The casting speed of the bow and arrow It is much faster than ordinary spells and can be interrupted before the spell preparation is completed.

This contestant also used similar methods. He could burst out with a powerful attack at the beginning. He had a total of three arrows in his hand. After completing these three attacks, if he did not defeat the enemy, he would probably fall into the trap. Downwind.

But no one could force him to use up all three arrows. So no one knows how he will fight after running out of arrows.

Cheng Ying deduced from the opponent's body structure that even if this guy didn't use magic or a bow, he still had a strong fighting ability. There was no objection to the use of power other than magic in the arena, so some people even drove up with mechas. , in essence, this is to select the students with the strongest combat effectiveness, and any means can be used to improve the combat effectiveness.

Soon it was Cheng Ying's turn, and he was a person that attracted much attention in this game. After all, during this period of time, he had been promoted as a rare genius in the academy, and he had been spending time in books. He is also regarded as an urban legend in the museum. Everyone recognized his efforts, but there were still some doubts about his strength. We hope he can prove himself in this game.

After getting the news that he was unwilling to sign up for the competition, some students even ridiculed him, saying that he just came in to get gold-plated, and that he got his current reputation by giving money to the dean, and that his real fighting ability was not worth mentioning at all. , so I only dared to hide in the library.

At this time, on the stage, Cheng Ying faced a senior elf opponent, who was also a strong player. He also launched an attack spell for the first time in the academy.

"Outou! Why is Wamo so surprised!"

[To be continued]

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