Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 33 Almighty Mage

Amidst the strange spell, a white light suddenly shot up into the sky, and the white light beam shot out diagonally upwards. Everything it passed was reduced to ashes, and a layer of the trees swept by the light beam was directly cut off.

Facing this move, Cheng Ying's opponent was frightened for a while, because Cheng Ying released this move right at the beginning of the game. In other words, it was a super powerful magic that could be released instantly without any preparation.

Not only that, he also seemed to have excellent control ability. With the move just now, Cheng Ying's opponent had no time to defend or dodge, but the attack just missed his scalp and missed.

"Do you want to continue fighting? If you don't admit defeat, I can directly target your body next time, and you can try to use spells to counterattack or defend." Cheng Ying's words were very calm, but it made people feel cold from behind.

If you try to fight Cheng Ying, you really have to find a way to deal with this move, and the bonus attack that can be released so conveniently seems to have only two strategies: hard resistance or confrontation, sneak attack around the back or dodge, almost all of them are Impossible, this move is too fast, the attack is likely to spread at the speed of light.

Cheng Yingguang relied on this move to make it difficult to find an opponent at the legendary level.

"I give up." Although the elves participating in the competition can be regarded as excellent students, they are definitely not top-level geniuses. They can't think of any way to counter such powerful moves.

Although this luminous cannon is not the most powerful move in the game so far, it is the most powerful among all the skills that can be released instantly. Other skills that can be released instantly, even if they are powerful, are definitely not enough to kill the opponent instantly, but this move is obviously It's an exception. If you don't have special defense or dodge abilities, being hit basically means you'll be disqualified from the game.

Cheng Ying returned to the audience, quietly waiting for his second game.

As the game progresses, the opponents he faces will gradually become stronger and stronger. Before, he only faced relatively ordinary enemies, which can only be regarded as quite satisfactory in the academy, but next he may become more and more powerful. I met a seeded player.

There will be a total of eight rounds of knockout rounds to determine the final champion. After all, the college is too big. Even though the threshold for participating in the competition is quite high, there are still many students who meet the requirements.

And the champions born from such a college are not considered to be valuable titles in the entire Elf Empire. If they are placed in the top ten colleges, it would be good if they are not at the bottom.

In the second round of competition, Cheng Ying still did not encounter an opponent that was too difficult to deal with. The opponent increased his speed at the beginning of the competition and tried to dodge. However, he failed and was directly bombarded by the light cannon. Half of his body was lost.

Fortunately, the college's medical capabilities are very strong, and Cheng Ying also cut off the energy output in time. The students can recover after being rescued. After all, those who can participate in the competition will have certain potential to break through to the legendary level. Let them use it. Spells to regenerate severed limbs. It's not a loss.

Noah also successfully passed the second round of the competition, but she seemed a little embarrassed. Although in the Blue River Alliance, she was a decisive genius, but in this Elf Empire, where geniuses are not as good as dogs, her talent can Ranking in the upper middle of the academy is already pretty good.

The continuous victory depends on the magic equipment transformed from the puppet parts he got in the last secret realm.

Her current fighting style is closer to that of a puppet master. She controls magic puppets to fight with her own spells. This can make up for her lack of close combat effectiveness, allowing the puppets to protect herself and withstand the enemy's spells to gain time to release the spells.

It can be regarded as a relatively satisfactory style of play, but because Noah's foundation is good enough and he is also very proficient in mastering various magic techniques, he was able to win two consecutive knockout rounds.

In the third game, Noah Bi Chengying took the lead. She was still facing opponents from the elves. After all, there were much more elves in the game.

"Even if you are the chief's woman, I will not show mercy." As soon as Noah's opponent opened his mouth, he said something that made his mentality explode: "Remember, the person who defeated you is called Nicks."

"Stop talking nonsense, let's see if I don't blow your head off." Noah's mentality exploded. This time, he directly summoned four mechanical puppets at the beginning. This was the limit of her control, and she was prepared to use it as a trump card. But it suddenly lit up.

"I see, do you still have any reservations in the previous games? Although it is good to be able to achieve this level, it is impossible to defeat me. My goal is to defeat the chief, and I cannot compete with those cowardly guys. Same thing." The Knicks were talking trash all the time while fighting.

After the opponent released four puppets, the people on his side also released four puppets. On the surface, there was no gap between the two sides at all.

This scene made Cheng Ying couldn't help but cast his gaze towards the battlefield: "It's an interesting technique. It's a genius idea. I never thought it could be like this before."

Cheng Ying had to admit that although his thinking was quick, it was impossible to take care of all aspects. The copying spell he had just seen had given him considerable inspiration, although this copying ability was limited and could only copy a part. Spells below the legendary level are superior in convenience. They can be released almost automatically, and there is no need to worry about not knowing the weaknesses of the opponent's spells. It doesn't matter if you don't know the weaknesses. Most of the spells can be defeated with the same spell.

On the battlefield, Noah's puppet did not play any role in containing the enemy. After losing the advantage, Knicks easily won the victory by relying on his own magical skills that were superior to him.

Chengying paid more attention to the battle. He found that he had been stuck in the library and the things he learned were not the most comprehensive. There were also many skills for applying spells in battle that he did not know yet. learn.

There are many types of spells in this world, and their application in combat has almost endless possibilities. If you want to explore all the possibilities, just thinking is not enough. You must participate on the battlefield. In actual combat. Only in this way can we understand every change.

"Damn it! I lost to that kind of guy, and you didn't help me! I spent the whole day in the library, but now, I was treated as your woman, but in the end I didn't get any benefits from you. I'm going to be ridiculed by them on the competition field. I'm so angry! You should teach me some useful tricks!"

Noah was so angry that he scolded Chengying.

"Do you want to learn? If you want, take your pick!"

"Why should I just pick? I don't even know what you know." Noah became even more angry after hearing this.

"I'm not asking you to choose from the spells I know, but I'm asking you to choose from the spells used by these people in the competition field. Although I can't cast the spells they use personally, I can tell you how they use them. What kind of practice does it take to come out, or what casting materials are used?”

Cheng Ying was not lying. In the previous competition, he had studied the spells released by each player. Although he could not learn them all, there was no one that he could not understand. He could analyze the principles of them all and find them. How to cultivate it? Of course, there are some spells that require blood or other special unique abilities to be used. Even if he can see it, there is nothing he can do. He can just let others imitate it.

"Well, I want this. This spell can land attacks on the enemy out of thin air. I have seen it before. This person has used this trick to win two games in a row. He will also win this one." Nuo Ya pointed to an elf in the arena.

He saw the fireball released by this elf. It was in front of him one second, and it appeared in front of the enemy the next second, and blasted directly up. It was as if he had mastered some kind of spatial ability that could allow him to His attacks hit the enemy directly, and the game will soon end with his victory.

"This! This ability is not what you imagined." Cheng Ying did not shy away from others and explained directly: "I suggest you learn another ability. He has not mastered space skills. Generally speaking, only legendary level experts can do it. Only in order to master the skills of using space proficiently, if you have not broken through to legend, then you must be extremely talented. This is the kind of genius that there are not many in this academy.

The one in the arena is obviously not like this. What he is actually using is a blinding technique. This trick is mainly used to manipulate the opponent's mentality. It is essentially optical invisibility to his own attacks.

During the battle, he will first release invisible attacks and let these attacks float near the enemy. Then when casting spells, they will be canceled instantly after being released. Then he will remove the invisibility of the spells around the enemy and reveal himself. Use the spell to launch an attack, which can give the enemy the illusion that the attack appears next to you instantly.

This type of play is actually a waste of one's own mana. The most important thing is a psychological tactic. After the opponent thinks that he is being attacked by space, he will try his best to build a complex space defense. This kind of spell is very effective for It is too difficult for the third level and requires a lot of mana and the energy of the mage.

Under the circumstances, although this move is very inefficient, a waste of energy and mana, it is less wasteful than building a space defense. If the opponent sees through the essence of the skill, this move has no power at all. You only need to use ordinary defense to build a layer of shield around yourself to defend against these attacks that suddenly appear around you.

If you insist on learning, I can teach you, but this trick requires a lot of energy to learn, and it can be easily cracked after being seen through. I still don’t recommend you learn this. "

Chengying's persuasion to Noah was also heard by others. Although the content of the conversation could not be heard in the stadium, people outside the stadium could compare the situation in the game and verify whether this statement was correct?

With this prerequisite, the flaw in the magic spell used by this player is too obvious. It is easy to see when he uses invisible spells to make these spells float around the opponent.

There is no doubt that this person will have no chance of winning in the fourth round, after all, everyone has seen through his ability in the commentary.

Being exposed so directly, I can only blame this guy for being unlucky enough to be picked by Noah.

Cheng Ying soon ushered in the third round. With the amazing commentary before, the audience paid more attention to him. From the previous two battles and the commentary just now, it can be seen that Cheng Ying is not that kind of person. A person who talks on paper has real talents even if he is actually on the battlefield.

"Jiana!" Cheng Ying's opponent was a female elf, who looked quite indifferent. She was wearing a thick robe, not even her fingers were exposed, and her face was covered by a veil, with almost only a pair of eyes exposed. .

"Flo!" Cheng Ying also announced the name of this body.

As the game started, Cheng Ying still attacked first, blasting past with a luminous cannon, but his opponent did not dodge at all and allowed the powerful attack to hit him. Jienna could not be seen in the white light. But Cheng Ying suddenly felt like he was hit hard, and blood spurted out from all over his body.

"So that's it?" Just as the audience was amazed, Cheng Ying climbed up from the pool of blood, as if nothing had happened. The wounds on his body healed quickly, and the growth of muscles and skin could even be seen with the naked eye. .

This is a very powerful healing spell for their level.

"Directly feed back the damage you suffered to me, right? Compared to magic entry, this is closer to a word spirit. This kind of thing shouldn't be something you can master at your level. Is it a bloodline ability?" Cheng Shadow looked covered in blood, but not seriously injured.

"What you reported back was not just damage, to be precise, it should be that the damage you suffered was pasted on my body, which is considered a real attack that ignores defense.

If I had used a stronger attack just now, it might have caused serious damage to me. Is your plan to die with me? So use thick clothes to cover up the breath of the spell. "

Chengying teleported and appeared behind his opponent. At this time, Jienna was covered in blood and injured. She was exactly the same as Chengying just now, but she did not have such a strong recovery ability, so she still looked miserable at this time.

"What can you do if you find out? My spell can transfer the injuries on my body directly to your body. Even if you heal the injuries you have suffered, as long as you cause harm to me again, the injuries on my body will be The injuries will still stick to your body intact. In other words, after you attack me, you will never be less injured than me."

[To be continued]

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