Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 34 Indescribable Knowledge

Faced with this type of counter-injury attack, Cheng Ying just shook his head: "Not to mention that your way of pasting the damage you suffered on others is not absolute. As long as you break your warlock, you can avoid it. This kind of pasted damage, even if it is absolutely pasted, do you think the damage you receive will definitely kill me?

For us, the standard of fatality is different. My body has extremely precise meridians solidified and has a strong ability to repair the body. Even if you are cut into dumpling fillings, you will not die, but do you have such ability?

If you encounter a race whose physical constitution is stronger than yours and can withstand fatal injuries better than you, will such a trick still work?

Come on, let's give it a try and see how seriously injured you can be without dying? I think if you can develop this ability, you should have also developed it. Correspondingly, you can reduce the damage you suffer or enhance your vitality. "

Cheng Ying constructed a spell model in front of him, and then added a few strokes to the model, driving him into his body. Then he stretched out his palm and cut off his arm with a knife. Then a scene that horrified everyone happened. As his opponent, Gienna's arm was also broken.

"Directly dispelling your spell may make you unwilling to lose. In that case, I will directly modify your spell. The damage you receive will be attached to my body to the same extent. The same goes for the injuries. Let’s see who of the two of us can’t bear the fatal injuries first!” Cheng Ying said this without changing his face.

Although her arm was cut off, there was no look of pain on her face. She stretched out her palm and dug it into her chest. Suddenly, the same horrific injuries appeared on Gienna's body.

Gienna screamed, never expecting that her opponent would have such an extreme way of dealing with it. When she was fighting with others, she basically showed off this move and then her opponent gave up. Indeed, her move can be easily countered, as the injuries sustained by both parties are shared, and the spell level can easily be traced back by a skilled opponent.

In this case, the competition between the two sides was who could withstand more fatal injuries. In this regard, Gienna was originally more confident, and he had magically transformed his body. It can survive even if its heart is crushed, and even if its head is cut off, it can survive for a long time.

As long as the opponent is not a particularly perverted creature with a very strong vitality, she can completely consume the enemy alive, but she obviously underestimated the pain caused to her body by this level of injury. The moment her chest was torn apart, she screamed. He fell to the ground with a sound.

Cheng Ying did not immediately inflict any fatal injuries on himself, but instead stretched his fingers into his broken chest and slowly mobilized the muscles inside the chest, as if he could find every nerve.

Naturally, he would not really fight to the death with his opponent. Although he could indeed be smashed into pieces and not die, but when he was resurrected in that case, it would be quite troublesome to repair the meridians in his body. If he just cut off his arm, , for injuries like cutting open the chest, he only needs to connect the arms and connect the corresponding muscles together, and then reconnect the meridians bit by bit. With his current technology, he can ensure that there are no flaws after the connection.

But if the body is really broken, that's another matter. What he does at this time is very simple, that is, find the extremely sensitive nerves, and then stimulate them with weak electric current.

Such an attack would not cause serious damage, but it would cause severe pain, the kind of pain that would cause an ordinary person to collapse even after enduring it for just one second.

However, Cheng Ying has an indifferent expression. It's not that he has blocked his own pain. In this kind of duel, if he blocks the pain, his opponent will also be blocked. It's just that he feels that such pain is harmful to him. It doesn't seem like anything.

The pain existed, but it was completely bearable. Chengying didn't know why he became such a weird tough guy, but this time he could try similar methods in this competition.

Jienna did not have his iron will. After the sharing of feelings passed, she screamed, twitched and fell to the ground, scratching her chest frantically, trying to get Cheng Ying to stop.

"Aren't you going to compete with me to see who can withstand more fatal injuries? Why don't you continue? I didn't cause any fatal injuries to myself at all. Such a weak current cannot kill us even if it takes 100 years. You can Slowly experience this feeling. If you can really bear it all, it will actually be good for you." Cheng Ying is telling the truth. Pain is indeed a way to exercise will, but it is not the most efficient. It’s just a means.

But no one believed what he said, and everyone who saw the game was frightened. He was simply using his own pain to torture the enemy. The most terrifying thing is this. He has endured all the pain his opponent suffered without changing his expression, which means that the same tricks have no effect on him.

"I give up, stop now, don't continue." Jienna shouted at the top of her lungs, which finally made Cheng Ying stop what he was doing and healed the physical injuries of the two of them.

"The idea of ​​this move is good, but if you want to master this move, you need stronger willpower. Come on and exercise! Even if you don't have to exercise in a painful way, you can use other methods to improve your willpower. It's effective." Cheng Ying silently memorized this move.

Although this move is not suitable for the female elf in front of him, it is very suitable for Cheng Ying himself. As long as it is slightly improved, even the spirit position will be affected by the move. After being hit, it will be a process of competing for willpower. Who will suffer now? Whoever fails will lose, and Chengying has not yet discovered the upper limit of his willpower.

In the next few rounds, he did not encounter any decent opponents. In fact, for him, in this Pheasant Academy, there was nothing that could threaten his opponents. It was said that there were no decent opponents because he was not in the opponent's position. Find ideas among the spells that can give you enough inspiration.

On the contrary, it was the opponents that other people fought that made him feel the new way of creating spells. In this world where heaven created extraordinary power, many things did not need to follow the traditional scientific ideas. Sometimes, the things that extraordinary power can do, It is not necessarily necessary to clarify the scientific principles, because many of them do not have scientific principles, and they cannot be replicated scientifically. This is restricted by the way of heaven.

In the past, his development of extraordinary powers was based on science and technology. In this case, what these extraordinary powers can do. In fact, it can all be done by science and technology, but it can be done more conveniently by applying extraordinary power, and things that require huge factories can be integrated into a small human body.

This method is no problem in other worlds, because the technology in other worlds can explain almost everything, but it is not possible in this world. The technology in this world is locked to a certain limit. After reaching a certain height, , there are many things that cannot be understood logically. Even if you understand them yourself, you cannot teach them to others.

In this case, science-based spells may not necessarily work, or this path is restricted to its upper limit. After practicing to the limit, it is possible to break through only by finding another way.

Cheng Ying saw someone use an extremely unreasonable spell to make all the words spoken by the opponent become Abba. As a result, the opponent could not recite the spell. When he opened his mouth, he said: "Abba Abba!"

After analyzing this spell, he found that it did not control the vocal cords or nerves at all. It achieved this effect in a way that could not be explained scientifically, just like a spirit of speech, and the words were followed.

"This situation is somewhat similar to the underlying rules of the universe. The power of the mind can interfere with the material world and achieve limited effects in achieving wishes.

I remember that according to the setting in the original work, this power is called the light of the soul, and it is a power that even heaven cannot interfere with. "Cheng Ying still doesn't know how to use this power, but if you have to say it, most of him and even his companions who traveled through time have actually mastered the light of the soul. In this world, according to their rank, That is demigod.

And the light of their souls has the same effect before it is actually lit, that is, endless inspiration, strong creativity and adaptability, and strong perseverance. This thing seems to be their essence. It's a general part of personality.

After Cheng Ying saw the new form of spells, although he did not understand how to apply the light of the soul, he instinctively generated a lot of inspiration and began to transform the meridians in his body in the audience. After he finished During this part of the transformation, when I wanted to record down the brilliant idea that came to my mind, I found that the pattern I recorded on the paper looked indescribable.

This scene made him couldn't help but frown, and then he waved to Noah, who was watching the game eagerly.

"See if you can understand the pattern I drew on this piece of paper." After Cheng Ying drew the pattern on the paper, he felt that the pattern on the paper became incomprehensible, and just looking at the pattern made him feel a little confused. It's a mysterious and mysterious feeling. Unless you take the initiative to recall the shape of the meridians in your body, you won't be able to understand the meaning of the pattern on the paper.

"Don't interrupt me watching the game! Huh? What is this? It's so mysterious!" After Noah saw this pattern, he was a little annoyed because he was interrupted from watching the game, but he immediately calmed down and stared at this obsessively. Pattern viewing.

"Can you understand this spell? Can you tell what its effect is?" The spell designed by Cheng Ying is just a simple fire spell. It is the most subdivided subcategory under his high-temperature spell branch. Flame will Attached to objects, it keeps burning and will never go out.

This description itself is very unscientific, and the principle of the spell cannot be explained scientifically. However, after he completed the construction of the meridians in his body, he realized that his spell was successful and could achieve something that would not be extinguished no matter what. effect, but he himself didn't even understand how this effect was achieved.

Noah looked at it for a long time, frowned, and shook his head: "I can't understand it. I just feel that it is a very mysterious pattern. I stare at him as if I have some understanding. Can you give me this picture? I might You can learn powerful spells from it."

"There is no problem in giving it to you, but why don't you try to draw it, or use magic to copy it." Cheng Ying asked Noah to try to copy the painting. He felt that there was something evil. He just realized The knowledge seems to be cursed and cannot be taught or understood by others.

"No, whether I drew it or copied it by taking a photo or other means, it doesn't have the same feeling as what you drew. It even looks like the picture is different. What's going on?" Nuo? Seeing this strange situation, Ya became even more precious to the painting in his hands. He held it in his arms and said nothing to return it. uuread a book

Cheng Ying didn't mind. Although there was no way to copy this painting, he could still draw it if he wanted to, and he could draw it exactly the same as this painting.

"Huh? You can actually do such a thing? You actually applied the law to such a low-level spell. What a waste!

But your understanding is too outrageous. You are only at the third level of extraordinary level, but you can actually understand the law. In theory, this is a power that only the Holy One can understand and use.

But it’s not absolutely true. Some people with extraordinary talents can indeed create power at the level of laws. Needless to say, there is no way to teach this kind of power to others. No matter how detailed you explain it, you can step by step. The teachings only left a part of the rules in her body, and she could only use them without any possibility of understanding them.

Even if it is used, the amount of law in the body will gradually decrease until the traces of you left in her body completely disappear, and eventually this part of the power will no longer be able to be used. "After Boluo Ge woke up, he was quite surprised by what Cheng Ying had done unintentionally.

"Is this the limit of technology? It is completely impossible to observe, and it is completely impossible to impart knowledge. No wonder you can never step into the holy position through technology. That level of knowledge itself has indescribable effects, and it is incomprehensible from the setting Yes, it’s really troublesome!”

[To be continued]

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