Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 35 Technology Lock

"So you already know that there is an upper limit to technology? Even if few people in the Holy Order know about this matter, I didn't expect you to be able to discover it." Boluo Ge was worried that Cheng Ying could come into contact with the law at this stage. He was already surprised by his power. He didn't expect that the other party knew that technology had an upper limit.

"This is not difficult. I have read quite a few ancient books of the Earth Spirit Tribe. They were a race with very prosperous technology in ancient times. They even used technology to create three machines that were close to gods. machine.

But that is no longer something that can be achieved simply by technology, but also by using the power of powerful extraordinary beings. Even so, it can be regarded as a miracle.

Moreover, these technological creations were destroyed not long after they were created. Whether it was Obelisk's Titan Soldier, Osiris's Sky Dragon, or Ra's Winged Dragon, none of them were preserved. I have There is reason to suspect that they were deliberately destroyed in order to cut off the path to advancement through technology.

It’s really a troublesome thing. In this case, it’s really difficult to find a way that can be popularized and allow people with or without talent to become stronger. There are many things that require hard work in terms of talent. , is there really no way to change it? "Cheng Ying feels helpless. How did he develop his talent of being particularly inspired by everything he sees? Is there no way for others to become like him?

"Isn't this kind of thing normal? The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. The way of heaven will make up for the deficiency when it damages more, and the way of man will make up for the deficiency when it is not enough. This is perfectly normal.

If you don't have some things when you are born, you won't have them in this life. In fact, for a super genius like you who is born to be a superior, such a rule is beneficial to you.

You see, just by watching the games of these ordinary people, you can understand the power of the rules. Although it is only a very superficial rule, it is difficult even for me to do this kind of thing. Your future is not counted, because it is difficult without your own race. Becoming a saint also has a high probability of becoming a saint.

If you create your own religion as early as possible and gather enough followers, maybe a hundred years later, you can rely on your huge followers to enshrine their destiny, and then become a being like me.

I really think highly of you,

Your future is likely to be more than just a holy position, and you may have the opportunity to touch a high-level holy position. Isn't this kind of heavenly law a help to you? Your ability to understand cannot be stolen by others. The knowledge you create and the tools you create must pass through your hands before you can use it. You can listen and rely on these tools and the abilities you create to... Control an alliance, a kingdom, or even an empire.

This kind of class cannot be crossed, the knowledge of the level, and the rules that cannot be taught are absolutely perfect for those of us who are the superiors. No one can challenge our rights, because our power is the strongest. , and others cannot learn from it.

Even if you can get some kind of authority in the future, then others will be completely unable to share authority with you. You are the embodiment of a certain power in the universe, and no one can deprive you of your power. Others will explore this path of power. No one can ever surpass you.

You are still too young to understand us superiors. When your strength and status continue to improve, and you understand the feeling of being above ten thousand people, you will gradually change your thoughts of inferiors. "Bolo Ge is quite patient with Cheng Ying. After all, this is a seedling who may become Linsheng, and his future achievements may even be higher than his.

And if such an existence helps him collect believers in the human world, it is possible to pull him out of the low latitude place where there are no humans and no ghosts. By then, he will be restored to the holy status or have the same level of power. If you exist like this, you can enjoy the rights and glory of this world again.

Chengying will not make any comment on this. The three views between the two parties are really very different. Cheng Ying does not think that his thoughts are those of the inferior. He also has his own greed, but what he is greedy for is not power in the world, nor the ability to What he covets over the power of life and death is knowledge. In addition, the most precious wealth in the world is wisdom.

Wisdom is actually the most precious thing to intelligent creatures. All things in the world and all values ​​are defined by intelligent creatures themselves. If there are no intelligent creatures in this world, then everything is worthless.

For intelligent creatures, wisdom itself is obviously the most precious thing, and nothing can compare with wisdom.

Just like we live in a world where the atmosphere is rich in oxygen, so our bodies are composed of reducing substances. We will long to replenish reducing substances for our bodies, so a considerable part of the things we desire are Restorative.

But what if there was an intelligent creature living in a reducing atmosphere full of hydrogen? Their bodies are made of oxides. When they inhale, they inhale hydrogen, which then reacts with the oxides in their bodies to produce energy. Then what they desire and consider valuable will be completely different from ours.

In this way, different life forms will have different judgments on value. There are many things like honey to me and arsenic to others. Even some races do not even consider life to be a precious thing, but wisdom is important to any life. In terms of form, there is no doubt that they are all precious, because without the existence of wisdom, everything will be worthless.

The world Chengying hopes to live in is a world where everyone's wisdom can bloom, instead of being a king who rules everything and allows his empire to be stable for an unlimited time. Such an existence is just playing a game. It's just a game of Shahe. As his ability becomes stronger and stronger, he will gradually be able to simulate the thinking of anyone in this empire and understand everything that happens in this empire every second. This even affects Shahe. It’s not as good as box games. When we play games, we are sometimes surprised by the surprises created by the system.

And with that kind of absolute control, there will be no accidents. Under one's own control, there is nothing worth exchanging wisdom with oneself. No matter how much low-level tastes you have, they will return to dust as time goes by.

The two parties have different views. Chengying obviously has no way to make Boluo Ge understand his own ideas. If he explains his ideas to him, he will probably only laugh at himself for not being able to endure the loneliness of the superior person. So much for achievement.

The college competition is still going on, and Cheng Ying has realized the magic spells that cannot be taught to others several times in succession. These things can only be burned into his own body. If he draws them on paper, he will become like that. These patterns are completely incomprehensible. For people with high understanding, staring at these patterns may be able to comprehend some very mysterious abilities, but what they comprehend is ultimately completely different from what Cheng Ying comprehends and creates. Plant things with little connection to each other.

"It feels like they are all of little use. A spell that can shrink the opponent out of thin air without other rules, or a spell that can definitely double the power of an attack? It seems to be somewhat useful, but not completely useful. "

There are some differences between rules and verbal spells, because rules also need to adapt to other rules in the universe. For example, a spell that can double the power of an attack will also consume double the mana, and may even cost more than double the mana. You want more, and the process of consuming mana may be forced extraction, which may also cause harm to your own body. In such a situation, you can injure the enemy by one thousand and damage yourself by eight hundred.

"It's not bad! If I accumulate a lot of this kind of power, it should still be useful. Speaking of which, if I draw all the spell runes in my body, can it increase the number of others who can comprehend my abilities by looking at these spell lines? Probability." Cheng Ying then considered the situation where he didn't have enough talent.

If his talent is not enough to comprehend the skills from one spell pattern he drew, then he might be able to draw several more.

"If you ask me about this kind of thing, I don't know. It's impossible for a strong person to be as idle as you and expose all kinds of magic. These mortals may not be able to understand what you draw. , but beings like me can understand it, and know how to target your skills to make them ineffective or cause backlash. Revealing these things is equivalent to revealing all your weaknesses. "

Boluo Ge felt that this behavior was silly, but considering that Cheng Ying's enlightenment was too simple, after successfully comprehending the rule-level ability for the first time, it was like opening a strange door, and there were continuous All kinds of realizations.

"It doesn't matter. I don't expect to become an emperor. What I want is that more people can achieve the same achievements as me, and have the same thoughts and spirit as me. I need More companionship, not suppressing others so they can never reach my heights.

I feel that just because I have some special power, I cannot become narrow-minded and think that others should not have this power. Otherwise, it will be a threat to myself. Maybe if I do this, I will bring a lot of danger to myself, and even... He died because of this, but if no one ever does this, no one in the future will be able to believe that a new and progressive social form can be achieved. Since it is not certain that it will not work, why not give it a try? "

Cheng Ying's clone has long been prepared to die in battle, so naturally he won't mind trying a new power system.

"It's up to you. Anyway, your talent is so high, you can use it as you want. These extraordinary lines you have mastered can indeed give ordinary people a lot of inspiration. Even if they can't understand, they can still make people burst with inspiration. As for what can burst out? To what extent, it depends on the individual's nature. Some people may really have no talent at all, and no matter how much they are shown, they will not be able to understand it. "

Cheng Ying nodded: "Since it is effective, then you can try it. Maybe you can use this alternative method to break through the limitations of technology? I will find a way to make the spells I design and create easier to understand. , it’s easier to find out the conditioning and rules.”

Cheng Ying didn't realize what he was doing now. The power of the rule categories he understood, after he drew it down, was actually equivalent to the high-level runes in cultivation. These things cannot be taught, they can only To analyze these high-level runes on your own, you need items that contain various regular powers. Items with such power are usually called possessing Tao Yun.

Being able to analyze Tao Yun is basically the idea of ​​​​breaking through the scientific and technological limitations of the world's rules through scientific methods in cultivation techniques. Somewhere along the way, Cheng Ying has embarked on a path of understanding and creating cultivation techniques.

If he can lead this path, human beings in the future may really have a broad avenue for cultivation. Cheng Ying knows that there is human history in this world, that is, the history after the rise of human beings. During that period of history, human beings almost drove out all races and established an extremely prosperous civilization.

It's just that at that stage, talent was still an insurmountable gap. Compared with the current era, it was indeed much better, but in Cheng Ying's eyes, it was far from enough.

The competition quickly progressed to the final round, and Cheng Ying got close to the final without any surprise.

In the previous battles, he had already made everyone in the academy recognize him. Whether it was his understanding of spells or his courage and ruthlessness during the battle, he impressed the students in the entire academy. .

Especially in the previous battle, he did not hesitate to destroy his own body. He did not change his expression, but his opponent was tortured to death by the same degree of pain. He begged for mercy and surrendered, which won him countless fans and established his reputation. The image of a tough guy. It is equivalent to the image of a special soldier in reality who can directly use a knife to cut bullets out of his own flesh without anesthesia.

However, his opponent this time is also a very popular person. He was once recognized as the number one genius in the academy, uu Kanshu; it is said that he has mastered all the spells collected in the academy below the legendary level.

After Cheng Ying met his opponent in the ring, his expression looked very strange. His opponent turned out to be an old elf with gray hair. According to the lifespan of the elves, if he lived to the age of gray hair, he would probably be thousands of years old. , are you still a student at this age? And it's level three, so I really don't know how people should evaluate him.

[To be continued]

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