Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 37 List of opponents

After Cheng Ying arrived at the academy's treasure house, he unleashed his mental power and began searching. Although the academy said it would provide him with all its support, he knew very well that he could not go too far. Some things are extremely important even to the academy and cannot be given to him. All he has to do is choose the most cost-effective enhancement for himself.

These enhancements do not have to be used in competitions. Even if the Elf Empire is an empire full of geniuses, among the strong men who have not broken through to the legendary level, there is basically no one who can compete with Cheng Ying, so he does not How much strengthening is needed for competition.

At present, what he is interested in are some extraordinary props that can strengthen his body, mainly to organize the meridians structure in the body in a more refined way. So far, his fourth-level meridians have reached the nanometer level. If it continues to deepen, it may We are about to reach the atomic limit.

After reaching that level, there are no other arrangements or meridians in his body.

In this way, he can only break through to the spiritual level. If he wants to obtain more powerful combat power, he must break through this limit. So far, it is difficult to achieve it with technical means, just like the chip has reached the single-digit nanometer level. Finally, every step forward becomes extremely difficult.

Cheng Ying chose props that could be operated at the quantum level. For these props, his usage may be very different from that of magicians. He made these props into the most minute nanomachines. Released in his own body, if he needs to construct a fifth-level spell, these things may be able to construct a structure more subtle than atoms in a short period of time to drive the use of his skills.

However, such transformation also means that his body is becoming more and more sophisticated, just like today's electronic equipment. It is impossible to be as strong as Nokia back then and could crack walnuts.

When he was choosing the extraordinary items he wanted, the instructor of the college was also beside him, constantly telling him about the powerful opponents he might face. After all, Chengying was the most likely to win in the college league in hundreds of years. Get the presence of a good name.

In the past, even if the academy was qualified to send out players, they were only those who served as stepping stones for geniuses from all walks of life. After all, this academy is too ordinary, and the number of students it recruits is definitely not that outstanding. If geographical factors are not considered, it is almost impossible. There will be students who choose this college.

"The college league is generally divided into groups according to the region where the college is located. Our college is divided into the southern group, which is usually divided into four groups: southeast, northwest and northwest. Seeded players generally do not participate in the group knockout rounds. They only go through a few rounds. After elimination, the strongest players will be selected to join their competition.

So the most powerful opponents you are most likely to face in the group elimination round are a mage who is good at using fire magic, a mage who is good at using mechanical and electromagnetic power, and a summoner.

The mage who is good at using fire magic is best at high temperatures. It can create high temperatures of tens of thousands of degrees, or even hundreds of thousands of degrees. Fighting with him is the most dangerous. If you are not careful, you may be reduced to ashes by his flames, and sometimes even the referee may be too late to save you.

Therefore, I recommend you to choose some ice-type protective equipment, which can be triggered in an emergency when you are attacked. This will ensure that you have enough opportunities to counterattack under the opponent's attack.

Extraordinary items created by legendary level experts and above cannot be used in competitions. However, the academy still has a collection of many magical artifacts that can be used in such competitions.

As for the mage who is good at using machinery, you have to rely on your own ability to deal with it. He is also the strongest among the three. He is good at controlling electromagnetic force, but he is not the kind who releases powerful thunder to destroy everything. Ability.

Instead, he conducts precise control of electromagnetic force. He is like a remote control platform, controlling various machines he created, and even used giant mechas in some battles.

Because these things are all made by him, even if they are a bit powerful and a bit beyond the specifications, they can still be brought into the game.

If you have such a work, you can also bring it into the competition. As long as the size is not particularly exaggerated, it is okay. In theory, biological creatures can also be brought in, but they need to be absolutely controllable.

This absolute control not only controls the life and death of the opponent, but also controls the body of the creature. The creature carried can be controlled by artificial intelligence, but it must be controlled by the mage himself without artificial intelligence control. Otherwise, it will not be counted as one's own strength.

The mage who uses electromagnetic force and machinery has reached a legendary level in terms of his ability to control machinery, but his extraordinary power has never been broken through. He is an ace trained by their academy who specializes in suppressing levels to participate in competitions. Such an opponent It is more difficult to deal with than the real legend, so you must deal with it carefully.

According to our intelligence, his unique move is a powerful light cannon. Although the principle is unknown, the opponents hit will be instantly reduced to ashes, many of which even the referee will not be able to rescue.

As for the summoning opponent, it is not easy to deal with. Although the competition is very unfriendly to summoning, many summoned creatures with high intelligence cannot be summoned, but this summoner is good at manipulating the ice element. It's a bit like the mechanical mage from before. He can perform exquisite manipulation of ice elements through his mental power.

Control the ice element to deform at will. Combined into various forms. Very flexible. The ability to reach ultra-low temperatures is also quite dangerous for you.

But the probability of surviving against him is quite high. Ice attribute category abilities. More often than not, it freezes people. And it freezes quickly in a short period of time. This freeze. There is often no crystallization process. The body's cells are not damaged. If thawed in time, no serious damage will be caused. "

Chengying listened to the instructor's explanation, but when choosing items, he did not follow the instructions in the instructor's explanation at all. He had no choice when it came to items with ice and fire resistance. Choose items that can enhance your ability to control your body.

For example, a gem that can accurately release a weak current through the control of mental power. What he values ​​​​is not the power of the electric shock released by the gem. What he values ​​​​is actually the accuracy of the motor released by the gem. This is also A device that can nanometer and control the body.

There were many props like this selected, some were quite expensive, and some were extremely cheap, so that the instructor responsible for guiding him had no idea what he was thinking.

However, there is nothing the instructor can do. The instructor responsible for guiding him is only a demigod. The demigods in this academy are already at the highest level. However, he is actually not sure that he can beat Chengying because of his strength. Yes, at least if he is allowed to participate in the college league, even if he is only participating in the third-level competition, he has no confidence that he can win.

Because of his own lack of strength, he lacked the confidence to teach and educate his disciples. Chengying could only choose what he wanted. As long as the value was not particularly outrageous, he would agree.

After some searching, Cheng Ying found the equipment he needed, and then returned to the laboratory and began to transform himself. The various equipment in the laboratory were quite complete, and the college did its best to provide him with the equipment according to his requirements. He provided what he needed.

Now, Cheng Ying needs to perform an operation on his body. The control equipment he got back needs to be embedded into his body after being assembled. This process is extremely delicate and does not allow for even the slightest error, even for some of the equipment. It involves his brain, and the installation of this part of the equipment is the most difficult. If the preset program in the machine is wrong and accidentally operates on irrelevant areas of the brain, it may lead to unpredictable consequences.

However, he was worried about letting others perform this operation on him, because during the operation, he maintained a humanoid posture. This image must not be seen by anyone, including Noah.

Even if there is a contract, if you learn that he is a human being, the contract may not be able to bind him, and the other party may want to kill him with the intention of dying together.

All races will never allow humans to rise. This is not just because humans in this world are inherently weak. It’s even more because in this world, they treat humans extremely cruelly, treating humans as food, livestock, and experimental subjects. This has been going on for countless thousands of years. If humans rise and become the masters, the harm they have suffered before will Will he take revenge? Will it in turn liquidate all races?

Obviously it will, and it can be seen from the historical trend in the original work that not only revenge will be taken, but also the kind of merciless revenge. In the era of human history, almost all races have been killed by humans, and only A few are hiding in nooks and crannies.

What all races are afraid of is the rise of humans, the birth of strong men among humans, and their in turn liquidating them. After all, humans now have accumulated too much hatred for them.

As for why Cheng Ying's body is not human beings to perform this surgery, it is naturally because his technique was created for human use. It is natural to use human bodies for cultivation.

He needs to connect a gem to his brain. The interior of this gem forms a natural chip structure. In other words, it cannot be called a chip, but should be called a core. The circuit structure inside is three-dimensional and can make extremely sophisticated and complex products. Chengying plans to use it as the control center for many of his abilities to coordinate the control of the nanomachines in his body. In this way, these micromachines can no longer only perform simple tasks.

The surgical process was very risky. Cheng Ying lay on the operating table to fix his head, and then performed the craniotomy while awake and ensuring that his body would not tremble violently.

It is unbearable for ordinary people to endure this level of pain, but for him, it seems to be nothing. Not only can he endure it easily, but he can also operate calmly. Next, he controls the mechanical scalpel and cuts the corresponding brain structure. Cut.

The human brain is not as fragile as imagined. Even if many areas are destroyed, it will not affect the normal survival of human beings. The brain is the most important existence to the human body. This is just what the brain thinks, but it is not actually the case.

Therefore, even during the process of cutting his own brain, Cheng Ying did not lose consciousness. After completing this step accurately, he adjusted the scalpel and various instruments to fixed positions, then reset them to zero, and then entered the connection String of data, this is all the operations that the scalpel will perform next.

Prior to this, the cutting of his brain had not affected his consciousness. But when it comes to the most critical step of the operation, he can no longer complete it with his own consciousness. At this stage, his thinking will temporarily stop, and his thinking will not start again until the entire operation stage is over.

Therefore, he needs to calculate all the next surgical steps, input them into the computer, and then let the surgery proceed automatically. This process is very dangerous because his brain activity itself is dynamic. When designing his own surgical procedure, he also needs to take into account the dynamic activity of his own brain. This is a process of adapting to changes. He must temporarily design the next surgical steps based on the current state of his own surgery. If something goes wrong, , you may never wake up after the operation begins.

As Cheng Ying nervously designed the surgical steps and entered them into the computer, the robot began. As a result of his actions, a certain nerve was temporarily cut off, and Cheng Ying's consciousness completely fell into darkness.

Bo Luo Ge quietly emerged from his arm and looked at the human body with a solemn expression. Compared to others, she was not confused about Cheng Ying using a human body to practice because she also He once practiced with a human body, and after reaching the holy level, he actually knew some secrets. The laws of heaven were unfair and constantly targeted humans. Naturally, there was someone behind the scenes controlling this.

According to the original history, humans are actually the protagonists of this era, and it is time for humans to rise.

Although the way of heaven has been modified, some things cannot be changed. For example, the human form is the Tao body. After your cultivation reaches a certain level, you must practice in the human form in order to obtain certain improvements. These are considered saints. Bit, a secret that few people know.

The solemn look on Bo Luoge's face was not because Cheng Ying used a human body. Cheng Ying had asked her this question before. The solemn look on her face was because the operation was too difficult, even if he did it himself. If so, it would be difficult to achieve a success rate of more than 50%.

[To be continued]

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