Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 38: 33 Heavenly Miro Skynet Array

Now Bo Luoge can only choose to watch the operation process. He has no way to interfere with the brain, which is the most delicate part of the human body. Any external interference may cause irreparable damage. Basically, if you operate on your own brain, you can only Only those who know their own brains best can do it, which means they must have a sufficient understanding of their own way of thinking. If others intervene, it may be counterproductive and have even more dangerous effects.

Cheng Ying's surgery went smoothly. At least so far, no dangerous situation has been seen. Although the brain's consciousness has been suspended, it has not been fatally damaged and is all damage that can be repaired.

Bo Luoge watched the operation process nervously, and realized that the guy in front of him was more genius and evil than he imagined. Even she was not sure that she could perform such a degree of surgery on herself.

Of course, if she uses her own body, there is actually no difficulty in performing this kind of surgery, because the imprint of its soul has been engraved on the way of heaven. This is actually the holy throne, which itself is part of the way of heaven. Because of this, they have the characteristics of immortality.

They themselves represent the embodiment of natural rules and are part of the natural rules of this world. Nature can exist in this world forever. There is almost no means to eliminate them, even if Linsheng may be able to suppress them in terms of combat effectiveness. Fighting, but at most destroying their bodies, their essence is almost impossible to erase. Only a particularly powerful Linsheng, or holding a special innate spiritual treasure, can completely erase them.

If he performs this operation on his own style, he does not need to worry about his brain death at all, because brain death will not harm him. After he becomes a saint, he will have been recorded in the way of heaven, and he can do it at any time. Repair your body at will.

Cheng Ying dared to perform surgery on himself even though he didn't have such a trump card. Such an operation was truly courageous. Of course, in a sense, his behavior could also be said to be reckless.

Time passed quickly, and nothing unexpected happened during the operation. Cheng Ying woke up at the time he set and continued to control the operation. The subsequent process was not dangerous. It basically consisted of sewing up the wound and then filling the gap in the head with the original bones.

"Now your human form is almost equivalent to your true body. Although the Tao body must be mastered after cultivating to a certain height. However, the body in human form is extremely fragile in the early stages of cultivation. Even if you are prepared for this body The body has built an energy circulation system that humans do not have, and this body is also more fragile than your original sentence.

Although you can change back to your original form through transformation, your current body is like a precision instrument, and any external interference may cause damage to you. "Bolo Ge was full of worries about Cheng Ying's path of cultivation.

As other people practice, their physical fitness becomes stronger and stronger, their bodies become stronger and more durable, and they are able to withstand stronger and stronger blows without being damaged. Chengying's side is completely the opposite. In Boluo's view, Chengying was originally an ancient beast similar to slime, with the ability to change its body structure at will. Even if it is chopped into pieces, Nor will it die.

This is a creature with a very powerful bloodline. In terms of physical quality, it is more powerful than most creatures. However, the more he cultivates, the more fragile his body becomes. The body that could originally change at will , because various magic lines have been constructed in his body, his deformation ability has begun to decline step by step, and his self-healing ability has also begun to decline. Now his body has reached a certain level of precision and he can no longer deform at will. , at most it can only transform between different humanoid forms.

Changing the form will also affect one's combat effectiveness. If the shape is changed for a long time, it may cause irreparable effects.

Although he still has the ability to regenerate after being severed, there is no longer a price to pay for having his limbs cut off. If his arm is cut off, it is best to reattach the broken arm and grow it again if he chooses. In terms of one, there are no complete veins inside the arm given by the new student, only first to third level meridians. This part of the meridians is burned into the entire system and can be completed along with the self-healing process, but most importantly The sophisticated fourth-level meridians cannot be repaired through self-discipline, let alone the fifth-level meridians that have only been initially constructed.

"I know that my current cultivation direction is a bit weird. My almost immortal body has been exposed to various weaknesses due to my training, but these weaknesses are all acceptable. This is just the algorithm I am using now. It is not advanced enough, and the body structure created is not perfect enough.

If I can create a more perfect body and build a more complete meridian system, the problem of my current fragile body can also be solved. Life always moves from simplicity to complexity, even the path to transcendence is the same. "

Cheng Ying didn't. What he was saying was that he actually wanted to find a transcendent path that all human beings could follow, so as he got to the later stages, the cultivation he needed to do became more complex and his body became more sophisticated. If he just wanted to become For a strong person, it is actually very simple. He can observe other people's magic competitions and understand magic with specific power. Then he can use these rules to transform his body and understand a set that only he can master. body modification methods.

At that time, the body he transformed will be similar to the innate body, the body of chaos and other special physiques. Only he can have it, and it is useless for others to learn it. There is no way to pass it on to future generations through blood. Through this method, he Not only can you become stronger quickly, but you can also retain the powerful self-healing ability you had at the beginning. For individuals, this choice is undoubtedly more beneficial.

But there is no doubt that Cheng Ying is not just for himself to become stronger. Now his powerful self-healing ability has not disappeared. It is just that some of the structures on his body are too complicated, and the original superficial self-healing ability can no longer be used. Fix something this complex.

If he was chopped into pieces now, he could still repair his body, but the complex meridians in his body would definitely be severely damaged.

In the words of other cultivators, it means that the origin has been damaged. However, unlike other cultivators who have cultivated to this level in a hazy manner, the path of cultivation is almost cut off after the origin is damaged.

The so-called origin in Cheng Ying's body was built up bit by bit by him. He knew every detail of the so-called origin. Even if the origin was damaged, he could repair it again, and even With the experience accumulated in the previous time, the repaired origin will be stronger than before.

It's just that this requires a long time and diligent study. Not everyone has the perseverance to do this, and people with perseverance may not be able to find such a method.

The same perseverance is also different. Some people may be able to do one thing persistently, but they are unable to think about one thing persistently and try various methods. When a stupid method cannot solve the problem, In this case, think of several ways to try a problem.

To put it simply, boring repetition of one thing, or physical pain and fatigue are actually relatively easy to endure. What really requires great perseverance to persevere is to constantly use your brain and think to achieve your goals. Target.

And what Cheng Ying is doing now is this kind of thing. He must keep thinking in order to improve his strength. Others follow the established extraordinary professional routines and follow the path taken by their predecessors to become stronger. .

But Chengying is equivalent to cultivating while opening up his own path to this extraordinary profession. The perseverance required is different from others.

After the spell was completed, Cheng Ying looked no different from before. He relied on the transformation spell to transform into the form of the Earth Spirit Tribe. Because his transformation ability was purely physical transformation, there was no flaw in it. .

Only the evil god Pologo knew about the use of human body before, and the other party thought he was because his talent was too high. At this stage, I have already realized the importance of the innate Tao body to cultivation, so before becoming a legendary powerhouse, I adjusted my body shape so that I can adapt to this new physical state in the future.

In fact, after his operation is completed, the college league will be held soon. There are instructors sent by the top ten colleges to pick up students from all over the country to the competition venue.

The competition was held in the capital of the financial empire, but many talented students were not near the capital. In remote areas, Cheng Ying's place happened to be a very remote place. It would not be an exaggeration to say that the Elf Empire was a remote place.

If you just rely on walking, ordinary people may not be able to reach the capital of the elves in their lifetime.

This place is further away from the capital of the elves than the earth is from the moon. This is a prehistoric continent. In the prehistoric continent, there are many mountains that are larger than a planet. As one of the largest empires, the elves have a vast territory.

Cheng Ying went alone this time, and even Noah was not qualified to go with him. The person who came to take him to the capital of the Elf Empire turned out to be a strong man with a spiritual level. This was already considered among many mentors. Quite strong. After all, this level is the limit of mortals. Even between this level and the holy position, there is still a gap between heaven and earth. In the elven empire, it can be regarded as the highest level existence among mortals.

Cheng Ying didn't expect that he would be treated like this: "I'm just picking up and dropping off, so why should I bother a top expert like you to take action?"

"I'm not just here to pick you up this time. There are also several students from the surrounding colleges who need me to pick up and drop off. Well... you are one of the most promising players in this competition area. It's okay for me to escort you. In order to protect your safety, although the Elf Empire is already very safe. "The instructor who took Cheng Ying to participate in the competition this time is a young-looking male elf, but judging from his appearance, it is impossible to tell. Out of men and women.

The elves are originally like this. Even the men among them live a very refined life. And he has long hair. So it looks like she could easily be mistaken for a woman.

"You can call me Xiaoguang. If there is nothing else, let's set off now. Time is still tight. You are in a relatively remote area and the number of teleportation portals is quite small. We still have to fly during this period. Hurry up, I hope you can keep up with my speed. "Theoretically, most level 3 professionals can master flying skills, but there are some who cannot fly. After all, only reaching the legendary level can guarantee a hundred times. 100% have the ability to fly.

Cheng Ying is considered to be the type who is good at flying. He saw a pair of wings growing out of his back. There were densely packed runes on the wings, as well as stationery similar to circuit boards. As his power was injected into them, some of the patterns began to appear. Emit radiant light.

They spread their wings and flew into the sky. Using the power of the wind element, they easily caught up with their mentors by flying at high speeds. They had been given the privilege to fly at super high altitudes with their own bodies.

It was the first time Cheng Ying had flown to such a high altitude since he came to the Elf Empire. He didn't realize it until he reached such a high place. The construction of cities and towns in the Elf Empire seems to follow a certain pattern.

Looking down from an altitude of tens of thousands of meters, you can see that the distribution of these cities has its own rules, as if they are part of a huge magic circle.

Cheng Ying recalled that in the original work, the elves seemed to have mastered a super formation. This formation was even one of the top formations in the ancient world of mankind. It was a kind of formation that was obviously beyond the reach of this era. The powerful formations of the clan civilization, let alone the elves, the entire clan combined cannot deploy such a powerful formation.

However, Cheng Ying's works in that world did not explain the meaning of this formation hidden in the Elf Empire in the end. We only know the name of this formation and it is one of the top ten formations. And the one that ranks relatively high is the Thirty-Three Heavenly Milatia Net Formation, which was a formation used to protect the prehistoric heaven in human history.

At the moment, he feels that the elves' towns are arranged in a certain pattern. In his estimation, it may be part of the formation. If he changes the pattern of the field of vision, he can see the underground spiritual veins of the elves, which are also forming in a certain way. operates according to the rules.

"It looks like it's really some kind of formation. If so, I might be able to learn something from this formation, but this formation is really too big. This kind of formation is similar to the national formation formation. Fa, if you want to record it, you need to travel throughout the Elf Empire."

[To be continued]

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