Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 39 School of Elements

Cheng Ying recorded the formations on the surface during his flight. At present, he can only record a very small part. The formations are too big, unless he can reach an altitude of millions of meters, or even go up. Only at an altitude of tens of millions of meters can a larger area be seen clearly at once.

After recording this incomplete formation, Cheng Ying already had a considerable degree of understanding.

He didn't know why his talent was so good. He just took a casual look at the corners of the magic circle, and he had inexplicable insights. It seemed that his inspiration was endless, or rather He has actually already been exposed to some part of the knowledge in this world that is sealed by the way of heaven. Even if it is reflected in this indescribable form, he can bypass it and understand it immediately.

"Huh? I feel that your realm seems to have improved. Although your cultivation level has not improved, your understanding of the rules has gone further. It is really rare that you can understand the rules with your cultivation level, even among the students participating in the college league. "There are not many people who can achieve your level." The instructor couldn't help but praise Cheng Ying.

This level of talent is rare even in the Elf Empire. When he was young, he did not have the powerful talent Cheng Ying shows now, although he did not show any special abilities, such as bloodline abilities. Or it may be the powerful skills inherited, but this understanding and his own magic foundation alone are already superb, and he is one of the strong ones who has a chance to win the championship.

Although these students have not broken through to the legendary level, they can still be called strong, because their combat power is actually no weaker than the legendary strong, and their status is even higher than that of ordinary legendary strong. After all, they It has the potential to rise to a higher level.

Cheng Ying recorded a large amount of the contents of the magic circle along the way, and compared it with the map of the Elf Empire to complete the magic circle.

In such a vast territory of the Elf Empire, it is impossible for the two of them to rely entirely on flying. Otherwise, even if they fly for a year, they will not be able to reach the capital. Their flying is more of a way to rush to teleport towns in various places. Close means.

Therefore, the maps of the formations that can be explored are actually bits and pieces, and they need to be pieced together piece by piece to get the complete picture of the giant formations in the Elf Empire.

Cheng Ying just relied on these broken fragments to piece together a weakened version of the magic circle. If he uses this weakened version of the magic circle, his casting speed in the magic circle will be greatly improved. Not only that, Within the formation, he can also master physical rules to a certain extent, and can cast many spells without chanting incantations, or even building spell models.

This kind of power is similar to making wishes come true, except that he arranges the incomplete magic circle. The effect of this power is quite weak. If he wants to use the power to lift an object, he can probably only It only uses a few tons of power. If this level of power is used to attack, it will naturally not have much good effect. However, if it is used to drive the magic device you create and you have enough subtle control capabilities, the effect will be countless. Magnified.

For example, when a person controls an excavator, he can easily dig up objects weighing several tons by just pushing the handle. This is far beyond the power of the human body. The magic device is similar, but it is larger than the excavator. This kind of big guy is much more convenient. In the previous information introduction, the opponent who was good at controlling machinery and used electromagnetic force to control the magic machinery he created used similar techniques.

After Cheng Ying gained new knowledge, he tried to integrate this knowledge into his own combat system. He had made mechas before, and even puppets with the peak level of demigods, but these things could not be used in competitions. It is an illegal item if used in it, and it must be made by hand before it can be used.

Of course, he doesn't actually need to make these things. The improvement of his own combat power is limited. After all, even if he doesn't use any equipment, he can now compete with the spiritual powerhouses in a short time. The gap between him and these students is really big. It's too far.

Chengying is preparing for a peaceful competition, winning or losing does not matter, the main purpose is to study in the library of the capital of the Elf Empire and the libraries of the ten major colleges.

This time they went to a fire element academy, which is also one of the strongest first-tier academies besides the top ten academies. In their competition area, there are five elemental academies with the five attributes of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, and each specializes in five types. Attribute spells.

Although the elves and dragons in this prehistoric world are very similar to those in Western fantasy, in terms of extraordinary abilities and underlying laws, this world is actually very oriental. The painting style is closer to fantasy than fantasy.

Therefore, the attributes of the elements are not just earth, fire, feng shui, but metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The same is true for the fire element academy they are going to. The hometown of one of the players mentioned before is the player who has super powerful fire abilities.

Cheng Ying learned that his name was Moro, but his more famous title was Phoenix. In addition to powerful high-temperature flames, Moro seemed to have some ability to resurrect in flames, even if he was defeated on the battlefield. , will also be reborn in the flames and return to its best condition.

However, this should be an illusion he created for others. This type of ability usually has many restrictions. Otherwise, it should not be the power that they can possess at this level. Infinite resurrection is almost equivalent to being unable to kill. , which was not possible before.

Cheng Ying was somewhat curious about this phoenix and wanted to see how the opponent was resurrected during the battle. In his guess, this resurrection should be a cover-up method, that is, he had not been killed at all before. It's just a way to get out of the battle at a disadvantage.

It was created by himself to resemble a resurrection. In addition to being able to dodge the opponent's attacks, it can also demoralize the opponent and make the opponent subconsciously feel that he is facing an enemy that will be resurrected and cannot be defeated, thereby disrupting the opponent's attitude. Fighting ideas, destroy the opponent's self-confidence.

When Cheng Ying was thinking about how to explore the various abilities of this possible opponent, he saw a fiery red phoenix flying out of the academy just as he arrived at the entrance of the academy and landing directly next to the two of them. .

"Are you my opponent? I advise you to give up the game now! Otherwise, if you face me, you will be burned to ashes." The flame phoenix transformed into an elf girl in red, extremely arrogant Provocative to Cheng Ying.

"Tsk!" The expression on Cheng Ying's face has become numb. This Heavenly Way is a bit too shameless. Girls of all types are sent to him in different ways, right?

He remembered that the protagonist in the original work seemed to be treated in the same way. There were always various beauties of different types gathered around him. It was as if God sent beauties to him. Now Cheng Ying finally realized this feeling. Although this girl behaved very harshly towards him, Cheng Ying estimated that as long as he showed a certain talent in front of the opponent, the opponent would naturally change his attitude. Moreover, it was a kind of opponent that he would not even notice, and the changes would be subtle. .

"It doesn't matter whether I win or lose. I don't care about the result of the game. As long as I participate in the game, it's enough." After Cheng Ying finished speaking, he was like a dull gourd. He said nothing and continued to silently observe the Elf clan's National Protector. In order not to cause more trouble, Cheng Ying simply said nothing and left this rather bad-tempered phoenix aside, letting her say whatever provocation she wanted without responding.

When the instructor saw this scene in front of him, he couldn't help but snicker. It can only be said that one thing defeats another. Morrow can be regarded as one of the strongest players in this division, but he was a little tempered by this unknown guy. nothing.

"Why do you have no fighting spirit at all? Why do I meet a guy like you who has no strong consciousness?" Moro said angrily, and then directly attacked Cheng Ying.

This was the first time she had attacked along the way. At first, she just wanted to teach this guy who ignored her a lesson. However, she found that her attacks had no effect.

Although it is not a full-scale attack, the flames she releases are extremely hot. Even if it is just a random attack, it is not something that ordinary people can withstand.

This means that Chengying is actually quite strong among the opponents participating in this competition. However, such a powerful being has no dignity at all, no airs, and no indifference to provocation. On the contrary, this gives people the feeling that they don't take their opponents seriously at all.

As he attacked again and again, Moreau discovered that his opponent was stronger than he thought. Even if the temperature of the flames was raised to a higher level, the opponent could easily resist it, using all kinds of strange tricks, and even It was some power involving laws that she couldn't even understand.

This time it was another powerful flame attack. The ultra-high temperature flames turned into the form of phoenixes, split into a dozen in mid-air, and surrounded and attacked Cheng Ying.

"Please don't do this. I don't want to fight outside the arena. I just plan to participate in a game and borrow books from the libraries of major colleges. As long as you are qualified to borrow books, the victory of the game can be directly handed over to You." Cheng Ying was flying in mid-air, and his figure easily passed through the gap of the flame phoenix. He did not use any spells and just relied on his own body skills to easily avoid the attack.

"Who wants victory from your charity? Come and fight me openly, don't hide here and there! Coward, don't you dare?" Morrow said angrily.

"Ah... there's no need to be so excited, right? We can always meet each other on the field. We are still on the road. Fighting will waste time." Cheng Ying has always kept a certain distance from the other party, with that kind of politeness and indifference. A state of indifference.

"Damn it! Just wait for me. You have to fight today even if you don't want to." With the injection of huge power, the temperature of the phoenix in the sky became higher and higher, and its flying speed became faster and faster, surrounding Cheng Ying. , circling around at high speed.

"Why condense these attacks into the shape of a bird? This will create gaps in your attacks. Theoretically, it is entirely possible for me to dodge all your attacks.

Could it be that the form of the phoenix has some kind of bonus? If this is the case, will these attacks be weakened if they lose their phoenix form? "Cheng Ying flicked it with his hand, and several flames came out. These flames were very weak and were nothing in front of the high temperature phoenix, but they flew very fast and there were many of them, just like the oncoming rain. Generally, it cannot be avoided and sticks to the body of the flame phoenix.

Then these phoenixes were ignited into fireballs. Immediately, the movement speed of these fireballs began to slow down, and the temperature also dropped rapidly. Soon it became a level where the temperature was not enough to damage Chengying's skin.

"It seems that I guessed right. If you want to capture a flexible opponent like me, the best way is to form a hollow spherical flame space. Then continue to shrink the size of the sphere. Such a space without external openings, even if I No matter how flexible his body skills are, it is impossible to dodge.

However, you have never tried this method in so many battles, which means that your attack is powerful. It's probably related to their form itself. If I destroyed the form of the flame itself, the power of the attack would be greatly reduced.

Let me think about you signing a contract with some powerful monsters, or being a person chosen by a god. In short, you can borrow the power of other beings by using some form of attack. This is the greatest possibility. "

When Cheng Ying said this, Morrow's expression changed. The two sides had not had a formal fight so far. She was the only one attacking one-sidedly. Unexpectedly, just a random attack had already allowed the other party to find out her true identity. Now she was suddenly in a dilemma.

"It doesn't matter. I won't tell others this information, as long as you don't continue to harass me. As for myself, I already know it. I can't let myself erase my memory.

You'd better not continue this meaningless battle, which will only expose more of your intelligence. If all your intelligence is exposed, wouldn't you have no chance of winning when you face me? "

Moro's expression was still not very good. He said it as if she had little chance of winning if her information was not exposed. Cheng Ying's ability to resolve her attack was an understatement. To say that the previous attack was still a tentative attack, and If he had not used his rights, then this time it would have been considered a serious attack, but it was still easily resisted, and a lot of important information was even obtained from it.

[To be continued]

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