Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 41 Pioneer of Psychopathy


It can be said that Cheng Ying and Lan Cang had a very happy chat with each other, which was completely different from the happy talk with Moreau. Next, the group went to other colleges to receive some contestants. Although these contestants were all in their own colleges, He is a genius, but compared to these two top players, he is nothing.

Cheng Ying just greeted them politely, and the other party couldn't think of any provocation after seeing that Cheng Ying was having a good time with Xiang Tan, the top genius in his division.

Although there are considerable doubts about Cheng Ying's strength, they are very satisfied with this guy's ability to please other masters. If they can seize such an opportunity, they will definitely also please a strong man like Lancang. , not to mention that having such a strong person to help you can bring great advantages in the competition, but to say that if you make friends with such a strong person, even if you don't achieve any good results in the competition, you will be considered as a network worth making in the future. This is even more tangible than winning the game.

Therefore, although many people do not dare to offend Cheng Ying, they are extremely jealous of him and even hold grudges in their hearts.

Cheng Ying has an attitude of almost ignoring these people. If no one comes to him, he will not talk to these people. After all, they are basically useless existences to Cheng Ying and cannot bring him knowledge and knowledge. Inspiration has no benefits worth getting. If such an existence were in the wild, Cheng Ying might kill him directly. As a weakening of the power of all races, but now in the Elf Empire. Naturally, we can't cause trouble, so we can only choose to ignore it.

As time passed, the group of people also hurried to the capital of the Elf Empire. As one of the largest empires on the continent, the capital of the Elf Empire is also one of the most prosperous cities on the entire continent.

The area alone is incredible, and the city's coverage area is comparable to that of the country. This fact shows how prosperous the city is when transportation within the city requires teleportation arrays.

If you only use rail transportation, many places may take more than ten hours to reach by light rail, which is almost equivalent to the span from south to north in the country.

And in such a capital, there are naturally enough grand arenas for students to compete. The Elf Royal Stadium is such a huge venue.

The area is comparable to some national parks, and the competition field alone occupies 10,000 square kilometers. Such a huge area is intended to allow players with legendary levels of strength to display their full attack power when competing in the arena. The arena is also divided into various terrains.

Some areas are built to simulate urban terrain, there are also forest terrain and even desert terrain, and there is even a large area that simulates ocean terrain.

Players with various abilities can find their own suitable combat area. The utilization of the external environment is also one of the abilities that a powerful mage must master.

You must learn to adapt to various situations in order to deal with various complex scenes in real battles. All students were extremely amazed when they visited the Elf Royal Stadium for the first time. Many had never been to the imperial capital. Even their respective academies cover an extremely large area and have huge competition venues. But more places in the college are used to place teaching equipment. Perhaps only students from the top ten colleges have ever competed in such a luxurious arena.

In such a huge stadium, it is no longer possible to allow spectators to watch the game through conventional means. The game is live streamed via Magic. There are screens in front of different auditoriums to broadcast live content in the stadium.

There are 16 screens in front of each auditorium, which can broadcast the situations captured by different unmanned reconnaissance equipment according to the needs of the audience.

After the game starts, drones will follow the students into the field. These drones can film every move of each student in the field. These can only be seen by the audience, not the contestants, and the more popular contestants will undoubtedly receive more attention.

If it is a one-on-one knockout match, the sixteen screens will be combined into one to specifically shoot the duel between two people. If it is a melee, different screens will play the situation between different players depending on whether a fight occurs.

After understanding the process of the competition, Chengying also realized that the competition he participated in was not just to select the best among students. It is also an important entertainment project within the Elf Empire.

With the increasing development of economy and magic technology. The emphasis of the Elf Empire is increasingly on entertainment. Even this kind of competition to select talents must take entertainment into consideration, so that the public can participate in it, and gain enough popularity from this process.

The Elf Empire has an existence similar to the Internet, or an existence called the Magic Network, but there is a slight threshold for using such a network. You must be a magician, or at least a magic apprentice, to use it.

That is, only countries with a large number of magicians like the Elf Empire can popularize this kind of network. And with the Internet, this super empire has a population of hundreds of billions. There are countless people who can access the Internet, and the benefits that the entire Internet industry can bring are naturally extremely huge, with the development of the times. The number of fans has gradually become an important indicator of personal status.

The number of fans can be a fairly direct indicator of a person's voice in society, and it has become an important indicator of a person's value. This is simply a general trend after the emergence of the Internet, and even in the 21st century, this trend has already appeared on Earth. If a person says that he has hundreds of thousands of fans, even if he is just an ordinary person with no power, he will be subconsciously respected.

And holding such important events regularly is a means of maintaining reflection for the official accounts of some organizations.

In this empire with trillions of netizens, the number of fans is no longer at the level of millions or tens of millions. The number of people paying attention to such large-scale national events is at the level of tens of billions or hundreds of billions.

You can imagine how huge the benefits brought by this are. Chengying is considering whether he also needs to establish a public account to collect a certain number of fans. Although his goal is to make the human beings in this world rise, and theoretically he is in a hostile relationship with the Ten Thousand Races, this relationship is not absolute. If humans can be integrated into the Ten Thousand Races and have the hope of upward development, this is also an acceptable outcome.

After thinking about it, he still created his own public account and indicated that he was one of the contestants in this college league. Soon his account was officially certified.

After being certified, he quickly began to gain fans. His identity as a contestant alone is worthy of attention. There are only 320 contestants in the entire college competition. Each contestant is an elite from each college. Many colleges have not produced a contestant for many years. It is conceivable how difficult it is to become a contestant.

And the contestants themselves have their own traffic. Within an hour of Chengying’s announcement of his identity, he had 100,000 fans. If this number is on Earth, it is already a lot. This is the real number of fans checked from his own background. Of course, there may be some zombie accounts. After all, after the Internet came out, the appearance of these monsters is almost inevitable.

As for what 100,000 fans are in the Elf Empire, it can only be regarded as a nobody, because the territory of the Elf Empire is too large. With this number of fans, it is not even eligible to accept advertisements.

However, his number of fans is also growing. It has only been an hour, and many people have not realized that another contestant has registered his public account. Chengying's strength is also a mystery. No one knows how strong he is. He has not participated in any other competitions before. Now all his popularity comes from his identity as a contestant. If he wins the competition broadcast live to the entire Elf Empire, the number of fans will undoubtedly increase significantly.

The contestants arrived in the capital one after another in the next half month. The living environment arranged by the empire for them is quite good. It is a very luxurious hotel. The contestants not only have rooms designed according to their respective races, but also have luxurious facilities such as indoor gyms and swimming pools in the public areas.

Chengying investigated and found that such a hotel is actually not very high-end in the Elf Empire. For ordinary elves, this is indeed extremely luxurious, but for those real high-level people, this is nothing at all.

It's like a door handle, the door handle of Chengying's room. It's just smooth as a mirror, but if it is a truly luxurious hotel, the door handle is micro-carved at the micron level. It can make the hand feel the most comfortable.

The Elf Empire has prospered to a certain extent. The degree of luxury is also unimaginable. In order to show off their status, the superiors can be extravagant to a degree that Chengying can't even imagine.

However, such an environment is enough for the contestants, or it is already quite friendly.

In such an environment, they can maintain their magic training and physical practice. Especially for Chengying, many fitness equipment are very beneficial for the subtle adjustment of his meridians in his body. It allows him to fine-tune his meridians through physical exercise and adjust himself to the best state.

With the advent of the competition, Chengying also ushered in his first battle. For each competition area, they are not the finale of the competition. There are a total of five competition areas, and each competition area must select four people to participate in the final competition. There are a total of sixty-four people in each competition area.

The final twenty people selected, two people from each of the ten colleges, and finally after getting 40 people together, participating in a final brawl is the real finale.

Although the group elimination match is not the most noteworthy, as a national event, the number of people watching the live broadcast of the game still exceeded 10 million.

Chengying's number of fans is also increasing rapidly, but compared with the number of fans of his opponent, it is not that big of a deal. Compared with him who had no reputation before participating in the competition, his opponent is already a strong man with a certain reputation.

He is called the pioneer of telekinesis Arvind on the Internet. Although the title is very second-year, it also reflects his ability to a certain extent, that is, telekinesis. If used in spells, it is the most basic mage's hand, but it is also a basic spell, and the power exerted is also very different due to the different degree of development.

Arvind has perfected his mage's hand to such an extent that he can control micron-level units in battle, simulating the skills used by most masters in battle.

In addition, the output power of his mage hand has also been increased to a very high level. Even if it is just a competition for output, most mages are no match for him.

"What kind of garbage is on the other side? Kill him quickly and end the battle."

"Yes, I want to see Arvind and Phoenix fight."

"What the hell! Arvind and my Morrow are not on the same level at all."

The barrage in the live broadcast room soon started to quarrel, but the content of the quarrel obviously had nothing to do with Cheng Ying, a nobody.

The battlefield between the two is located in a desert. It can be said that there is not much terrain that can be used around. As the referee announced the start of the game, Arvind took the lead in launching an attack. Under the control of his mage's hand, the yellow on the ground The sand was swept up by him, compressed together, and turned into javelins, flying towards the opponent.

The most important reason for him to practice this move is to use the hands of a mage. There is almost no need to construct a spell model. All abilities depend on his own development of this move. Various moves are released instantly, which is perfect for those who need to construct a spell model. A huge advantage for other mages.

Spears made of yellow sand all over the sky were marked, and everyone felt that the battle was over at this moment.

Unexpectedly, on the other side, many javelins made of sand appeared around Cheng Ying, and they also flew in the direction of the opponent. The yellow sand on both sides collided in mid-air and turned into a sandstorm, and they were evenly matched.

The audience, who were originally not very interested in this game but prepared to watch Arvind's performance, suddenly widened their eyes.

"There's something about this unknown guy. He can actually be as good as the telepathic pioneer."

"How can you tell that they are evenly matched? The number of tags that guy condensed is obviously less. He is obviously at a disadvantage."

The audience's barrage obviously lacked technical content. Only Arvind himself knew that the other party used the same ability as him, and his control ability was obviously stronger than his. Cold sweat could not help but fall from his forehead.

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