Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 42 Copying the Mage

It seems that the number of sand spears condensed on Chengying's side is smaller. However, the two sides were able to achieve an equal score in the battle. This shows that the attacks used under Cheng Ying's control can achieve the effect of one against two or even one against three. Only in this way can you achieve higher results with less quantity.

The abilities used by both sides are the same, and there is almost no difference in intensity. In such a battle, the other side actually defeated him with fewer weapons and more weapons. It is conceivable that the other side's control ability is better than his own. Using His extraordinary power is not weaker than his own.

If he continues to fight, there may be no calculation, unless he can come up with some trump cards that his opponent does not have, otherwise it will be an absolute crushing of strength.

The few people who watched the live broadcast could also see this. But there were so few of them that the barrages they sent were quickly drowned out by others.

In their view, the winner of the battle has already been decided at the beginning of the competition, but there are still many fans of the telekinesis pioneers who believe that the battle is far from over, and that their idols have the upper hand.

Attacks collided again and again, and both sides used exactly the same attacks. Or condense the spear of sand for hedging. Or powerful monsters condensed from the yellow sand fight each other. The most dangerous thing is to use telekinesis to directly attack the opponent.

Although it is difficult for things like telekinesis to directly affect the inside of the body, if it is used to twist the enemy's body, it can be done. The two must show flexible numbers while using more flexible manipulation abilities to control Attack the enemy with telekinesis.

In terms of body agility, Cheng Ying is far superior to his opponent. He was like a flea in the desert, easily dodging invisible attacks again and again. The attacks themselves are invisible. , all that can be seen is the scene of the sand exploding around him. That was the aftermath of the attack he dodged hitting the sand.

In comparison, Arvind was much more embarrassed. He was a serious mage, but his physical attributes were not that of a melee mage. Therefore, he suffered quite a lot in such a duel. He was almost defeated by the terrifying telekinesis several times. In the big hand shot, it was rubbed on the ground and entered the second dimension.

The battle continues here, and those viewers who have little fighting experience also realize the problem. The idols they support seem to be at a disadvantage, and others use them. He has exactly the same abilities as his own idol, which is very intriguing.

Everyone knows that Arvind is good at telekinetic attacks, and knows what skills he is good at, but why can his opponent use the exact same skills? Could it be that the two of them knew each other before? Or maybe they are brothers from the same school. Many people started investigating and found that Cheng Ying was not from the Elf Empire at all, and he had just joined the Elf Empire's academy this year. It was impossible for both parties to come from the same school.

In other words, one person is imitating another person's skills. It is obvious who is imitating. Chengying has some ability to imitate other people's skills, and can even use other people's skills to be more powerful. This kind of ability sounds very high when you hear it, just like the Sharingan. Even if you can't fly a Gundam, you are still very handsome.

The most important thing is that this kind of power is mysterious and powerful, and it is very attractive to some middle school students. This is also true. As the battle continued, a large number of viewers began to pay attention to Chengying's account and forwarded this mirror-like battle to other platforms.

Both sides directly used the same abilities, and the fighting scenes were pleasing to the eye. It spread quickly, and Chengying's fans reached one million levels in a short time. The number of fans of this order of magnitude is already relatively large. , which is a level that is difficult for ordinary elves to achieve. However, the number of fans in the Elf Empire is not large, and it can only be regarded as a small degree of fame. After all, this is a country with tens of trillions of elves. This is the number when the elves have reached an advanced stage of development and are no longer willing to reproduce, and the population is declining.

In its heyday, the number was hundreds of times that of today. Even at that time, the Elf Empire was considered vast and sparsely populated.

With this level of population base, one million fans is actually nothing at all.

There was no suspense in the battle. Arvind quickly lost the battle. What he was best at was the Mage's Hand. Use other tricks instead. Cheng Ying could also copy it immediately, and used it much better than him. If he only uses the hand of the mage, he can barely resist it, and if he uses other spells. That is to be completely and completely crushed.

It was obviously impossible to win by just hanging on like this. In the end, his magic power was exhausted, while the opponent had not consumed much. It was obvious that the outcome was decided.

Cheng Ying took a look at his public account after the game and found that the number of fans had increased to five million. This was already a lot for an ordinary Eldar citizen, but for a strong man with legendary level combat power , it is really pitiful.

His fans are still growing rapidly, and the video of this battle will soon spread throughout the Elf Empire. Maybe it won’t be very popular, but in some circles I believe it will go viral for a while.

There were a total of four knockout matches. In the end, only two of the thirty-two people were left. For these students from ordinary colleges, it was already a very cruel knockout match. Half of them had already been lost in the first round. Competition Qualification.

The second round will undoubtedly be more brutal and of higher quality. After all, they have already won a knockout round, and the game will attract more attention.

However, if this level is placed on the national level, it can only be regarded as average. After all, there are five competition zones in total, namely, southeast, northwest, middle and middle. Audiences in different competition zones will generally pay more attention to the games in their own zone, and each zone will have a total of competitions going on at the same time. There are eight games, five, eight or forty games. If you want to pay attention to Cheng Ying, you need him to perform well enough.

His performance in the first round of the competition has brought him a certain amount of attention. Over the years, there have been strong people who use copying abilities. Their copying abilities vary. The more incompetent ones are those who copy them. It is not as strong as others in using it. What is stronger is that it can be copied exactly the same as the opponent. Only a very small number of people can use it better than others after copying other people's abilities.

However, regardless of whether they are strong or weak, those who dare to use this copying method are generally considered relatively strong in the competition. Cheng Ying is also considered to be one of the players who is likely to appear, which makes his opponent feel quite troublesome. Before the game, he prepared many means to restrain his original skills. He knows himself best. If the opponent imitates his own weakness, he will not be helpless in fighting back.

During the break in the battle, Cheng Ying asked if he could go to the library of the top ten colleges. He was told that it was not possible. He had to enter the finals before he could enter and exit the libraries of the top ten colleges at will, and if he wanted to read, he could There are certain restrictions, and many books cannot be read. You must get into the top ten in the finals to get higher-level reading permissions. Only by getting the first place can you get almost unrestricted free reading permissions.

Cheng Ying originally didn't particularly want to be in the limelight. As long as he got a decent name and was eligible to join the library for reading, it seemed like he didn't want to be in the limelight anymore. In order to obtain higher reading privileges, he He also has to win more games, and he even needs to win beautifully. Let people from the top ten colleges think that he is a talent that can be made.

Chengying soon ushered in his second game. This time, someone was still broadcasting the live broadcast. The game venue was changed to a jungle. The jungle battlefield can be regarded as one of the most complex battlefields among various terrains. First, there are not only mountains, rivers, and vegetation in this battlefield, but also many creatures. Some of these creatures even have combat power close to the legendary level.

Therefore, the effect of gobbling up tigers in the combat area here is quite good. Many strong men have used the monsters living here to successfully counterattack in adversity. Therefore, the forest field has always been a very popular competition venue. , unexpected dark horses often emerge from here.

Cheng Ying scanned the creatures in the jungle and was convinced that he could control these creatures in a short time by implanting biochips. It was almost impossible for his opponent to drive away these creatures and pose a threat to him. On the contrary, It is more likely to give him a summoned beast.

"Li Chengyun!"


The two sides informed each other of their names, and then the competition began. Cheng Ying was a little surprised that the other party's name turned out to be such an Eastern naming method. Most of the naming methods in the Elf Empire were Western names, and such Eastern characteristics were rare. An obvious name, but according to the knowledge Cheng Ying got from books, the Elf Empire also integrated many cultures. In addition to the official language of the Elf Empire, there are various internal dialects, numbering more than 100,000 Types, this is just a broad category of dialects. If we break it down, we don’t know how many types there are.

It is not surprising that there is such an Eastern naming method.

As the game began, the opponent took the lead in releasing drones one after another, seemingly wanting to use this method to interfere with the opponent's copying. This is indeed a relatively effective method, and the ability to copy is not omnipotent. .

If it's a machine, it can be improvised on the field.

"I see, do you think my ability is to copy other people's abilities? So I prepared these drones before the competition, but I have to tell you that your guess is wrong. I did not copy other people's abilities. The trick of the guy I met before was not that I copied his Mage Hand. You must know that the Mage Hand spell is learned by almost every mage. I also happen to master this spell, so I use it the same as him. of spells.

If you regard my main ability as copying, you will suffer a big loss. However, the structure of your drones does not seem to be very complicated. "As Cheng Ying spoke, a large number of mechanical parts were released from the space props. Under the control of the mage's hands, these parts automatically assembled and converged towards the central frame like a hundred birds approaching a phoenix. In just a few breaths, Within a short period of time, he had constructed dozens of drones. Their appearance was exactly the same as that of his opponent's drones, but the colors were different, but their performance was much stronger.

"Damn, you still said that your ability is not copying! Even the drone I prepared can be copied!" Li Chengyun was so excited. He had originally thought about using magic equipment as much as possible to fight this time. On the one hand, he could hide On the other hand, his own power and the ability of magic equipment cannot be imitated by the other party. Facts have proved that he thought too much. The other party created these magic drones he released at will, and the ones he created were countless. The performance of human and machine seems to be superior to that of its own products. This is really a slap in the face and makes people feel embarrassed.

"How's it going? Have you figured out how to deal with me? If you haven't figured it out, then I'll take action first." Cheng Ying was not in a hurry, waiting for the battle between the drones in the air to decide the winner. It was obvious that he made The drones that came out have a huge advantage, not only in terms of performance, but also in terms of operating system. They can be arranged into various formations and adapt to various possible tactical situations.

Seeing that the drones he had finally built were about to be annihilated, Li Chengyun finally used his best ability. The power he is good at is not to control these magical machines, but to control the power of the earth.

The ground beneath his feet was like a swamp. It swallowed him up, and then he hid in the earth. The thick ground could isolate most attacks.

The ground rose under his control, and several thorns suddenly pierced under Cheng Ying's feet.

"So you are good at earth element spells? It's normal. Our region is most famous for the five elemental academies. If that's the case, let's try my earth element spells. Although I happen to not be very good at this aspect of spells, But I happen to use all these tricks you use.”

As he spoke, Cheng Ying's body turned into the shape of clay in front of everyone, and merged into the earth thorns that were about to pierce his body just now, turning the opponent's attacks against him into a part of the earth, easily Integrated into it. Now Li Chengyun couldn't sit still and felt strong pressure.

His opponent was much stronger than him, and this feeling of knowing everything was even more oppressive than his mentor.

[To be continued]

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