Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 43: The End of the Pseudo-Original Dark Universe

The audience of this live broadcast immediately cheered after seeing Cheng Ying once again perfectly copy the opponent's ability, and use it stronger than the opponent. This kind of strong person who has the ability to copy the enemy is usually very powerful. Gee, very cool.

Cheng Ying obviously showed this kind of power, especially at the beginning, when he copied the opponent's drone on the spot, it really showed everyone's face, including the referee. No one thought that he could create a drone that was exactly the same as his opponent on the spot, and even surpassed him in performance.

This is not as simple as copying a spell, but a direct copy of the props prepared by the opponent before the game. The difficulty is more than an order of magnitude different.

Both of them escaped into the soil, but in mid-air, the battle between drones had gradually decided the winner. Although Li Chengyun released more drones, they were at a disadvantage in terms of performance. The cooperation effect between man and machine is much worse than that released by Chengying.

After a brief battle, they fell into a disadvantage, and were eventually shot down one after another. At this time, the advantage in the air was also lost. The drones used small plasma cannons. The power is quite high, and even a mage who releases a shield can hardly withstand multiple attacks. Now he can only rely on hiding in the soil to avoid attacks.

The earth is under his control. into one after another. Clay puppets, these clay puppets have cannons growing on their bodies. Artillery fire was unleashed on the drones in the sky.

The firepower on the ground is always more fierce than the firepower in the sky. Even though the performance of the drones is very strong, several drones were shot down by artillery fire. However, the good times did not last long, and the same clay figures also appeared, and the copied clay figures appeared. Even the artillery fire is more intense. After the artillery fire is released, the cooling time is shorter and it can be refilled faster.

More importantly, these clay dolls are more flexible, and each of them possesses very strong fighting skills. In close combat, it is as easy as a person who has studied martial arts to beat an opponent who only knows the king's eight punches. Even if the performance is exactly the same, I am afraid that one can fight several of them.

This situation is really frustrating. Li Chengyun even wants to admit defeat directly, but he still has one move that he has not used yet. This move was originally used to kill his opponent together. Now it seems that it is time to use it and try it. For a moment.

I saw those smashed clay dolls floating into the air one by one. Then the gravel and soil condensed together, and the volume became smaller and smaller and the density became larger and larger as they continued to compress. , after reaching a certain limit, a powerful gravitational force suddenly bloomed, swallowing everything around him inside. A large amount of soil and trees were sucked out of the ground and uprooted.

This is actually a skill similar to the Earth Explosion Star, which creates a powerful gravitational source that attracts the enemy regardless of friend or foe. If this gravitational source is allowed to continue to grow, both sides will be sucked into it and sealed.

Cheng Ying felt that this move was more or less like the end of Black Pangu's original dark universe. It also compressed energy to a large extent. After compressing energy to a very small range, it produced a huge gravitational force similar to a black hole.

However, this move did not form a black hole. The intensity of gravity is still very different from the end of the original dark universe. Even if the huge mass is not compressed into a black hole, it can actually release huge gravity, and it can also be like It's like a snowball, letting the gravity continue to amplify.

It's like the surface of a neutron star also has strong gravity. It's not necessarily the surface of a black hole. It's just that black holes are the most extreme. So when everyone thinks of the source of strong gravity, the first thing that comes to mind is the black hole. .

The source of gravity in the surveillance is not a black hole, but it does have a strong attraction. Chengying adheres to the principle that if you choose to copy at the beginning, you must copy to the end. It also gathers a large amount of soil and compresses it into a gravitational force in the air. The gravity is even stronger. The point attracted all the trees in the jungle and the soil on the ground. Even the huge sphere that had been formed in the air was attracted by him, blending in and becoming part of this move.

Li Chengyun looked at this scene in disbelief. His own trick was actually swallowed up by the opponent's imitation trick. It was not at the same level. Although the other party was imitating him, he completely surpassed his own ability. Both sides The strength is probably not on the same level at all.

There is no suspense in the battle anymore. The reason why I switched to this powerful tactic of mutual destruction is because I can resist the source of gravity created by myself to a certain extent. I guess my opponent also has the same method. Now my source of gravity has been destroyed by the opponent. If it is swallowed up, then the resistance measures prepared before will undoubtedly be useless.

Sure enough, he was unable to resist the strong gravity in the sky and was sucked into the giant sphere in the sky. A large amount of earth and rocks flew up into the sky, burying him in it. Although Cheng Ying had emerged from the ground, he was suspended in mid-air. However, it was never sucked away by the huge gravitational force. It was suspended in mid-air and looked at the referee.

At the same time, a shout came from the burial of the soil: "I surrender!"

After hearing this shout, Cheng Ying stopped his skills and broke up the core of gravity. The giant sphere in the sky slowly fell to the ground under his lift. It was a ball with a diameter of nearly a hundred meters. The giant sphere, due to the strong gravity, had been compressed into a solid rock. After the gravity disappeared, Li Chengyun finally broke the delay and escaped from the inside. He looked at the giant meteorite falling to the ground behind him. Sphere, couldn't help but feel a lingering fear.

After the two people fought, the forest site had completely changed its original terrain. All the trees in the forest disappeared. As for the beasts in the forest, they also fled one after another. There was only a big pit left on the ground, and above the big pit It is an extremely solid rock sphere that looks like some kind of strange art work.

After this battle, Cheng Ying's popularity began to soar crazily. Compared to the previous one, which was a wonderful copy but did not have much of a scene, this one was much more grand, especially at the end. The two sources of gravity swallowing each other, the picture is really impactful.

People always like huge objects, so with Ultraman and Gundam, even the elves can't get rid of this. The huge sphere condensed in the sky is like a planet. It's really cool. Who can resist such a cool move?

The most important thing is that this move turned out to be copied, and it is better than the opponent's. Such a powerful skill can be copied. This round of copying method is simply terrifying.

Although every few years there will be a mage whose main ability is copying, there are very few who can win so neatly and with such powerful strength.

Next is the eight-to-four game and the four-to-two game. By the time of these two games, the attention of the players will further increase.

Although Cheng Ying has never shown any of his own spells, he is one of the most popular people in the competition. He is even regarded by the audience as the favorite to win the championship, because he is so mysterious that there is no way to guess his true strength.

It seems that no matter what kind of ability it is, he can copy it and use it stronger.

When meeting other strong people, everyone can also compare their abilities to see who is stronger. Whoever compares with stronger abilities will be more likely to win. But when it is his turn, there is no way to compare. Whether he can win or not is just a matter of victory. Let's see if he can copy his opponent's ability. As long as he can copy it, his opponent will definitely lose.

How could such a mysterious and powerful being not be the favorite to win the championship? As the popularity gradually increased, Chengying found that his fans had reached tens of millions, which is considered to have a certain degree of influence. He is a public figure, even though he has the largest number of netizens among the elves? But the attention of tens of millions of people is already quite high, at least not low for an individual.

Those super public platforms with hundreds of billions of fans have been in operation for tens of thousands of years, while personal public accounts can only be operated for a lifetime at most. When you die, you can pass on your fans to your own. The next generation, but the transformation efficiency of such inheritance is definitely very limited.

Fans are not like wealth. They can be passed on to their descendants casually. If the descendants are not talented and cannot show enough talent, fans will be lost in a large scale. This is the meaning of the platform. It has established A platform can be passed down for thousands of years, and in this process, as long as there are no stupid operators, a large number of fans will not be lost.

The elves have developed and prospered in this era. For ordinary elves, fans represent wealth and are directly related to their social status. It is not like in the real world. It doesn't matter even if no one pays attention. In the elf empire , if you don’t have enough fans, you may not be able to match your social status.

Therefore, many elves with higher social status, even if they do not want to become self-media, must operate their own social accounts and at least maintain the number of fans that matches their status, in order to maintain their right to speak in society.

If Cheng Ying wants to manage his identity in the Elf Empire for a long time, he must have a sufficient number of fans. If he wants to enter the upper class, he must have at least tens of millions of fans.

Where there is demand, there will be a market. With the long-term development of the Elf Empire, there are even professional fans who follow various accounts.

There is a difference between professional fans and online fans. The accounts of online fans may all be zombie fans or the like. But professional fans will really pay attention to relevant public figures and will make comments based on the content posted by the public figures. The comments must be sincere and meaningful. Otherwise, these professional fans may receive negative reviews.

With the development of the Internet, it can be said that all kinds of monsters and monsters will appear. Chengying doesn't want to buy the services of professional fans, so he plans to use the process of this competition to accumulate a certain fan base for himself, so that at least he won't need to find anyone to buy fans in the future.

In the next game, the opponent he faced could be said to be quite familiar. It was Lancang who had a good conversation with him before. The opponent was good at mechanical abilities. In the previous conversation with him, Cheng Ying also roughly After figuring out what he is good at, facing this guy, he can't disappear from the previous game and copy the drone on the field.

Compared to the guy he faced today, the unmanned mechanical equipment manufactured by Lancang was definitely on another level. Chengying tried his best to imitate the opponent's ideas and make them before the game. At least he had to make a rough idea. In this way, the general effect of imitation can be achieved during the game.

The persona he has now established is very easy to collapse. Everyone thinks he is mysterious and powerful because so far there is no ability that he cannot copy. And once his ability to copy reaches the upper limit, the audience will Expectations for him will drop.

This is like there is a huge difference between a perfect score and a score of 99. A person who scores 99 points in the test means that his level is only 99 points, but a person who scores 100 points in the test may be because the test paper only has 100%. The real level is probably a thousand points, or even a ten thousand points.

It was precisely because Cheng Ying knew this that he started working on the mechanical equipment overnight. Lancang was his most difficult opponent. After all, the opponent was good at mechanical abilities, and it was the most difficult to copy his abilities.

He was a little lucky now, if it weren't for the fact that he had a very happy conversation with the other party before and had a quite in-depth communication. Now he doesn't even know where to start.

For him, the next game is a game to prove the upper limit of his copying ability, a game to establish his reputation as a copying mage. For the audience, the next game is also a focus game. It was even jokingly called the finals held in advance for their region.

Among the two players in the competition, Lancang is one of the most famous players in this division. With 80 million fans, he is already somewhat famous, and is considered by many to be one of the candidates to win the championship.

The other one is a new strong man, a copy master who is like a rising star. He is even considered to be the strongest copy master in the past 50 years. If he can connect the machines of the new master school like Lancang, If they can all be copied, then he will probably become the most powerful copying mage in the past century. The level of attention this game has received is completely different from the previous games. No matter who wins or loses, it will be inevitable. It will increase the number of fans.

[To be continued]

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